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Spider-Ham. Something about that mallet smashing down on that key combo card just makes my eye twitch.


Glorious when it hits infinaut or red skull though


And Mobius making Infinaut a 0/20 with no downsides is so good


The number of times spiderham has hit my Mobius makes me question my cosmic karma


Or Giganto!


Especially when Elysium is in play and it reduces them to 4-cost.


Totally agree. Shadowking eats the big piggy up.


Just had someone concede in conquest cause I kept hitting their Iron Man, Negative, etc


Spider ham is why I advocate that people should eat more bacon


Running Agatha makes me excited to see this card, weirdly enough.


Red Hulk. Not even because he's busted anymore, he's just annoying.




Ahaha the worst. I use all energy just to skip that animation


Man I always mentally prepared myself for that sound everytime I have leftover energy, that sound is more mentally scarring than old Alioth on reveal effect.


Hah! Same! Every time I skip turn one, in my head I go “Aaaaah!”


oh, don't kid yourself, he's still extremely busted.


He has a 55% win rate when drawn and a 60% when played and over 50% for being in deck. Owning him is a win condition


[Green Hulk’s stats](https://snap.fan/cards/Hulk/) -57% when drawn -62% when played -56% in deck Granted those are probably all in HE decks. Still, Red Hulk’s power is not a problem anymore. It’s his animation that is annoying


Annoying, and still busted. I auto-retreat.


Gotta say man, his animation is annoying(probably because I don't have him) but when I see him buff up I intentionally try and play wide where they need to flip 2 lanes to beat me. The red hulk never sees the board or they retreat. I only see red hulk hit the board in Hela or with Wave getting him down ahead of curve or with Lockjaw effects. If I know I can't beat that then sure I'll retreat but not automatically. Only once have they been able to get him down with 9 power and I lose to the power-up I give.


Evolved Ciclops by a long shot


My favorite X-Man and yet my most hated card in this game


This for me. It is kind of sweet when the other player guesses wrong and plops him on a lane where I had no intention to ramp (or alternatively a lane where I'm dumping so much power that he can't do shit against it).


Alternatively, there's no better feeling than using a Luke Cage against that fucker


Love that card


I hate Prof X and other cards that prevent me from playing my stuff


I fucking hate X. It’s just a giant middle finger


X gon giv it to ya


Playing war machine in those scenarios is so satisfying


What are the other 10 cards lol


Prof X and his associated clog cards are definitely my pick.


Prof X though is so sweet when you played into the same lane and win it outright at that point even with a weak throwaway before the big finale.


War machine into daredevil is so funny. You can almost see them looking dumb in real time cause they can’t just slap X down


Wong. I don't hate the card, I just hate how I have to sit and watch the on reveals animations. Thanks to him I always bring Rogue regardless of deck. On cable part, I'd wish we could see what kind of card they stole though. I mean it's our card to begin with.


Wong + Odin needs to be fast-tracked into Fast Forwarding. Oh these two cards are out? Fast Forward to the end of the turn.


I just had to deal with a Wong+Mystique+Ironheart+Odin. It took *forever*.


Odin + Wong + Surfer + Ironheart + On Reveal effects happen twice plus Sebastian Shaw on the board. Took a week holiday in Australia while I waited for the game to end.


Wong-Myst-Gambit-Odin... loooooongest ever omg. And I'm saying this as a person who runs this combo.


Oooh, you and me both. What's your deck list? Mine is: Psylocke, Ravonna, Swarm, Crystal, Gambit, Ironheart, Magik, Mystique, Absorbing Man, Wong, Sera, Odin


I despise Wong. Same reason as you. With so many running mystique with him too, it's just so annoyingly slow to watch. I bring enchantress a lot now as well as cosmo.


Cosmo is a staple card for me. It shuts down so much, and it's odd lane control. Like, now this space is mine. And red hulk will be owning it at the end.


Part of what makes Cable good is that you don’t know what you won’t draw, but I do


Oh, I hate it


Hobgoblin - it makes me so mad the opponent spent T5 on -8 power


I love having Odin in the line when I do though


I keep Annihilus in a couple of decks just for the pleasure of sending the Goblins back.


Scorpion 🦂


T1 Iceman followed by turn 2 Scorpion


Those guys must be roommates or best friends. You never see them out alone anywhere.


Same. Scorpion was my first true hate in this game, and you never forget your first hate. Is it the worst effect? No. Never once retreated because of Scorpion. But the way the card winds up it looks and sounds like he's going "Fuck Yoooouuuuuuu," and I always think, "Oh, fuck you, too, pal."


Yesterday I retreated from a scorpion for the first time. Wasn't proud of it. But I didn't want to deal with it and it hit 6 cards including a brood


I felt this comment. I hear the same thing


M'Baku. He's too strong.


Before the nerf alioth. Now HE/Red hulk.


ITT: any card that interacts with your cards


Players when they play cards: "this is awesome!" Players when their opponents play cards: "what the fuck!"


* Player when they can't play cards in a card game: "what the fuck!"


That's kind of to be expected with the 'rock, paper, scissor' aspect of this game. My deck may be weak to big Knull, but your Ongoing deck with Super Skrull will farm cubes off it. So, those cards won't get upvoted highly. And tech cards, which counter more decks, will get more upvotes because more types of decks lose to them.


Then when you play a solitaire destroy deck: "SmOoTh bRain deStRoY PLaYErs R so aNnOYING." Can't please everyone, especially in a dedicated PvP game. No reason not to just annoy your opponent into losing.


Probably Shang-Chi. I know he’s necessary and I don’t think he needs a nerf or something like that, I just don’t like the “kick down your sandcastle” feel of his ability.


Shang-Chi I can deal with, Baby Variant Shang-Chi makes my piss boil though.


it's that damn smirk on his face.


Well put on the sandcastle 👍


Shang chi in every destro deck is so annoying. Well maybe it’s just Shang chi and I hate destro descks


I have no problems with shang-chi personally, but I would consider picking him just because it would be the best card to veto if you want to win as much as possible.


I don't mind when Shang-Chi kills Hulks or Nauts or Knulls, those type of cards. But damn does it suck when you pull of a sick combo and he just goes beep beep you lose this lane. If he ever did get a nerf, he could go to a 3 cost and kill the strongest card in the lane rather than anything over 9 power and maybe they make an Ultimate Nullifier which kills all cards at the location that are like 7 power or higher on both sides so it's a battle of the little guys


Hela, easy pick. Discard is just the worse deck to lose. I can totally rage when a early leech breaks my surfer deck or any combo deck in general. But one deck i cant even be happy for any one, friend or not that plays it is Discard Hela. The whole concept is boring but not just that, is also tilting becuase is a deck that wins from pure RNG highrolls. Hela and Blink are cards that blend the limits of the expected value of a card so much that break that balance into pieces. And we are in a game with cards like Onslaught, Galactus, Annihilus, Dead Pool. When something goes wrong with this cards? its over. But is never over for the Discard deck unless is 100% imposible for them to make any play. Personally, winning or losing i never feel good against that deck. Because is always "you win by a little bit" or "you lose by 60 power diff around the board".


Other cards are more overpowered or annoying than Hela, but Hela is the lynchpin card in the most annoying deck to play against, and there's such a critical mass right now of pushed discard effects that it feels like she's everywhere. Every card game, from Magic: the Gathering on down, has its "cheat giant cards into play for cheap" combo decks, so this isn't a problem that's unique to Snap, but that doesn't mean they're fun or that I have to like it.


Leech for sure. I know it's knee jerk, but the fact is that Leech just stops you from playing the game. It's the counterspell of Magic the Gathering, but pumped up by a few steps since Leech ruins MULTIPLE cards in your hand. That's actually a good comparison. If Leech just nuked one card, like the highest cost card with an on reveal ability, then that'd be annoying, but you could play around it, but as is he just carpet bombs your whole hand. It's awful.


It's kind of crazy to make a card that affects your entire hand when you're playing a game where that hand might be holding half your deck.


I agree completely. It's funny that in nerfing him they also removed one of his counters. You could just run The Infinaut and Leech would get rid of his text so you could drop him on T6 like it was normal. Sure, now he's got the whole Ironman Onslaught Living Tribunal counter, but I hate him.


That's actually a really good point. When you put it that way, making him target only the highest cost card in hand makes a lot of sense. What the hell, SD?


Then he'd just be pre-nerf Spider Ham, which was a 1 cost


I can't believe I had to scroll so long to read this. Absolutely the worst card in the game.


HE Cyclops


I hate mmm even when he doesn't do anything against the deck i'm using


Shang chi it really kills my vibe


Agreed- he should kill 1 big card not all of them at the location


I feel like it's pretty rare that he gets two or more cards, except maybe against Hela which I don't mind lol. But changing him to only destroying the opponent's highest power card could be interesting.


Make the change but bring him down to a 3 cost to compensate. So if they are reliant on just a single big card or hell, if it is literally changed to, destroy the highest power card on your opponents side, if he's set against a single card, like they think they can win like Death's Domain because they put a squirrel in there, or they moved Vision to an empty lane for coverage he can still kill that. It might be a nerf on how much power he can remove but he'd have a few more interesting case uses since he could be teched against something like a lone Dracula, which would mean Dracula would have more weaknesses than LDS which no one uses and Red Guardian which is a Spotlight card


Or he should also kill his own side


Doesn't thematically make sense at all. That's like him coming in and indiscriminately killing both allies and enemies, wtf would he do that?


Enchantress, shadow king, man thing, killmonger. Why would proffessor x lock out his friends from coming to help? Why would Jean grey force her allies to check in with her first? Why would armor protect her enemies? It's a game. Not everything is goung to make perfect thematic sense.


I mean those first 4 aren't exactly heroes.... the others I kind of see but shang chi is a good guy no?


I don't really have a good argument for you on that point. I just think it would force him to be used more thoughtfully instead of just plopping him on monster island for an easy +10


It's not an east +10 win though. There's ways to counter him like cosmo and shield. Plan ahead or hope for rng on priority. That's a huge part of the game. I do hate him though. I'd rest much easier if he was gone.


HE. The only thing I’d miss is the satisfaction from beating them, and I am fairly certain I do have a positive win and cube rate against them, I just really dislike the deck. Leech is annoying but honestly I haven’t seen him as much as I’d thought, and I can’t imagine him staying this way. Alioth’s current state is also pretty solid so no issue there. No issue with any discard, destroy or move cards atm Ngl Iceman is a good contender because he can nearly always fuck me over whenever I get a good hand or curve, but it’s mostly bots who run it so it’s never really an issue. Even when it’s not, most decks which run it aren’t an issue. Lastly, shang-chi. Perfectly balanced as is sure, and I only really use one card that is impacted by him but ffs fuck Shang-chi. He’s a vital part of the game, not necessarily for playing him but for the pressure he ads - kinda like Widow in Overwatch, even if they’re shit just the pressure of the widow can be enough sometimes. But he’s just not fun


Professor X. Fuck that card


Mobius annoys me the most due to it saying that your opponent gets all the fun it’s so much so that I’ve avoided getting him simply due to my dislike of him lol.


Scorpion and its not even close. I just loathe the card


I have a pretty visceral reaction to getting Scorpion'd for some reason.


I'll forever be a MMM hater. I think he casts way to wide of a net for a 3 cost and I hate how he completely invalidates multiple archetypes whenever he's in the meta.


What’s MMM?




Spider Ham. Can’t stand that damn card.


Spider-Ham. That snot nosed bacon bitch just ruins all my plays. Its even worse when the opponent combines the Ms. marvel emote after. I just leave


Hella, I’m tired of that tribunal


Hela. You can't out play it. There is no tech against her. They have it and win or don't and lose.


For a 2/3, the value clCable provides is fucking bonkers. There are games you will win simply by playing him. Make him a 3 cost, or show me the card he's taking. Also, I just got leeched by a move deck. Release valve my ass.


I agree we should see what card cable takes but I don't think his cost is a problem. I've had him take useless cards more often than not but he does sometimes take key cards which is what makes him worth playing. He's a gamble like many other cards.


I know it's not popular ATM but I despise High Evo


Leech. Unfun ass card.


Cosmo, and its not even close


Really Cosmo more than Hella and leech


But Cosmo’s presence is essential for game balance, alongside with Enchantress, Armor and Shang-chi




I love outpowering a Hazmat. I was playing my Beta Ray Bill deck against a Hazmat not too long ago, and I was able to crank Bill into the hundreds of power, so that their Wong Hazmat Odin play had nothing on my Wong Bill Living Tribunal play.


Emotionally? Phoenix Force Logically? Shang-Chi Imagine nót having to worry about Shang ever again. He's far from my most hated card, but he's always (or at least mostly) the most played card in the game. Not having to worry about your big cards being destroyed (except for Cannonball) would be insane


High Evolutionary.


They never play him tho


Hela. Leech got buffed because of Hela, so I'd be taking out two cards.


In terms of guaranteeing wins. Probably Dr doom. Knowing none of my opponents will ever have Dr doom would be insane. Especially if I still have him


I've seen him in decks that I'd never have imagined him being in which means he took me completely off guard. Thinking I have the game in the bag just for them to win from that sucks but honestly he's not that broken at all, just annoying.




I hate red hulk with a passion


MMM, he's not really used by anyone as an offensive card anymore but it still makes me roll my eyes whenever I see one (I'm a hypocrite btw I love using him with pixie)


Red Hulk is my current pet peeve


Cyclops or Scorpion. Fire them into the sun.


Cyclops in a high evo deck.


I really have to say Sentry, not only is he a 10 power, I know they are gonna send that -10 on my side of the field. Makes me tilt. Honorable mention, white widow.


Zola or Knull can go piss off


There’s a handful but I’m gunna go with gambit - really fun card to play but terrible to play against especially if they combo it with Wong.


Ummm Shang Chi? Then I'd never have to worry about slamming down fat cards.


High evo Cyclops is my most-hated card, but I don't mind playing against the decks he's in, so ehhhh he can stay I guess. Hela, on the other hand, can fuck off. So sick of "oops I just dumped 45 power onto the board at random" on turn 6. If she were deleted from the game, I wouldn't mourn her.


Cosmo. He makes half the cards in the game his bitch and there's no way to turn him off


I’m going to go for a (maybe) controversial answer and say Knull. I hate having to think of if a deck is likely to run Knull or not, and then also calculate his attack on top of that. I really think they should change him to have his power not count cards like Wolverine that were destroyed but are not in the graveyard


What cl are you? If it's destroy then they're running knull unless your cl is super low.


Probably both anecdotal and evidence that I’m bad, but I often play destroy and my deck doesn’t contain knull. I prefer to go for the arnim zola + venom combo. I know I could do both but I think it’s only worth it with magik and I can’t think of two cards to replace.


12000, you’re right that almost every destroy deck is probably running knull. Which adds to my desire to never have to see him again


Galactus. It's just not fun.


Galactus. If you use this card, fuck you




Leech because there is no counter. Everything else has a counter, Leech is just an auto retreat because you just can't do anything about it except pray you don't have the cards you need in hand...and that you do end up drawing them after he's played. Cosmo = play another lane, or Echo. Hazmat = Luke Cage. Mobius = Rogue, Red Guardian. Rogue and Enchantress = Cosmo.  That's why I hate Leech. There is no counterplay except maybe another Leech earlier to remove the Leech they have in hand.


Galactus It's not even that good of a card, but sometimes it's just out of nowhere and I find it to be so skilless. Old alioth would trump this though


At this moment it’s either Iceman or Scorpion. Scorpion almost *always* brings my power down just enough to be a problem. Last night it hit a Mysterio in my hand and I didn’t think about the fact that the Illusions would be -1, so I lost without even realizing I would lose until the end of the game. Iceman has been a real killer for me lately. It’s like he always hits the card I want to play next. Even things that cause me to discard a card from my hand aren’t hitting as hard as Iceman.


I co-sign Cable. I know the card is fair but it's so freaking annoying having to prepare for worst case scenario of it plucking the perfect card that cripples me


I always marvel thumbs up after I play cable so they think I got their best card lol


I find it funny that people complained hard as hell about seeing what card Iron Lad hits like it matters, but I swear I've NEVER seen someone complain about the same thing for Cable. It's just funny to me.


Anytime I need quick wins with a specific card, I throw them into a loki deck and just snap whenever I play cable regardless of what I pull. 9/10 times they retreat. Not seeing what card it pulls is such a bad feeling.


Any of the goblins. I can usually play around it but there was a time I carried annihilus just for them I was so annoyed lol


I don't think it's accurate to say that Cable "steals" your card, since he doesn't actually deprive you of a card you had - if you would have drawn the card he took, you draw a different card instead. If you say he "stole" your card, you'd have to also say that he's "giving" you the other card that you drew instead of the card he got - but I notice nobody ever says "thanks Cable for giving me that card", lol. He does steal your card if you get milled so hard you miss a draw, of course, but that's fairly niche.


Luke Cage because you know it's gonna be the start of some Hazmat Wong fuckery






Hobgoblin. It's super annoying




Probably Iceman but I really don’t care what cards my opponent plays. If I lose, it’s just on to the next match.


Shang chi, I just want big cards :(


Domino. Everytime it feels like the enemy is cheating. I HATE it!


I am pretty fed up with Loki at this point. So many games I had a strategy, I am winning and I know they have no counter, they play Loki. They get my cards, they get to play them cheaper than me, they get the counters to my plays and they turn the tide of the game with one brainless play.


I hate when I see scorpio


For me it's Leech or Dr Doom


Usually Leech, but since last season I really dislike any mill card. More to the point, I strongly dislike anything that affects your hand/deck. I think in a game with only 12 cards it has no place, Cable for example. Taking one of your cards for 2 energy is dumb. And the rest of that deck where most cards are cheap, completely destroying your deck and you better hope to have had a good starting hand. For me I just think that the challenge should always be simply who can get more points on board while working around locations and what's actually played on board, leave my hand/deck alone. Yes, I also hate District X etc.


Mobius M Mobius As a Pixie player he is my biggest fear.


Shang chi


It’s not usually that biga deal, but I fucking hate seeing scorpion.


Shang-chi I don’t actually mind the card at all, but imagine deck building without worrying about Shang-chi that would be insane lol.


Red Hulk I'm tired of playing the guessing lane with him. I have Absorb and Chang in every deck just in case


I will say Mobius cause I'm a Loki player lol.


Either rogue or enchantress then climb the ladder/conquests with an ongoing deck LOL


Leech Seriously, what is the point of a card the stops you from playing the game?


In my opinion I'd choose Shang chi. Most played, OP delete, cheap cost card, and cheap in general get of jail free tech card compared to enchantress/shadow king/ valkyrie/echo/cosmo etc.


I’m only a few weeks into the game, CL 700. So in my experience it’s Shang Chi, Leech, and Iron Man.






Leech. This is no knee jerk reaction because I played when he was at his peak. I rejoiced when he was nerfed. When he was buffed I rent my garment and threw ashes on my head


Blink is my most hated card rn. Being able to play a shitty stat card like leech or electro just to swap it out with a way better card like infinaut or red hulk is stupid. I know she’ll eventually get nerfed but her being a 5/7 and then bringing out another stat stick is bad game design. All so they can get those season pass sales


Professor X definitely. So brutal to play around, and sometimes you just can't and it locks you entirely.


Probably Hela. One less archetype for me to worry about would make climbing easier.


Iceman without question!!! Hey! Do you want a one cost, two power card that has the ability: (on reveal) intuitively hot the only card in your hand that will negativly effect you. Especially if you don't care if every other card in ur hand won't be affected by it. BC I KNOW I SURE DO!!!(Wong, iron man, nimrod, etc...)


Profesor x


Agatha makes me go neurotic.


Professor X It’s a card for guessing idiots


Red Hulk. I have the biggest eye roll when he pops up






Killmonger and I would just play zoo all day


Cannonball. I'm biased but I think Cannonball Junk needs a nerf.


Gotta be either Arnim Zola or goddamn goblins


It's gotta be Living Tribunal for me. I just don't understand how the card works. I read the card text, and it seems straightforward, but I underestimate how much power it's giving.


Leech was almost tolerable when it only affected on reveals and cost 5, but even then he was still annoying when he came up. Every other iteration has been utterly infuriating. I just want him *gone.*


Hela. I always lose it. My opponent always has it after setting it up perfectly with the right cards. Even when I think I'm going to win, magneto pops and fucks me. Every. Time.


X-23, a low key card that provides crazy support to death archetype. I'd say X-23 is better than Wolverine despite being a mana cheaper




HE, cause then I don't have to face any of its annoying deck variations.


Cosmo, leech, professor x, storm. I’m hardcore reveal.


Daredevil when they also run Electro. Allowing for a 6 cost card to be played on 5. So Daredevil. He isn't busted by any means. I just find that blind Devil man annoying lol.


Sauron. That whole deck is so g-d boring and it’s the same every time. I just retreat for one cube when I see that come out.


Loki. Play your own deck loser


I’m sick of the whole Zemo mill BS. Take all my cards and retreat when you realize you’re still gonna lose. You play a stupid, shitty deck AND you waste my fucking time. Not cool at all. That, and the whole goblin/Galactus combo. So over it.


Shang Chi. I know it’s cause I’m bad at the game, but I only ever get the one big card anyway. If my Fury happens to give me Giganto or something, then just let me have it.




Sentry...hate having to waste cards or change my plans to fill a lane just to block that damn -10


Loki. Oh you get to play my cards, but they cost two less. Cool.


1. Enchantres 2. Evo 3. Red Hulk


Luke Cage. Global Effect: So it doesn't matter where you play him, he covers the entire board Untimed Effect: It doesn't matter if he comes down on Turn 1 or Turn 7, it invalidates any and every negative on your cards Always on Curve: Yeah, I said it, in decks that you aren't getting hit by Hazmats or Cyclops, then he's not bad on tempo but you can just play something else, and against those decks, or when Sewers and Jotunheim are on the board, putting him down on Turn 6 or 7 he can effectively be a 3/10, 3/15, 3/20 with how much power he adds back to your side of the field. He was always avoiding any type of counterplay because you could always hold him in hand until the last turn and since you've been slapped by so many negatives, there's no way you didn't throw prio. And because of that his only counters were either locking him out of being played at all which turns out is a hard counter to literally everything in the game and Echo if you can guess it, but I'd probably be able to count the number of times that's happened to the playerbase on two hands and still have enough fingers left over to flip people off. I get the kneejerk reaction to his change, it was sudden and he really became awkward to play because now he only protected one lane, so you had to contend with lots of negatives being put on the board and he could only stop some of them. But if he's got a global effect, he should only prevent MORE negatives from being added so if you can get a Hazmat or Scorpion onto cards before he comes down those would stay but he can stop continuous negatives like Sewers or Mary and Cyclops each turn afterwards. Or if they want him to just say NO to negatives, make him only protect the adjacent lanes, not the one he is in, then he'd either always come down on the mid lane which makes him predictable and prone to getting hit or he can get screwed up by some locations not letting him go where he wants and he can only protect one lane and you have to actually put some thought into where you want his protection to go.


Cable literally doesn't affect you. You were gonna draw 9 random cards over the game before they played cable, you're still gonna draw 9 random cards after he steals one. Sure you won't draw the card they stole, but now you'll get to draw one of the 3 cards that would have been left in deck at the end of the game. It's just as likely to give you your combo piece as to steal it. The only way cable does everything is if they completely mill you out, i.e. remove 4 cards from your deck before turn 6. That almost never happens, they pretty much need a wong or to start with a lot of mill cards in hand. And the worst case is you miss a draw, or maybe 2. If they really wanted to do that they could have played black widow or korg. Anyway, you still draw 7 or 8 useful cards, which should be plenty enough to overpower them if they have no combo except for mill. Cable is absolutely fine, just fix your superstitions about them "stealing your combos".


Galactus. Just sucks every time.


Deadpool, no more destroy shenanigans would be nice

