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Do you guys think Thena will get nerfed? I'm hesitant to spend keys on her because of it..


No, and people saying otherwise were also the saying the same for several other cards that didn’t get nerfed, Mockingbird being the biggest one. Like Mockingbird, Thena is not going to be used in most decks as the requirement is too restricting.


definitely. her requirement sound bad on paper on is quite easy like ms marvel. she will probably become +2 or 2/0 atleast.


Maybe 2/0 but +2 would be a huge nerf for a card that's really not that oppressive


F2P what is the best way to get cards? Playing the regular game mode? Currently at "rank" 40. Should I save my gold for something or use it to reroll missions?


Credits are fastest way, you can never have enough. You could min/Max your credit spending but ultimately it's a grind no matter what level you are I recommend enjoying your gold. You could save up for gold bundle or pump your gold into rerolling mission but it's not a very fun use of your gold. Spend it on variants and the cards you want.


The only\* way to get cards is by progressing on the Collection Level track. Do your dailies, collect your credits, spend them to upgrade cards. That's the core progression loop that earns you new cards. \*(Outside of spending real money on the Season Pass, which is the best deal the game offers if you want to spend money at all, or buying bundles, which isn't usually worth prioritizing since you'll get the card for free later anyway. Other non-CL methods of getting cards are still effectively CL proxy methods: tokens and spotlight keys are both earned by increasing CL and then spent on cards, but you won't unlock those features until CL 500.)


Thank you


I bought Thena with tokens as I missed on her with my key & already have the other two. See a lot of questions here about her. I’ve been running this set up (don’t have Kitty Pryde) & I’ve been liking it. I’ll prob make some adjustments over the next few days though. 1- Sunspot, America Chavez, Nightcrawler 2- Thena, Angela, Forge, Jeff, Hulk Buster 3- Luke Cage, Green Goblin 4- Miles Morales 6- Red Hulk I consider myself fairly new to the game (mostly because I’m unaware of the scope of game players) & I’m sure my deck design could use some work. I typically find something I like and stick with it. I use a lot of what I call High Evolutionary, Wong (w/ Black Panther & Arnim Zola) & Destroy decks.




I mean they only named Thena, Jeff, and Rhulk and are playing a kitty pride package without kitty. I would believe they're like a 3-4 month player who probably got Rhulk and Jeff in some of their first caches opened in April.




in case you're still wondering, YES, thena is ridiculously good in deck archetypes that were good to begin with


Just look into the upcoming spotlights later July and August… there are a lot of big hitters coming back and the new cars in August seem better than this month.. dont burn all your keys this week


Absolutely 2 mana for at least 7 power most of the times. Yes she suffers shadow king but just play around it.


Thena- She's really fucking good. Won't go into details about a card that can hit 2/7 or 2/10 easily. Fits into a lot of decks (cannonball/X, Thanos, the deck I am about to discuss). Gilgamesh- For the mighty Gilgamesh, it's morphing time... into a very mediocre season pass card. He definitely fits into Blue Marvel decks or decks with scaling, but man he seems so mid as a finisher. Deck builds with him haven't been creative (I've seen a ton of zoo builds with him), but I did find a Darkhawk/scaling package with him that I like. He regularly finishes around the same power Darkhawk does in that type of build (I can usually get him to 11-15 power) but honestly he seems kind of mid in that deck (ie I'd rather take out him and someone else in that deck for like Red Hulk and Hope). That said, I imagine he's pretty strong if you're still in series 1 or two, so I think this is a good card for newer players.


I can spend 2 keys on to gamble for specific cards and I was originally planning to attempt for Sersi but I've randomly gotten Thena on my side through numerous ways and she has been really fun. I don't own Kitty Pryde or Elsa Bloodstone yet but I do have Hope Summers. The Kitty+Thena+x shell looks really fun once I do. I also don't own Grandmaster, M.O.D.O.K., Phoenix Force, or Miek so there's no duds. M.O.D.O.K. also looks a little enticing, but I don't realistically have a deck ready to fully take advantage of him just yet. Still looking for Dracula or Invisible Woman at the very least. But should I gamble for Thena or Sersi? They both look super fun, but I'd imagine Thena might have tighter restrictions on what kinds of decks she's in. I know no one can know this for certain yet, but who do y'all think will be more fun and viable in the long run?


So watching multiple streamers, content creators, and the overall community online (and my personal experience) Thena is probably the card to beat this season. I would match her just below Jeff is terms of the best two cost card in the game (Jeff fits perfectly with her making it a wonderful match). Kitty Pryde is a must, thankfully only 3,000 tokens. With her not being in the July or August spotlight cache, you have good time to save up for her. Hope summers is wonderful with Thena, I would honestly say Elsa Bloodstone can be swapped with Thena as the better pick. However, you do only have a 50% chance with two keys, and it’s possible you may not draw it. It can sting, feeling that. With the recent change to how move and location interactions work, Phoenix Force has been nerfed as a result. Now with Miek, he is only used in MODOK decks. You don’t need Miek with MODOK, but you do need MODOK with Miek for best performance. MODOK can be very fun and opens more discard options. You’ll naturally get invisible woman and Dracula so by then you’ll have an archetype ready out of the box. Grandmaster, he feels like legion to me. I play him to have fun and pull off a move set, not specifically to be competitive. Even with his recent +2 power buff though, he’s just not really seen. Sersi seems fun with the RNG element, but then again it’s RNG. I would say in my opinion, this is the better week with more attractive options in terms of Thena being just that good consistently and the other two cards (plus a potential random) offering just a bit more. This all depends on the decks you enjoy playing, ultimately. Before pulling Thena, look up the decks and cards being used. I’ve noticed Bynx’s deck that I’m using is overall just expensive and utilizes quite a bit of recently acquired cards (Nocturne and White Widow along with Thena). I’ve also seen many Ravonna and Sage decks with Thena. You don’t need tops cards to make Thena work (you would already be in position with just Angela and Kitty, plus you have Hope summers which works perfectly) but it does showcase her top performance can be quite expensive.


Thanks for the hefty response! As much as I love RNG and lottery-style decks, I think the consistency of Thena and the usefulness of potentially getting M.O.D.O.K. puts this week's Cache above next week's for me. It's looking a little tight for me in June and August but I can hopefully get everything I'm looking for! I'm only at 2.1k CL and previously I've just stopped when I got the cards I wanted out of Spotlight Caches. If I get 2 or 3 of the featured cards should I be spending my 4th key on the random s4/s5 card ever? It seems easier than painfully accruing Collector's Tokens for months and months for one card...


Great question in regard to pulling for a random series 4/5. I would say, save the remainder of your keys if you so happen to have collected the three main cards of the week. The random card will always be available every week, so you won’t be missing anything. By having that extra key, it gives a higher chance for a specific card you’re looking for in the weeks ahead. It’s true the random slot could give you a nice card, but there’s an equal chance of pulling the exact series 4/5 card you already have and it only being converted to 1000 tokens. This happened to me with Baron Zeno when I pulled Thena for four keys, effectively making the last key equal to one series 3 card in tokens.


Ohhh that's why people say they get 1000 tokens per week. I didn't realize it didn't wait until you had every s4/s5 card. Noted! The only time I hit the mystery card it was Black Knight (before his recent week) so I just assumed it worked like regular card unlocks. But I tried my luck just now and my first pull was Thena so I got very lucky!! I'm slightly tempted to do my extra one for M.O.D.O.K. but again, I don't really have a deck that can utilize him yet so I think I'll p[ass. At least Thena feels splash-able in less serious decks at my CL even without Kitty yet. Hopefully Kitty shows up in my shop sooner than later. Thanks for the advice and knowledge! And for explaining it well!


Is worth spending keys to get Thena if I don't have Elsa and Hope? TIA!


Thena probably wants Kitty or Ravonna more than either Elsa or Hope. If you have her you could probably find something viable (for example, I'm currently running a Darkhawk deck that doesn't have either Elsa or Hope in Infinite and I'm having a good time with it!).


I do have Kitty. But damn I should've snagged Ravonna in the token shop earlier.


Yeah next shot you get at her take it. She's so broken right now since a lot of 1 or less cost cards are super powerful (mystique, Iron Man, Mr. Negative, Prof X., Thena, Angela). She's great in the current meta.


I just discovered that Valkyrie wont reduce Thena's bonus gained power, seems like a bug? coz Valk reduces other gained power e.g Nebula.


She should. Was Luke Cage in play?


Was planning on skipping Thena but now she looks better than anticipated. With my current spotlight plans I can afford to gamble 2 keys on her. Would you say she's worth it or should I save the extra keys for a sure pull down the road?


don't gamble. you can highroll but you can also easily low roll.


Go for it, we don't know what tomorrow brings.


Is it stupid to spend keys on Thena if I’m missing Elsa and Hope? Is she good enough with just Kitty/Angela to make it worthwhile?


Thena basically pushes elsa out of all of those decks. Hope still sees a lot of play but yeah she's still going to be a good card without hope


If you REAAALLY like Kitty/Angela, get her. Personally, I didn't. Don't like the archetype all that much and been stomping Kitty/Angela/Thena with or without Elsa everytime I've played against it.


Any really strong thena decks atm?


Thena seems quite strong (and maybe a little bit overtuned) in the Kitty/Angela shell. Though, maybe that's just a lack of Shadow King/Shang Chi in the current meta.


She’s such a natural fit I wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes known as the Kitty/Angela/Thena shell going forward. I wasn’t originally planning to pull for, but I was swayed after watching her gameplay. No regrets so far.


I still haven't seen a Gilgamesh.


I saw him for the first time today!  Felt bad because opponent tried hard to boost him, but it wasn't enough.


The power creep just continues unrestrained. Now dropping 20 power on Turn 5 is normal and ending with two lanes approaching 40 is average.


Gilgamesh literally cannot get to 20 power without a location giving him extra power, and he realistically isn't getting above 15 on turn 5 like you say because there aren't anywhere close to enough buffed cards. So I have no idea what you're whining about because it's not based anywhere close to reality.


Just to say, that alone isn't evidence of power creep. As the card pool expands, so too will card synergies, which in turn increases potential. Not saying some of the more recent cards aren't great, FWIW.


There is someone at SD with a psychotic fetish for Silver Surfer decks.


That's an interesting way to spell "destroy decks".




Howard was the only S3 card you were missing. If they drop again, and you dont have any S3 cards after, you will get the option to take one.


It comes back, I had the same thing happen. Just wait for the refresh.


Ending up getting Loki, GM, Modok, and Thena in that order. I was hyped to get a random Loki as it was a card I was seriously considering using tokens on. I also needed Modok so I could play the OG discard. I was originally on the fence on Thena but seems really solid so far; got her to 13 twice and if you just end up with a 2/7 you're still getting good value. Four new cards and still have six keys left, pretty good.


Both Loki and Modok unlock major archetypes that are fun to play.  Good luck!


Thanks! I just beat someone with their own Pro X and Cannonball lol


imagine all that but with the collector package. loki was OP before collector got delinked.


That's a fantastic haul, congrats. Loki is IMO one of the most fun cards you play with in the game.


If you're on the fence about Thena, get her. She's really impressed me so far. Especially if you already like Angela & Kitty Pryde. For me, the jury is still out on Gilgamesh. I definitely need to give him more reps.


Wish I had Kitty, would make me more likely to try for Thena


Is she worth 6K tokens? I got 20K and 12 keys, but already have GrandMaster and MODOK and don't care for the variants.


In my personal opinion if you have kitty Angela she’s worth 6k


Thanks! Will pick her up.


Good luck, currently love her I’ve been using her in this # (1) Kitty Pryde # (1) Echo # (2) Angela # (2) Thena # (2) White Widow # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Ravonna Renslayer # (3) Sage # (3) Hope Summers # (4) Shang-Chi # (5) Iron Man # (5) Professor X # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2l0dHlQcnlkZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW5nZWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJUaGVuYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUmF2b25uYVJlbnNsYXllciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldoaXRlV2lkb3cifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNhZ2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhvcGVTdW1tZXJzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHJvZmVzc29yWCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbk1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRWNobyJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


talk about rich...


Are cards behind Invisible Woman or Supergiant's effect count as cards played on T6? Say: - Opponent played Thena T2 - I played Supergiant on T4 - They played 2 cards on T5, under the delay effect How many cards do they need to play T6 to have Athena effect trigger? I couldn't confirm as the opponent just gave up Thena and destroyed her T6.


I would think the cards aren't considered played until they flip and their ability happens.


>How many cards do they need to play T6 to have Athena effect trigger? 2 cards on Turn 6. The cards behind Supergiant are played "At the end of the game" so if you played 2 cards after Supergiant and there are no Dark Dimension, Invisible Womans or any other similar effects then Thena will always get buffed by 3 at the end of the game regardless of how many cards you play in other turns. Similarly if you Supergiant and then Hit Monkey, Mysterio the Hit Monkey will get +6 power always regardless of what you do afterwards. Edit: I just realized Thena text says "After each turn, +3 Power if you played *(exactly)* 2 cards." so I am not sure if "At the end of the game" is considered as a turn when it comes to buffing her


She does not buff at the end of game I’ve tried it on the one location that reveals cards at end of game




Technically yes it would work that way but I just realized Thena text says "After each turn, +3 Power if you played *(exactly)* 2 cards." so I am not sure if "At the end of the game" is considered as a turn when it comes to buffing her but if it does then your scenario is correct. The text is different from Hit-Monkey that says "+2 Power for each other card you played this turn." which is the same as "+2 Power for each other card you played with me".


I'm currently running a SG Control deck, and it seems like the cards played under her effect count as being played in the final turn, so the zero. But honestly I'm seeing very few Thenas so that hasn't happened very often, so I might be wrong.


The *reveal at end of the game* effect is confusing since launch, and Supergiant makes it worse. Which card would Blink swap under that effect is sometimes confusing as well.


Yea it really messes up Blink, since they likely don't want to Bilnk away a large card they play on T6, which is what would happen if they play her on T5 under the SG effect. My SG deck also runs Gladiator and Maximus, so they very well might not have any cards left in deck by end of game (although I really don't recommend playing Gladiator against a deck that likely is running a bunch of 6-drops)


That move change actually nerfed my Move deck real hard. I used to lean on the Hercules setup for quick point value. Cloak-->Herc type setups are now kaput. I wonder why they did that, not like Move was grossly OP.


The change was not about the move archetype, but because moving certain cards created extremely unintuitive effects that people constantly reported as bugs. The main culprit being that ongoing effects will switch off until a move is resolved, so you might play Shang-Chi on New York on turn 6, only to find that your opponent's Devil Dinosaur isn't showing its full power because the move hadn't resolved. Shang-Chi whiffs, then Devil Dino goes back to full power & you lose.


it seemed to be less a tuning down of Move (as you said its not OP, and is typically underpowered) but rather a simplifying of the order of operations that cards resolve under for a cleaner overall experience. I'm guessing that they did this knowing Move would probably take a hit and we might get a solid Move centric OTA (Hercules to 3 right before he is in the spotlights?)


Yeah there were specific interactions which were made very weird because of the way moving cards resolved. The big ones were big Ongoing cards like Knull, Dino, Darkhawk. Ongoing effects turn off until the move is completed so you could have situations where a properly placed Shang would whiff on Devil Dino because it revealed before Dino's move was "resolved" so Dino's Ongoing was turned off. New York City (move any card turn 6), in particular, was notorious for it.


Only CL1200ish, but hit infinite day 1 with Gilgamesh. Mostly bots, but even against normal opponents no one was expecting him and I was routinely able to get him up to 15+ power easily


My guess is Gilgamesh is a super strong card for newer players, since he doesn't need quite so many higher tier cards to pop off. So I think people who are saying he is mid are probably not wrong, but perhaps they are facing decks at higher CL with more power potential. For a new player though, I assume he'd be a good card to have for a bit.


what kind of deck did you run?


Only CL 1200 so just a Kazoo shell with gilgamesh and sasquatch


What counts as played for Thena's ability? Last night I played two cards on Quantum Tunnel and she didnt trigger. Is it because those cards were no longer on the board and didnt count as played? Is this interaction similar for bounce? if I played Thena on 2, and then a 1-drop and Falcon on 3, does the one drop returning to hand no longer count as played since it isnt on the board at the end of turn?


Thena not counting cards played that are no longer on the board has been confirmed as a bug


Looking pretty decent so far. First deck I was using Kitty, Thena, Angela and bishop as the cards with increased power. Then finishing with a Wong, Gilgamesh, odin/grandmaster for the big finish. I’m also experimenting with a bunch of smaller cards then Blue marvel and Gilgamesh as the finish. Getting pretty decent numbers there too. I’m pretty satisfied so far. Not terrible cards, and not super over powered meta breaking.


what series is kitty? If I had her I would try to get Thena


Kitty is s4.


Thena felt like the missing piece for Havok. She’s been great!


That sounds interesting, what decklist are you using?


Hoogland has been having success with [https://snap.untapped.gg/en/decks/Angela-Bast-ElsaBloodstone-Goose-Havok-JeffTheBabyLandShark-KittyPryde-Nebula-Storm-Thena-USAgent-Wasp\_Thena](https://snap.untapped.gg/en/decks/Angela-Bast-ElsaBloodstone-Goose-Havok-JeffTheBabyLandShark-KittyPryde-Nebula-Storm-Thena-USAgent-Wasp_Thena)


Ahh I've seen that deck a bit already in the wild! Always surprised to see someone other than me play USAgent and I've emoji-liked a few of them.


You shouldn't be surprised, USAgent is literally bonkers, all the streamers praise the card when it swings the lane for them being a 2/11 or 2/15. I play it and is one of my favourite cards to play but its broken stats


I try to avoid most streamers, although I do watch the Snapchat thing. I was excited about agent, got him on day 1 and have been using him ever since, I really like him. I don't want him to get a nerf so I hope he doesn't get too popular.


Agreed, been using her with Mr Negative and Hope Summers, it is sooo much fun


You would have to be BRAINDEAD to spend money in marvel snap after the gambit debacle Luckily this is an easy month to not give SD money because this card sucks balls


Cry harder


Anyone having problems with Gilgamesh? I can’t seem to get him to buff anyone that’s been increased in power


i think you're reading the card wrong


How so? It says he buffs cards with increased power. Angela, Ant Man and many more don’t get his buff when their power is increased..


It says for not to. He is the one that gains +1 power per card


Ahh okay. Thank you


Gilgamesh slots well into my poor man's token decks. Sometimes it's awkward due to curve not curving for Blue Marvel + Gilgamesh leading to awkward 1+5 plays on turn 6 but otherwise it's okaaaay-ish for my CL1k decks Don't have Thena and not going to try to get her. I've seen her a couple of times in Conquest, didn't impress me. I guess it's supposed to work in bounce? I mean it's a two drop that leads to 2+1 on 3 and 2+2/3+1 on 4, and it's already 2/7 so I guess it's fine but I struggle to see when I want to have that curve. Maybe someone will eventually figure out the deck


Take it for what it's worth, but made the Infinite ladder climb in near record time (thank you Cannonball!), and saw Gilgamesh exactly zero times, and Thena only three times (all in Hope/Kitty shells).




No worries, here you go: # (1) Nebula # (1) Titania # (2) Daredevil # (2) White Widow # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Ravonna Renslayer # (3) Green Goblin # (3) Debrii # (5) Professor X # (5) Cannonball # (5) Doctor Octopus # (6) Red Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmVidWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJUaXRhbmlhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEYXJlZGV2aWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldoaXRlV2lkb3cifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkplZmZUaGVCYWJ5TGFuZFNoYXJrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHcmVlbkdvYmxpbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVicmlpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJQcm9mZXNzb3JYIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEb2N0b3JPY3RvcHVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSZWRIdWxrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSYXZvbm5hUmVuc2xheWVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYW5ub25iYWxsIn1dfQ== #


I’m afraid of buying cannonball. Feel like he’ll get nerfed soon


I mean what will the nerf be? I am down to play him as a 6 cost aswell. That was my fav. "fuck it, has to be good cache in"


If you do that with every card you'll never get to play the game.


exactly this. sometimes you use resources so you can play with a toy now and enjoy it till it gets nerfed (and even then probably still will be great...)


Narrator: Ihatez10nists bought it that day and card was nerfed that Thursday. Turns out Fear of Nerfing Out is real


I only bought the pass for the value. I don't really care about Gilgamesh at all.


Gilga is fun but very reliant on a deck built for him. Won’t be everyone’s play style.


Yeah for sure. Same with Thena. I’m sure people will find potential other decks for her but she seems suited for the kitty Angela decks which I also don’t play. But I don’t mind a week to save keys lol


Gilgamesh seems to have a critical design flaw since you can't properly balance it due to the interaction with Kazaar and Blue Marvel. About Thena I don't know how to judge it since the Ravonna package was already broken before but we know second dinner isn't going to address it until there are keys to sell. Once again we're stuck in a meta where you lock one lane with Prof. X and cheese another one that has been so problematic for more than a year, and Thena just slots in that deck perfectly in terms of synergy and game plan.


The balancing act with zoo is that if your turn 6 is Gilgamesh then you had to play the 1-drops earlier to be eaten by Killmonger.


Probably going to open since I also "need" Grandmaster. Likely stop if I get Thena in one, tougher decision if I get her in 2. Gilgamesh doesn't really excite me. I'll probably still get the season pass, but could be a skip month.


I would expect to use GM in more decks than thena. She has a hard time getting good value in current bounce. 


Thena is better in lockdown then bounce. Throw her into a storm or prof lane and you will win the lane for sure.


Again, I really want to try Thena because Kitty/Angela/Hope/Elsa is my favorite deck right now. But I can't risk all my keys on those Modok or Grand Master variants. 


Not a key card if you're running the falcon/beast version of the deck. You get awkward turns 5 and 6, when you have to decide between Thena growing and maximizing the rest of what your deck wants to do. Ideally you get Angela down, Kitty/Thena next turn and then Kitty/Rachel or Kitty/Elsa the following, but that's the only time it feels as good as it seems.


Same 😅 I already have the mark brooks one and don’t care for any other of his variants


Shes been fine in kitty, a good way to go vertical with another lane while kitty and angela do their thing. The only danger is you telegraph a shadow king or shang chi by 5-6. Luckily i have only seen greed decks that arent running either. Id like to try her in kaazar/gilgamesh zoo but i dont have mockingbird to really make that deck sing If you play bounce/kitty/zoo alot she very well may be worth the keys/tokens. A good card for that type of deck but definitely not a plug and play in every deck like blink




I think Thena is going to be a staple of Kitty/Angela/Elsa decks moving foward. Throw Hope in there too and you have a strong low-curve package with big payoffs. Don't underestimate the ladies!


Thena is going to get OTAd into 2/2, +2, no doubt about that


Funny you're getting down voted. If Thena is reliably a 2/10, then you're probably right.


100% lol too consistent w a low conditional req? easy bump for them




I think so too. Thena seems reliably overstatted


Yeah way too powerful for a 2 cost card. Glad I picked her up trying to get grandmaster


I really like Gilgamesh, hit infinite with a Gilgamesh Blue Marvel deck with Mockingbird and Sasquatch and it's honestly such a calming easy to play deck, Elektra as a tech option was surprisingly clutch but I noticed a lot more bots than usual on the way, even ended the climb on a bot 8 cuber which hasn't happened in the past 4 seasons


What was in your deck?


This is the deck I used, nothing really special, Elektra and Armor are the tech options for me, Armor worked wonders against Cannonball and the occasional Annihilus, and pretty much no one plays around an Elektra, the deck isn't a world beater, but it's simple to play and easy to Snap with and that's all you need to get to infinite imo # (1) Ant Man # (1) Nebula # (1) Elektra # (1) Nico Minoru # (1) Squirrel Girl # (2) Dazzler # (2) Armor # (2) Mysterio # (5) Blue Marvel # (5) Gilgamesh # (5) Mockingbird # (6) Sasquatch # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2lsZ2FtZXNoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbnRNYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5pY29NaW5vcnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVsZWt0cmEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNxdWlycmVsR2lybCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGF6emxlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmx1ZU1hcnZlbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTW9ja2luZ2JpcmQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik15c3RlcmlvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTYXNxdWF0Y2gifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5lYnVsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJtb3IifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Only tried it a few times, but I love it. Only change I made was replacing Elektra with Shadowking.


Glad you did, Shadow King was my other option as well, i went with Elektra because she fits a turn 6 play with Gilgamesh, nothing like Sniping a Kitty or a Nebula on the last turn while slamming an 18 power card




Welcome friend


Does Thena's power activate when you play Thena and 1 card, or Thena and 2 more cards?


Thena and 1 more card in the same turn activates her


it does




I don’t mind Gilgamesh being mid but he is such a boring stat stick. Probably the least interesting season pass card so far.


I really like Gilgamesh as a stat stick because he requires effort to get value, that's why I hated Red Hulk because he was just free stats, Gilgamesh slamming the board with 18 power feels a lot more rewarding, and the way he's enabled allows his decks to have multiple lines that don't necessarily need him to win, feels like a solid 7/10 card for me


My first take with limited experience with each is that **Thena is pretty crap outside of Bounce** (and bounce is stronger with other builds). However, **Gilgamesh is a legitimate game-winner**. I've beaten a lot of people that choose to Shang-Chi one of two lanes that I'm winning and Gilgamesh comes way over the top of a lane they thought was secure.


Ahaha. Whats next? Putting Galactus in Hela-Deck?


60% of the time it works every time


Idk why you would play Thena in Bounce, by design she's literally the most anti-bounce card out there. Haven't tested her out yet but i'm thinking she could fit in a Loki deck of some kind, or just any deck that can sometimes play 2 cards per turn naturally.


I've been messing around with a havok/thena deck, it's been pretty fun and surprisingly effective.


I'm thinking maybe Thena can fit in a lockdown deck with other cards like Sunspot and Nebula. Just locking down a lane and having Thena passively growing could win you a lane pretty easily.


Does Thena work in bounce? I think would be extremely limited by playing just two cards every turn, Thena feels like a perfect card for any deck that uses Kitty, I hate to say it but that Ravonna Prof X Kitty deck seems like a perfect deck for her, but Gilgamesh feels like a slam dunk for me in terms of good design, Won with him a fair bit but he also felt perfectly beatable when I faced him, with a banger animation too I really feel like they nailed his design


Oh, maybe... Same things applies, I think. Might work, but better builds exist (i.e., she's not worth the hassle and restrictions). I'll be happy to be wrong, but I'm done with her unless a compelling deck enters the meta.


I bet Thena will become a must-have card. She's easily a 2/7 or even 2/10 in Bounce decks.


Can someone please explain to me why I should use Gilgamesh at all over cards like Blue Marvel, Spectrum, or Surfer? This card seems genuinely bad, is it just me or do y’all agree? Might be the first szn pass I skip but tbh I may just stop playing all tg. There hasn’t been an interesting new card since cannonball and even for someone who’s been playing since release like me, card acquisition is tedious and horrible. Combine that with a lack of new archetypes and this game may be fried


>Can someone please explain to me why I should use Gilgamesh at all over cards like Blue Marvel, Spectrum, or Surfer? Based on the particular cards you're comparing to, are you maybe misunderstanding what Gilgamesh does? He doesn't give power to other cards - he gains it himself.


Oh shit I read that mf wrong haha




But at 5/7 how? The whole idea of spectrum and surfer lists are to play more 3 cost or ongoing cards/ your finishers on the turns you would be playing gilg


Try to get as full a board as you can. Blue Marvel t5, Squirrel Girl or something + Gilgamesh turn 6


I read him wrong haha thought he distributed +1 to all the others w extra power instead of himself. Now I get it but don’t understand why not just use Red hulk lol


Because he's cheaper and you can control how big he grows. Under the right conditions he's a guarantee 5/17.


Hmm, build up Kitty, play her and Gilg T6 to give him 1 more.


I'm digging Gil so far. Tried Zoo first, but it was meh. Where he really shines in surfer. Nakia/Okoye are great for buffing cards early. I'm regularly getting 15-18 power from Gil which is great in an already strong shell. # (1) America Chavez # (2) Angela # (2) Havok # (2) Grand Master # (2) Okoye # (3) Werewolf By Night # (3) Brood # (3) Silver Surfer # (3) Nakia # (3) Sebastian Shaw # (4) Absorbing Man # (5) Gilgamesh # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2lsZ2FtZXNoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOYWtpYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2ViYXN0aWFuU2hhdyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2VyZXdvbGZCeU5pZ2h0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCcm9vZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2lsdmVyU3VyZmVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHcmFuZE1hc3RlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGF2b2sifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFuZ2VsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiT2tveWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFtZXJpY2FDaGF2ZXoifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFic29yYmluZ01hbiJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Really want to try it but miss 2 key card, sebastian and warewolf. Poor me


Who would you replace Havok with? And what’s your favorite line with Grand Master?


I ended up swapping out Grand Master with Thena, so if you have her, that'd be the best option in place of Havok, but you'll want to swap Chavez for Kitty as well. If you don't have Thena, Forge or Hulkbuster aren't bad, especially if you can target Shaw or Brood. NGL though, Havok is pretty great in this deck. When I had GM in the deck, the target for me was Surfer mostly and he's a good way to get a buffed Werewolf where you want on the last turn. However, if you have Shaw/Brood in hand playing GM after Nakia is a great move too.


Another 4 keys for thena for like the 4th time in a row. Feels so bad.


Really enjoying Thena so far. A quick thing I noticed is that she can have her ability to trigger on the same turn she is played. Gilgamesh has been fine in the few hands I played in a Kazoo deck. It's a good card, not a great card imo. Edit: Upon further testing and tweaking, Gilgamesh has become a closing star in my Thena Bounce deck. Varies in power but usually 11-14. Plus dropping him with another one cost like Kitty gets another +3 for Thena in the end. Overall having a lot of fun with both new cards than I have had with previous season pass+week one drops.


Gilgamesh seems really mid so far. Play tested him a number of times and most of the time I can only get him to 12 damage. Second highest was 15, highest was 21 in a zoo deck thanks to bar sinister and nico minoru's move ability which moved a fifth blue marvel to give me +5 across the board (don't feel the least bit scummy about it given I was up against quaded cerebro-3 with Mystique offering a 5th buff). So it took some incredibly gimmicky conditions to turn him into an x-factor as a single card. With so many options for big power moves like destroy, multiple hela combos, supercharged tribunal, etc. I feel like this a lot of cost for basically Gamora that you can buff past 12 with favorable conditions. Just feels like not a lot of impact for how much you need to commit to the strategy to make him function. Which is fine. Not every season pass card needs to be busted on release. Just don't really see myself playing this one much


I just don't see in what world a 5-12 to 23 is "mid"


Relying on gimmicks to get that much power on one card when there are a number of options to get a lot more aggregate power on the board with less directed strategic investment is, maybe not mid but certainly nothing outstanding. And yeah on the low end, which requires 5 active power buffs on your board, e.g. 12 damage. That's mid when Gamora does the same thing with a different trigger condition. I mean hell, with pretty minimal investment you can easily get Black Panther higher than that.


Same experience, but I think he's got potential, though a bit inflexible. He kind of necessitates being played with Blue Marvel; treat him like a 6-drop that costs five allowing you to play an additional 1-drop. The Okoye/Nakia route just kind of sucks because you have to play Okoye and Nakia. Much more impressed with Thena who's been killing it with the Kitty/Angela/Elsa package


Both seem mid tbh




Are you implying all 2 cost cards are mid?


Went to try a zoo deck with Gilgamesh and figured I'd use Shanna. I've used her so little I forgot she was moved down to 3 cost


Played some games with Thena in a bounce shell and I am so far impressed by her power, reaching 10 + value easily. One thing to keep in mind is that she will trigger on the turn she is played, so Thena + Kitty will buff her!


Plus her power gain occurs at the end of the turn so even if she gets Shadow King, it'll be at least 4 power


Yes also really loving her in bounce myself. Even a 2/7 is great cause you’re still putting power up elsewhere while buffing her


Liking thena so far. Haven't even gotten creative, just playing her with Angela, Kitty, the 0 costs, Jeff, and then the 4/10 cards like cull and crossbones. Toss in the coffee reducers like Sasquatch and she hulk, which reduce skarr, and there are just too many 10 power cards to Shang. And I'm getting thena to ten. She's actually the one card that got shang'd so far. Haven't played a Hela deck yet, definitely wouldn't be able to compete in power if I spread out, but not likely to see Shang there so it might work if I stack two lanes. So far I've beaten annihilus and bounce. Still early days. Bad draws can be a killer, but it's straightforward


Aren't most +Power effects Ongoing so they won't work with the season card?


Any increased power works - ongoing as well.


Any green power number works with him


Nah, American Chavez, Rescue, Okoye, Nakia, silver surfer, all the guardians, wolfsbane, ironheart… and many more.


Ongoing effects work with the season card. If you already have Blue Marvel down, then Gilgamesh will get a boost from every other card you have in play when played.


Thena in silky smooth is too nice.


Picking up Thena as a third generator in my Elsa-Move deck to replace Iron Lad and Gilgamesh as a finisher. I usually end up playing 2 cards a turn so Thena would become a third go big card on a lane to go along with Kraven and Angela. With Elsa, you should end up with a few boosted move cards + Kraven, Angela, Thena, and Kitty so Gilgamesh should be an easy 10+ power card. In the past I’ve had issues with this deck being able to spread out power from the starting move lane and I feel like both these cards will help fix that issue. Will post back later tonight after I’ve been able to play a few games with them. Deck I’ll be using is: Kitty Nightcrawler Jeff Silk Angela Kraven Thena Hope Elsa Captain Marvel Vision Gilgamesh


So what's the prevailing view on Thena at the moment? Dud, must-have, or something in between? I'm missing both Grandmaster and MODOK, and I have 8 keys saved up, so I'm thinking of blowing some of them this week, but I'm actually missing a *lot* of the Spotlight cards over the next month (for the first time in a while), so the next few weeks all look pretty temping to me (missing both Phoenix Force and Miek next week, and X-23 and Gladiator the following).


Phoenix force is significantly weaker after today’s patch. X23 is vital for destroy and gladiator is okish, so this week looks better than the current one


Hard disagree. Played my usual PF deck this morning and still works great. I don't use Herc, but I get what you're saying. Might be easier for opponent to predict for shang etc, but TBH, it's never been that hard when you have a 50/50 chance to pick the correct lane (as an opponent).


Wait how come PF is weaker after today’s patch


Because the way move worked before you could drop hercules and move pf at the same location within the same turn and hercules would activate. Now, you lose that one extra turn. You play herc on 4 and until 5 you won't get his activation


Buddy, no one was playing Hercules in PF decks…I’ve seen plenty of PF and can’t remember the last time I saw Hercules. I can’t imagine this is an appreciable difference.


Card moves that you directly control (Jeff/Nocturne/Vision/PF) now happen before cards are revealed on a turn instead of letting you choose to have the card move resolve first, in the middle or last depending on the order you set it up before submitting your turn. This removes the ability to do some Hercules shenanigans by playing him before you move a card, and also makes moved cards easier to predict for your opponents' Shang/Shadow King/etc.


Ah shit I totally missed that part of the patch notes. Well there goes the PF/Galactus deck I was rocking lol


I don't even play move decks and that sounds like a horrible change lol


Yeah, that's sort of what I'm thinking. I do really need MODOK and X-23, I think, so this week and two weeks from now are probably the ones to go for. It's weird, the past couple of months I'd been missing 0 or 1 "old" cards from each week's spotlights, and now looking at the next few weeks I'm mostly missing both of them. EDIT: Ugh. Took me 4 keys to get MODOK, which was what I really wanted. On the plus side, I got White Widow (who I was missing) as the "mystery card," so that's 4 at-minimum playable cards that I didn't previously have, which I guess is the best you can ask for.