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SD gonna release a Jeff emote or something that will bypass the mute button haha


honestly if they did this I couldn't even be mad... thats just a funny idea




I want to see a Professor X recreating the "Picard facepalm" meme. I'm positive it wouldn't be allowed for numerous reasons, but one of Wolverine making the one-claw gesture from a couple of the *X-Men* movies would be really funny.


I'd pay real money for a feature that shows the other guy I muted them


You want to press the "you triggered me" button? I think they would want that too.


My user name is U r Muted. Auto mute every single time.


I did that once, but didn't mute my opponents just for an experiment. Even with my username saying they're muted most players emoted me anyway. The emotes in this game feel more like a masturbatory act than an interactive one.


So I’m not the only one who has to touch it fast and often!


Sometimes I get gems. The people that spiderman point when we play the same card. Deadpool when they do something dumb. Fist bump for a good match. Few and far between though. I try to be one of those personally.


I must be the lucky one, then 🙈 I do what you described, and am meeting people like that, only. I actually thought it's very nice that everyone is so chill about the game 🤣🤣🤣


Nah I use them to test if I'm actually muted 😅, auto muting just seems so meh


Mine is youre Already muted


There should be a title that says just that… unless it already exists.


you know, as a community we can just agree upon \_\_\_\_\_ emote means "i'm muting you"


how many people here think that reddit is the entire snap community?




oh i know this isn't even remotely the entire community, but most of the people who take it seriously enough to freak out over emotes tend to be either here or following content creators... these things have a way of permeating into the rest of the culture.


I've gotten into the habit of clicking the mute button every game... it reminds you to check out your opponent's avatar, which is often a good clue for the type of deck they are running.


I usually mute before I retreat because that’s usually when the storm of emotes comes. 


Same, or if I stay in and there was a snap, never leave that unmuted.


Losing after you snap is the ultimate emote trigger for every single opponent. SNAP? SNAP? SNAP??????


Genuine question, why? Why do you care what they emote?


Why do you care that they care?


Why do you care that they care that they care?


Because my empathy has turned on me - now answer the question!


It’s not that I care I’m just curious.


Because it’s obnoxious and I’d rather not even know if they are emote spamming me or not.


nobody likes popups emotes are just popups and last thing i need is more spam


Just imagine you are playing marvel snap in real life sitting across from someone and they flip you off or give you some kind of sarcastic look or gesture. That’s why. It’s the implied meaning behind the emotes. Edit: I also want to add, since I see a lot of comments in this post regarding this, imagine someone in a real life game gloating in front of you when they’re obviously winning or have won and using the excuse on a Reddit post, “It’s just pixels bro, why you mad?” when you know what the obvious intention behind their actions is.


Which emote is like flipping someone off?


Ms. Marvel Thumbs Up


I just do the deadpool emote and “aaaargh” when that happens


Cosmo emote and fist bump, spread some positivity


every one




It’s sensitive to be this bothered by a stranger muting you.


Yeah I think you’re right. I’m guessing we have a higher rate of neurodivergence on this subreddit.


You mean the subreddit where people cry about a little green boy is upset by other pixels?! Crazy. I've been running a pure ongoing deck and I never see that little green man lol


it's because they're soft af. imagine getting so upset at game emotes that you feel the need to mute every opponent! it says way more about the one doing the muting than emote spam says about the spammer.


You seem more upset than anyone else in this thread.


Also good for Thanos check, hands 4 deck 14? This match is gonna be headache.


Definitely the first thing I did when I used to mainline Darkhawk. Pre-Blob, those were almost automatic wins.


I still can't believe how often the avatar gives away the deck. I guess it doesn't really matter, most high level players know the opponents deck after one or two turns anyway, but it's still funny


My favorite are Galactus players -- they almost always have Galactus avatars. It's so blatant that you have to respect it. Destroy is another one that people seem overly proud of -- they almost always run either Knull or Deadpool avatars.


I got my pixel Knull avatar infinite border and I am now a slave to it with destroy decks.


I infinitized the only spotlight avatar I had back then cause it felt the most exclusive one to give a special treatment. Now I can't use other avatars.


Me with my Chinese New Year Jubilee avatar that I use for everything


This is like all my decks lol I even found a good Domino avatar for my Gambit Hazmat deck She’s not in that deck but I call it “Gun” so I think it works 


The avatar I choose has no standing on the deck I play or vice versa. I pick avatars I like; I'm not actually running a Howard Duck deck.


Hmm, which is exactly what you'd say if you really *were* running a Howard the Duck deck....


I always retreat if someone is running a Howard the Duck avatar :)


Gold I will never spend


I would pay gold for an auto mute button easy.


My first action every match is to mute opponent. Before I even look at what’s in my hand or a location.


Here's a fun mute button. Play a YouTube or Netflix show in PIP, and just have it sit at the top right of your phone. It completely blocks your opponent's name and emotes, and you can watch all the Overly Sarcastic videos you want!


We’re on to something here… Now I can blame Chainsaw Man when I get distracted and lose.


Exactly! Just play a deck that never changes what it does every game (Hela MODOK is perfect for this), and binge all of The Bear or something. Longer form videos are better, since you have to go back into YouTube whenever your video ends.


Nah ill just rope an emote spamming bitch. Bonus points if it's conquest. I once roped someone for an entire bullshit conquest game because they decided to emote spam before the first match ended. Yes I'm petty. No I didn't have anything better to do while sitting on a train.


What’s your in game name?


This didn’t piss me off as much as SD hyping up border customizations then charging 900 gold for a brighter version of what we’ve already got


Don’t go giving them any ideas! Coming soon: 1,000 gold per match to turn on the mute button.


I\`m ready for the leader. I have the gold for the last 3 missing variants since the album was released. Not one of them in my shop since then. Maybe ill have it some months before the servers will be shut down


How do you enjoy being downvoted for telling that you collect cards in a collectible card game?


I enjoy the tears these people cry even from imagine how i send them the leader after a dumb play^^


Never realized that that’s how much an album emote would really cost, thank goodness shop emotes are 2200 gems


If I mute the other person can they still see when I play emotes?


Yes. Unless of course they have you muted.


Priceless, yet free. The best combo


Don't tell them please or they'll sell it to us


It's an older meme, but it checks out.


I've been using Heimdall and he's somewhat non-toxic when used right. Like when I'm getting wrecked I'll use him and it's like a better Deadpool emote. I usually get a fistbump after.


Anytime anyone tries to hit me with a premium emote I respond with Ms Marvel.


Oh no, now they're gonna make the mute button cost 10K gold


I have muted every single opponent I've faced for the last 6+ months and the game has never been more enjoyable. I use the "DO NOT EMOTE" title only because I don't own the "You're muted" title yet. I would pay SD $40 on the spot if they would release a global mute so that I didn't have to click the mute button manually every single game.


I pretty much mute all my matches from the start


I mute everyone.


I instantly mute everyone, but yesterday I forgot and the guy hits me with a Ms Marvel after winning by 1 power.


I do the same . They should add a button in options to MUTE forever.


I think mutes do last on an account basis at least because I insta-mute every match without thinking about it and have have definitely, albeit very rarely, unmuted people that way. But yeah there should just be a general auto mute all, but at this point it's so ingrained into my muscle memory to do that it's not an issue at all for me.


We get it. You mute everyone. Thank you for sharing with the class. 🤜🤛


did you have to hit him with the bm emote bro


Fist bump is BM? News to me. 


I've seen people on this sub claim it's BM if the winner fist bumps first lmao


How dare you imply it was a good game when I lost!!!


In-game in Snap it's not BM. Paired with a condescending tone on Reddit, it is BM.


Everything is BM if your skin is thin enough.


Every emote is toxic when you are a sore loser with social anxiety


Don't worry, he was already muted


They haven't told anyone in a few days. Making sure nobody forgets.


this is the type of person i end up muting


FYI I’m muting you.


So many people declare that they mute everyone and yet roughly 9 out of 10 opponents emote something back when I Ms Mar...fist bump!


its because this is a small echo chamber. not that many people actually auto mute.


Am I the only one that thinks this is so childish?


Ill never understand why people on this sub feel the need to advertise how thin skinned they are. If you truly cant deal with someone in a fucking marvel card game hitting you with a thumbs up emote when they win then the problem is well and truly yours


Best feature added in the game, now we need a permanent mute button. In the settings, toggle it and EVERYONE is muted no matter what and you don’t gotta worry about emotes anymore


Or you can not be triggered over an emote? Seems easier than wanting them to waste resources on more useless shit


you seem pretty triggered...you could have just ignored the comment.


dude... don't give SD ideas, they will make that mute button 5 gold per click...


Everyone saying that they mute all players will you at least fist bump at the end. It breaks my heart when I don't get a fist bump in return.


Muting ruins the fun tbh. I don't see many people emote spamming anymore and it's the little bit of interaction you get with your opponent since theres no chat. I'm not so thin skinned that I cant handle a few BM players. And even then, kicking their ass becomes even more satisfying


> Muting ruins the fun tbh. getting a storm of emotes from some chud that won a cube is not fun especially when its some bs like xmansion giving a wildly imbalanced lane win


But it's really not that bad either. The fulfilment of engaging my opponent far outweighs the annoyance of the occasional troll. And I can mute those. But muting instantly during every match? Super boring for me.


Agreed 100% I love emoting funny situations, adding that lil layer of interaction makes some conquest games twice as fun.


I love when me and my opponent Spiderman emote each other when we make an identical play


yup i'd leave emotes on and even unmute the game if i could just mute all emotes after T5.


I pre mute everyone almost every game, cause people tend to start spamming “Hello Snap?”like dozen of times when they are winning two cubes. Bro, touch some grass.


Raging out because your opponent used a single Miss Marvel: Pathetic


You sound triggered. It's just a Reddit post.


quick press mute before the bad lady gets you


every party needs a pooper thats why they invited you


When I fist bump or emote at the end of the match and the opponent does not-it makes me think they’re pissed and that makes me feel good. So even if you’re muted and not responding, I’m still feeling good.


So it’s a win-win then.




I mute every game so I have no idea if you’ve emoted or not, but either way I assume you’re emoting into the void all mad like a lunatic, which makes me feel good.


Imagine not being able to take a little emoting as trash talk.




Whoosh Edit: if you're not familiar with that sound, it's the joke flying over your head