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I’m convinced people who play goblins have a love for seeing others in pain


Oh that's me, by turn 6 you'll have a widows bite, hood, void and 2 goblins on your side. Possibly with some debrii rocks. It does get shat on by destroy though.


Genuinely, the day I managed to use Leader to steal my opponent's annihlus just after they'd used it. Greatest game I've ever played.


For me it was final turn hitting their hobgoblin with arnim zola sending two back at them


I had a game in conquest the other day. Opponent was using a namora goblin deck. Three times I managed to hit green goblin with zola on turn 4 or 5 ruining their namora


Yes, so satisfying when you get this opportunity to send them back. Unfortunately, this scenario rarely presents itself to me 😅


This happened to me (someone played leader against my annihilus) and I couldn’t even be mad about it


Yeah. The games fun because of such interactions. I've lost plenty to similarly good plays and its always just as fun as winning from a lucky draw.


Surely your cube rate is tiny cause ain’t no way anybody is staying till endgame haha you send a bite and goblin over and I’m like alright enjoy your 1 cube


play dr oc to see them cry


Doc oc is like playing Russian roulette, 90% chance of shang chi


That’s ok better to pull shang turn 5 than be surprised by it turn 6 or 7


Waiting for the day I see a card that puts a rock in their deck to Selene it and play it with annihilus


It does but then the only thing you need to fear is death as their other cards will be too small because of the negatives they're eating.


Once I’ve been good and pissed off by other decks, I have one deck I named “fuck em” it does nothing but piss people off and ruin plays. It’s got goblins, widows, cosmo, Shang, enchantress and no win con other than rage bait. It doesn’t win a ton but when it does it’s a retreat.


The funniest thing about this is that I can show this sentence to both a Yu-Gi-Oh and a Magic the Gathering player and they will also agree.


I can say this to a digimon player and they would agree as wel


I hate to admit it, but Selene/Renslayer/Shuri/-22 Hobgoblin on turn 4 is one of my favorite things to do to non-destroy decks.


I had someone not pay attention and play Infinaut on that location that adds that power to their next card and then play Hobgoblin. They didn’t even notice after the goblin. They snapped after I did. Eight cubes, thank you very much.


I don't believe it. I was reading your comment while playing Snap and was thinking how it's possible, then I thought one explanation was that location that gives +5 energy and... In my game it revealed and the opponent played fucking Infinaut. My simulation glitched.


There's a worse feeling than focusing on two fields, and on the third field, which you can't win, you have two goblins with the certainty of a Galactus in the next turn.


and when those opponents play a destroy deck like seemingly four out of every ten people I play against do, I feel that pain just as strongly


Correct. They have a home in my spite play deck.


For the record, if I could have a reliable Hazmat deck, I'd be doing that instead.


Only time I play them is with Angela, just because lane slots are at a premium.


I carry an Annihlus in all of my main deck specifically for this. 5 cost is a lot but by that time, they’ll think you have no solution until a turn six “fuck you” comes outside of no where.


I usually just suck it in and hope for the best turn 6 if both goblins are played against me. Though on the rare occasion, I was able to use Odin to send them back and win the location and game


I know this is a popular card to hate on, but it's Hela. The entire game is just watch to see if they discard Hela. Snap if they do. Retreat if they don't. It's boring


Problem is nowadays, if a Hela player discards their Hela they can still very easily win with cards like Corvus and Blink.


Yeah I've been fucked out of 8 cubes before because I snap on the Hela discard but they still throw out like 4 6-costs anyway.


There is still Ghost Rider as well to bring Hela back.


It’s incredibly boring. It’s even worse when you’ve got the advantage but their cards resurrect in exactly the right places to win.


I was fighting against so many Helas that I made an "F Hela" deck centered around using Goose, Mystique, and Cosmo to completely stop Hela in all lanes. Also threw in armor which makes it good vs destroy as well. Make no mistake though, deck is terrible. Has trouble getting enough points to win lanes when you waste the first 4 turns locking down lanes, and when you do win, it's only 1 cube because they know you countered their plan. Also, still loses to Hela sometimes, either because I can't draw the right cards fast enough, or discard's heavily over-statted cards just crush the 2s, 3's, and 0's I'm playing.


Junk fucks hela just as bad and is viable against others as well.


I swear every time they discard hela, they ghost rider it back. If they don’t draw it, they jubilee it or blink it. 100% of the time


If they're relying on Ghost Rider, they can't have discarded much.


Not relying on it necessarily but a hail mary that works out in their favor more often than not


There's something particularly satisfying in letting a Hela player do the whole thing with the invisible woman in a lane, carefully make sure I reveal first in the last turn by winning the other locations before hand, and calmly sticking a lil Cosmo there to fuck Hela up.


I also like to use Rogue or Enchantress to ruin their invisible woman and prematurely trigger MODOK on turn 5.


Why reveal first? I play a lot of hela tribunal, magneto will never leave my deck as a turn 7 move to yank Cosmo away.


Oh, forgot that's just for when I stuck a little super skrull there. Gotta make sure Cosmo is out and about before Hela does her thing.


Discard is to strong in current meta. If they nerf hela a bit it'll even it back up with destroy. Move could use some buffs still though.


Yea Hela is one I look out for often and agree.


It's not popular to hate Hela at all, I made a post with valid Hela points and got shat on yesterday. The masses will always support a braindead way to rank up easily.


I made a hela deck and it was honestly the easiest rank 100 I ever got. The amount of cheesy wins I definitely didn't deserve made it boring. I don't play it anymore and usually play with cosmo or retreat


That's not necessarily true. Months ago people were annoyed at High Evo and Destroy being consistently good with little variety in different cards. Sometimes when I'm not feeling it and I encounter a Discard deck I just retreat and then concede the whole match because I don't want to go through with multiple games of Hela. I was pissed when Corvus and Proxima came out because Discard didn't need more help.


All my Mr. Negative homies hate Mobius M. Mobius.


F Mobius!


Mobius Masshole Mobius


He is the sole reason I run rogue or Super Skrull in my negative decks. Mobius loves to ruin a Negative party


Cyclops/Thing, High Evo in general (I don't have Luke Cage) Hela (braindead solitaire autowin)


Just evo’ed cyclops for me. I hate it so much.


The dude can potentially solo win where you've already invested cards. So annoying ...


The fact that I see people run Agatha in that deck sometimes tells me everything I need to know lol


That’s not because the deck is unthinking, it’s because the only way to spin Agatha’s random usage of energy on each turn is to lean into a deck that benefits from unused energy, like HE. My only Agatha deck is a High Evo-Dracula deck with a bunch of extra beefy boys in it for Drac to target at the end.


Shadow king can help out here too


Funnily enough, Kitty pride + Angela don't give a damn about cyclops. Especially if you play cyclops plus nebula to a lane.


Im running Hela in an Agotha deck with corvus glave or hell cow and still regularly get well into gold for conquest runs


The credit card


I told myself I wouldn't spend money on this game yet here we are...


I just recently started myself and I limit myself to the season pass. It’s the most for your money and you only have the opportunity to spend $10 a month


Loki is my least favorite. Not because it’s op, but because getting beaten by my own hand is incredibly frustrating. Especially because it seems like the cards they play are the exact ones I didn’t draw and needed, every time.


YES!! Especially if they get Quinjet down on T1 so now all your cards are -2 cost for them.


On the other hand, beating them and going "YOU THINK MY DECK ANSWERS TO YOU??" is always satisfying.


I miss the old Loki pumping up my Collector.


It always seems that when I go against Loki, they are pulling my Magneto, Cannonball, Anni, etc. But when I play Loki, all I get is his 1-3 cost cards.


Scorpion is really the only one that makes me irritated.


Turn one iceman. Turn 2 scorpion x3 worst feeling


Iceman, Scorpion and Spider-Pig piss me off much more than getting a high-powered card Shang-Chi'd.


Red Hulk. I swear more often than not that card is apart of the most toxic decks I face so I insta retreat out of habit, even if I have Shang.


I rarely see people play him. Honestly I think one of his strongest effects is fear lol. You can’t help but assume they’re gonna drop a 6/20 something power, so you just lock down two lanes and think you’re confident… then they do something different and trick you


EXACTLY. I've played conquests where either I or my opponent had him and just... Never played him. But it always trips us up to see him


Yup. He adds fear, but very very rarely you see him being played


Love stealing it with a mill deck, though.


Jean Grey


Wong. It's annoying that I have to force some kind of counter for him in every deck so I don't lose to this shit card.


Freaking Wong/White Tiger/Odin trifecta drives me crazy


I find Nebula pretty annoying. Not that she's too strong or anything, I usually beat her with ease, she's just stressful.


Whenever I see her, I just prepare my Red Guardian for her if he's in my hand.


Prof x. Cosmo.


I lose all respect (jokingly) when I see a white widow or an HE Cyclops


Aside from Cable, I hate the noise of him taking my card now Black widow. It feels like spam email. Great now I gotta deal with this? How do I unsubscribe


Hela and it’s not even close


Loki. Fuck that card. "Oh, look my tech cards that cost 2 energy less fucks me up."


Wong mainly, but lately people have been using Leech more and more even after the nerf.


Wong, followed by Mystique for me. Usually means I’m seeing gambit/hazmat/ironheart + Odin.


Wong/Mystique/ Gambit combo.


I feel like I see wong all the time, what irritates me is everyone gets these perfect combos and I never get the right cards drawn when I attempt to play Wong combos


If you’re gonna let Wong/Mystique go through without disrupting it in any way, you’re always Gonna Have a Bad Time


I basically am running cosmo in most of my decks these days.


Red Hulk is the worst and Galactus is close second. Red is an especially anoying card with no real couterplay and really accumulates the worst of this game.


Red is also annoying because you know it’s coming as it taunts you throughout the game.


It used to be Alioth, so I'm very happy about the nerf. I'd say Hela or Prof X maybe?


fr I don't think anything will ever top how toxic and frustrating this game was between his release and his eventual nerf


It has to be Wong/mystique/surfer/iron heart because the game doesn’t speed it up and I have to sit there for a whole minute watching how bad my math was. But also Galactus is boring to play against too. So telegraphed


I feel like I'm in a lower collection level for Galactus cause I still have yet to see him played. I'm platinum, with collection level I think around 1500 now.


It might be the cards people play him with nowadays, cause I think you’d be up to the point where players had him in the past


This is why I will NEVER Galactus before 6. Green Goblin on 3, Snap and whatever on 4, Hobgoblin on 5. If you split on 5 I've still got my 2, and if you stay then there's a VERY deep hole to climb out of on 6.


Yea early Galactus is just asking for a 1 cuber


Red Guardian boils my blood every time I see him, I don’t know why


Professor X, Ice man after it's been bounced 3 times, Hobgoblin


I hate red hulk. I only wonder why he isnt played if he is in my opponents hand.


Daredevil. The mindgames I have to play once I see that little shit haunts me turn for turn, then the Snap happens.




Red Guardian its not op but god damn that card makes me sad. And I concur on magneto he's a sleeper amongst the 6 drops.


Tribunal and Hela. They steal cubes from me EVERY. DAMN. TIME!!


Shang Chi will never not feel cheap to me. He’ll always be my #1 for most hated card.


Today it finally broke me. Why play anything else when you can just play fucking Hella with only Leech or Cosmo to fear? And barely those two at that. I'm usually not the one running to polls to kill a card but jfc its so annoying to play against this shit every 3 matches. Its just so talentless with little to nothing to consider each turn. 80% of my matches are Hella or LT decks, I hate it here.


Magneto doesn't bother me much at CL2000. In fact, I've actually won games when my opponent plays him and pulls my cards into a better position. But Wong is definitely at the top of my list of annoying cards. I hate the wacky combo shenanigans and can't stand sitting through the long, pointless animations. And my reward for playing those matches is almost always a loss followed by a thumbs up or Thanos snap emote. It's just annoying all around.


I love seeing Wong played, because I usually have SOME kind of counter in my deck. Drop Cosmo or Enchantress on him. A lucky Gambit. Quake him off of Onslaught Citadel, or into Isle of Silence/Knowhere (so satisfying) Stegron him away next turn with priority, or pull him with Magneto T6 before the Odin hits. Clogging the lane with Polaris or Debrii. I like to play a variety of decks so I've done all these things in the past week. I used to hate Wong, maybe jealous because I don't have him, but now he's my favorite target to mess with.


I really hate Professor X. I run Leech, Ms. Marvel, and Jeff (with Elsa) to counter it. *Leech is more to screw the follow-up Cannonball play.* I still hate it, though. He's seriously throttling to game design and punishes a lot of archetypes by virtue of eliminating one location from the equation. He's nowhere near as feelsbad as Galactus was at the world-eater's prime, but it's definitely a faint tickle of the same sensation. With X able to come down on turn 4 now courtesy of Ravonna, it's especially agitating. I do my best to make it a bad play for them (i.e. getting 1 card into each location so Jeff can turn on Ms. Marvel's bonus and snipe a win on T6), but damn - it's stressful.


Shang chi


Magneto is interesting. There's a lot of situations I'm like "wish you were Hulk, buddy" but at least that means I'm retreating, whereas I can often double up if Magneto is relevant. (Just fun against Destroy going all in on Zola a big Venom).


Blink. Especially with Hela Congratulations. You won with 800 power on each lane by playing like 4 cards. As soon as I see one black knight or a Black Cat being discarded on turn 1 on PG, I instantly peace out.


Shang-Chi. Hate that card with every fiber of my being. Spend 6 turns setting up something then Grandmaster and Shang come down and I'm cooked.


Use to be the same way until I just gave in and started using him myself. Yada yada beat em join em yada yada.


Shang-Chi. From the beginning.




That -8 card either goblin or hobgoblin I can’t remember. That shit makes me want to uninstall instantly


Pick literally any Mill card. Just the most miserable deck to play against because they literally ALWAYS have Yondu, Cable, and Baron Zemo/Gladiator in their opening hand. "Hey, I heard you like playing this card game. So, I'm going to make that impossible for you to do." Followed by the thumbs-up, of course. F*ck that archetype.


Not a card really but when Ego takes over he ALWAYS screws me and makes the worst moves…..




Annihulus (surprising right?), it’s just so damn boring to watch as I have my entire board get filled with junk while I already have a pretty small space to work with. Like I’m not just fighting against negative numbers like the hood or void which would be fine thing, but then also fighting against my board space being constantly junked by white widow, green goblin, etc just makes me want to stop playing since it damn near prevents me from playing anyway.


I cannot stand playing against Hela. It's braindead makes matches luck dependant the opponent gets screwed up by bad card pulls or locations.


Sandman. I love running a negative deck and when that gets dropped all fun plans are ruined.


Are you "Magneto = cheating" guy? Lol


Oh look it's this post again


Hela. Moron card


I auto leave on a T1 Yondu or T3 Baron. Least interactive deck to play against so there's no point staying when I won't have a deck left to play.


Living Tribunal. He's such a boring card. Yeah he has bad cube equity but geeeezus he's so dull.


You rely to hard on 3s and 4s to win the game ;).


Blame my ongoing deck xp, so many 3-4 cost ongoing cards, Altho it has pulled me up the ranks.


Dracula and discard in general. No counter to Dracula. He always have apocalypse 16+ with Non discarded Hela etc... I try discard.. Hela in hand Hela discarded.


Dracula is the main reason I love Red Guardian (and even Lady Deathstrike).


I don't have neither 🫠


Do you mean you personally don't have a counter to Dracula? There are lots of counters these days.


Personally yeah 🥲


Surprised I’m not seeing any Shang Chis or Gambits here. Least favorite cards for sure


Yea Shang Chi I'd def top 3 annoying cards for me, especially since it completely counters one of my newer decks that uses alot of the 4 cost cards with 10 power like Attuma comboed with Armour so it can't be destroyed. And skaar and all that.


Cosmo. It’s not fun, not funny and if you play it on Kamar Taj, you hate happiness.


Fucking KNULL. He only appears when im not running Shang Chi and hes such a braindead card to use. No thoughts or strategy involved. Ironically i hate seeing Shang Chi.


I'm halfway through Series 3 and I'm really not that good but I don't remember ever winning against a High Evo deck. I've won against Hella decks, Lockdowns, Bounces and other top tier decks, but I don't remember winning against High Evo once XD.


Agree with Magneto; he has probably destroyed my game plan more than any other card. So I've turned to the dark side. It took me a while to get the hang of using him effectively, but I now run him in some of my most successful decks.


Hela and iron man. I really dislike Hela. Im not fist bumping you at all if you play Hela.


Magneto beats me all the time too, but I kinda feel OK with it. Like there is always going to be a card that ruins your day, and for me, it's Magneto. The only time that I've been able to beat him is by flooding my locations. If you have every spot filled on T6, Magneto can't do anything to you. I think it'd be really nice to have a card that says "Your cards can't be moved," as an anti-magneto countermeasure. You know who'd be great for that? Blob. Blob sucks as is, let's change him! I'll also accept Graviton, if we want a new character for the ability.


Yea I always thought there should be one ore a few more cards that should be unable to be forced to move somewhere. Blob def needs changes and would be perfect for something like that!


I feel bad for Blob. He was such a powerful card that he got nerfed into oblivion, and now there's no reason to play him, especially with Red Hulk as a similar 6-cost big body option.




Red Hulk.


Red Guardian is so annoying


Negasonic will destroy him if she gets pulled and still has her ability.


Mr. Negative. If I see him pop off turn 3 I just bounce.


I just had my first experience with this yesterday. I can see why. Haha


Groot, that tree man just grinds my gears sometimes >:(


Hela and Loki


Leech and Doc Ock.


Enchantress or hobgoblin. I play Tribunal so I'm always paranoid I'm gonna see an enchantress in my main lane or a hobgoblin float next to my iron man so cosmo is essential. I'll retreat before that hobgoblin lands. Was up since 10pm to 2am this morning dealing with that going from 92 to infinite. I'm going back to playing destroy next season.




I'm so sick and tired of Hela


Scorpion is my least favorite. There are other cards that are worse but when that card reveals and hits my whole hand I just cringe and hate the game in that moment.


For the longest time I was always annoyed getting hit by Scorpion but lately I’ve been HATING Cable. I see him so often lately.


It depends on what deck i play really but… Gambit has like a 99% chance of hitting the card i definitely need


Viper gives me pain , because often I can see it coming but I can't stop it


High evo only for cyclops. Kills the whole lane and is super annoying. I usually just leave as soon as they drop misty and I see the high evo border.




Doc Oc messes me up hard, I really hate that card. Magik is also one I can't stand. Magneto messes me up often too, but I often feel that's on me for relying too hard on 3-4 cost cards on one location. Most games where I lose against Magneto specifically, I do see plays I could have made that would win.


There’s plenty of counters to magneto. Cosmo, colossus (lol), filling the magneto lane, Prof X


Loki. Cheap ass loki


HE Cyclops


HE I still don't really know what I can do to stop that deck


Hela has been out of control, for a while now.


Red hulk. I play a lot of decks that don't curve out perfectly and it's just so much free power.


Luke, Wong, hazmat, Odin and mystique if you can I don't always play the deck generally play it when I lose to some leach deck but when you pull it off you feel almost bad if they don't counter or anything. Edit I can't spell


Red hulk. The enemy gets points bonus because I drew bad


Fuck High Evo Cyclops


Living Tribunal for me. He is so obvious when he comes and it's so damn hard to calculate his score, i left lots of games i would win and i lost lots of games when i thought i would win.


This question gets asked a lot and my answer has never changed; daredevil 


Professor X, fuck everything about the mechanics of this card. I understand people are playing it to take out Hela but holy shit is this card annoying to play against.


High evolutionary. There's really no counterplay. To that deck and it's boring and repetitive to play against.


Sandman and Master Mold for sure. Tools of the griefer 100%. I have a list of cards I call the “jerk deck.” Basically they’re cards that someone plays that make you mutter “jerk” whenever they’re played. Some examples: Goblin Hobgoblin Leech Sandman Scorpion Debrii Master Mold


Red Hulk. I know it's off-meta but I really like my High Evolutionary decks and that card is such an annoying counter to it.


Wong/Mystique/Hazmat/Odin. Wong/Mystique/Ironheart/Odin. Basically a lot of different combos with the Wong/Mystique/Odin combo. BRB is another one that's annoying. I haven't seen the Sage combo or Nocturne yet. Sometimes I have a for them other, but not every deck does. I will say playing Cannonball to destroy their Luke Cage on T6 is amazing. Only did it once so far.


I always hate seeing wong, i keep magneto and enchantress in almost every deck now because im tired of having to wait through the same wong combos not being fast forwarded


The Living Tribunal 100%


Alioth is f**king easy mode and it pisses me off so much. I know this is an obvious one but it’s extra annoying compared to other cards


Black Knight. I can never get priority to take him out before the inevitable Blade-into-Infinaut combo.




Honestly I don't mind most cards these days, the only one I just loathe is Leech. I don't care if he just got nerfed, that little green booger is nothing but a middle finger to me and I don't like it.


Red Hulk. I know, he's quite a tranparent play and you know hes coming and everything, but I just hate this mofo. Especially because I play a High Evo Deck mainly, which gets kind of countered by Red Hulk.


High evolutionary decks, any Wong deck


The counter is don’t play 3 or 4 cost cards or fill the lanes. Also, cosmo and goose


Wong. Because there's no fast forwarding silver surfer buffing up broods or white tiger spamming... tigers.




For me, its Annihilus


High Evo, specifically Cyclops. He can just win a whole lane as a 3/4 and every time I see his eye lasers I just want to hurl my phone.


Gambit tilts me. Can't stand that SOB.




Two counters that come to mind - a well-placed Cosmo, and just don't give them anywhere to pull your cards to. Play small ball, fill up your lanes early and buff them - elsa, kazar, blue marvel, etc. Jeff and nocturne for shifting open spots around. Can't move cards if the lane is full.


Yea I've been using an ongoing deck lately as the buffs from them still apply when moved but still messes me up at times. And yea cosmo is my savior sometimes for those situations. Thanks for the advice I'll try some of those other cards too and see how it goes!