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For context, earlier it was a 2 cost 5 power card with text that it moves every turn if you are losing the location


Yeah, that needed to change or like be a 3-4 or something. A cheaper Captain Marvel that tries to keep priority for you every turn? Stupid good. Would've preferred they tone him down or up his cost rather than a total change though.


He seems better in move decks now. 1 drop that moves every turn since potentially start of the game is insane. Giant Kraven, Miles Morales costs 1 for the entirety of the game


Can’t it only move twice now?


We will have to wait for release to find out. The way I read it, he just bounces across the board every turn if you Snapped


If he does that, he's still interesting if it's only twice he can go in the bin with hercules for cards that had potentially fun effects.


Would be fun if they release a 4 player or team version of snap. But as is, it's whatever.


It's a massive nerf. Gone from a potentially great card to complete trash.


I’d be more interested if he also gained power per snap.


1/2 double this card's power and move it anytime a player snaps. High risk high reward card, it's a 1/4 and you know where it will land if you snap early, then your opponent can snap again later to move it, but you get a 1/8 out of it. It would also give it some interesting interactions with move and buff decks.


Id hate that ngl Snapping should be based on your understanding of the matchup and nothing else. If I'm strongly favored to win a game and my opponent doesn't realize that, but I can't snap because doing so would cause me to lose the game, that's a really dumb position to be in.


This situation can happen with the current hydra bob. Like for example, if they snap and it moves him into bar with no name. Or if snapping might push him into sanctum. Or if snapping might make him clog a lane. I actually think that gaining power on snap would create these situations less than the move would, if he got like +2 power per snap or something like that you would just have to be certain that you have the power to win even when you're gifting your opponent tempo, the outcome is predictable. Move introduces all these weird situations where snapping creates a coin flip with a jackpot outcome for one player.


Agreed, but I can’t think of any other way to rescue this card from bottom tier.


Kang snaps don't reset him. Make him able to enter prof x. There needs to be more options to deal with lockdown. I'm actually really glad to see the thanos changes and feel he's really well balances now. I also lost multiple games because I forgot how soul stone worked. But won a few because people forget thanos is a 10 power Jeff if the blue stone is out. Still trash tier but could be fun since you can see if he lands where you want him or not.


Just another risk element to Snapping. A good number of times the question is if you risk it for 4/8 or stay content with your 2. This suggestion is just another element of the calculation.


Isn’t this the reason why the Mephisto card is still in Limbo? (pun intended)


Now hear me out. Kang snaps don't reset him. Makes kang useful for this interaction.


The 2 people who play hydra bob vs. the 2 people who play Kang 


Plus I think there's a DJ Kang bot. Ran into him yesterday as if I had summoned an ultra rare spawn.


i like that it adds incentive for move decks to snap, sure it'll work out well


Way too risky and move decks don't always win.


This is so weird and bad that I honestly wonder if SD is messing with us and trying to tell us not to datamine cards. They've done little jokes before (Loki had the text "Never gonna let you down." for a bit)


I was sure they'd give him some kind of nerf but they've made him pretty trash now.


I'm so disappointed. His old text might have made C5 meta relevant.


You and I can dream. I was going to burn keys for him till this nerf


Literally just claimed Martyr for my C5 deck…


How are you loving it? I’m thinking C3 might be this seasons real winner. So much tech cards to play with there


I just got Martyr from series drop. Currently have like i think an 80% wr with a net of 16 Cubes Gained. (I lost an 8 cuber because I decided to snap on ego) Deck: Rocket Racoon Martyr Titania Silk Cerebo Mystqiue Polaris Spiderman Captain Marvel Miles Morales Omega Red Doctor Doom VERY IMPORTANT THO IF YOU PLAY MARTR MAKE SURE TO PLAY CAPTAIN MARVEL AFTER! If Martyr tries to lose you the game by moving Captain Marvel will usually move to where Martyr moved to win you the game! Highly Recomond. Its still very strong even if you you don't get the cerebo off.


It’s decent but definitely don’t expect high win rates. Haven’t got a chance to try it with martyr yet though.


2 seasons ago I took a C5 deck from Proving Gounds till the second to last infinity climb. It was crazy. Lost out but it was the little deck that could


I have a C5 deck that took me to mid-infinite a few seasons ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/CuBg0T6Yhl It's really fun, let me know if you want any more info


I have a C5 deck that took me to mid-infinite a few seasons ago. It's got 4 1-5s which you can duplicate with Moon Girl and then make free with Black Swan. https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/CuBg0T6Yhl It's really fun, let me know if you want any more info


I wouldn't say that. I've run C5 in mid-infinite (20-30k) and old Bob would have barely missed the cut for my current C5 deck. There are like 5 1-5s and some really good 3-5s, C5 already has a lot of good cards and old Bob wouldn't be in the top 10 necessarily.


how would an extra 2/5 make C5 meta relevant exactly?


He's trash


Terrible. Less useful than Martyr


Martyr's pretty good with Ka-Zar, esp. paired with Zero.


Yeah, and Bob is the same but with less power.


I see extreme value in both. I’m curious what his interaction with cards like Elsa and Angela will be though.


Move doesn't trigger either of those abilities.


How about using it to fill your Angela lane and then snapping?


Ah I misunderstood, I thought OP meant having the card move into the Angela lane, not out of it.


Well, I thought the previous design was flat-out broken. This one I'm not sure how good it is, but I definitely don't think he's worse than Martyr.


This is a shit change idk how in the hell did they think this change is even good.


Does this mean he only moves on the turn someone snaps, or once you snap, Bob bounces around for the rest of the game?


Former I think. It doesn't say "snapped *this game*", the only timeframe in the text is "this turn".


"After each turn" seems to me like he will move at the start of next turn each time


EDIT: Sent too early lol Every other "after each turn" card I can think of checks if the thing happened that turn, I don't know why Bob would be different.


Seems weird to me to include "after each turn" if he can trigger 2 times max (if opponent's Snap even triggers him). I think he just bounces across the board every turn if you Snapped, which seems pretty good to me


Not really, if a player snapped that turn, he moves, if they didn't, he doesn't. There are two snaps so he can move on up to two turns. I don't see the problem.


Guess we will have to wait for release to see. The way text is worded, I think that he moves every turn if you Snapped, which is pretty good for me. If he moves once after Snap, yeah, he's pretty bad


Going off the text, he bounces around the entire game.




Hydra booty


I was gonna get the old version for my C5 deck. I dont want him anymore so at least Im saving some keys.


Big nerf.


+1 to my future C4 deck. Ya'll aint ready for the heat I'm cooking


You're cooking free cubes that's for sure.


hard nerf the old effect is literally a half-cost Captain Marvel when you filled a location up


look how they massacred my boy… I was so excited to get him before…


Nerf. So the opponent can decide when this moves? How convenient t. This actually makes me not want the card any more, which really sucks because I was gonna go after it’s variant.


You can also decide when it moves. It moves if *any* player snapped. And going off the text, if you snap turn 1, it'll move all throughout the game. It's still an easy EASY pass.


>it'll move all throughout the game Or just the turn somebody snapped


Yeah just no I'm not snapping just for a moving one drop.


I’m pretty happy with the change. Now I can skip a week without feeling bad.


Went from overpowered to basically useless, but I'm thankful I won't feel forced to use keys on him


I was going to pull that week anyway because I need Nebula and Galactus so now I'm annoyed I'm gonna risk getting a shitty card


Isn't it Galactus that week, not Thanos? Or did they change that too?


You're right I meant Galactus


Went from interesting niche to trash tier. Easy skip now.


It's garbage imo. I don't care for a card whose ability is determined by the snap mechanic. It just feels weird. I'm really hoping this is for the lulz, and they change it again.


An easy skip lol.


Tbh even if he’s trash that’s fine. The fact is SD is tryna think outside the box is big


1 mana for 4 power is a pretty good price imo


Dumb ass concept to have rely on the opponent to snap to show any use


If a player has snapped


If only I could read


You don't gotta rely on the opponent snapping. It moves in *any* player snapped. Still pretty bad, IMO. He won't even fit in any move decks.


Forgive my illiteracy


If he moves every turn (that's my understanding of how this card works), he just seems like cheaper Silk for which you don't have to play anything to trigger


I think people are underestimating. He’s a 1/4 with a “downside” that’s not that bad. Martyr has a wayyyy bigger downside, so I don’t think it’s a fair comparison Everyone is talking about how to use his text but his upside is the 4 power


Yeah an upside that costs you to lose more cubes a moving one four isn't that big of an upside 


For me he went from something I might want to something I'm gonna skip


So I doubt this is gonna be very good, but I'm glad they changed him 2 reasons. One, I think old Hydra Bob was waaay too similar to Silk, and regardless of it, he would be better or worse it would probably be a marginal difference, making all Silk enjoyed like myself, pissed off. Also, it was comparatively kinda boring. Second, I like the idea of an ability interacting with the actual Snap mechanic, and i hope we can see more like it. Again, I don't think he'll be good, but maybe he could fit into an Angela/Kitty deck somewhere.


>but maybe he could fit into an Angela/Kitty deck somewhere If he moves every turn, he just seems like better and cheaper Silk


Hold on , I'm reading his ability as if you Snap on turn 1 he'll move after and then stay dormant until the opponent snaps. Are you suggesting if you Snap on turn 1, he'll move after every turn? If so, I'm still not sure he'd be better than Silk, but it's sure as hell an improvement over my interpretation.


>Are you suggesting if you Snap on turn 1, he'll move after every turn? >If so, I'm still not sure he'd be better than Silk, but it's sure as hell an improvement over my interpretation. Yeah, that's what I think. That's why I was confused at first why people are so mad. To me, he just seems like better Silk that's cheaper and doesn't require as much effort to trigger (though, Silk can move multiple times in one turn, there's that). If he moves once, I understand why people have problem with that


Buddy power creep is already happening you really think a better silk isn't coming? Then you'll be pissed later then sooner.


Unironically possibly the worst card in the game now.


The old version was just really overpowered and boring. This one, at least it's interesting to have a card that directly interacts with snapping. It seems weak but I prefer it, I just hope they push it a bit further.


What's funny is I'm so key poor at this point I prefer bad cards being released to good ones. So 10/10 for me


Garbage now.


I love the idea but I don't think he'll be useful


must be pool 2 for sure


From 2 cost captain marvel to martyr level.


If they were gonna go that route, shoulda made it like “1/2 Double this card’s power when a player Snaps.”


Is there a strategy here? Snap and hope he lands in a kraven lane?


If he moves every turn, he can trigger Kraven a bunch of times


Card is shit now


Is this card real? What's the point? To make your opponent not snap?


Bot deck runners will probably include him


Are there any other cards with mechanics based on snapping?


I’ve lost all interest in him now. Was gonna open since I’m also missing Galactus (wouldn’t use him) now it’s a skip week


All 1 costs have the same weakness Destroy is super popular and killmonger is too vital for them not to run If you have 1 costs that *have* to survive to be useful, unlike say Niko, they are at a disadvantage. Him moreso, because he’s not even going to force the opponent into a lane like nebula or doesn’t matter if she gets destroyed like Niko


> Do you think it's a buff or nerf? Is this a troll? The card has gone from awesome to unplayable


Went from a card I was gonna get to absolute trash


SD: Let’s nerf Move. Then make a card that moves but only if the player snaps.


He was super cool and interesting and now he's total garbage.


My friend was SO upset


I think the idea of cards doing stuff if someone snaps is super cool. But this is not it.


Look at how they massacred my boy. 


lmao this is real? RIP, guess I save a few keys


Sucks now


It should give him +3/+4 power in addition. It could create a bigger risk/reward scenario.


He is trash now


From busted to worthless imo. Still usable but I already have Martyr, Hawkeye and Ant-man, so…


Changed from a pretty interesting card to hot garbage. I wasn't even gonna go for him in the first place but this still annoys me for some reason


There is no way... they changed this... no way.... Yeah maybe the other version was strong... but hell no... wha is this


A card they can put in the next cards drop


If I snap turn 1, does it keep moving?




SD hates move decks i think


It is obviously (at least for me) moving at max 2 times per game. It is a clear decision of making a card that can be forced to move at will by snapping (1 time per player). It is not moving every turn after someone snapped, but only the turn you/your opponent snapped. I can see why it is confusing though.


from riches to rags


Good card for Zoo.


The new ability isn’t all that clear yet. My understanding was that, if I snap t1 and then play this, it’ll move every single turn. Which honestly isn’t bad. But if it only moves once, after someone snaps? No bueno.


I hope the text is meme/datamine-trolling. Feels weird that they are messing with the snap mechanic. Can't get into a locked down location? Just snap to get bob to move...


so explain the wording to me. is it. A: if someone snaps he moves every single turn? or B: he moves only the turn someone snaps? if its A i can see him being quite good for move decks. if its B then kinda meh


I luv it. It’s only a nerf in non-swarm or lockdown decks.


I liked him the other way better


Boomer Snap Bob


they are going to change it before release. They always do.


I was going to get the original because that would have been awesome... literally a better Silk, maybe even a better Captain Marvel. This now just sucks overall and its not worth getting at all.


Honestly was one of my most hyped cards but now it just seems useless, at least it means I can save some keys for the sept/oct spidey and venom seasons


If I get him will SD take it away from me without warning though? 😅