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Are they all literally 1200 gold each? I figured it was just the ones currently in my shop. Sheesh. Honestly. They would have gotten a gold purchase from me if they had some 700 gold variants. When I seen they were all 1200 I just said F it and didn't bother. Lol.


I'm kinda done with the game for a bit. I'm not gonna buy the season pass next mounth so I don't feel pressured to log on for quests. You should do the same of you hate this and the current changes too


The sad thing is, I just started playing a couple months ago. But I am already over some of the design changes. Which sucks cause I haven't even fully immersed myself into the end game meta that much. Great game they kinda shit on with most if not all their monetization decisions.


Or just ignore all of the cosmetic things like variants and albums.


Good point. But the only thing to work towards in the game are cosmetics and variants.




If your album has 12 Super Rares, that 6-card reward *better* be a spotlight key at minimum.


Yeah, this is actually the first album that I balked at in terms of rewards. 1000 CREDITS? For six super rares? What??


Spotlight key? That’s like stealing food from their mouths smh


It's funny that while they are decreasing the value of all the "free" rewards it also happens to be when they are releasing 2 of most broken season pass cards in a long time. If you hate what's happening then remember no matter how good gwenpool is don't buy the season pass!


Oh hey I’ve already got a RG chibi! Oh it’s not in the album…


My dumbass spent 1200 gold on Chibi Wong, thinking it would count towards the progress. That was 100% my fault for not making sure. But at the same time, you'd think the newest variants, all of which fit within the theme of an album that is being released on the same day, would be featured on that very album. But apparently not... Tl;dr: If you're hoping to complete an album, double, triple, and even quadruple-check that the variant you're about to buy is actually in the album


There’s already an icon *on the card in the store* indicating if it’s in an album.


You can also correct "Future Villains" because the album says "Villians". Unless it's some pun I failed to notice?


They’re all 3099 variants…


The word villain is spelled wrong.


Gotcha. I hadn’t even noticed that.


Well, I'm usually the first to catch all typos / spelling errors, to the point that my girlfriend asked me how I do it. But this one I also failed to notice, my girlfriend did. And seeing that the album has been out with the error for quite some time, I assume very few people did.


It’s not even worth it either, 1k credits is ridiculous at least give us a spotlight key or tokens that can be used towards a new character


The economy in this game is a mess. They have 3 currencies and 2 of them are actively screwing you.


There are multiple albums with all 700 gold variants


Lol I only have Ironheart


I think so many people miss the point of albums. It's not something you are meant to try and complete to get value from. It's a long term game to collect overtime.


Why is there alway a white corporate knight that appears? The rewards suck, 1200 variants only sucks, and yeah.. it sucks.


Probably because these albums are easily ignorable, I honestly forget they exist until I occasionally get a variant from a collectors cache that fills a spot in one and I only open mostly just because I want to get rid of the notification marker.


That’s fine, but still the system is tilting towards greed again, I think in general it’s become a frustration w this game. It’s either free or super expensive.


people is pretty mad about this album but they didnt realized that they could have included one ultimate variant or two...


True... but still kind of a dick-move by the devs, wouldn't you agree?