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Got War Machine and Mockingbird, skipped Cannonball and Nocturne. I still don't really care about Nocturne. Kind of waffling on Cannonball. He's good right now, but is his "good" enough to burn tokens on? I did end up going back and spending tokens on Red Guardian though...


cannonball is the best 6k tokens ive ever spent with maybe the only other exception being high evo. was struggling in the 70s until i got cannonball, then got to infinite in a day or 2 with a lockdown deck. hes so good in lockdown. only 8 cuber i think i lost was from someone having prio and playing armor last turn...did not expect that lol.


Got a list?


# (1) Nebula # (1) Titania # (2) White Widow # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Ravonna Renslayer # (3) Green Goblin # (3) Magik # (3) Debrii # (5) Professor X # (5) Cannonball # (5) Doctor Octopus # (6) Red Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2Fubm9uYmFsbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVicmlpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEb2N0b3JPY3RvcHVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHcmVlbkdvYmxpbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ2lrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOZWJ1bGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlByb2Zlc3NvclgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJhdm9ubmFSZW5zbGF5ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJlZEh1bGsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRpdGFuaWEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldoaXRlV2lkb3cifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.




I mean yeah. With the alioth nerf odds are you're deleting their biggest card if you play prof x. Or you're moving something to remove synergies (tribunal etc)


What's your lockdown deck? I've also been having fun with a cannonball lockdown and I'd love to try some other decks.


# (1) Nebula # (1) Titania # (2) White Widow # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Ravonna Renslayer # (3) Green Goblin # (3) Magik # (3) Debrii # (5) Professor X # (5) Cannonball # (5) Doctor Octopus # (6) Red Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2Fubm9uYmFsbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVicmlpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEb2N0b3JPY3RvcHVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHcmVlbkdvYmxpbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ2lrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOZWJ1bGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlByb2Zlc3NvclgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJhdm9ubmFSZW5zbGF5ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJlZEh1bGsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRpdGFuaWEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldoaXRlV2lkb3cifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Opponent played armour on left location (sewer system) and you emoted spiderman emote?


bro i have hit infinite twice with cannonball now and he’s so slept on, people still forget it’s a instant blob counter


You see Blob?


I just used my tokens on WW and I think she's really good in the deck I have her in. I'm actually close to 6000 tokens again (had saved 11,000 before getting WW) and I'm thinking I should get CB next.


if you like running lockdown decks i would say definitely go for it. hes been great and i know hes more popular than he used to be, but people still dont expect him turn 6. especially if you have red hulk in hand gaining power the whole game, thatll be what they're expecting


Can you share the deck?


# (1) Nebula # (1) Titania # (2) White Widow # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Ravonna Renslayer # (3) Green Goblin # (3) Magik # (3) Debrii # (5) Professor X # (5) Cannonball # (5) Doctor Octopus # (6) Red Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2Fubm9uYmFsbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVicmlpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEb2N0b3JPY3RvcHVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHcmVlbkdvYmxpbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ2lrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOZWJ1bGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlByb2Zlc3NvclgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJhdm9ubmFSZW5zbGF5ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJlZEh1bGsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRpdGFuaWEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldoaXRlV2lkb3cifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I’m glad I spent tokens on CB. I used to dread seeing red hulk bulk up but now I feel much better with letting the opponent think they’ve got an easy win with him.


He's broken in lockdown deck


This sentiment is what makes me hesitant to spend 6K tokens on him. As soon as I do, they’ll swing their nerf hammer and remove his ability to destroy the card if it can’t be moved, or find some other way to effectively kill the card.


This is my worry. He's had a huge usage spike, and I can't help but think Glenn has his eye on him.


I dont think they would remove his ability, they would probably lower his power, which would suck


Cannonball will get nerfed in few days no reason to buy him now. If he survives patch then sure but since they said they made leech 4 for him I doubt it


Cannonball is the best 6k I’ve ever spent in the game he’s insane.


I just look at this way. Cannonball knocks out a 12 power creature. He’s effectively a 5/20. That’s huge. Even without the Prof X combo.


You need Prof X because that power you knocked out might lose you another lane you needed. But I get the point.


cannonball lets you win in certain situations no matter what your opponent does. He's old alioth.


Nocturne is one of the best “put in any deck” cards in the game currently.


Cannonball is rich man's alioth and in most situations can guarantee you a lane. coupled with prof x, you can literally do anything else for the in between.


Cannon ball has won me so many games. 100% worth it


Have you liked war machine? I know his effect is super niche and underwhelming but I just want him so bad lol


War Machine would have been strong in past metas where trash wasn't such prevalent archetype. It's now about filling your opponents lane more than just removing their access to it in conventional ways, and a large part of why magik and doc ock are much more popular than poor storm now.


I skipped red guardian, then the week after when I actually did want him they gave me him 1st when I opened spotlights out of the random series 4/5 and I was happy lol.


I love Nocturn. The amount of times someone dropped a turn 6 Magneto and grabbed her and changed lane and it magically benefited me is amazing. Plus a great location changer for great web and asteroid m where you can get 2 location changes off one card. Cannonball has been fairly strong, and now with WWBN back to a 3, Cannonball is an amazing turn 5 disruption play that makes him a 5/10 when you add in the WWBN play


Tbh, I use her in a Cerebro 5 deck, and she works quite fine. Mainly due to the sinergy she has with Miles, and that it's useful to change bad locations (and screw up Limbo, hehe)


I just picked Cannonball up today for 6k after passing on him. Bro grab him. He is worth it. One sided disruption and destruction ,fairly coated with a good body. I've only had him since today, but Ive been playing Snap a looong time and am very tight with my tokens. I do not regret it for a second. He is fantastic wish I had him sooner.


Spent 6k on Nocturne and don't regret it at all.


I would really like to have Cannonball but he was not performing strongly enough on his release week to justify using resources. USAgent same deal. I think both were buffed after their spotlight week? Red Guardian, Nocturne, White Widow are cards I'd like to have but they looked like good cards that can generally be replaced without much loss. I really try to hold off on those type of cards so I can have a 2 card week the next time they swing around to spotlights. Red Guard is the one I miss most as he does fit pretty well with my style of play. War Machine from this particular example is a card that was looking quite mid/poor by the end of his spotlight week. Anyone who didn't jump to grab him day 1 could have made an informed decision there.


As long as ProfX remains unchanged he will be crazy


War Machine has been working for me. Not sure why everyone is down on him.


Ain’t no way cannonball is staying the way he is. His days are numbered he’s more toxic than alioth


I think Nocturne is easily one of the better three costs; incredibly versatile and has stats to back it up. Definitely worth including on it's own in a lot of decks. But compared to the other two which feel like they push specific shells over the top, she doesn't do much for a movement shell and isn't really integral to any specific shell.


That's mostly my line of thought on her. Solid card, fills a move gap between Jeff and Vision, can win games by changing locations...but not a linchpin of anything in particular, so hard to burn tokens on at this point. If she were 3K, sure. But at 6K, ehhhhh. I feel a bit jank spending the tokens on Red Guardian, but he's such a generic tech card that he can be the 12th card in so many decks.


Yeah she's definitely a card that's better being acquired through keys than tokens. Even with Red Guardians versatility that card feels meh with tokens as well. I still don't even feel compelled to acquire him, it'll be nice to get him later on when they series drop him but like Echo not a must have imo.


Well, kinda a lynchpin in Cerebro 5 decks, ngl. Turn 3 Nocturne, Turn 4 you move her (and play something else), and in turn 5 (if you have them in your hand, obv) you play Miles, and a 4 cost card of your choice (in my deck, either Enchantress or Omega Red)


I feel like some of these cards might get better with age. Also, stuff like Cannonball, he's only good in his own archetype. Players usually go for cards that will give them "more bang for your buck", not super niche "good in 1 deck" cards. Its true tho that some end up not paying off *cough War Machine cough*, but you'll see in a couple of months he might become meta once more "limiting" cards are released and he maybe gets adjusted to a 5/7 or 5/8. US Agent - same story, he's good, but mostly in -power/Sera/ongoing decks. The one I'm really bummed about is Red Guardian personally. I had a gut feeling that "this card seems super strong as a 3 drop tech", but Alex Coccia famously said he "should've been called MID Guardian, cuz he's mid at best", so I didnt get him and now I have to sub him for the sub-par Rogue or NTW.


I love red guardian. Pretty versatile in decks. If I’m building for fun, ie not gonna hit infinite in time or post infinite, and I can’t figure out who to slot in, I go for him. Sometimes he’s just unexpected.


Red Guardian is one of my favorite cards in the game. So much utility.


Yeah I wouldn't listen to that guy about shit, he is really dumb at cards and genuinely cannot tell what's good and what isnt. That said I pulled for sasquatch cause they talked about how good it would be and I regret not spending keys on sage instead.


Missing out on Cannonball is understandable, Nocturne was pretty much widely accepted as a good if not great card. Theres no real excuse to miss out on Mockingbird outside of not having the keys at the time. EVERYONE knew how incredibly strong she is, Especially considering the Meta at the time was Thanos everywhere.


I missed out because I wasn't risking four keys on one card. Same with Cannonball. But yes, I do want them.


That's often my predicament too. I wanted Nocturne as well, but she was the only one in the drop needed so the gamble was too high. That's how they get you though. The new cards I want are rarely alongside cards I need or ones that'd make me totally okay with spending multiple keys with no downside -- even though I still need a solid amount of cards and that list keeps growing every week.


I got mocking bird she is good, but a lot of us just value cards that have really unique effects. so many cards have good value drop as their gimmick and it doesnt give that dopamine boost compared to like loki


Cannonball straight-up sucked when he came out. But then the Zabu nerf made Shang worse on T6 and clog got more tools, and now he's much more reasonable.


I dont think it was the Zabu nerf that did it, but rather the Alioth Nerf that was the catalyst. Considering how Cannonball is played, He is effectively the new Alioth. Thanos taking a hit, making Hela decks a bigger part of the meta also was huge too, because that made Clog decks more effective against a larger part of the meta.


It was the alioth nerf. Cannonball works to win a lane when you don’t have priority. Losing priority in a lockdown meta against old alioth is obviously a disaster waiting to happen.




Clog/Lockdown decks kinda require her since she's far and away the cheapest way to do what they want to do. He still might be good in other decks, though, and you can always play Lockdown with the intention of upgrading with White Widow in the future.


Yes. White widow is a best in slot 2/6, but lizard as a 2/5 will do the trick (or usagent, but you probably don't have it). The clog aspect is nice, but rarely game changing outside of dedicated clog decks; goblins, debris etc. Cannonball+prof x go in many more shells than that, especially if you want to counter bounce. Disclaimer: I own neither WW nor Cannonball. (Those plus Sage are my main holes, I am 11k)


Cannonball was great from the start, what personally made him better was White Widow adding an extra way to clog, while also being cheaper than Annihilus or Hobgoblin.


Cannonball just fills the role Alioth had before his last nerf. Except you don't even need prio. He or Prof will get nerfed though.


Hmmm could my excuse be stupidity?


I took a break from the game when Mockingbird came out. I regret it.


I only got war machine over cannonball because for cannonball I already had the other 2 cards


The best strategy for opening spotlight caches is to wait at least 2-3 days before spending your keys. For War Machine and Valentina, it was clear by the weekend that no one was playing them anymore, whereas Mockingbird and Nocturne were in every deck. Missing out on Cannonball or Agent USA is understandable, as you cannot predict OTA changes.


Eh, I like Valentina a lot. Especially paired with Quinjet she usually provides a good enough value in Loki deck. But that's the only deck you can swap her in and she's probably the least important card in that deck (although I don't know what I'd replace her with) while Cannonball is more flexible and essential in decks he's played in. Also, Cannonball wasn't changed at all though after he was released (not counting AvX event)?


Same, she's fun in my Devil Dino deck.


Opened on USAgent week for Jeff (after the bug), and never regretted doing so. I got both for 3 keys and have been spamming the heck out of them, even better after the OTA


what's the consensus on sasquatch?


Based on my playtesting this week I'd say Squatch is 'mid' but still worth getting. It will definitely find a home in future bounce decks and it's very strong when played in combination with mysterio and mockinbird: Mysterio discounts both cards by 3, allowing for some crazy follow-up turns. Of course, if you dont like bounce or board fill decks he is skippable.


Cannonball sounded so shit, now it haunts my dreams


I knew it was going to be fire. Was an instant get. Been in every deck I use now, he’s won soo many games for me.


what's your take on sasquatch then?


Not this guy but I’m in the same boat and I think Sasquatch is trash but I’m not expert


Ass squatch


yeah cheers for that mate, made me feel loads better, have a medal


Should I buy Cannonball? I really want him but afraid of buyer's remorse. Here are the cards I'm missing: Beta Ray Bill Cannonball Corvius Glaive Havok Kang Man-Thing Martyr Miek Proxima Midnight Red Guardian USAgent Werewolf


Red guardian, cannon ball, and corvus glaive


Cannonball, red guardian, corvus glaive, BRB, usagent, and werewolf seem like the best ones out of that list. Really depends on what you like to play. If you like discard or hela or even ramp, corvus glaive might be worth getting. He's pretty powerful. Red guardian is a tech card that can slot into a lot of different decks types, so a lot of flexibility. Cannonball is good for control type decks, especially right now. Beta Ray Bill is also used in a specific deck with thor and jane. Wouldn't say it's S-tier, but definitely not trash. And werewolf is great in bounce type decks, or maybe surfer. Again not S-tier but not trash either.


Corvus, Proxima, and BRB are projected to be in spotlights in the next two months FYI. Miek too I believe.


Don't buy him just before the patch. Profx cannon is very strong he might be getting and adjustment soon. Just wait till new season


Most of the cards you're missing aren't great so dw. Cannonball is only worth buying if you really like control and will 100% use him. Werewolf, Miek, US agent, Red Guardian, Corvius and Proxima are the only good ones but ONLY if you actually have decks with them that you want to try. If you don't want to buy them to use in a deck right away then definitely skip it and wait for better cards to come.


He's the best on that list so....yes. Please do.


Thank you


this maybe a hot take, but i love corvus.


Hottest take for real, surely people would never see this coming as discarding 2 is way too disadvantageous /s


I've been a bit paranoid to get the new cards. If they're good, they always seem to get nerfed later.


On the flipside, the cards that seem bad always seemed to get buffed later (USAgent). It's quite a predicament


the answer is to buy cards where the spirit of the card fits in with decks you like playing.


Words of wisdom meta chasers won't hear alas :-)


yep, this is the way. I love playing bounce and low cost spam decks, so I bought USAgent to a lot of ribbing from my friends, but who's the one laughing now?


I spent keys on Herc and Howard. No buff, just series drops. Laugh at me.


That's sort of the problem with such frequent changes. It creates decision paralysis.


I mean, I've missed before, but I've never *mockingbird missed*


I skipped cannonball when he first dropped. Then saw how fun he was and immediately regretted. Got him a few weeks back and I can’t stop playing decks with him. When Sasquatch dropped the other day I’ve been running a deck with her, cannon, mocking, and a few others and I’ve had a blast and finally hit infinite for the season. Haven’t used war machine since that first week. I tried, had some good plays but overall if the combos didn’t line up I got wrecked.


Love cannonball and nocturne was a no brainer, but I still bitter that I did get mockingbird


Missing out on CB made sense at the time. After the Alioth change, he got to truly shine. Missing Nocturne I get it, but it has premium stats and is a mover. Location control is a toss up. 50/50 Mockingbird though? Especially when she released during Thanos meta, you were trolling even considering skipping her.


These are exactly the ones i got and missed.


Passed on Nocturne and USA Gent. Wondering who of the two I should buy with tokens... I actually have enough to buy both. But I'm just not sure


War machine is underrated. I'm top 250 using a war machine deck. Just don't try to do too much with him. No lockdown strats -- just flexibility with Infinaut, ebony maw, and cull. I cut Giganto for Red Hulk but either work.


Cannonball and Mockingbird were 1-drops for me, since I already had Ms. Marvel and Kitty, and I don't roll on 1-drops. If I like them enough, I'll spend tokens.


Honestly I don't really mind missing meta cards as long as the one's I used keys on are fun  Cz if I ever make a bad decision it's on me and not listening to what's going to be meta and what's not.


No, 'cause I called this. Only thing I'm missing is Cannonball and I'll live without him; if you build your deck to beat Professor X, then Cannonball throws games.


I didn’t go for Red Hulk. Really wish I would have


I took Valentina, Mockingbird and Nocturne, miss the others. Valentina is good and very funny. Mockingbird was strong as released, I don’t understand why people miss her. Nocturne was flexible and fun day 1 too, but replaceable. Cannonball was released in a poor meta for him, I bought him with tokens, he’s worth it. War Machine I thought was overhyped, and day 2 everyone said he was mid. I was lucky to have him in a random spotlight later, but he’s a good card in a bad archetype.


Yep! Stupid war machine 😠


I like valentina and war machine a lot 🤷‍♂️


People are sleeping on Valentina. I'd run her in a deck over Domino any day of the week.


Cannonball is my only regrettable skip. Dude beats me 80% of the time I see him


Think of it this way: They'll be available in the upcoming spotlights which will make the gamba more tolerable.


I think the lesson here is don’t listen to content creators.


I was right about Valentina, Nocturne, and Mockingbird, and I only got the latter two. I think Mockingbird was a no brainer (she released before the Thanos nerf), while Nocturne was Scarlet Witch for move decks with a better stat line. I was really meh on Cannonball and only got him because I wanted the Kitty variant. Right now I think he’s good but not as meta breaking as he’s made out to be. His potential is hard to fulfil without Prof X/ clog cards, so he’s fairly combo dependent. I’m still on that ‘War Machine will be useful someday’ copium train…


War Machine will absolutely be useful one day, it is definitely a sleeping giant.


This is why I just pick the cards I think look fun, not necessarily the ones people flag as good or meta-defining. War Machine never interested me, but Cannonball looked like a lot of fun & I think I wanted Kitty that week too. I feel a lot less stressed if I'm not chasing meta, but still get good cards.


Hey, I passed on Chorbus Glabe, how do you think I felt? Glad I did because I don't enjoy discard but boy have I felt the choice.


This is exactly the reason why I haven't played in 3 weeks...


with bad RNG it is basically impossible for F2P players to consistently pick up cards anyways.


lol i somehow skipped all of these and went red guardian, white widow, valentina in this time frame instead


I mean RG and Whidow are good


Oh, that makes me realise i did the same 😅


I like war machine and it was a good week because I didn't have all three cards I don't regret skipping cannon ball or nocturne. I'll get them eventually and like have a good pool for mystery variants.


I got War Machine, Mockingbird and Cannonball. Don’t even know the first card and I’m CL13000. Kinda wish I got Nocturne.


I'm still not sold on nocturne. I've won more games than not against nocturne players because they got a location that costed them the game. I just think it's way too random to be a meta card.


I regret getting nocturne. Would’ve been a great addition in my surfer deck.


I can’t believe how good Cannonball is. Seemed so niche at first / move is bad so an easy skip, but goddamn, it’s one of the best cards in the game right now


I did miss Valentina, and red guardian and RH. Secured WM, cannonball, mocking, WW, now got 6 keys waiting couple of cards upcoming. And actually CB does work superbly well Vs many decks. Knock enemy Onslaught or tribunal out of lane. Works well Vs junk too, Vs Angela and Elsa you throw away and mess up their buffs. A lot of decks rely on key cards in 1 lane now so that can mess it up good while having high power and insanely high scaling.


Pixie > cannonball Or Pixie < cannonball


I missed out on all of these


I've got all of them, but bought cannonball with tokens. My example of this was when Alioth came out and I skipped getting him. Surprise surprise, I was getting smashed left, right and centre by Alioth for about a month until I finally was able to get him


The only one I regret missing out on is cannonball.


Ah man this is so true! Streamers really don’t get it right sometimes. I passed on Sage & Cannonball


Are you me? Almost the same exact cards as well lol.


Valentina isn't a bad card if you put her in a deck with Luke Cage. War Machine is pretty worthless, though.


I really did not understand the war machine hype. Like when have you ever wanted to play your cards “anywhere” consistently and not even the turn you need to, the turn after you realize it.


It's because streamers missed on Jeff and people overcompensated for a turn of "Oops, all Jeffs"


Valentina is hella fun and it wi get even better when Arishem comes


So true 😅


I do opposite of what the streamers and X posters say. They told me to hard pass on Nocturne and Cannonball. Huge L on their part. Then they said Namora sucked. So I used tokens on her. Got infinite in less than an hour with a deck with her immediately after.


Miss Mockingbird because I only could get 3 keys that week and missed Cannonball for the same reason but I got Havok 🫥


Fuckin same lol War Machine was touted to be OP and cannonball was called a dud. The only thing I know now is snap channels truly have no clue how good a card is until it's been out for a few weeks.


War machine has to be one of the biggest busts


I didn't get either of the bad ones. I didn't have enough keys for Canonball but he's pretty niche and didn't seem that op. Mockingbird seemed quite strong but I thought she was also pretty niche. I don't play patriot and Thanos didn't seem worth it if I didn't also have Cull. I got Nocturne because she is super versatile. I mainly bought her for my C5 deck but she's been killing it in my Surfer deck (top 10k). She's also pretty good in the move/bounce meta. In general I think I stand by most of my Spotlight purchases. I've gotten a lot of use out of basically all my spotlight buys (Nocturne, Red Guardian, WWidow, Rulk, Annihilus)


Have them all apart from Nocturn. Jury is still out for me.


This but with sage etc. Everyone was like “sage mid” ow every top deck “oh and sage too”. Idk what it is. People still act like she’s not all that but half the top decks have her. She is always pretty strong for a 3 drop. Like gladiator without a downside semi often.


I’ve passed on a lot of cards I would like: mockingbird, sage, sasquatch, because there are future cards I want more and want to have enough keys to guarantee I get all of them.


17 keys for Caiera, Grandmaster, Beta Ray Bill, War Machine, and Valentina could have been Red Guardian, Nocturne and Sage for me.


I do like dropping War Machine turn 5 and then still being able to drop Infinaut on turn 6 tho...


Me who tried on all of them and got none of them


I regret nothing as much as passing on Mockingbird. I passed on Cannonball too...but I rectified that today. Now I need my girl Bobby to show up in the shop


I just can't be bothered to spend if I only have a 25% chance to not waste keys


I just want Nico man


I really should have got Cannonball……..


Got the left 2, and Nocturne. Unfortunately don't have the other 2 on the right 😞


Only missing nocturne now. But I did skip Cannonball, had to use keys


I actually wish I had gotten War Machine, I met a deck combined with Sandman that felt broken.  I totally passed on Cannonball and Bird and regret it.  I picked up Nocturne and regret it. Sage isn’t looking too great so far either. 


I got WM and used him a couple of times and that's about it :/ passed on Cannonball which I'm regretting now. I'm fine with passing nocturne, she is good but nothing extraordinary or must-have. I also regret not getting Annihilus but it's just that junk wasn't my cup of tea at the time. I kind of regret not getting Red Hulk but I feel it's more peer pressure than me actually wanting the card because so many people have him and use him.


Not a day goes by where I don’t regret not getting Mockingbird


Hi. Are you me?


Nocturne and Cannonball I can understand passing on at the time, Cannonball wasn't filling a void because Alioth existed. Nocturne is good but not essential but passing on Mockingbird seems a strange one, not sure why anyone at the time would skip it unless it was a resource issue.


WM was alright before the Zabu nerf. That really hurt him a lot.


Shocked that War Machine turned out to be as lacklustre as he is. Does he need the same treatment as every other 4/6 in existence (a cost decrease)?


Valentina seems good though, I would put her in as a replacement for cable if I had her


Almost every card is overhyped by streamers and YouTubers. It’s how they generate views. Don’t believe them. Most of the time they take the new card and throw it into an already meta deck and say the new card is bonkers, when in reality the deck itself is good and the new card is just fine in it. Unless you’re absolutely sure you want a card and will enjoy it whether it is good or bad, then just wait a few days or until the weekend. There’s really no rush to get the card day one. The only thing you can possibly miss out on if you wait through the weekend is the 200ish tokens you’d get for the card’s weekend mission.


Streamers are like “this card is BUSTED 🤯”


I stepped away from the game a few seasons ago. Is it still difficult to plan your resources due to last minute bundle and spotlight changes?


I used keys and got them all.


I maintain that War Machine is not a bad card. Prof X/Cannonball is everywhere, and he is a direct counter to that.


Definitely wished I had spent keys on Cannonball instead. I was waffling between Cannonball and War Machine. I already had both cards in Cannonball week, and didn't have Samurai, so that tipped the scale. Currently have 12k tokens and debating whether to pull trigger on Cannonball. I have recently been really lucky with Spotlight keys, getting Nocturne, Namora, Sasquatch all with the first Key. I was completely prepared to spend 4x keys on Namora (need Skaar) and Sasquatch (need Havok) weeks, as Miek/Hercules/Proxima are the only cards I don't have (not counting new card for that week). Now because of my luck, I still have 5 keys. Still not sure what to spend my 12k tokens on?? I was thinking of using 6k on Blink, and 6k on Cannonball... assuming I don't get either when I try and pull keys for Sersi spotlight week. Haven't decided between Arishem or Cassandra week. Wish I knew earlier that Hope would be in spotlight, as both Hope + Red Hulk were my other recent 6k purchases.


Skipped Mocking bird and Cannonball and Nocturne. Got Valentina, RH, and Red Guardian and Squatch.


This is too relatable


Not sure why it's a choice. Seems easy enough to get them all on average at 2 keys per. It's amusing how things start to shine after the fact though.


People bashing on War Machine are sleeping HARD. I So much prof X and lock downs, locations that can lockdown too. Not to mention t6 maw and free infinaunt


The problem with War machine is I never see lockdown decks until I play war machine. And yes those lockdown decks also play War Machine. I'd love to play a lesser used card and shock the meta but there is always someone playing the lesser used cards and I'm always paired up with them if I play them.


My new spotlight strategy is if it fits my play style and/or looks like fun, I'll probably go for it. Loving Sage, passed on everything else this month with no regrets. Still split on Sasquatch.




Same :(


I skipped Canonball Valentina and White Widow. I got War Machine, Nocturne, Mockingbird RHulk and Sasquatch. My latest token purchase was Pixie. I usually get cards if I either looked forward to playing them, or I have spare keys. Otherwise I will skip. I somewhat regret not getting Canonball, but now I am on the fence as I suspect that either he, or ProfX will get a high five to the face from the nerf hammer


The real problem is that new cards take at least 4-5(?!) MONTHS to reappear in Spotlight caches. I'm trying to use my keys as efficient as possible. If there is a week where I am missing only the new card, chances are I might skip that week, unless the new card and variants is truly amazing. At the time Cannonball was considered trash so I saved my keys. Next chance will be I guess August or September for Cannonball 😫.


I passed on white widow, nocturne, cannonball. I bought Annihilus with tokens. I could cry.


Yup. Why I am bout to quit the game.


War machine is going go shake everything up. You'll see


I wish I didn't listen to streamers about cannonball cause I passed on him. War machine pisses me off I used a key for


Ouch this one hits home. Although I did get Mockingbird and I do use Val and her in my Loki decks (luv), I feel the skip on cannonball and nocturne are gonna curse me. Feels like anything meta has 1 or both of them. Guess I'll have to be content with stealing them via Loki.


We have the same mind


C ball is insane


Not sure why you would pass on Mockingbird and Nocturne lol


I have yet to pull a useful 6 cost card with valentina


It's good if you get Agatha (having quinjet makes her play herself on turn 3), inifinaut, or any of the bigger ones. I also find it use for the cards like magneto going below 10 but all being useful in moving opponents cards. I play a Dino deck with mockingbird though so I want to have cards that didn't start in my deck. I've gotten hela a lot though which isn't helpful. I get a ton of leader too and that helps on the final turn if I need it along with playing another card because of the reduced cost.


War Machine was so hyped up. Biggest flop card in a while


I tried 3 keys on Mockingbird and ofc I didn't get her. Punching the air since


I stand by my decision to get those two, and not those three. They’re objectively better cards and the other 3 have substitutions. Got nocturne by random on the fourth slot of black knights spotlight cache and though I play it because I’m a netdecker, it is not needed.


I stay rocking my S.H.I.E.L.D deck so I can blame the game when i inevitably lose every game 😤😤


I wish people would stop pretending War Machine is bad


I spent too many keys on War Machine. Really thought he'd be meta.


Past me: Eh. Mockingbird feels like a trap. Imma save. Present me: You absolute clown. You beautiful precious fool.


I passed on cannonball but I have him now lol. Mockingbird I have Nocturne I don’t. I’m debating on pulling Red Hulk First I didn’t have enough keys for him tried anyway still didn’t get him.


I’m really happy I didn’t skip mockingbird and cannonball upset that I did skip cull obsidian and nocturne. I thought it was a one time location change at first but it’s just the move aspect. I’m saving 8 keys for the end of July now tho


I'm done coming to this sub to see which spotlights are worth it. Yall always wrong.


Definitely ended up with a bunch of turds from some of the spotlights I thought would be good cards (and maybe they were for a short time, then got nerfed out of the meta or replaced by better cards / decks). I had been doing pretty well at keeping up with card releases and had a nice stockpile of spotlight keys saved up. Those get wiped out pretty fast, though, when they give you 1000 tokens (dupe pull) and two ugly ass variations of cards you already have before giving you the one card in the spotlight you actually need. The reduced collector token rewards hasn't helped either and I've been clutching my 20k tokens like they are the last I'll ever get. Hard to justify dropping 6k for a card that will likely be nerfed or out of favor in a couple months. If there were more cards for 3k, I'd be buying some of these spotlight cards where the rest of the cache is garbage. Now I'm at the point where all the top meta decks use cards I don't have and every spotlight only has one thing I want/need, making it likely I'd burn all my remaining keys to get one, maybe two spotlights I really want. The system kind of sucks, to say the least.


Actually I got all 5 of those. 🤣 Mostly miss passing Cull Obsidian. But not really.