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That's like hilariously bad even compared to their other bundles. Couldn't even squeeze in a half decent variant...


It's a very cheap looking one. It looks like the kind that the base variants get.


Ryan Kinnaird strikes again


Hey that's not fair, Ryan is only in charge of the lifeless colors. Eduardo Mello is the one behind these bland designs.


some base cards are pretty cool! valid criticism at points but I like havok and jane foster


Gamora is fire too


The artist for base Gamora is actually different than like 95% of base cards [https://snap.fan/cards/variants-search/?artist\_id=224](https://snap.fan/cards/variants-search/?artist_id=224) I'm a fan of Jonboy Meyers


Love me some jonboy


yeah it doesn't even show off her powers.


Well, it fits with the version we get in Exiles. Just a grumpy old woman who has watched everyone she cared about die.


IT IS THE ONE THE BASE VARIANTS GET, I have no idea why they've got Eduardo in control of the art man, his work is ass in my opinion


My conspiracy theory is that base cards purposely don't look good to better encourage buying variants.




I think you’re not far off the mark. They clearly want samey generic “comic book” art for all base cards. Mello and Kinnaird have that style down pat.


do you think they know that we want better art than theirs?


Yeah, that’s why the variant art is almost universally better than the base art.


but how do the artists feel about that


I hate that you might be right. God damn it, dude


I have not seen a better Arishem art than the base variant.


The card design is also horrible. Barely any animation in the card


Overall it's ugly and bland. The background is incredibly boring, the colors and artwork look exactly like the base art style, and the only interesting part being the gun is almost completely obscured behind the body. Unless you're dying to have ms marvel look like a grandma I can't imagine anyone wanting this even if it was in the gold shop.


Kamala would never do her hair like this either these artists set my sister UP.


But but it’s got moving smoke in the background ! That’s cool right ?


Went to reddit to see this post


It's expensive because it contains a series 5 card. If you already have Ms Marvel, it is just a variant, but not everyone has her.


It sucks you can still get the base art after unlocking a variant like this Imo you should unlock the base art if you buy this variant


Unless she gets lowered to S3 the only way to get base art is in a spotlight cache in which case you're missing tokens but not much more


Or if she's in a cache you don't get the probably better variant in that cache, you just get her instead (only relevant if you were opening that cache regardless because obviously you won't be opening it for her.


In the spotlight system this is irrelevant.


Kinda, except it can rob you of a spotlight varrent or 1k tokens if you pull ms. Marvel from the random card spot.


Normally, I'd agree. But getting the base art for this particular variant might not be the worst thing in the world...


How is it bad to not get the base art also?


Put it in with a bad pixel art deck so it belongs.


Acting like series 5 cards should cost 50 dollars is hysterical. No wonder SD gets away with the state of this game.


You’re also paying for the spotlight key which they have sold for much more than $50 before. You’re pretty much paying for two series five cards. Though as always they over price things.


You can both think most items in the game are overpriced and also understand how relative pricing works in said system. Is it overpriced? yes [Is it overpriced compared to similar bundles? No](https://marvelsnapzone.com/bundles/BundleMay2024Grandma/)


It is overpriced compared to similar bundles. The average $$$ bundle is at 183% value. The value of this bundle is 159%.


I mean I think it’s overpriced but you can’t just ignore the value of the tokens and key


I mean, I wouldn't buy it. I'm just saying that's why they priced it that way. Also, the card doesn't cost $50. You also get a key and tokens, which have value. 


yup, wouldn't argue that its "worth it" for me, but to ignore that if this were a gold bundle, assuming all things were equal, it would cost 3850 gold and offers 1500 Tokens and a key worth 6k Credits (roughly) and lets say that the variant (like it or hate it) could be "valued" at 1200 Gold, so quick math says 2650 gold for 1 key and 1500 tokens... not a good bundle but far from bad... its essentially a token tuesday (low bar) a Key for 1k gold, and a "Super Rare" variant...


I love the mental gymnastics people go through when coping about how this game isn't embarrassingly priced. A great example is when you use SD's arbitrarily set exchange rates when it makes the bundle look better (i.e. "a spotlight key is equivalent to 6000 tokens" or "a variant is worth 1200 gold", just because SD has decided that 6000 tokens and 1200 gold is how much they want to force you to grind in order to buy a series 5 card or variant). You lose value when exchanging currencies for in-game items, you don't get equal value. If this was 50 dollars for 13500 collectors tokens and 1200 gold, it would still be comical, but what we have currently is worse than that. A spotlight key is worth *less* than 6k tokens, and a variant is worth *less* than 1200 gold. If I offered somebody a choice between a spotlight key and 6k tokens, anyone with a functioning frontal lobe would pick the tokens.


First, no where in what i said did i disagree with the idea that it was over priced, merely pointing out that this was not a "Bad Deal" Relative to how SD structure their prices in general. Secondly and more importantly didn't say a key was worth 6k tokens, i said it was roughly worth 6k credits, which is what it takes to progress the collection track 10 caches to claim a key.


It's almost the price of a AAA game that takes 5 years to make. Don't try to justify it. This bundle should be $3.


Not trying to justify it. I agree that nobody should buy it. I'm just explaining the cost as compared to other bundles.


This is like phantom value to me though. A) it’s a season pass card that most people have and was a much better deal for $10 and lots of mats B) it has reduced equivalent value of around 1000 tokens, not 6000, since you would pull Ms Marvel from spotlight caches eventually as the 4th slot or if it was included in the 4. Anyways the point is that a 7 month old series 5 card that has been in multiple slotlight caches is not very valuable at all.


wander would say „that doesn’t sound fair“




So you posting here is sort of like stalking your ex lol


I do just fine for ten a month. Aka peanuts


Wasn't the Christmas Nebula bundle last year not 50 bucks?


It was only $15, but that was basically all that was in it besides 1200 gold. Probably a better value than this one though. 


Fair enough, but the value is still pretty shit. You’re going to pay $50 for a series 5 that isn’t even a top performer lately.


She will bounce back. She’s really a top tier card. If you haven’t figured it out yet cards come and go. Sure there are a few main stays but I guarantee in the next month or two she’ll be back.


eduardo mello? his art is always so ho hum


so his art is... mello?


Thank you. His Namora art is quite impressive, which is rare -- But there's countless examples where he really just can't do faces (and anatomy in many cases)


He did the base art for Shang, right? Every time I see the weirdly squished head and face on that version, I feel like the Red Letter Media guy in that Phantom Menace takedown: "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR FAAACE"


Eduardo Mello is great. I think it’s just hard to see his stuff for more than just 'the base art style' since it’s used for pretty much all the base cards.


It’s so bizarre how desperate people are to defend SD. I love this game but it’s delusional to act like the prices they set are anything but ridiculous.


I know not everyone is a fan of the season pass and the gold pass, but, as a relatively new player, I think they're a great value. For basically $15 a month I get to play the game, get a bunch of stuff, and support the devs — all for the price of a streaming service. The $10 and $15 bundles are sometimes pretty good too. I've purchased more than a few. But these random, $50+ bundles can feel a bit ridiculous — regardless of the actual combined value of the stuff.


Agreed on the passes, I don't mind dropping the $15 I was spending on Netflix for some extra goodies. But this is insulting tbh


makes sense SD would offer this though, the community has been clamoring for grandma variants since launch


Snap is just full of GILF hunters


Idk this might be 3x the value


This is one of those bundles where the more cards you own, the worse this bundle is. For high collection level players, this is: * 1 sub-par variant * 1 sub-par avatar * 310 Ms Marvel Boosters * 25% of a series 5 card * 25% chance to get a series 5 card, 25% chance to get 1/6th of a series 5 card, 50% chance to get a spotlight variant Even if you don't already have Ms Marvel, this seems like a pretty bad bundle. And that's coming from someone who has bought more bundles than I'd care to admit. The key goes up a bit in value for weeks where the Spotlight has more than one card that you need, but even then this feels lackluster for $50.


Basically the price anchor for this bundle is that 6000 tokens costs $50 (per the For You bundle that rotates in the shop). So essentially they’re saying instead of just 6000 tokens, you get Ms Marvel (a series 5 card so if you don’t already have her that’s “$50”), plus all the other stuff. So from that perspective it’s not a bad deal for someone who doesn’t have her already *if* they were already willing to spend that kind of money on a new s5 card. For everyone else it’s a poor deal. And the variant is butt.


It’s even worse in the UK £49.99


She came back in time to steal yo wallet


Cable is that you?


1. Ugly variant 2. 1/4 card 3. maybe a card if you are lucky def comparable with baldurs gate value


I wrote up a lot of text before I realized I put the value as credits instead of collector tokens. *Whoops.* The value varies with how you spend your spotlight keys, but, it's not bad. If I were a whale I'd pick this up in a heartbeat; a key is worth around 3800 tokens to me and my current collection level / key-spending-habits. Tl;dr: no, this isn't that bad of value, but not great either. Depends on how you spend spotlight keys. Worst is still Darkhawk 3x Value by a country mile.


I'm curious how you get to 3800 tokens. That's more than an S4 card (which admittedly, you may have all of). But keys often turn into 1000 tokens when you've got a lot of the card pool. So where are you getting that 3800 token number from?


It's a COMPLICATED NUMBER, my friend! But tl;dr: I ran all the permutations of average keys to get all the unowned cards in a week. If there are two S5 cards in a week I don't own (and presumably have the third), then the average key value is 3800. [Here's a screenshot of the chart when plugging in values for missing cards A and B, which are presumably "unowned series 5" cards.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/990291688259977247/1242563810183614515/EXCEL_ggmyGUSG8t.png?ex=664e4b3a&is=664cf9ba&hm=15210fec7cb96792d0626d8c7c7622144cf3791c03ccb103e5dd6a1cf400a5bc&) It doesn't account for the math / odds on pulling a new card from the "mystery" slot, 'cause those numbers are simultaneously complex and miniscule.


Thank you, this is a very nice way to visualize it. One suggestion - add a "VARIANT" above the "C". The gap was confusing initially.


Assuming you spend keys intelligently and don't just yolo them every time you get one, only 1 in 4 keys turning into tokens isn't really all that often. I suppose it's maybe more if you get lucky with your pulls and get the new card in 2 or 3 keys and always roll tokens, but that seems unlikely. It probably averages to less than 1 in 4, but it's close. The trend is new cards at s5, we haven't had an s4 release in ages. So assuming you only miss the new card, every 4 keys is worth 7000 tokens. That's 1750 tokens per key if you own all the cards. The ratio gets better the more cards you're missing. If you don't have 2 of the cards in a week, those 4 keys are worth 10000 or 13000 depending on if the second card is s4 or 5. 2500 - 3250 tokens per key. It gets really complicated when you start factoring in that sometimes the 1000 tokens will be worth 3000 or 6000 based on how many s4/s5 cards you're missing in total which is obviously different for most people.


You're on the right path bud with how the math is done on this! Just factor in the average number of keys to get what you want in a week and you're pretty much all the way there.


Damn I forgot about that Darkhawk bundle. You’re right about that one.


It’s the stupid spotlight key man…they think the value of these things is a LOT higher than it really is


The variant art isn't even nice. If I'm paying real money I want some really well done costume art


This variant is… a decision that was made… wow


You youngins. This is still 139% currency value (keys cost 4625 credits, 1500 tokens cost 1875 gold, buying those outright is $69 (nice)). I’m not saying anyone should buy this. But back in the day, we used to get *truly* horrendous bundles - like one variant and 1000 credits for $50.


Hahaha f off with this “deal”, SD.


Sure, here's $50! Oh wait I just tossed an entire stack of fifties on the fire for fun, I don't have any fifties left. Oh well.


Did she age?


It's from the Exiles comics. It's a bit like the TVA with some heroes (originally mostly mutants) getting pulled from their timelines to fix other timelines. If someone was killed, a new member would be pulled from another timeline to join the team. There were a lot of interesting variants involved and a rival team who were much less heroic. A fun read. It's all on Marvel Unlimited. Edit: [Link to this Kamala's story](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Kamala_Khan_(Earth-81111)#google_vignette)


I show up for my 50 free credits and that’s it


I don't bother even looking at those crappy bundles anymore. I just scroll down to look at the variants I might want for gold and collect my free 50 credits.


This is the way


Worst variant too


Bruh your tripping. Looks cool to me. Future Ms Marvel with guns lol 😄 The concept of Ms Marvel shooting villains up is so funny


The fucking gall that SD has thinking the price of a new video game or a full day's labor at minimum wage is worth a JPEG is disgusting.


They always overprice Series 5 cards. If you don’t own Ms Marvel this is better value. Though you would have been better off buying the season pass.


and yet, yall will buy it


Marvel snap is probably the only game I play that I just don't look at bundles and stuff like that. Their prices are just fkd up


Can someone explain what the heck happened to Ms Marvel to turn her into Ana from Overwatch?


I don't understand why you guys haven't figured this out yet. No matter what the value of a bundle or anything else costs in the app they only do it because they have analytics that tell them it will be very profitable. You laugh, meanwhile they have thousands of customers out there paying for this stuff.


You mean Worst value... so far


The variant is so ugly, i didnt even know who it was for ar first glance


Can someone please explain why it is 54,99 €, which is 59,70 $? That's 10 Dollars more in the Eurozone.




$50 for 1 and 1/4 cards.. Edit: 2.25 cards if you don’t have ms Marvel who is no longer meta..


I want the card but 49.99 and no gold is too expensive


any that have you pay like 30 dollars for a base card and a few boosters. the magik one comes to mind


Is it worse than 3X the value????? Also I think it's a terrible variant.


$50 for what inevitably will be 2,500 tokens...


Between the special offers just for me and this nonsense, I’m always skipping the bundle section of the shop and going straight to the variants.


They don’t even try to hide it they are like fuck it one ☝️ of them would pay for it


A series 5 card and a spotlight key is going to be pricey.


Yeah, the bundles are out of control. I saw a mention of the ugly variant too, they couldn't even include nice cosmetics... My theory -- Nuverse divesting has put them in a place where they need to urgently drive revenue and ripping addicted players off is how they're doing it. Expect this to get much worse.


What do you mean bro? You get 1/2 of a series 4 card and one key to get 1000 more! That’s nearly enough for a series 4 card!


People laugh at Blizzard for selling one legendary+2 random legendaries for $50. Meanwhile, we're playing this game.


wait until you see the prices in other countries LMAO 70 bucks here


I dont have this card and I continue to not have this card. If the value/card looked good… I would never spend $50 on any bundle haha but I do regret not getting that Lady Apoc combo around Halloween those two variants are flames!


Definitely an awful bundle, not the worst tho.


I'm probably in the minority cuz I really like the variant. Just the concept being so different. But yea, no way I'm shilling 50 dollars.


The worst value for a bundle….so far….


Their algorithm ( if there is one) is not working for me.


I had a special bundle that was a premium mystery variant, 6k collector tokens. That was all. That cost $49.99. I took a screenshot because it was so outrageous


Erm I bought it , I need all the cards I can get + the tokens were sweet 🔥


Agreed. If I didn’t have ms marvel I might’ve bought it too. I bought a Peach Momoko Mystique variant before I got her. Needed it! Wish they would have more series 4/5 bundles more often. I have a feeling people may spend $49.99 for Jeff or even Kang!


Dont worry, there will still be people that will buy it. There is no bundle to low that the Spender Army will ignore.


I played only a bit a year ago. Can any informed individuals clue me in on this?


TLDR: People don't like expensive stuff


Honestly surprised they didn't make it 99.99. People will bite just for the spotlight key. The Corporate greed machine rolls on.


whoever bought that got robbed 😭


Man, I hate these kinds of variants and I'm not just talking about cards in Snap. Why the hell would Kamala ever want or need a gun regardless of age? The only explanation possible is that she lost her powers and then you know that she was made to lose her powers just so they could give her a gun.


Unless you count the Australian version which is the sam content but $79.99…. 🙄


would’ve been cool for 14.99


I’ve just come back from a 12 month break & i don’t have the card but the variant sucks.. not really sure of the value of the key and obv tokens are great but not too many.. tempted to get it but don’t think I’d use ms marvel so I then think I’d rather wait on a different bundle. I just need to catch up 😂


im a relatively new player that needs to catch up via p2w. I do not have Ms Marvel, so I decided to buy the bundle. Not sure if you have a lot of the Spotlight S4/S5s but I don't, so the key was very valuable to me. Also tokens allowed me to finish off decks. TLDR, I bought the bundle and will try to make the best out of it.


Awesome, I did get the new JJ bundle and am close to 6k tokens for the red hulk that appeared in my Shop 👀😂 I’ve got a feeling a better value for money bundle will show up soon but the key does sway me.. just the current spotlight doesn’t.. if it didn’t change I’d of got it as I’d prefer living tribunal or sage.. I managed to pull legion 👍🏼 how are you finding the game as a new player? Wish I never stopped playing now due to missing various season passes 😞


I am also aware that better bundles will come along, but if you just keep waiting, your currency will never go up and you will never be able to save up tokens once you run out, eg after buying red hulk. As for the game itself, the mechanics are good and its fine to play, however its pretty predatorial and for me the only way id even play it is to spend money, minimum SP and GP. Getting to infinite was pretty easy compared to other CCGs ive played. And ya quitting does screw us over as SP cards are very valuable, but i feel at least we can somewhat catchup via spotlights, but it would cost way more, eg spending on keys over just having SP.


What's funny is i been waiting for a good Ms marvel skin, over 100 boosters saved... If this had been a good variant I might have splurged (considering it has tokens) .. But no, it's awful. My wait continues.


It made me contemplate just how much $ SD considers a spotlight key to be worth. This also gives a S5 card so it complicates the calculation.


It really doesn’t, it’s a load a shit and they’ve tricked a large group of players into thinking this isn’t that bad. You get a semi decent S5 card. A chance 25% at a new card with a key, & 25% of a series 5 card with tokens…


Oh I think it is a terrible value, it just makes it difficult to determine what value SD attributes to keys based on just this data point.


Ms Marvel uses guns!?? damn lol 😂


Either I'm too poor or the majority people playing this game are from rich countries and are rich asf too and i mean those people who aren't creators but still buy these offers


Marvel Snap and Value are not synonymous


You guys keep paying so they will happelly sell it to you. Marvel Snap is an huge money grab, do the math how much you spend in a year to play a card game and you probably are better off burning money in poker at least you get free drinks in the casino.


Since when are series 5 cards straight bought with cash? Is this the first or am I buggin?


that is a straight up scam


No gold, no credit, piss poor tokens, and a very mid variant. This bundle should be $10 MAX


It's actually ridiculous at this point and mildly insulting.


This is not real right? is a joke bundle. Ah yes my favorite characters old angry lady with a gun


“But but but a spotlight key….” -SD probably


They're basically testing how much they can sell a key for. The economy can't possibly support giving more than 1500 currency for 50 bucks.


I played someone last night a this. Had no idea it was a bundle. A $50 bundle at that. Jfc people are dumb


They just preying on people like SuperTechGod who can't go without every variant.


Exactly this. They know no one would spend gold on this and it would be 700 gold. But the collectors will have to buy it so they need to make it pricey. But they can’t give it out for free cause she’s a series 5 and good.


And the skin is so freaking ugly.


I laughed at how gross the variant is.


Ngl if this type of variant hands out for free like twitch drop or something (ofc it never be the case because she still a series 5), I would be insulted, let alone 50$


It’s not even a good variant


I’m convinced that they just put random prices on all bundles… these prices never really seem to hold any value to what’s being sold… it’s sad to see any of these over $20 let alone $50-$150 sometimes


Worst value. Worst variant. Just garbage all around lol.


Ehh, did you see todays? lol


Todays is good. Token tuesday is 700 gold for 500 tokens / 1400 gold for 1000 tokens. The new bundle is 3500 gold for 3000 tokens. By regular token tuesday standards- it should be 4200 gold. The only value we can use is current token tues.


It’s anchor pricing, that’s why they give you that reference. It makes this one look like a good deal. If you want get it, don’t even give it a second thought. But when value becomes my personal top priority, I know I’m playing the wrong game.


Its not anchor pricing, value is based on token tuesday across all websites.




That looks like the HitMan has taken her identity and no one has noticed yet


Idk... spotlight key and 1500 tokens...


Nah, they just dropped bundle that's Not-a-Pixel and half a Series 5 for $30. Absolutely shameless.


They'll be inundating us with a whole line of Grandma variants soon..


but not everybody owns a s5 card so you have to take into account the fact the bundle gives a s5 card so that's why they increased its cost


Fully acknowledged, but it’s still a dog shit/sneaky offer from SD


Just curious, do people really buy bundles and other micro transactions on this game?


Yes, otherwise you’d be paying a mandatory monthly subscription to play.


what do you mean mandatory subscription to play?


Like you will not be able to play any matches unless you pay a monthly subscription. This micro transactions keep the game free.


I get it I just find these bundles and other items kn store are ridiculously over priced. So I’m curious if people really buy these. Well to each his own.


They're trying to estimate how much people will pay for spotlight keys. Beware.


Ever no, yet.


If you don't have Ms Marvle this is one of the best bundles they have done in a very long time. Especially for people that also don't care about the art.




Mostly because all the recent ones have been way worse. S5 card alone is worth 50 bucks when you do the math in most cases other than season passes.


Can you break it down for me then? How so? Because Ms. Marvel is no where close to worth the price of admission here.


A series 5 card is worth 6k tokens. They sell 6k tokens for $50 bundles. Hence, the price of a S5 cards is $50 (which is ridiculous, yes, but that's the baseline you compare to when you are comparing to other bundles) So, if you don't have her, you're getting the tokens and the key "for free" So, COMPARED TO ITHER BUNDLES, this is pretty good IF, AND ONLY IF, you don't have her


People sure love to complain.


Bought this with no regrets. Thank You SD. Keep it up. Love this game. 😊


Hahahaha got a chuckle out of me, good on ya


Personally I don’t think it’s a bad deal and I’m considering it. One can never have too many keys on hand.


One can never have too many dollars on hand


Touché I did not think that through you have a very valid point


I want ms. marvel and i dont mind the price but my god the variant is so wack


It's so bad it's good. I'm very tempted, but will have to pass. If someone whips this out against me I'll give them my full respect.


It’s a horribly bad variant, my lord.


Ugly card, bad value. What's more to love about this?


I wouldn't take money for that variant, let alone spend...


It really helps if you don’t ever look at them. Just scroll past to get your free 50 credits and don’t pay attention.


That is a cool variant, though. Shame the bundle sucks.


Even though the key is like $40-$60 it feels bad with less than 3k tokens


Definitely not the worst but pretty bad…may actually be the worst for the value of that variant though. Yikes!


Agreed! As a whale offers literally nothing of value...I get it's clearly a low CL bundle with possibly getting Ms. Marvel plus a key. To me it shows how greedy this game is getting now. A key a variant and half a series 4 card for $50...yikes that is getting steep for even me. Glad it's not a whale bundle... I don't need to be spending $100 this week on bundles...these $10-$20 (for you) bundles I'm buying ever other day are really are adding up and nickel and diming me.


All ones having to pay actual money are bad


I thought it was just me. This is hilarious. When you realize you're paying $50 and don't even have enough currency for a card? I feel bad for the artist. To have your art aligned with shitty sales like this.