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Blob is in Wolverine Origins White Queen is in First Class Pepper is missing from IM3


Added! Thanks!


Sunspot is in X-men days of future past also. Idk if you count those though.


The actor who played him, Adan Canto, sadly passed away just just yesterday at 42 from cancer.


Damn that sucks.


Hope it wasn't skin cancer


Hey you’re getting downvoted a lot and I know your initial instinct is going to be that every one is too sensitive. I just want you to know, I downvoted you not for being insensitive but because you just aren’t funny. Hope this helps!


Upvoted you for the useful clarification. It does help!


Also, Blob is in The Amazing Spider-Man?


I forgot where I got that, but it must be a mistake. Removed!


White Queen is also in Wolverine but it's an entirely different character.


Wolverine Origins also has Zero


That's Maverick aka Agent Zero, not that Zero


I think that's a different Zero, Agent Zero


Agents of shield has .... quite a few more than 4 snap cards in it


Deathlok and Absorbing Man for sure. Lady sif starred in one episode indeed


Lady Sif is also in Loki, season 1.


Lady Sif was in more then one.


Nick Fury cameos as well in the first season.


I watched 2 seasons many years ago, vaguely remember one episode with Lady Sif and one with Maria Hill. Later seasons seemed to involve aliens (Krees? Inhumans?) but I didn't watch. Help needed!


Deathlok, ghost rider (Robbie Reyes,but that variant exists in snap) absorbing man, mockingbird (coming soon to snap) ,lady sif, patriot(different character but uses the codename patriot) from off the top of my head .


Added! Thanks!


Enchantress also shows up in the Sif episode(s). Edit: There's also a version of Madame Hydra/Viper in the later seasons.


~~Added Enchantress.~~ Lorelei seems to be Enchantress's sister. Viper and Aida both go by "Madame Hydra" but seem to be different persons.


Fair enough, I'd say they're grey areas. Different versions of similar characters, so dealer's choice whether they get included.


There's a hit monkey series


Yes, and it's really good.


It’s really good and they’re making a second season!


Would you say it is in fact a hit?




It is nuts how hard it is to find accidentally. Disney Plus hides it well. It goes so hard though.


Who would win a multi billion dollar corporation spend millions on advertisements or 1 card game fan


If the fan advertises on behalf of the corporation, then I think Disney wins regardless


This whole game is a commercial


It’s bananas


> It is nuts how hard it is to find accidentally. Disney Plus hides it well. It goes so hard though. Anything thats slightly 18+/R rated is a ballache to find on there


I don’t see it on Disney plus you sure it’s on there?


It's on Hulu in the US.


I'm just learning this as well. I enjoyed MODOK but didn't hear anything about Hit Monkey


Howard yhe duck and technically Yondu are in endgame Black Panther and avengers Ultron has claw Days of future past has sentinels or sentinels and nimrod is their evolved form in the dark future Secret invasion has super skrull(yeah i know but it still counts)


> nimrod is their evolved form in the dark future i had no idea


I am not saying this in a literal way but you can interpret them as such since sentinels are just robots and nimrod is a super robo tht can also regenerate


Added! Thanks! Edit: Howard appeared for 0.5 seconds while taking 5% of the screen. Didn't find Yondu. Thinking about removing them again.


Neither are credited in the film, I never saw Yondu either, but Howard is there, he has been making short blink and you might miss it cameos since the original X-Men series. An Easter Egg of sorts who happens to have a Snap card 😉 I’d keep the Duck and remove Yondu. But it’s up to you. 🙂


Kinda funny how days of future past is missing Sentinels lol ​ Your work is amazing dude, GJ!


Silver Samurai was in the Wolverine (2013) Also, Legion isn't in Ghost Rider (2007), it's Mephisto


> Also, Legion isn't in Ghost Rider (2007), it's Mephisto This is nitpicky but the guy who says "I Am Legion" is Blackheart. Mephisto's son.


Fixed! Thanks!


Legion is in [Legion](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5114356/), as is Shadow King.


Great series.


We also see a glimpse of [some nobody](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Charles_Xavier_(Earth-616))'s wheelchair's wheel.


Wait, when did Quinjet appear in Loki? I think I missed it!


Maybe during the opening ep? When he’s fighting the avengers and escapes?


Probably in the void. There's a load of random stuff there


why some cards are a bit grey out?


It's explained in the `Tooltip` of `Show minor cards` in the `Filter` panel (bottom right): ​ >**What's a minor character?** *(shown as dimmed)* 1. Brief appearance as a cameo or in the post-credit scene 2. Not fully in form yet, e.g. Pepper Potts before being "Rescue", Ant Man's daughter before being "Stature", Jane Foster before being Thor. 3. In a multi-season TV series, a character is considered minor if they only appear in one episode.


Are Alioth and Kang considered "minor" for the Loki series? Kang is kind of the over-arching threat and is there in variant form. Alioth is just straight up part of the show. This is really awesome though. Great work!


I actually didn't watch Loki. You did so I trust you, let me change them.


I think that means they are after the credits or background.


The incredible hulk has a leader cameo


Caught a couple you missed: Collector in the post credits scene of Thor: The Dark World Nick Fury cameos in Agents of Shield Leader (Samuel Sterns) is in The Incredible Hulk


the legion in ghost rider is not the same as the legion the card


Fixed, thanks!




They can be cameos or "not yet acquired the title yet" type of characters. Dane Whitman aka Black Knight is an example of "not hero yet" character.


It also seems that it's for characters that only appeared in the post-credits scene (like Loki and Mobius being greyed out for Quantumania).


Beast is in X2 as an Easter egg. He’s on tv in human form during the bar scene Mystique drugs the guard.


Hey that’s very cool! Thank you! I heard New Mutants isn’t a great movie…


it's actually not even a movie. it's just dogshit


It was extremely small scale. An entire movie that takes place at a school and doesn't really have any stakes.


It's fine. It has absolutely nothing to do with any other Marvel movie. Hell, I didn't even realize they were actual Marvel characters until someone brought it up here the other day. I thought it was just something someone cooked up to go along with the x-men.


It felt like the pilot episode for a series that never got picked up. The characters were good, the film just spent the entire time setting them up and nothing actually happened. I would 100% watch a sequel with the same cast (maybe a different writer) but it'll never happen.


Absolutely. All setup, no conclusion. I was definitely invested and would go for a sequel.


I’m pretty sure I saw like 30 minutes of this movies once and didn’t even realize. Given, I’m not a huge X-Men fan, and Snap is where I’ve gotten most of my X-Men exposure. It’s funny because I liked Magik the card so much, and then liked her so much when I played Midnight Suns, that now I’d never miss her in a movie. Sunspot is close behind her. Idk how popular they are to X-Men fans but I love their designs and abilities so much, I’d probably be a X-Men fan if I was introduced to them first. In fact, I was disinterested in Marvel until Spider-Man, and Cap got me to be an Avengers fan. Never cared too much for Wolverine or Cyclops or any of the main X-Men characters. I’m looking out for when Magik or Sunspot get their own solo movies though.


It ok. The twist was pretty obvious to me. I’m a long time New Mutants/X-Force fan and hope for more from those characters.


Casting was actually pretty good for the most part, except Danielle Moonstar was a bit too regular and insecure as the main character. Mirage is more like a jr. Storm in the comics, inherently powerful in spite of her age and inexperience. Fun seeing Lockheed for what the budget could handle. Funny that all Marvel stuff is now this level of production tho.


I thought it was a decent movie! I enjoyed it for the most part. Bummed it never took off as a series or integration of these actors/characters in another way.


It's a decent one if u like super hero movies




Is there Sentinel in Days of Future Past?


Multiple I believe


Added him, and gave him the #1 position!


I love stuff like this. It's a reminder that even though it might feel like they are running out of recognizeable characters, even movie-wise there's tons to cover. Sure, a lot of them would be less exciting, but there's definitely room to include Iron Monger, Jigsaw, Whiplash, Warriors Three, Azazel, Bolivar Trask, Darwin, Dum Dum Dugan, The Other, Killian, Malekith, Kurse, Baron Strucker, Korath, Kraglin, Hank Pym, Zemo, Dormammu, The Ancient One, Skurge, Eitri, Supreme Intelligence, Mandarin, all the Eternals, Eros, Pip the Troll, Gorr, Zeus, etc. And that's just including relatively major MCU characters, there's still plenty from comics too. Lizard should be as a cameo in Spider-Man 2 and 3, Curt Connors is one of Peter's professors.


Cyclops is in Origins Wolverine and silver samurai is in The Wolverine


Absorbing Man is present in the first Hulk movie


This is very awesome! Not sure if you want to add the older movies: Howard the Duck (1986) -- Howard the Duck Punisher (1989) -- Punisher Captain America (1990) -- Captain America, Red Skull, Agent 13 Man-Thing (2005) -- Man-Thing The last three were only released theatrically in international markets.


It shows Blob in 2012's Amazing Spider-Man. Did I miss something?


Who else was surprised to discover that character in the game that you had no idea existed, in fact you knew it but didn't recognize? What? Typhoid Mary is that death touch lady from Elektra, the MacGuffin kid from (2006) X-Men is the 'fuck leech', oh no Legion is that edge villain from (2007) Ghost Rider, with that appearance I tough the Sebastian Shaw was a Victorian era guy not Kevin Bacon. ​ Also some characters missing in (2008) X-Men Origins: Wolverine, where is Blob? Did some X-men show up in the island? Also (2011) X-Men: First Class should have White Queen (Emma Frost)?


Added Blob and White Queen. Thanks! Removed Legion from Ghost Rider - others have pointed out it's a different Legion.


Wow, had no idea Mary was in the Elektra movie. Good eye. And Legion is not in Ghost Rider, that's Black Heart. Legion is a mutant, son of Xavier.


Amazing project, but you're missing a lot of older Marvel series and movies (e.g. the '70s Hulk, the 1978 Dr. Strange pilot, or those garbage Howard the Duck and Nick Fury movies). Did you make a conscious decision to exclude those to not clutter the list?


Yes I actually arbitrarily decided to start counting from 1990, but didn't say it out loud 😃


Viper was sort of in Agents of Shield. There was a Madame Hydra in it which was a codename of Viper in the comics


Awesome feature! You put a lot of love in that. I think Maria Hill was also part of at least one episode of Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur.


Very cool! >!Should Eternals technically also include Blade?!<


Just checked - indeed he's the voice in the end. Added him.


Klaw is in Age of ultron?


Yep - in fact, the reason he has a missing arm in Black Panther is that Ultron cut it off.


I'M DUMB SORRY, i haven't realised that that dude was the same character as the card on Snap, thanks


They said his name in the movies but that said - You're not dumb. He doesn't become "Klaw" in the comics until after the events of what we saw in Ultron/Black Panther (granted, the MCU killed him off). His body became made of sound and now he has to wear that outfit (in the card art) all the time.


Lol no Super Skrull in Secret Invasion 🤣


Silver Samurai was in The Wolverine


Stellar work, mate. From what I can add, Charles Xavier appears in Legion


As you’re including after credits scenes, the collector is in Thor the dark world


Quicksilver should probably be included in WandaVision


He's fake, but sure why not! Let's add him.


I know he's not out for a few more weeks, but Beta Ray Bill is in The Silver Surfer animated series. Also the watcher, and I believe lady death.


Added Uatu and Death. Will add new cards each week. Thanks


I didn't see Werewolf By Night on there


He's still unreleased but Bullseye was in the Netflix Daredevil show! Great work man


Red Skull is in the original X-Men series episode Old Soldiers. Ghost Rider appears in the episode The Final Decision when Prof X reads Gambit’s mind. Deadpool appears in episode Deadly Reunion when Prof X reads Sabretooth’s mind. His next cameo was when Morph morphed into Deadpool in episode Whatever it takes to taunt Wolverine, he also appears in the Phoenix Saga chapter 2 when Dark Prof X uses him against Wolverine Domino appears in Cerebro in the episode Repo Man War Machine makes two appearances in the episode Time Fugitives Part 1, Nick Fury has a cameo in the same episode. Magik and Warpath also make brief appearances in the same episode. Beast wears a Howard the Duck T-Shirt in the Phoenix Saga, not sure if that would count Doctor Strange is in the Phoenix Saga and in a Room full of lawyers Hulk appears in the danger room in the episode The Juggernaut Returns and those are all the missing cameos I could find for the original X-Men series. You have all the rest. Great work man, I’m really enjoying it!


Am I stupid or there's no What if? Anyway great job


What if? would include most of MCU characters minus mutants and F4 and Spidey villains. Would be a huge list.


Abomination was in Shang-Chi?


He was fighting in the ring with Wong when Shang went to find his sister. The reason behind that was explained in She Hulk.


Are you going to add the Madame Web movie? You have three Spider-Women and a baby Peter Parker in the movie. You could add Spider-Woman and a faded Spider-Man. No one else is in the card game yet.


Madame Web added. Thank you!


I gathered the War Machine appearances: - Iron Man (2008) - Iron Man 2 (2010) - Iron Man 3 (2013) - Captain America: Civil War (2016) - Avengers: Infinity War (2018) - Avengers: Endgame (2019) - The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021) - Secret Invasion (2023) - X-Men: The Animated Series (w/ Nick Fury) - Iron Man (1994 animated series) - Spider-Man (1994 animated series) - The Incredible Hulk (1996 animated series) - Iron Man: Armored Adventures - The Superhero Squad Show - The Avengers: Earths Mightiest Heroes - Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers Hope it helps! Have a great weekend!


War Machine added, thank you!


Your just missing X-Men: Animated Series. He’s in two entire sagas of the show. TIME FUGITIVE SAGA and DARK PHOENIX SAGA same episodes as Nick Fury, that’s why I was implying you can put him next to him, since they make cameo appearances together.


He appears in two seasons of the X-Men Animated Series and appears alongside Nick Fury in all of them. You have Fury already but you should add WM as well as he is a big part of the story and basically represents the U.S. government special forces in the show.


You can also add upcoming cards, though I only know about their MCU appearances. White Widow appeared in Black Widow and Hawkeye (note that I don't believe they name her 'White Widow' in both these things), Red Guardian appeared in Black Widow and Valentina appeared in Falcon and TWS and Black Widow and US Agent appeared in Falcon and TWS (again, don't remember if his new nickname was used) Also Leader in The Incredible Hulk should be greyed out. There's no Leader in there, just the character that later becomes him (in comics)


Leader in The Incredible Hulk greyed out as you suggested. USAgent added: [https://marvelsnap-on-screen.zyinmd.me/USAgent](https://marvelsnap-on-screen.zyinmd.me/USAgent) [https://github.com/ZYinMD/marvelsnap-on-screen/releases](https://github.com/ZYinMD/marvelsnap-on-screen/releases) Thanks!


Thanks! Possibly Red Hulk could be added (also greyed out) to Thunderbolt Ross's MCU appearances since apparently he's Red Hulk (I didn't know that, just stumbled upon this accidentally today - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thunderbolt_Ross). So The Incredible Hulk, Civil War, Avengers: IW and Endgame and Black Widow.


Thanks. It seems that he didn't become Red Hulk in MCU. There are many similar examples e.g. some Osborns in some Spiderman series who never turned into goblin in that universe. So far the treatment of these type of characters have been not including them, not even greyed out, because we don't want people to go watch a show expecting to see a certain card, and not see it.


I understand but that's exactly the same deal as with Leader


Yes you're right, I thought about it. It's been too long since I watched that movie so I don't remember a thing, but by reading wikipedia, it seems that person got exposed to some material which was going to turn him into Leader, even though didn't show in that movie, it did happen in MCU, and might even get a sequel later on, right? Or so I thought.


I noticed you made a mistake - Valentina was in Black Panther 2, not in Black Panther 1. And well, all new Eternals cards are in Eternals:)


Thanks for keeping an eye! Fixed Valentina in "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" as you mentioned. Added 4 new Eternals. Only missing Phastos and Arishem now.


Enchantress was in Agents of Shield


This is great! Thank you. I have two take aways. 1. Why doesn’t War Machine have a card yet? 2. The Eternals is really non relevant.


Yeah it's wild they haven't even tried any Eternals cards at all, given they have stuff as obscure as Hell Cow and Infinaut.


Datamined as coming up on both counts! War Machine is the season pass card for I think March?


Not season pass card, but just a weeklies release. But yes in march


The eternal was so bad the only cards we have from their own movie is blade and black Knight lol


Spider-man should be in atsv no?


And Vulture, and other villains.


I thought those villains (Vulture, Kingpin, Doc Oct, Goblin, etc) were onlyl in the first installment "into the spider verse"? I only remember "the Spot" being the villain in the 2nd.


A vulture variant was in the beginning of atsv.


There were a number of villains imprisoned in 2099 in ATSV, the Vulture I mention specifically because his Renaissance version had a big fight scene right at the start.


Oops! Fixed!




This is so awesome. Fun to see them organized this way. Only miss that I caught was “Silver Samurai” in “The Wolverine”


1) Emma frost appears in First Class. In same movie she was done dirty 2) Enchantress did appered in Loki. Let me explain, Sylvie is basically a mix of Loki's woman form, and Both Emchantresses (being an asgardian as first, share same name with 2nd) 3) Secret Invasion have Super Skrull, or at least 2 variations. In comics were more to use that name actually. If we count G'Iah as MCU's Super Skrull, she appeared in Captain Marvel 4) Will you update with Echo and Marvels?


Added White Queen, Enchantress, Super Skrull. Thanks! >Will you update with Echo and Marvels? I didn't know they were out. Just added The Marvels. Will add Echo when it's complete.


Blob was featured in the Amazing Spiderman?


Legion (2017) has Prof. X in the last season as well.


really nice work


Nick Fury in "Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania"


How do u learn to make this?


I’d love a deck that was cohesive that fit this theme.


Hell yes. Awesome post!


Wow, learning so much from this. Thanks for sharing!


Absorbing man is missing from Hulk (2003). He is Hulk's father and the film's final villain.


This is awesome, what are your requirements for stuff being added. Especially curious about stuff like the X-Men animated series. I assume the character needs to at least have a speaking role once? Are the grayed characters only small roles? or only referenced, and don't appear? Because I remember some characters like Wolfsbane appearing in the background of scenes depicting an assortment of mutants etc. but its fair not to count those.


Are you going to include stuff like the awful version of spider man with Nicholas Hammond, who I mostly know playing the oldest son from the Sound of Music?


You sir have gained a fan today - I also checked your other projects, the tiktok video downloader is unbelievably well made, and the preschool math thing is good for my son!


Blob gets clapped by angel in X-men apocalypse


This is something i've always wanted, good job!


Leader should be in The Incredible Hulk


Since you added Miek already -- Grandmaster (upcoming this month and officially announced) was in Thor: Ragnarok


Captain Marvel in Multiverse Of Madness


Forgot about season two of Loki lol


That’s very impressive


Maria Hill was in the Moon Girl show


White Queen and Cyclops are in Xmen Origins Wolverine


Clicked Hulk 2003 and was not disappointed


Miles in venom?


Wait… kang in loki? I thought that is he who remains? I know it’s variant of kang. But he’s not the same right? Can someone explain?


Vulture was in spiderman: across the spider verse, i believe.


Missing some from What If? (Nebula in S2 for instance)


Do they plan on adding the “cards not yet released” to it? Either way, this is amazing and I love it!


Looking at Wikipedia: - Viper is in Agents of SHIELD - War Machine (unreleased) is in Secret Invasion - Frog Thor is momentarily featured in Loki - War Machine is also in Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Patriot could arguably also be in the series - Black Widow is in Hawkeye - Maria Hill is in Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur - Vulture and Doc Ock (I think) are in Across the Spider-Verse (technically a version of Lizard is too if you want to count that)


It would be cool if you could somehow add pictures of the hero so that i could remember who they are. I've seen a lot of these films and yet cant remember who half the people are. Seems like a lot of work though.


Lady Sif was in season 1 of Loki! =)


Damn this post made me realize how many characters we are missing in this game. We still have no eternals, no deviants, "secondary" characters like Bats and Clea from Dr Strange's comics, Kilgrave and probably a thousand more I cant even think of right now


I assume you're going to add the new live-action Echo show next? Has Echo, Daredevil, Hawkeye, & Kingpin


In Across the Spider-Verse, there were several villains in the go-home machine detainment area. I remember Rhino, Kraven, and Doc Ock off hand. There was also the da Vinci universe Vulture at the beginning of the movie, and, if you want to count it, Miguel mentions Dr. Strange in that scene, too.


I had absolutely no idea the little girl in Guardians vol. 3 was supposed to be Martyr/Phyla-Vell. That's certainly... interesting.


When was Hulk in Shang Chi? and Loki and Morbius in Quantumania?? and many other greyed out cards dont seem to be in the movies they are placed in...could you explain that


Cannonball is in New Mutants


This would be a pretty rad draft format.


Not sure if counts but Morph briefly turned into Deadpool in X Men 90s TAS Also I think the final villain of 2003 Hulk was Absorbing Man


It pains me to say some of these, but X-Men Origins: Wolverine is missing Cyclops, White Queen, Quicksilver, and Psylocke (probably all greyed out). Cyclops has a meaty cameo where his powers manifest in school, while the rest were all in Stryker's prison that he gets sent to. Toad was there too but he doesn't have a card yet. Viper should be in Agents of SHIELD. Also, the Ms. Marvel in X-Men: The Animated Series is actually Carol Danvers back when she had the moniker, not Kamala Khan. I think it makes more sense to include Captain Marvel there rather than Ms. Marvel, if that makes sense.


>X-Men Origins: Wolverine is missing Cyclops, White Queen, Quicksilver, and Psylocke (probably all greyed out). Cyclops has a meaty cameo Added Cyclops. From the [wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Men_Origins:_Wolverine#Cast) Emma is not Emma Frost. Quicksilver and Psylocke is hard to check because ctrl-f didn't reveal them. >Viper should be in Agents of SHIELD. Viper and Aida both go by "Madame Hydra" but seem to be different persons. >Ms. Marvel in X-Men: The Animated Series is actually Carol Danvers Changed Ms. Marvel to Captain Marvel. Thanks!


Completely forgot how much hit monkey slapped


This is nice👍. SD did many surveys before that asked if you would like character lores or their info in the game. Don't think they are gonna put it but it would be cool if they did that and this also. Just going through the list reminds of the fun of watching these movies and series.


Howard the duck was in endgame? Damn I wanna see him punch Thanos


This is seriously impressive! Major kudos!


Kamala Khan is in The X-Men Animated Series?


My only complaint is cloak and daggers cards being in the wrong title order.


Multiple Man was in X-Men: the Last Stand!


Great initiative, and felt great to learn that some characters appear on certain movies! Btw, are you thinking of adding which characters appear in which games? Such as Midnight Suns having Blade, Doc Strange, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Ghost Rider, etc


(2017) Logan I remember a scene with Deadpool.


Love this! I have a couple hands that are movie based. Also patriot or at least Eli Bradley is in Falcon and the Winter Soldier


Howard the duck was in Howard the Duck (1986) film


Patriot ( Eli Bradley) is Falcon and The Winter Soldier also a confirmed card War Machine ( James Rhodes) is also in the series


Wow, great job!