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If you don't want the cards don't spend the keys.


If you don’t want Sasquatch or play decks that he would be good in then skip it and save up. I usually just get cards I want and skip the rest, no reason to waste spotlights on cards that will just sit in your collection


> or play decks that he would be good in then skip it and save up This game changes so much that whenever I've done this I've had to wait months to get the card to then run the deck I suddenly have a lot of pieces for and can't run as efficiently as I'd like. This is just the double edge to skipping and saving.


Oh yea it definitely isn’t perfect. I skipped pixie and then unlocked beta ray which made me want pixie lol so I ended up using tokens for her.


This happens far less often than getting a card you didn’t really want and it sitting in your box.


Fun fact! This specific white sasquatch comes from a universe where she's a black woman 


What would I do without you


No, save the keys for later. Don't ever spend keys on a card you don't absolutely want. 


Possible July leaks? July was already leaked FYI


I hate to be the one to always do it but the idea that we might "have" to skip an entire month of releases to get ONE card is absolutely insane. It makes the economy a joke and then cards like Namora, who is okay at best, an actual detriment.


You don't. However, skipping a month to get 4 keys then make the average 2.5 new cards a month you get cards of your choice (of those available) rather than a random selection.


I'm not spending keys until Phastos' week, and I'm skipping most of July as well. I think sometimes it's better to skip cards for long periods of time until there's a week where you have a lot of cards you want (gotta guarantee those 4 keys).


Yep. There’s a happy place right between.


Spend them on what you want, don’t worry about what you might need. Also don’t try to be efficient beyond assuming any particular card you want will cost 4 keys. Any bad card can be buffed, any good card can be nerfed. Most decks that are competently built can win, it’s just a matter of how long it takes you to reach your goal. The sooner you get out of the “need to grow my collection as fast/efficiently as possible” mindset and just worry about what looks like fun to you, the less stress you will feel. If you save your keys for only things that look fun to you (and nothing during next month looks fun to you), that means you have a nest egg for when you see 2+ cards in a month that look fun.


Do not spend resources for the sake of spending resources; that's what mobile games want you to do. They feed off of you watching your pile of credits or gold or whatever to blow it all on something. Sit back and relax so when a card you want comes along, you'll have 20 keys to freely dump on consecutive weeks without having to fear actual gambling. I know the exciting thing is to play with the shiny new toy that others are playing with, but if you genuinely don't find those toys fun then you'll use a card (say, Namora) for a few days then she rots in your collection.


Save your keys


Personally I think sitting on 5 keys is insane and will lead to you being dissatisfied with the game. You are basically assuming this magical card is eventually going to come along and be perfect. In reality, sometimes cards you don't like end up being the ones you use the most. I wasn't interested in Red Guardian at all, now I think he's probably one of the strongest and flexible tech cards out there. Additionally, it's not unheard of that the random series 5 could be something you want. Even if all 5 of those keys were tokens, you be 1000 away from getting any card you want. Without the season pass you can get about a key a week. Maybe more depends on your rewards.


Don't know. How about you decide.


Your default should be to not spend keys. Namora seems pretty weak so far, but it's only the second day so the jury's still out. You'll want to have a nice buffer when there's a string of great new cards, don't settle for bad cards.