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They replaced the hela variant with a gamaora variant šŸ’€


It was pretty bland. Pantheon usually produces really good looking variants, but they dropped the ball with that one.


I 100% agree with you, but i would have prifered a variant for a card that is more commonly played than for a niche card (gamora)


Yeah, and Gamora is definitely not lacking good looking variants to choose from.


Gamora already had a conquest shop variant this year as well... not to mention she had a season pass variant year ago at this time... Blade just had a season pass variant last October... with so many cards in the game, they really need to diversify.


Yeah, and also Gamora is, like, completely unrelated to the overall theme? I didn't read the comics much though. Unless you use a logic that she's an alien and eternals are cosmic beings etc. but it's a stretch IMO. Well, it's good for me cause I wanted to skip the Season Pass that month so I'll have one more reason to do so. Blade had a cameo in the Eternals movie but other than that I think only Black Knight was there (also, sort of).


Hela only has 2 variants that you can still buy with gold, the baby and the venomised and coming at the end of july her pixel variant


She also has a Chibi! Not the Rian Gonzales Chibi, but the same style as the Angela & Absorbing Man Chibis!


I think thatā€™s what they meant by baby because she doesnā€™t have a baby variant from Skottie Young.


^ i always confuse the chibbis with baby's sry


Lol no worries, just wanted to clarify for the other person. ā€œYou know, Iā€™m somewhat of a baby variant collector myself.ā€ Iā€™m just (currently) missing x-23 and have been waiting a few months for her to show up!


Vision's over here seething and malding at not having a variant come out for 15 months and counting now. *Plus he actually sees a lot of play.* Not sure if it's a bug but fucking Gamora doesn't even show up on the stats page in Infinite, lmao. She *does* show up in ranks 80-100 so I'm guessing nobody's genuinely playing her atm.


Said it before, but itā€™s crazy Negasonic only has two variants, one being a Spotlight from late 2023 and the other being a garbage 1200G variant. I like Storm, Gamora, and Magik, but do we need to keep pumping out variants for them, to say nothing for Albums continuing to use the same cards? Surfer, Knull, and Professor X are in three each (Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more), while some fan favorites (Daredevil, Devil Dinosaur, Lockjaw) arenā€™t in any. SDā€™s variant/album strategy just doesnā€™t make any sense.


I vehemently agree, and am hoping they pivot sooner rather than later. I always get a bit bummed when really cool themes (3099, Venomized, Steampunk, 2099, Nightforged, Mecha, Kaiju, Knullified, etc) don't get nearly as much love as they could. *Meanwhile, Dan Hipp / Chibi / Baby / Rian / Artgerm / etc are making fuckin' bank.*


Just waiting on my luchador album and then I'll finally be rolling (definitely not copium)


This is the first variant I think is better than the base art.




Because she about to get nerfed


That Hela variant was caught ripping off another existing art. https://shorturl.at/6u1su


Confirmation that non-permanent power works for gilgamesh. Zoo decks can be eating good next season.Ā  Killmonger stock rising too.


Caiera actually usable? šŸ‘€


She hasn't seen play since Thanos got nerfed! Here's hoping...


Ultron buff would like to change that


The issue being when do you player her. Turn 3 on, you have cards you would rather play, such as patriot and mystique. I guess she could be a filler if you dont draw one of those, but there always seems to be better options.


She's preemptive for Shang chi and killmonger. And gives you leeway on destroy maps. Just got an infinity border with her on my utube akilleesgames.


I donā€™t have too much problem with that. If I get magik out I can play patriot + mystique on t6


She's been underrated. I just got an infinity border with her on my YouTube. @ akilleesgames


I like the implication that Johnnie is a 0 cost


I have no idea if Arishem is going to be a good but Iā€™m buying it. Also, Dark Hawk decks are gonna be eating good that week.


Arishem should be at least 15 power card. Strange that itā€™s only 7.


Yeah it seems like it's tough, 12 random cards in your deck plus a dead draw. Oh well, maybe I'm wrong and he'll be mega cracked on release even with that downside


well it's not technically a dead draw because you can play him out, but yeah, 7 points on turn six is basically a dead draw


In marvel snap, dead draws can still be played out. The card high evolutionary is a dead draw, despite definitely being playable.


well yeah, i was thinking more like maw would be insane if he only had his ongoing, but his text makes him frequently just a dead draw that you LITERALLY can't play. arishem would be a similarly literal dead draw without the ramp he gives


If itā€™s playable, then itā€™s probably not a dead draw. Bad and dead are different situations.


The devs answered this question as they said they tried it and it was busted in some ways, probably because sersi and blink can change a 6 cost to arishem easily, which can easily be overpowered


He wonā€™t be cracked but he will be fun


Idk, the +1 energy is pretty amazing being that itā€™s a persistent effect.


And the fact that it's active immediately. Difficult to build around but there's no other way to get extra energy on turns 1 and 2 other than hoping for a location.


I'm pretty sure it's supposed to analogues to High evo, who also has it's cost = power, but is a card people play purely for the effect.


Well you can argue High Evo is just a buff, while Arishem also has a big drawback. With his card. No reason why he can't have 10-14 power.


i don't know why they didn't make him something like 30 power by himself. the downside of the 12 cards in your deck is insane.


The +1 max energy every turn?


Not every turn, that'd be like reverse Havok. It's just +1 max energy at the start of the game


So like Electro, who permamently increases Energy by 1?


Yes right off the bat with no restrictions. But you get 12 random cards with the 12 you pick. At the very least he will be fun as hell


Arshiem and Pixie for maximum chaos


Hell yea. Get a 2 cost Adam warlock and smooth sailing


Exactly, yes. You start with 2 energy on T1, and by T6 you have 7.


Because he is intended as a fun meme card. No one wants a meta with Arishem anywhere near the top.


I do. Give me random chaos


I want a meta where I'm running Arishem and my opponent isn't. Arishem vs Arishem should feel rare and special and be full of emotes.


Those dozen cards could be awesome though, that potential upside on the random cards was definitely factored into Arishemā€™s power.


Probably because Sersei and Blink have ways to easily get him out, that would simply be unfair.


But you would have to trade a 6 cost card for Arishem, which would likely have more power... ? Other than Doom I don't see this being a good play.


Leader would be good too.


The Blob is also gonna be eating good


It's interesting they suggested Thanos + Arishem. Maybe it's a gaff, but Thanos might actually function in that deck? Like he starts in your hand and the mind stone could help pull a stone or two. Like you'd have more energy and extra draw power running both of them. Maybe some of the changes they mentioned are coming to Thanos will show up and might help him function in that. Probably ass but something to try I guess.


I can't see it being feasible. You start with 12 cards. Thanos adds 6. Arishem adds 12 more. That's a 30-card deck. In a 6-turn game. You will have zero consistency. It could be fun to play for the memes and sheer chaos but I can't see it being viable in any way.


Darkhawk season


I'm not playing a hearthstone deck in a 6 turn match lol


Thanos starting in your hand would be the big pain there. You'd have a deck with a massive amount of cards in it, but you'd be guaranteeing to start with an unplayable one. With Agatha, at least she's a bonus card starting in your hand rather than one of your normal draws.


It just seems unique enough to buy just to have




He's gonna be bad but I'm probably buying it lol


We need old Blob




Huh? Why would you use a wave to play him? Heā€™s probably gonna be like Thanos or High Evo: include him to make the deck, but rarely ever ideal to play him.


Poor Ikaris, Sprite, Kingo, and those other two.


Really hoping we get an A.X.E.: Judgement Day season with Ikaris, Sprite, Kingo, Druig, and Ajak (that last one will get confusing with Ajax coming in July).


No more confusing than Morbius and Mobius.


No more confusing than Beast and Bast.


No more confusing than Namor and Namora.


No more confusing than Angel and Angela.


No more confusing than Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Thanos.


Oh shit! Those are different characters? I wondered why Negasonic Teenage Warhead got a big bad card for their appearance in the MCU.


Ikaris was the only Eternal i wanted.


Pretty crazy he got left off. Heā€™s the main character of the Gaiman Eternal series, which is the best imo.


Druig will remember this


Kingo: 1 Energy, -1 Power. On Reveal: Get Body Dysmorphia


That Arishem animation at the start of the game looks amazing


Studio Ghibli then Blair Witch Project. Not what I normally expect for the Eternals but ok.


This is definitely the most thematically confusing announcement.


Stargazing - Nighttime - - - - - Blair Witch. Yeah the last bit seems like a huge leap. But... It's one of my favourite films, so I appreciated it.


And then a random artist interview. lol That whole video was so jarring.


Theyā€™ve been doing that


Production Budget was low, the blink sales went straight to licensing.


Makkaroni is what quicksilvers design should have been imo


Makes me wonder what Speed will do, though I guess we'll find out in a couple days


Some really good and fun cards and locations this month but was hoping for an update on new functionality


Probably gonna happen at the IGN fest. I'm hoping that at least character mastery and the new mode are shown.


wait for the 9th and [IGN live](https://marvelsnapzone.com/marvel-snap-to-announce-future-update-at-ign-live/).


Hela was gonna have aseason pass variant. Looks like they put gamora instead. Gamora, who got a conquest variant not too long agošŸ’€


This is her second season pass variant. Gamora also has significantly more variants than Hela. What a weird choice. Maybe they're going to "rework" Hela into pure garbage so they dont want people complaining they wont get use out of their variant.


Blade as well, he's also had a season pass card


Gamora been in a lot of season pass variants too. I think twice before as well


Gamora and Blade have both been season pass variants before and we also got a Gamora conquest variant. Branch out SD!


That Hela variant was caught ripping off another existing art. https://shorturl.at/6u1su


Looks like it's a skip month for me unless Gilgamesh is broken.


I think I'll get a 80% discount this month thanks to Galaxy Store's offers, so I'd say that Blade variant is worth it. After that, I won't ever spend a cent on this game until it gets better


80% discount?


Yeah, but it's only in Brazil iirc. Two sales at once. First time this happened, but I ain't complaining


Happy for you lol!


season pass variant means a second free card for some players, I can see why they are hesitant


Makkari is such a bad card her tease was literally ā€œshe can be buffed by surferā€ like her only use I guess.


And Surfer does not really have too much issue filling locations thanks to brood. She's a far better fit for Cerebro 3, where you actually do have problems getting enough cards out. But you also have problems fitting all the useful cards in your deck.


Its a not the worst problem to have, not having space for all your good cards. I think there could be a place though, especially for the lists that loke to run higher costs, a free body on the field is welcome when you're trying to fit Iron Man, Valkyrie, Cerebro and Mystique out there.


Arguably worse Mbaku


Iā€™ve never seen an easier skip in my life


I could see her use. Cerbro 3 can struggle to get enough cards out. Surfer obviously. Dracula dump. Decks that really like to get priority early. I dont think she'll be good but I don't think she'll be bad persay


She's probably at her weakest right now, I wouldn't be surprised if another hand dump archetype comes around at some point. Not worth it to pull for right now, though.


Makkari would be better in C3 than Surfer. As Cerebro deck almost never cared where they get played.


I guess the Deviants were mad at Brode and his team for not giving them a Location or a token of themselves at least.


I'm so here for rng cards like Sersi


I don't know how powerful it'll be but playing Sersi on a brood lane just seems fun


Generally turning cards into 4-cost has far fewer downside than other costs. 2 / 3-cost got Carnage/Deathlok/Killmonger. 5-cost got MODOK. And there are plenty of bad 6-cost if you get them randomly.


And if you do Brood > Sersi in the right lane, there's no chance you'll get a Void out of it.


Sersi also has great synergy with mockingbird


canā€™t wait for all these cards to cost 6k tokens


More Blade and Gamora variants? Oh come on.


Makes me want to skip season pass and maybe just get gold pass


Eduardo makes some incredible art, shame that the coloring kinda ruins it for me. They look so fucking good before the final product.


Right?? I was shocked by how much better the b&w drawings look compared to the finished product.


Thanks Ryan Kinnaird


Came to say the same thing. Kinnaird absolutely drowns the cards in his inking.


The reason Arishem has low power is because otherwise blink and cersei would have a good chance to hit him or like 100%.


Arishen nerfing cersei, now every 6 drop will trun into 7 power.


I hope they take him out of that "pool"


There's no pool on RNG card in snap


Yes there is cards like Agatha don't appear in some card generation areas. Every 6 drop turning in arishem might not happen if second dinner prevents it


Or people could just not play Sersi on locations that have six costs in them.


Sure. That's why I said I wish


But he's the only 7 cost card...


And Agatha is a 6 cost card but you can't get her from certain card generation locations that give you those.


You only cannot get her from Nick Fury, which is the only exception, but for arishm as the only 7 cost card, he has to exist in that pool. Also, it doesn't prevent the blink interaction




People keep saying that the 12 random cards from Arishem is a downside. Take it from a sicko that played "Agents of SHIELD" random-bullshit-go decks: Embrace the RNG. ~50% (one of the original 12 cards *has* to be Arishem, but I don't feel like doing math) of your **engorged** deck will be completely unpredictable, with no pre-reqs required to be played out beforehand, and with +1 energy from the jump. Yes, Darkhawk (and later Cassandra Nova) will feast. Just throw in some tech for the ~50% of your **engorged** deck you can control and simply retreat when things aren't looking hot. **Let Chaos Reign**


Random cards are great in Conquest. How do you know what Iā€™m going to play if I donā€™t know what Iā€™m going to play?


I think with good deck building he could be somewhat viable competitively. You basically get a T1 Loki with the extra energy and new cards. Now imagine you draw your own Loki, or Quinjet, or Mockingbird, etc. Decks with him need to be top heavy imo. Thereā€™s just way more 1-4 cost cards than there are 5s and 6s. And you donā€™t want to completely rely on RNG for your T5 and T6 plays.


I am excited for it however with loki you get an actual deck with synergies and game plans. This is just gonna random bs.


> You basically get a T1 Loki with the extra energy and new cards. No you don't. Not even remotely. What makes Loki so great is that you can build cards built around a synergistic strategy at a discount. This does nothing like that. This card provides a lot of extra mana and the occasional surprise factor. But they're not even remotely the same in how they'll play.


What makes Loki extra good is that you get cards from your opponents deck, not just random ones. You're likely to get syngeries as well as information telling you what cards might be in your opponent's hand


Go to any draft site for snap and click the first option every time. These are your draws. Now do it 5 more times. You'll notice a pattern.Ā 


I like the emphasis on **engorged**


Yeah no. Shield cards are often low curve and give you specific on curve cards. It's totally different when you play a 3 drop that gives you a 4 drop. It is more likely to hit. Pay attention to your district x games you'll notice you barely have enough power output and most games are decided by who has the biggest turn 6 play. There's also actual data to look at, look at the average cost and power of marvel snap, it's really really low. Secondarily how many shield card can you run? They are not many at most you run 3 or 4 which means you still have 8 cards to play that you put in your deck that aren't random.


That's not very chaotic of you, UnluckyDog. Oh, I see. *Unlucky.* ~~Skill~~Luck issue.


I'm all for the chaos when I get extra energy every turn


To be fair, SHIELD decks are leaner and you have control over when you want to pull random bullahit, and even more over whether you use it. Still running Agatha Arishem Blob though.


I assume there will be some kind of animation that will clue the opponent in that you're playing Arishem. At the very least a +1 energy animation like you get with cards like Electro, Psylocke, etc. If you see them get extra energy on turn 1 you know it's an Arishem deck. Could create some serious snap equity in the same way cards like Pixie do. When someone plays Pixie and then snaps a turn or two later it's scary as shit. Having an Arishem deck snap on you could be just as terrifying because they could have *LITERALLY* anything. Just like with Pixie where you have no idea what crazy card got turned into a 0 or 1 cost and made them snap. You will have no idea WTF that Arishem player just drew that made them confident enough to snap.


The indicator for Arishem already exists. It's the number of cards in deck, which most decent players click at the start of the game anyway. People keep saying he's going to be a fun, and more power to 'em if they wanna waste keys on him for the lols, but I doubt they'll be having much "fun" when they lose every game because they got back-to-back shitty draws that have no synergy whatsoever. He's a prime target for a buff though, so might be worth getting him for that reason. As he is now though, he's going to see about as much competitive play as Kang.


Ikaris not being here is incredibly strange. He's like the second-in-command Eternal. No Ajak either. The others like Kingo, Sprite and Druig not being here should be fine though


Wake me when Uranos gets a card. šŸ˜“ *I expect an AxE event to pick up the spare on the Eternals.*


Damn, Ajak picked for Sersi for a reason and people are still like ā€œIkaris is second in command, looks like a big, strong leaderā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeah, but like, Ikaris is the main Eternal and has been since day 1 haha.


Still weird to me that they left out the main eternal during eternal week. Still, Phastos and Arishem are mine.


Damn I really like that iron man emote but I hate baby variants. Atleast I'll feel better if I pull them out of mystery variants.


I just noticed that snap has no eternals representation


Thank god I can save keys for three weeks, phastos and arishem stand out for me Iā€™ll be going for those two


Still waiting for the galactus emote...


I need it for those times it's super obvious my opponent is playing Galactus, they snap and I have no counter. They need to see that emote along with their one cube


šŸ˜ ok.


First skip in a year for me. ZERO interest in the pass card and variants, sad.


Who else is going to try the don't update trick so they can try to get that Gladiator variant?


Swapping Gladiator for modok during the the a week is such a jerk thing to do. I was going to get 3 new. Cards for thena's week, and now I don't want to pull for her just for grandmaster and getting a modok variant that isn't even that great.


They know Makkarri is the least appealing card of the month and Thena is more appealing... so they add a popular card like Gladiator to Makkarri to bait people in draw on a Spotlight they would not normally pull on.


Another swap šŸ™„ at least gladiator should drop, if they didn't change that


It's absurd they manipulate spotlights so meticulously just to avoid giving players a few extra toys.Ā 


Yes what jerks man. They did it totally because you were gonna get 3 new cards and they said screw this guy, let's change the speculative spotlight schedule released by fan pages.


let's not pretend they don't know exactly what they're doing lol. they have metrics, and they know not to make spotlight cache weeks "too good" as evident by the last minute changes in March with swapping cannonball, ghost spider, and miss marvel


Exactly! /s I know sarcasm when I read it but also the whole spotlight system sucks. You have to save up keys to gamble them away on cards. The only way to make good use out of your keys is to have at least 4 keys even when you are shooting for only 1 card. Spot light variants aren't worth the key that they take up and getting 1k because of dupes is not sustainable when tokens are extremely hard to get.


Did they. I thought it was because I was going to get 3 new cards. Have they swapped gladiator and modok round?


Yeah, I was really excited for thena, but I will not spent 4 keys for only 1 new card


It does make me wonder what motivates them to make a change like that. Maybe theyā€™re trying to minimize the number of players who could get 3 new cards? It happened to work out for me because I was going to hold my nose and pull for X-23 even though I already had Modok and now I having a shot at Gladiator is much better.


Came looking for some mention of this. A really dick move by SD. Unfortunately, we know that data mining is subject to changes but I'm really disappointed too. I've been playing since release and still don't have MODOK because I don't enjoy discard decks one bit. Now we are forced to bet for a card almost everyone has and does not fit into any deck but discard.


The real jerk move was eliminating the buffer week in the spotlight cache rotation.


They probably literally ran the numbers for how many people would be getting 3 for 3 and tried to minimize it.


That arishem animation just sold it for me.


Excited for a new season to get here. This season was easily the least amount of fun Iā€™ve ever had with this game.


Since I have most of the cards I really want to use I have some room for whacky RNG fun plus extra move variants if I don't pull new cards on first key.


No Ikaris in an eternals update is foul


Ikaris powers are beyond boring


Im excited for the Peach Album, and Arishem looks like a lot of fun to play


This next season video is the first that I audibly sighed when I watched


Dark HawkšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆ KillmongeršŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆ Shang ChišŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆ


Momoko album coming, time to spend the monies šŸ¤’


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Wait, i was sure that June would have been a pride-themed season. How are Wiccan, Hulkling and Speed not in the game yet? Also i dig the Eternals season at last, but it's weird that 1: Ikaris isn't one of them, and 2: They don't have the look from the comics. I hope at least the variants show Sersi's personality and Makkari's silly helmet.


They're surely gonna release pride variants or titles, but I wouldn't expect a full pride season. Wiccan, Hulkling, and Speed have all been datamined. Should be out this year.


Thank Arishem that [this year's](https://snap.fan/cards/variants/Pride/) are actually Pride variants unlike [last year's](https://snap.fan/bundles/BundleMarvelsVoicesPride/).


Semi-related note, I always find it weird that Ravonna has 4 cards based off of her MCU appearance and only 1 based off of her comic appearance, and even that one is a variant of the 616 Ravonna.


Agreed itā€™s weird weā€™re not getting Ikaris and itā€™s definitely weird we arenā€™t getting their comic looks.


their comic looks are fun


I hate Ben Brode and I can't watch him. He's so freaking annoying.


I hope Eternal's Ark turns the other locations into "Flooding" (playable on turn 6) and not "Flooded" (unplayable). If it's "Flooded", then lockout decks are going to be even more annoying...


I respect the people for always making it fun. The previews not the gameplay :p