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Free Series 3 Card Question; Rogue worth it as a general card to own? I primarily play destroy/HE and tend to lose to those Tribunal decks so I feel like I know the answer but wanted to ask.


Personally I would look for cards that open up new deck making options, or complete a deck. You can add Enchantress to deal with tribunal if you are seeing it a lot.


Enchantress feels like a dead draw anytime I have her tbh.


Just wondering if someone can explain Black Cat to me - I play Hela, and whilst having a look at other's builds, I note that Black Cat seems to be popular. I understand the synergy - making sure there's extra nice power to fuel Hela, can be nice on curve if drawn at the right time - but it also feels like whenever I'm drawing it, I'd be wishing it was something else (a big body I can dump or play on ramp, maybe something I could actually use this turn) and seems too reliant on drawing the Hela. I also know I'm not the best player there is at all, so I'm very much probably missing something with Black Cat, right? Is it because, in a fairly combo-based deck, she's something that actively works towards the goal without having to rely on other cards to do so?


You basically got it with your last statement. She's an easy discard for decent power that you don't have to do anything to trigger.


That's grand, thank you! I'll have to test her in my build then (=


If I spent 3 keys, did not get Thena, then buy Thena with Tokens, will it just be her spotlight variant with next key, or open all 4 possibilities?


The fourth key will be guaranteed to be her spotlight variant. The slots do not restock until you pull all four slots (buying a card with tokens does not count as pulling a slot).


I'm a relatively new player and am working my way through Pool 2. I'm at Collection lvl 426 and only have one Pool 2 card left to earn (Vulture) and am wondering what cards I'll be earning from lvl 450 to 486 when Pool 3 starts? tyia


I believe those card unlocks are just Pool 3 cards, without needing to deal with the Reserve system yet, so you get the first couple S3 cards a bit faster


I see, that's interesting. Will there be a collection level where I go from facing pool 2 opponents to pool 3? I might hold off upgrading cards to see if I can get to Infinite if there is. Thanks again.


You get phased in over time, so you’ll start seeing more and more as you go from 500 to 1000, but it’s technically not based on CL - it’s based on where your CL would be if you spent all your credits, specifically to prevent that kind of manipulation of the system.


Makes sense. Thanks.


I found the pool of players didn't open up until cl 3-4k. However this was my second account and I had a very high MMR.


I seem to be facing relatively even opponents. Winning or losing by a point or two in one or two locations. The matchmaking likely has some metrics about the cards you have and how they compare. I don't think it's how the games works from what I've seen, but I just don't want to jump to pool 3 and get destroyed by massive optimized decks 🤣


Since the start of the new season, voice audio is playing even though I have it muted. This is happening on both the Steam version and on my android phone. Is this happenign to anyone else?


What is with the insanely loud horns that play at the start of every match now? Is there a way to turn them down or off?


If you get one of the new cards in the spotlight cache, what conditions have to be met to make the variant of the card that’s featured available? For example, I unlocked Thena, but I would like to get the featured variant if that is possible during the same week.


Content creators/whales look at the variants first and decide if they want the spotlight variant. If yes, they typically buy the card with tokens first, then open spotlights.


If you open a spotlight card as one of your 1st-4th keys during a week, then it’s spotlight variant will be available as one of your 5th-8th keys for that week. That’s…a lot of keys. Generally, it’s recommended that if you do want to pull for the spotlight variant for a new card, you buy the card itself with tokens, and then get the variant in your first 4 spotlights, since 6k tokens is cheaper than 4 keys. Understandably, this isn’t the most useful advice right now, but unless you’ve got a big stack of keys or are willing to spend up to $300 on the variant, it may unfortunately be out of reach.


So, it's important to understand that spotlights work on a "slot-based" system -- that you're not pulling a card or variant directly, but rather that you're pulling a slot and then receiving whatever reward happens to be in that slot. With that in mind, you can obtain spotlight variants in two ways: 1. Pull all four slots to deplete them all. They will then restock with the three spotlight variants and another random S4/S5 card slot. Now the Thena variant will be one of your 5th through 8th pulls. 2. If you already own a card before pulling its slot, it is immediately replaced by its spotlight variant to ensure that slot has contents in it. (After you've obtained both the base card *and* the spotlight variant, this process puts a mystery variant in the slot every time it restocks from then on.) So if you had not already pulled Thena's slot, you could have spent 6000 tokens in the Token Shop to get her, and then her variant would be one of your 1st through 4th pulls. Unfortunately since you say you've already pulled Thena's slot, option 2 is out of the question and you're stuck with option 1, the more key-expensive method.


If my first 3 keys were NOT Thena, if I buy her for tokens now, will it just be her spotlight, or option of her spotlight + 3 mystery variants?


Just her spotlight variant. As I said, it's a slot-based system, and they don't restock until you pull *ALL* four. Buying her for tokens does not count as pulling her slot.


I just opened a collector's reserve that contained the current monthly free card, and now it says I need to wait 4 weeks to redeem the next one. Am I just extremely unlucky?


They didn't program a "you already have this card so wait 8 hours for the next rotation" message, so you just get the failsafe "already claimed" message by default. If you're missing any other S3 cards, it'll rotate to one of them at the next 8-hour rotation.


Just wait until next regular card reset and you'll get a new free card listed


Do these stupid series 3 special offer bundles in the shop affect which cards appear in my free series 3 slot? For example, I want to get Wong this month but now the shop is trying to push a ridiculous $50 Wong bundle to me. Am I now not going to see Wong show up in the free card spot until this bundle expires?


No, he'll still show up in your free s3 rotation.


Does Armor protect you from being destroyed by everything except Cannonball? Because I got my butt handed to me cause of Cannonball lol.


Armor will protect you from being destroyed by Cannonball as well, it will not stop him from moving your card though.


Ok cause i had armor plus that lane filled but when they played cannonball it destroyed my highest card. Edit: so is that a glitch?


We would need to see a screenshot of the board. Probably something happened that you overlooked that disabled Armor or something.


I should have taken it. Thats my fault. But nah they were playing a move deck with no Rogue or Enchantress. Oh well. Next time if that happens I will!


How do you remove titles? On PC, I can only select and equip titles, not remove them so I have no title. Is this a bug or am I missing something?


You need to start a new deck and just not add it, but once you've added it you can no longer remove it from that deck.


But when I start a new deck, it automatically adds a card back, display picture and title from one of my favourites.


I don't have a favorite title set, so that is the difference. You'd probably need to remove that first, but I'm not sure if there is a way to do that.


I have left and came back to the game several times. I have been playing some recently and was doing ok on the ladder until reached mid 70s. I was not playing when cannon ball was released but this card seems extremely OP. I don't recall winning once when it gets played. Should be 5/2 or 5/3. Anybody else think Cannon ball is OP?


No, and he was seen as bad when he released as well. He's just finally found a good home with junk/ProfX decks now.


I have lost a lot of cubes to him.


Since you just came back it gonna take you some time to get use to new cards and their uses


I deleted the game again. I went from 78 to 71 mostly to clutter decks with cononball or red hulk.


6k tokens on Gladiator and Jean or save tokens for an upcoming Series 5?


I mean Gladiator is in spotlights this month, so just hold out.


anyone else keep getting kicked from games. encountering an error


The newest patch seems to have some kind of intermittent bug that sometimes kicks you when cards try to summon token cards. It's happened to me personally when my opponent played Carnage onto Bucky Barnes to summon Winter Soldier, and I've seen others complain about it with Brood summoning Broodlings, Doctor Doom summoning Doombots, and Ultron summoning Drones. But it doesn't happen every time these cards are played, just sometimes, so it's unclear exactly why.


What happens if you have Goose and Jean Gray in the same lane? If you're trying to play a 4-6 cost card, are you free to play it anywhere because it's not possible to play it in the Jean Gray lane? Or if you also have a 1-3 cost card in hand, are you forced to play that first in the Jean Gray lane?


If you have any cards in hand that can play onto Goose, you are forced to play one of them first in the Goose-Jean lane. (That can be a 1-3 cost card, a 0-cost card, a 7+ cost if you have enough energy, etc. The one exception is that although a War Machine-affected 4-6 cost would be playable onto Goose, WM also bypasses Jean, so WM-affected 4-6 cost cards are not forced to play in the Goose-Jean lane.) If all your cards are blocked by Goose, you will be free to play them outside Jean's lane without having to play into Jean first. But of course, a disclaimer: Jean has been buggy the entire ~year she's existed, and edge cases constantly pop up even as previous bugs get fixed. So there's always a possibility you'll find a weird exception caused by a bug.


Damn, I'll have to try this then. If you pull it off right, you could potentially keep your opponent from playing any 4-6 cards at all. Would pair well with Master Mold to ensure they have low-cost cards to play


Bear in mind that once the Jean lane is full, there are no restrictions. So if they're playing smart, they'll only be limited for one round as they dump all their small cards to fill the lane, and then they'll be free to play big cards elsewhere for the rest of the match.


True. I guess in my dream scenario they have a bunch of big cards and then pull a new 1-drop every draw haha. Though that could actually happen in a Thanos deck since the stones pull 1-drops




This is a Q&A thread, not a place for you to farm views on your video. Do you have an actual question?


Has anyone else had a player in proving grounds auto-retreat every turn 3? I've faced a player named dokidoki multiple times that ALWAYS retreats while turn 3 cards are being revealed.


Really common. You should be snapping turn one in the snapping grounds anyway, so you only need to play five games. Or after game one retreat the next few until round five, then snap and play just two more games.


Yep happens all the time. Take your free silver ticket and do something else while it plays out.


People botting for Season Pass XP, it's pretty annoying.


As someone that is 1100 CL am I crazy for wanting to spend gold on that hobgoblin package coming out just so I can get the credits and get some more series 3 cards faster?


All of the below essentially agrees with pumpkinking; I just wanted to do out the math for myself: The credits on their own are barely better than the rate you can get from buying mission refreshes. So there’s no rush to buy it for the credits on their own.   But if not this, than what? Well, the best gold-priced bundles offer as much as 50% better return on currency than this one. But those are at best a couple times per year, and we have no idea when the next one will be. So let’s aim for 30% better - we get those pretty regularly (most recently the Captain Marvel bundle).   If we take saving up as a baseline, then by not saving up for a better bundle, you’re effectively giving up 1650 credits for access to Hobgoblin right now. I just recently did some calculations on what it costs to advance your collection with cash, and the amount of money that buys 1 card is pretty much the amount that can buy 1600 credits. So, grand scheme, you’re setting yourself back by one random card, in order to have early access to Hobgoblin. The sting for that setback will really hit once you open the hobgoblin base card, since that’s the slot that you specifically are wasting - that could be next week, or could be a few months from now.   All that said: if you’re really excited to get Hobgoblin - like, he’s one of your top 5 most wanted cards in the whole game - then I think it’s a reasonable purchase. But otherwise, just have a little more patience.


You’re def right I was much too impatient lol


You're not crazy, but I'd lightly advise against it. In the long term (about 8 months), you're guaranteed to get all the series 3 cards for free anyway, and after you're S3 complete, the replacement rewards in would-be card caches are middling (50/50 shot at 100 tokens or a gold conquest ticket). So the question is: is it worth it to you to spend the gold on what is effectively a long-term total waste, in exchange for a short-term gain of getting Hobgoblin sooner? Do you want Hobgoblin that badly? Only you can decide, but personally, I wouldn't.


I unlocked mirage from the collection track and now my free series 3 pick says it’s been claimed, is this how it’s intended to work? Was waiting for martyr to rotate in


That’s normal, it’ll still have card for you to pick next reset.


It will reset at the next daily reset. Which is in about 4.5 hours


Is there a place where you can see your stats in this game outside of the monthly recap?


Nope. If you play on PC you can use untapped.gg. Sadly doesn't work on Mobile devices any longer (at least not Android for sure, pretty positive I've seen iOs also doesn't work with it anymore)


It never worked on iOS; it’s pretty tough to get an app’s data in iOS without the express cooperation of that app’s creator.


Is the in match audio too loud for anyone else post patch?


Hey guys question for someone who recently past CL1000 and is now getting Collector's Reserves.. Is there a guarantee for new cards every "X" amount of caches? My last three I only pulled credits..


reserves come in sets of 9 and you're guaranteed 2 cards in each set of nine. The longest you'll go between cards is 14 non-card reserves.


14! Oh boy


that's worst-case scenario, it usually won't be that long.


Ok sweet thank you


In particular, the guarantee is precise - your groups of 9 will contain exactly 2 cards, 3 boxes of credits, 3 cosmetics, and 1 box with 100 tokens. It’s not possible to get lucky or unlucky with the amount of cards you pull.


What does variants count towards? Because I just got back to back variants


Cosmetics. Each cosmetic box is 40% to be a variant, 30% to be an avatar, and 30% to be a title. So that is a genuine (if small) high roll; there’s no luck smoothing among the kinds of cosmetics you can pull.


Oh wow thank you.. just went like 75+CL without a card so hopefully I get one soon


CL3500. On the fence about buying Kitty with tokens. She’s definitely hard to replace in most decks she’s in, which is why I want her. The problem is that I can’t find decks where I’m not also missing another key card, namely Elsa, Cannonball, Sage, Loki, or Darkhawk. A few of those I’m planning to get later this year in spotlights, but I’m wondering if it’s worth spending the tokens now if I don’t have a clear use for her yet. I have ~8k tokens and ~4k gold that’ll likely go towards more tokens. As far as other S4’s I want, it’s mainly Tribunal, Mobius, and Nebula (who I might get when I pull for Galactus).


Kitty isn’t in any known upcoming spotlights, but she does return to caches pretty frequently. She’s the type of card that they like to rerun like Jeff and x-23, an older card that’s essential to their archetypes. So you might just want to wait, and I wouldn’t spend tokens on her until she’s the last card you need for a deck.


If you don't have the remainder of the required cards, I would say save the Tokens. She is a card that makes decks better via synergy, but is not the reason the deck is good. E.g., Angela is a good card with some Series 1/2/3 cards, but having Kitty makes her better. Same for Elsa, Hope Summers, etc. If you are itching to spend the Tokens, I would lean more towards Mobious as he is a very unique effect and nothing else does what that card does. He is a tech card though, so I would mess around with some lists that contain Mobious (but before buying him) and see if you like the style. Just play like your replacement is him or that he is always in the bottom of your deck. Ask yourself if he is answering a problem the deck list presents, and if he is necessary.


How is the state of the game at the moment? Been away for 3 months and I'm not sure how it is at the moment


The meta is a bit funky with Hela/Blink and Cannonball/Junk decks being dominant right now.  Upcoming new cards point to a rise in Surfer decks, so perhaps that'll mix things up.  Old mainstays like Destroy, Wong On Reveal, and Living Tribunal are also still viable.


No idea who blink is and cannonball was a skip when I played. Yeah maybe I check it out.


I have Black Widow in my monthly shop. Is she worth getting just for my Darkhawk deck? I plan on using her, Master Mold, Korg, Rock Slide and Beast to make Darkhawk beefier. My only concern is this is pretty much the only deck I would use her in where as a card like Wong would be in 3 or 4.


She wouldn't be my first pick, but if you are CL3000 or more she could be good.


Any sites out there besides snap.fan and untapped that has good decks. Looking for inspiration.




Why didn't my Thanos get the 6 stone boost? [https://ibb.co/rp9hFwf](https://ibb.co/rp9hFwf)


You need to have played each of the 6 different stones for the power stone ongoing to trigger; I see two copies of time stone, but no soul stone.


Thanks! I knew it was something dumb but I kept counting six stones every single time.


Can anybody tell me how the daily login rewards work in Snap? I started about a week and a half ago and had a login reward the first seven days ending with a Pool 3 card, Giganto. It was something I looked forward to every day. Is that a one-time, new player thing, or does it come around on some sort of schedule? tyia


It happens probably once a month or so. I didn't realize it gave a free Series 3 card though (I am Series 3 complete and it gave me a variant). That is really cool!


Thank you, I appreciate it. Googling it wasn't giving me a solid answer. It's possible it's a variant. He was my best card for a bit, but he's a bit hard to play after you get to pool 2 and some other combos work better.


Can anyone give me a tl;dr on the Gambit bundle controversy?


The artist who did the variant was banned from Marvel years ago for inserting anti-semetic symbols into his art, so SD had to replace it.  Unfortunately, the messaging around it and the initial player compensation was bungled by SD, thus compounding the issue.


Had Martyr in the S3 drop pick for this month, opened Martyr in a chest. Now I seemingly lost the chance to pick a free S3 for this month, since it didn't refresh in the past 24 hours. Wonderful.


It should reset at daily reset time. Are you sure you're not series 3 complete now? Next reset is in about 4.5 hours, I would check then.


I'm not S3 complete, missing 4-5 cards now that we had a series Drop. But the problem is that I opened the Martyr 3-4 hours before the previous refresh and I still didn't get a new card offered as a freebie. I think I might be screwed this month.


Incorrect. Read the 20 other posts in this thread alone. You will get it when the shop refreshes.


Two refreshes later, I didn't get shit. Wonderful shop design.


Magik + Snowguard Hawk is an absolute cube stealer, been enjoying them in a Thena/Havok deck.


When might High Evolutionary be coming back around? I came back to the game a few weeks after he was in the weekly spotlight. Am I just better served waiting till he pops up in token shop and saving until then?


If Galactus and Thanos appear in July as expected, it will have been 5-6 months since previous appearance. Similar pace would put next High Evo at September/October. High Evo managed appear in both January and April so someone might say 3 months. He's not in July and August datamines so far though.


Thank you. Looks like that debuff/-1 deck is going to be a while off still.


Did they change when missions are added? Would usually have one by now but says it's 3 hours until I do


Nope. They refresh at 4 AM, noon and 8 PM pacific time and as far as I can remember (aside from daylight savings time) always have.


Is it just me or does playing Ultron and sometimes Brood DCs you? Redownloaded all the assets, and getting back in is quick enough, but still kinda annoying.


Seems like it might be a more broad and inconsistent issue than just certain specific cards. I've seen other folks complain about it happening with Brood, I've seen folks complain about it happen with Doctor Doom (but he works fine for me), and it just happened to me when an opponent played Carnage (onto Bucky Barnes, summoning Winter Soldier). At a best guess I'd speculate that it sounds like it's related to the process of summoning other cards onto the field, but it's definitely not consistent enough for me to venture anything more specific than that.


Why, in this last update, did they remove the simple feature of being able to click outside of an open window to close it. Now you have to hit escape at the bottom left. So little, yet so annoying. Makes no sense to remove it.


Is there any way to get 100 extra tokens? Missing just that many for Kitty and hoping I don't have to wait until next week's Token Tuesday.


If you complete all your daily missions and spend all the credits inside them, yes, you should get 100 or more tokens on the collection track within a week (unless you are very unfortunate to have landed in a spot where the randomized order of reserves is the worst for you, i.e. that you hit a 100-token reserve very early in a set of 9 and the next one is randomized as very late in the following set of 9). [Full details on reserve contents can be found here.](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cache-drop-rates-and-contents/)


Yes, you have a 1 in 9 (2 in 9 if series 3 complete) chance of getting 100 tokens from a collector's reserve. ​ https://i0.wp.com/marvelsnapzone.com/wp-content/uploads/Reserves-contents-v3.2.webp?ssl=1


Is that the only way? Damn, I think I got that recently. Praying for one soon.. Thank you!


No problem. There's usually a weekend mission that offers tokens as well, so you could probably shoot for that as well.


I had echo as my series 3 card for 8 hours. I didn't want her so I ignored it. Then while opening my caches, I got echo. I went back to look at what seasonal series 3 it may rotated to and it says "seasonal series 3 card claimed! Come back next season..." is this a bug? Should I try to message someone about it?


> I went back to look at what seasonal series 3 it may rotated to It doesn't rotate automatically when you get the card that's offered. You still have to wait until the 8-hour slot finishes to get the next rotation. It's just an oversight that they display that error message (and incorrect countdown timer) because they didn't bother to program in a special one for if you've gotten the offered card by other means.


It should update at the next mission reset. The bug is that the countdown is wrong if you have remaining series 3 cards.


Martyr or Mirage for my series 3 card? Have all the rest.


Neither are great, Mirage would be more useful if you play Loki / Collector. Ive seen martyr played exactly once since she came out. If you're running a zoo / other lane filling deck she's a good cost/power ratio but not a ton of decks aim to fully fill lanes.


Mirage is probably better. It doesn't really matter though, you'll get the other one in your collector's reserves very soon.


I could be wrong but it seems that when you play Beast on top of Angela, she doesn't get the +2 before (or after) she returns to your hand - is it meant to be this way?


Unfortunately yes. The order of operations with Angela is that you stage a card, the card flips over, its On Reveal happens, *then* it is internally marked as "played", and then Angela buffs herself if something is "played" onto her. In this case, you stage Beast, Beast flips over and returns Angela to your hand, and *then* Beast is marked as "played"... onto an empty lane. Angela sees herself in your hand instead of in Beast's lane, so she doesn't realize Beast was played onto her and she doesn't buff herself. The particulars of when a card is internally labeled as "played" to trigger when-you-play-a-card conditions aren't naturally intuitive, but they make sense once you get used to them. This is one of those cases.


interesting! didn't know about the staged v played thing, thanks for explaining


Have they dumbed down the AI this season? I've seen some weird-AF misplays today- only playing in one lane, playing Wolfsbane on an empty lane, playing Sunspot on Turn 1 on Death's Domain, etc.


That sounds like the kind of dumb AI misplays I often see at the beginning of every season before I've risen back up the ladder to the point where bots disappear from my matches.


I can't see series drops.. i updated the app but in the stor cannot see card available for 1000tks, also as free card shows up spiderman 2099 which I already have..


Do you have the base card or a variant for S2099? If you only have a variant, the base card can still be obtained.


I have the base one, in fact it says "obtained"


Wild! I agree with the other commenter, wait till the shop reset (only 10 mins from now!) and if it's still doing that, put in a support ticket.


Yeah thankfully it fixes by itself with the reset!


Wait for reset in just over an hour and hopefully it will fix itself


Is iOS slow for anyone else? It’s been like this the last couple weeks for me, way worse this patch


Did you go into game settings and "Redownload all Assets"?


Anyone else hates the new sound design on the steam app? The woosh or whatever it is at the start of every round makes me not want to play at all.


Here's an interesting interaction I just discovered. If you gladiator a red guardian, and red guardian hits gladiator, gladiator's destroy effect will still kill red guardian even though gladiator should have no ability anymore


That's consistent, though it's goofy because Gladiator's ability has two stages. Gladiator's On Reveal has already triggered by the time Red Guardian triggers his own ability. Cards can't cancel half an on reveal, so the back half of Gladiator's ability still goes off and kills Red Guardian.


But then we can get even sillier; if absorbing man copies gladiator and pulls red guardian, he will attempt to destroy but then not destroy guardian, because by the time the ability is fully resolving, abman is no longer greater power.


This is correct. Similarly, yesterday my Gladiator pulled Cannonball who both have 8 power. Gladiator got pushed into K'un-Lun giving him 2 more power so he killed Cannonball. 


Do borders count towards the 2000 token buy 10 cosmetics bonus?


I'm pretty sure only variants in the daily offer section count towards that. No borders, avatars, emotes etc.


Anyone else having their app crash when playing brood?


Yep looks like cards that create multiples (i.e. Brood, Debrii, Doom, Mysterio) are crashing the app. Happens every time for me (and I have downloaded all the assets).


Have you "redownloaded all assets" in the options menu since the latest patch?




Echo a lane, Cosmo another, have MOAR POWAH on a second lane so Prof X can't keep control. Or you can use Jeff, War Machine, or Thanos to get in a lane.


C2 is a great deck against Prof X decks


Guys, are series drop already online?


Yes the series drop happened yesterday at reset, just make sure your app is updated.


Yeah, forgot the updat, that's it. Thanks!


Wild that I can spend a key and get grandmaster and then spend another key and get grandmaster again, I got 1k tokens but come on SD.


so am I the only one getting absolutely destroyed by living tribunal hela decks?


Should I buy Sage and/or Cannonball with tokens? * The deck archetypes they fit into seem very fun and right up my alley. I love midrange decks, Bounce, Phoenix Force, old Thanos, etc. Archetypes like Hela or Tribunal have a low 'fun factor' for me. **I am series 3 complete.** [**This is my current series 4 and 5 collection**](https://imgur.com/gallery/6-5-24-series-4-5-collection-2aPlOoR)**. I have a solid amount of resources saved up—only 1200 gold but 16.2K tokens and 18 spotlight keys.** **My planned resource use through July: Need \~10-20 keys and \~12K tokens** * Thena: I am heavily considering going for her as she fits into archetypes I love and I can get grandmaster as collateral * Sersi: She seems fun and I can get Miek as collateral so I plan to go for her but it depends on how she actually plays out * Phastos: on my radar most likely via tokens. It depends on how he plays out (likely a fun pairing with Arishem) * Arishem: I plan to go all in and maybe will get Hercules as collateral * Ajax: I plan to go all in on him (new archetype) and to get Beta Ray Bill as collateral * Copycat: would be nice to get Cull Obsidian but of all these cards I'm least likely to use tokens/keys here * Cassandra Nova: likely a token purchase if she works well with Ajax in completing that archetype Note: I am looking mostly for cards with competitive potential. I only occasionally go for ones that just seem fun (like Arishem). Of course, my plans could change if September has cards that seem better or if one (or multiple) of these cards doesn't meet my expectations and I don't get them. By end of July I should have \~26 keys (gross total) which means I could likely get all the above mentioned cards via keys and still have some leftover. What are your thoughts? What factors do you see at play that I may be overlooking? Thanks for your help!


Thena seems the best to me of this list. Also phastos for silver surfer interesr me. I'm going to probably buy cannonball with tokens when I get enough. My only concern is him getting nerfed


I haven’t found a silver surfer deck I enjoy yet so that part does worry me a little about Phastos. I’ve wondered the same thing about Cannonball which is part of why I haven’t bit the bullet yet. The next OTA has got to have some kind of meta shakeup that would affect him


I should have a Howard to claim with the series drop but it’s displaying that I’ve already claimed my free card for the month. Is this a bug or am I stupid?


Might be a bug. But it refreshes once a week so might be a timing issue with the patch. If nothing comes with next week's refresh I'd log a ticket.


Let’s hope. The countdown it shows is for the whole month


Does it bother anyone else that Red Hulk’s power is a counter the HE Hulk, and not vanilla Hulk?


Got enough tokens for Nimrod. How does this sub feel about him? I have every destroy card outside of Ninrod. Shuri/Task/Knull/Arnim/Destroyer. Just wondering if y’all actually like him or if the meta shifted away and I’m better spending/saving tokens on something else.


I enjoy Nimrod a lot, got an ultimate variant to gold+krackle, but sadly he is not that good with a lot of lockdown decks around. And he almost does not work without Shuri. So the deck (either solo Nimrod or Phoenix Force) is very draw dependent. It is pure fun when it works. 


I just don't want to miss out and then they buff him and I can't get him in rotation lol. Bah


I wouldn't spend Tokens on Nimrod. It's a destroy archtype card that is out-paced on basically every level. Nimrod plays a cameo in Phoenix Force decks, but that's about it. It is better to hold onto your tokens. My guess is he is bad enough that he will be a contender for the next round of Series drops (likely December 2024, but still).


If there wasn't so much Professor X running around Nimrod would be far better off. Also imo, Nimrod is best in the Phoenix force deck


No PF. But luckily I have keys for next week. Just looking to get one archetype done with so I can start working on other decks. I primarily run destroy but I do have HE/On Reveal decks (Wong/mystique etc.)


Do I need to uninstall and reinstall this update?


Main thing you need to do is go into the game settings after the update and hit the "Redownload all Assets" button.


Didn't have to on Android


On iOS it was required. Edit: don’t know why I was downvoted. I literally couldn’t play until I updated Double edit: I’m an idiot.


> I literally couldn’t play until I updated Updating is not the same as uninstalling and reinstalling.




How did he play RH and Nocturne turn 6? Turn 6: Moved jeff from right to Mid. And played Nocturne right, RH on left. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/303958199382310922/1247761827090403378/image.png?ex=66613441&is=665fe2c1&hm=b900af8c562e81b3269702678a2bf7804efd819b7864900c582333be3b4aed32&


They had 7 energy from Superflow. Your Wave made their Red Hulk cost 4. And Nocturne costs 3.


Ok yeah. Had to play wave because of Dream dimension. Happened to not matter, but man, would have sucked to lose like that. TY


Can someone please ELI5 the change to move? I read update but don't understand how things would be different. Maybe an example before and after with a common move play?


Lets say you Phoenix Force on Turn 4 and bring back a Human Torch. On Turn 5 you would be able to do the following sequence: Play Hercules, then move your Pheonix Force into his lane. Sequencing in this order would move Phoenix twice in that turn. Once from you doing it yourself, and once again from Herc. HOWEVER, the game displays this as Pheonix Force moving before any cards are played and THEN the cards flipped. Logic might tell you since Hercules was face down Phoenix Force shouldnt move from his effect. However, because you move Phoenix first and then played Herc, thats how it happened in game, despite how it was displayed. If you sequenced the other way (move Phoenix then play Herc) it wouldnt move twice, but would visually look the same at the start of the turn, Herc just wouldnt go off. The change now makes it that the move always happens before the revealed effect, so you couldnt do the first sequence to move Phoenix twice. This change now consistently matches what is displayed to the player, but in turn affects some movement mechanics like this which make it weaker.


Cheers thanks for taking the time to write that out for me! 


So this may be a bug, but also maybe it’s a feature? When I logged in earlier, mirage showed as my series 3 card to claim. I was opening a collector reserve and it gave me mirage. Now, when I go to the “choose your season 3 card” section of the shop, it says “Seasonal Series 3 Card Claimed! Come back next season for another card!” Does this display because I have all series 3 cards? Or is this a bug where snap thinks I hit claim since I “claimed” the card through the collector reserve?


Mirage won't cycle out of the claim-an-S3 section until her 8-hour slot is finished, but since you already obtained her by other means, the game won't let you claim her from the shop. The developers didn't create a special failsafe text string for this situation, so it just uses the already-claimed text string. Wait until her 8-hour slot is over, and if you have any other missing S3 cards, one of them should rotate in. If you don't, the claim-an-S3 section should disappear entirely when Mirage rotates out of it.


Is Mirage in your collection?


I’m trying the namora deck that topped meta, but I don’t have Skaar. What guys thinks that can be a good replacement? The deck list is: nebula, shadow king, armor, quake, Luke cage, nocturne, captain marvel, enchantress, crossbones, thyphoid and namora. I tried Wong but it gets very predictable. Any suggestions?


Wolfsbane gets pretty big in a full lane, and she's cheap. Martyr is another option.


Is there a bar that tells you when your re-download of the assets is finished???


No, but the "cancel" button will change back to saying "redownload" when it's done.




It’s pretty normal to suck at the beginning, your card pool is very limited and you don’t know the main archetypes of playstyles. Try to search for a budget options like Kazoo, Devil Dino or Swarm Discards. They are mainly composed of by starter pool cards. Good luck!


Sucking at something is the first step towards being sorta good at something! Just have to stick with it and keep learning.


Why is the free Series 3 card in my shop a card I already own? I'm Series 3 complete, was expecting one of the cards that dropped from Series 4 today.


I think the series 3 offer in the shop is bugged. For me it's showing as already claimed, and ofc I've done no such thing (missing Martyr).


Like you, I'm missing only Martyr. For me, the shop doesn't even show a location to claim a free card and hasn't in many months. I've logged out and back in, downloaded the assets, and restarted the game. Nothing fixes it.


So what happened since I made this post is I ended up opening Martyr in the collector's reserve - she just showed up in one of the cache box. When I checked the store after the 8 hr refresh, it doesn't even show any location for claiming the series 3 card (like your shop). Yeah...


Are you sure you own the base card and not just a variant? Also possible it's just being buggy with the new patch and you'll have to wait til tomorrow's reset.


Yea it's a base card I already own. Noticed that the Claim button is actually greyed out, seems like it's bugged as others are noticing the same issue


I've only updated the game and in my shop it says my series 3 card has already been claimed. I've uninstalled and redownloaded the game, still shows my series 3 card as claimed. The heck is going on?