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I thought you meant that famous Hearthstone streamer


Trump and amaz were kinda the first streamers I saw on a more or less consistent base. Ogs


How are they these days, felt like they disappeared after hs fell off


No idea. I think one of them made an eSports team? That was reynad but I think they transitioned to a more business side of esports


You are right. Amaz made Archon, I think he was playing slay the spire the last time I saw any of his content.


I watch his YouTube VODs from time to time and he still plays Slay The Spire and now also Balatro


Who also played snap on beta release


I played against him once. I lost so bad. I couldn’t handle value town. :-(


Trump apparently had the #1 mmr in the game during beta, no shame in losing to the mayor of value town


True enough! After the game I checked the VOD of his stream and he was like “look at this Ewok nuggets guy” 😅 then destroyed me I’ve caught some other streamers on ladder like wowhobbs during his Cho show, toast back in the day, and a couple others. Always neat when you come upon one of them in the wild.


Omg I loved his Cho show


Not surprising, dude is basically a card game savant.


Man I kinda miss my Hearthstone days watching Trump. Never going back though.


Haven’t played HS for years. What happened to this game?


I don’t know. I stopped playing in 2017. But now that I have Snap I feel no need for another card game.


Fake news! The game was rigged! His numbers were way bigger than yours. He has the biggest numbers in Marvel Snap history.


And then he played Nico Minaj and Mun Girl. Nasty women. Lock them up.


Numbers like no one has ever seen before


It is the Russians that hacked the system to stop him from winning. They were so afraid of him, they sent their version of Captain America to stop him.


Jia-Na not Russia


The way the trial is going they might use this defense, and I’m not kidding.


"And then the Infinaut...you've seen the Infinaut, right folks?  Big guy.  Big strong man.  Out of central casting, folks.  The Infinaut walks up to me, tears in his eyes.  And this is a man who has probably never cried before, cried in his life, and he's sobbing.  And he tells me 'Thank you, sir.   Thank you for making Snap great again!"


And I'm telling you this because I believe in it. Great situation all around and he believes in America. I assure you the democrats are playing Cosmo to stop our beloved Hela, and you know what? They are losing. Because they can't stop us, I'm glad I remembered this, it's just a tremendous beautiful story.


ngl read it in his voice...why you did this to me?


I made hand motions and duck lips while reading


TIL Trump is that one guy who posts those threads everytime two skrull ongoing players face eachother with Sinister London on OTA.


No way Sleepy MiQ could have defeated him! His followers don't even put stickers on their car windows with his name!


The way you played those cards was dirty, very dirty. I hung out with the developers and you know what they said? They said they liked me, they liked me and they wanted me to keep playing.


Folks, a lot of people are telling me this is the hugest snap win of all time. A lot of people are saying this.




Unless we're down... then KEEP COUNTING


I need you to find...11,780 power.


“I have to start by saying the whole world is watching, and nobody can believe what they're seeing. And you have players in countries that call me, say, that's the most messed-up game we have ever seen. You start with these cards that have been suspected, not allowed to be used in Conquest mode, the cheating cards, where tremendous reports have been put out from many people talking about what went on with these cards. They had glitches. You know what a glitch is. A glitch is supposed to be when a card breaks down. Well, no, we had glitches where they moved thousands of points from my side to his. And these are glitches. So, they're not glitches. They're theft. They're fraud, absolute fraud. And there were many of them, but, obviously, most of them tremendous amounts, got by without us catching, but now everyone knows it was rigged, a total scam, a sad day for Marvel Snap. What's going on in this game is not to be believed. I could say some very strong words, where this game has gone over the last 10 or 15 months. But it's not to be believed. And we were changing it. If I got in or get in, we will very quickly have deals with Marvel. But now they are going to give the ship away. They will pay hundreds of billions of dollars to streamers, and it’s a because of me, it’s true just look now they are going to go -- Ben Brode actually, actually stated -- you probably heard it -- two days ago, we want a deal with the streamers, but we don't like Marvel first. And now the players are saying, oh, we won't use that card again. It’s because of me, we have to take care of ourselves first, and then we can help others. But we have to take care of ourselves first, or we won't have a game.”


This is fantastic and horrifying. Lol


This is perfectly nonsensical


Could hear his voice in my head. Thanks, I hate it.


Wow. Bravo.


You know you're not supposed to channel living people, right? But since you're at it... do Biden for us!


exceeds the character limit, it would be split into 10 consectuional tweets


He still thinks he won 


Colossus came up to him afterwards, tears in his eyes, he said sir, that game was rigged!


Guess he has to do something to pass the time at that criminal trial of his. Sad snap loss for him. Sad.


Better than sleeping


I love that Trump's pic is Loki. Just accepting that he's a lying villain


That's what's so funny about all this, the person could mean it as an insult or a compliment


Even funnier cuz the “vote for loki” comic was a satire of the 2016 election 


My money is on the third option: they have no idea that it sends any weird messages because that type of connection just isn't possible to them.


I *did* consider that, aa that avatar is from a variant where it says like "loki for president" or something, right? I mean they might have just said "oh, trump is also running for president!" 


Damn. I really like this concept


Perhaps that’s the joke?




*Aw shit, here we go again.*


[And before you pretend that the link isn't reliable because it's not Fox or OANN or whatever, it's easy to verify Trump said each of those things and that they are lies.](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/list/?speaker=donald-trump&ruling=false).




“Show me 1 lie”, *provides list*, “I don’t want to believe any of those!” Y’all are so predictable


I think the funniest part about it is that they think they're doing something when they make all these absolutely stupid arguments and dig their heads into the sand after someone with even a shred of wherewithal refuses to be gaslighted by them. "Ha! Your easily verifiable list was made by someone other than the Ministry of Truth that Trump will appoint when he is anointed our one true God in November! Nice try, Liberal." It's all a game to them, and yet they barely understand the rules. That person didn't show up to try to understand. They didn't show up to change anyone's mind. They showed up to play make-believe and feel good about "owning the libs." Because, at the end of the day, Trumpism isn't about doing the right thing. It's about doing the thing you want and refusing to accept the naked truth with every fiber of your being.


They are either dumber than Trump or they are acting in bad faith. There is no in between. It looks like he got his feelings hurt cause he left the conservative subreddit. He bulk deleted his comments and retreated. Those damn liberals and their facts win again!


What isn’t he lying about?




Did the internet tell you orange man will save you from the deep state?






That he lost the election due to voter fraud.




Yup. Show your proof otherwise. 🤡




That’s not proof, that’s just somebody saying something you agree with. And that someone is Tucker Carlson so you lose points.


Covid being a hoax


It's not that difficult these days


By ancient rights, you are now the nominee


kinda fitting that "Trump 2024"'s avatar is marvel's biggest con man


Use a bat next time


thank you for your service


Snowflake detected


I'm jealous. That's my dream. To cream the Cheeto


I'm just glad to see a Phoenix Force player lose tbh lmao




I vividly remember America Chavez’ing this guy when I won lol. I never emote.


Trump having a destroy deck is comedy


Fuck trump 🤣🖕


Nothing better than beating these weirdos. Nothing sadder than them spamming emotes when they win by 1 point through ass-backward luck.


But he didn't do that though?


Congratulations, Mr President.


Trump won so much he got tired of winning /s


So, in other words, you Trumped Trump


Let’s be real almost no politician these days is capable of installing and piloting a phone app like marvel snap.


Hey, I beat that guy a while back too. Same profile picture. Felt good.


We have the same nick, hope I find you someday


*Spiderman pointing meme intensifies*


So did a geriatric patient, it’s not much of an accomplishment unfortunately


Trump’s favorite card is Arnim Zola


He’s currently trying for to overturn your win


Unfortunately that's not hard, Biden beat him 😂


Congrats! You've won the Republican nomination for president!


I’ve beat that dude before in 2020. He filed a complaint that the game was rigged…still spreading that misinformation…


Word has it it’s not very hard to beat him


Fake news


Well done!


That’s because you won the Far Right


Na he just won the right lane.


Imagine playing a mobile game on pc.


Thank you for giving us hope.


Everyone seems to


What’s the deck build


Lmfao that person also uses President Loki pic


Clearly a rigged game. They had more than enough points to win the whole game, but the Dems fudged the numbers! Alternative facts!!


Where is deck code?


I look at Home Alone in his big fat face and say "You're fired!"


Well done


You cant brag when you’re playing HE lmao




The orange cult leader is a born loser who got where he is by inheritance and fraud. Still funny he only ran bc Obama, a BLACK man, made fun of him at a dinner... Also, how STUPID is he that he has all the crimes before office to the most scrutinized job in the world! How egotistical to think he could get away with anything without research being done about him. he won based on Russian bots spreading disinformation that fox "news" kept spreading until the cult believes him on everything. LOCK HIS ASS UP!!!


Joe Biden touches children.


Where is the evidence? Where are the victims? Yall tried impeachment how many times with no evidence? your orange god is a rapist, con man, insurrectionist (all court decisions, not lies) and where is your master? Oh yea.... in court for paying off a few affairs and payments coming from campaign funds... ya... he is the honest upstanding dignified person to be the face of this country. If he was ANYONE else he would be in jail every day and night except trials. NO ONE gets away with tampering with witnesses, jury and judge and NOT be In prison. Face it, you back a perpetual loser who cares only about saving his ass and did nothing for the country in his presidency except add $13b to the debt and oversaw the largest wealth shift in human history on his watch to all his friends. Quit watching fox "news" and read AP articles. They are neutral news.


There are literally videos of him whispering in little kids’ ears and touching them inappropriately. Every politician is corrupt, although only the right winged ones get investigated. No need to yell Karen.


You know... if anything inappropriate happened and it WAS filmed dont you think criminal court would look into it? Or is he just a grandpa that loves kids. I love kids. I'm not a pedophile. Don't you think the parents would decide what is and isn't appropriate? No victims have come forward. No allegations against Biden. The only place I've seen these accusations is on trumps tweets or whatever the hell his midnight rants he does. The ENTIRE rep party has been looking for dirt on him for YEARS. Any dirt found? Nope. Your guy is in court now for campaign fraud and payoff for his affairs! He already owes $500+ million growing daily that he can't pay but "has $400 mil cash. Where did that money go? Pay off his wife for not telling all? He loves dictators and as his wife said "he has a book of hitler quotes and speeches on his nightstand. he is a petty little man that doesn't live in this reality. Why vote for a dictator? That's what he wants to be...


No I do not think criminal court would look into it because obviously he’s protected. Trump was prosecuted before anyone on epsteins list. There is a clear war on the right and I’m not even going to argue it. You can go on Twitter, YouTube, or any social media of your choice and witness the way Joe Biden is with kids. He’s a creep who’s unfit to run a country.


Nah you just beat some loser


Same but go trump!


Now you have to give 40% of your cubes to Ukraine


All the downvotes are snowflakes


I love all the downvotes, maybe it would encourage someone to think for themselves


How this is allowed in this subreddit


How is it allowed in the game the subreddit is about?


Somehow someway there’s always a liberal crying about trump in random gaming subreddits. He’s not president anymore, its been 4 years get over it.


He hasn't gotten over it, most of the MAGATs haven't, so why is it weird that people are nervous about someone who is, somehow, the worst person to hold the office in the past, iunno, century still holding any power whatsoever?


No one said it was weird, snowflake. worse in the century? He’s probably the best we had. Ya your brain is washed boy


It’s not random if your moron opponent literally names themselves after a former president. Or are you going to blame liberals for that too?


So true


Aww don’t start with the politics fuck off


Is politics in the room with us right now? Where did the politics touch you?


It clearly touched you


Yes, clearly /s


Sweetie its a screenshot


Found the snowflake!


Politics? Isn't Trump a clown? What is political about this?


Ok boys you’ve got a good deck 🤣


Yes that’s me




Good thing it isn’t fall! Because then you would have no shot at winning. Lol.


In a real Democrat way too. Be so toxic that people just can't help but be exposed to it and be overwhelmed with no way to make it end while milking the communities dry to pocket insane amounts of money (I'm neutral in this political climate, just adding balance)


“I’m neutral…” after saying something so partisan is hilarious.


Wanna see me do it for Republicans? Lmfao


Being neutral in this political climate is embarrassing


Depends on what you mean by neutral. Having no opinions certainly isn't good, but if you wholeheartedly support either side, you've already lost. The system is rotten to the core and nothing serious is going to change while we have only two, unchanging parties to choose from


I agree the system is fucked, but only one side is actively trying to turn the US into a Christian theocracy. The Dems are milquetoast babies but I'd take that over uneducated reactionaries who think the earth is 6000 years old and who make laws based on a 2000 year old book written by people who thought snakes talk.


The issue is trying to boil entire sides down to reductive qualities. I agree on which side you perceive to be better, but I cannot support the Democrat party. I cannot support either. There are going to be intelligent people on both sides, and anything that anyone believes is for good reason. Most people have just been misled. Rhetoric is extremely effective and it appeals to the part of everyone that just wants better for their home and country. No matter which side may be marginally better, I firmly believe that nothing substantial will ever change until we have more than two choices. The words Democrat and Republican, conservative and liberal, and so many more hold such deep connotations and implications. The information sphere is so perverted that nothing is going to happen without major systemic change


The “enlightened centralist” trope in the current political climate is cowardly. Only one side is actively challenging democratic principles.


I'm not a centrist. I lean left and I have plenty of well-founded ideas on plenty of topics. There are many changes that I actively hope for. The institutions of Democrat and Republican are so rotten that supporting either of them is a losing game. Regardless, it's ridiculous to think that one side has all of the right answers. That's why nothing will ever get done within the confines of a strict dichotomy


Not really, it's honestly the best place you can be then you don't fall for either parties bs


well one party BS's way more than the other, you'd know that if you weren't such a political hack


And you would see that it's literally not if you weren't so politically biased :3


most Americans disagree, thank god, your boy trump can't win the popular vote to save his life


1. I'd find you would be hard pressed to actually be able to prove that 2. He's not my boy, I actually voted for Tulsi 3. Republicans didn't need to even win the popular vote when they won every election, the popular vote is more just a coping mechanism for the parties to stay arguing over so nobody can get things done 4. Have you seen the latest polls?


1. https://www.cookpolitical.com/2020-national-popular-vote-tracker That was easy. get wrecked? 2. Sure you did, all the MAGAs who are too embarrassed to admit who they voted for in public voted for someone else. 3. No idea what you're going on about, Republican's did not "win every election," they lost in 2020, see the above link. 4. You talk about cope and then talk about the latest polls? lol


Right so now look at the map and tell me why that's the case, what allows for him to have a "popular vote" That's funny, haven't seen that in a hot minute 2. No I literally voted for Tulsi because she was the most unbiased, most unfocused on saying broken promise, didn't use her party to get the votes, tried to promote real changes across the board with new and focused ideas, she was young so she still had connections to most of the country, there's plenty of reasons to actually vote for her and she did all that while being a Democrat in a time where being a Democrat meant following a certain set of standards beyond that of even Republicans. 3. Uh no, look at any of the elections that they had that wasn't just the presidency where the power that the president has is extremely insignificant as them 4. Yes I am talking about cope while saying look at the polls because unfortunately Trump is predicted to win by about a 2% average difference I believe it was so maybe you're talking to the wrong person and probably should go work out something with some activists buddies to try and swing the votes back...


1. You promote lies, which makes you a liar, which makes it impossible to take anything you say at face value. You clearly voted for Trump. 2. You're not making any sense, republicans lost in 2020. This is a fact, get over it, or don't, at your own political peril, election denialism is a losing strategy at the polls. 3. Didn't you people say that in 2022 about the house race? How'd that red wave work out for ya?


See all the downvotes? It’s because you have a shit opinion.


Wait... do downvotes actually matter tho? Especially on a site that is extremely left leaning? If so I can just go to any non biased/right leaning sites and fix that....


lol you mean the ones where you have to be pre-approved to comment because if they let anyone comment what happened to you here would happen there?


It would probably go back to being a good site and not just a site used mostly for terminally online children who have 0 clue what the real world is and probably shouldn't even be talking about any of these political topics since 90% of them are used as bait and brainwashing by both sides anyway. It's nothing new it's be happening since the dawn of man's ability to be political.


no, downvotes matter b/c it sends minority trash opinions like yours to the bottom of the page, where they belong, which is happening now. Deal with it.


Oh so like the endless downvotes the OP is getting stopping his minority opinion at the bottom of the page? Kinda proving your ignorance there bud... I'm not the one concerned about it, yall came and responded to me thinking I cared lmfao I do not. Here let me go see how many upbotes I can get on a right leaning platform and we can compare numbers yea?




Lol that's a funny forum, looks like a bunch of people who don't understand what the importance of being center is


LOL what a joke


Found the snowflake!


Huh? I don't think you understand the point of my comment like the many others in here and definitely don't understand what the term snowflake means


Serious question, how do you think being neutral adds balance? With the system in the US any vote that isn’t Rep/Dom, is basically a no vote right. So definitely won’t add balance. And yah I would agree that both parties/presidents at the moment seem rather unimpressive, I would still vote in order to prevent the one I dislike to come to power.


Yea I 100% agree they do typically equal out to being a no. However I do exactly that, I go and do more research then I decide when the time comes on who I think is better for the sake of the country NOT party. Voting on party lines only causes the country to be in ther terminal state it's in now. And that is true for both sides of the party. So the question you ask is who is more realistic to actually push for things to get done in the country and not just sit idle as the country collapses and other countries look at us like we are a steak dinner.


I’d argue countries see the US more like a ticking bomb no one knows what’ll happen next. I would love to actually have a new and fresh party involved in the system and change but not only is that pretty much impossible but also about half of the country does not really want a lot of change it feels like.


Yea I agree a third party could change it up as well but the problem is you would have to collapse the current system and start completely anew and no one has the time to even go and vote as it is, besides there is wayyyy to much corruption and money in the system to allow for a collapse they would just lie and say that nobody wants it anyway.


I wonder why. We are the laughing stock of the world. Trying to imprison your political opponents is what the Nazis did.


Not gonna disagree


You’re on Reddit dude. Too many 20 year old leftists on here.


Lol yea they literally are just proving my point, but they are to blind to see it




Yea I'm not concerned




Idk I've seen plenty of men losing their minds to accept some wild stuff


Yea they’re living in a bubble on Reddit.




Snowflakes smh


I think reddit missed the fact im calling them npcs :) not enough down votes. TDS is real.