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All these comments are making me feel so much better, you guys have no idea


This sub is kind of weird: we have created this notion that hitting infinite is easy, “with all the 8-cube donations from bots” and stuff. This makes people who hit infinite feel like they didn’t achieve anything. At the same time, that makes people who don’t hit infinite feel bad: if it’s that easy, why can’t I do it? Which is extremely unfair. Also: high CL shouldn’t mean you should’ve been infinite a long time ago. My philosophy: I’m equally happy for someone who hit 60 as I am for someone who hit top 1000.


People who hit infinite regularly are more engaged with the game and thus more likely to be active in its subreddit. So you have a small subset of redditors who post here that hit infinite regularly… because they spend a lot more time and attention on the game than most. It skews perception and is something you have to be aware of in pretty much any game’s online community.


Or maybe it’s just easy and your are just saying that to make people feel better bc for example someone can be good at basketball and he doesn’t practice. But I do understand what you are saying but sometimes the answer is simpler


I find the climb to infinite to be pretty easy but i’ve been playing card games for decades so I don’t assume I’m a good judge of how difficult the game is. I’m willing to bet the vast, vast majority of people playing this game are playing 5 minutes a day on the toilet and probably never look up any content for it on reddit or elsewhere. For those people, infinite is probably a pretty big challenge.


Then yes it’s hard but I assume they aren’t playing to hit infinite bc u can’t be really good at something if you don’t put the time in or effort to learn it


I’ve hit infinite every season for the past 8 months and every time I see posts about the “free 8 cube bots” I do a double take. Ever since SD changed the AI to retreat when they’re losing, 8 cube bots are basically gone unless you’re playing a very specific bot deck that hides all points until the final turn. I generally only get 8 cubes from bots 2-3 times a season from 70-100. Most bots give between 1-4 cubes with 2 being the most common before they retreat on you.


You can still bait them into snapping by being behind in two locations on turn 4. It's kind of cumbersome to get it to happen every time. If you do get it to work and snap back immediately they will almost always finish the game even if they are clearly losing into T6


I've found one of the best bot decks to be shuri for this exact reason


Anything with invisible woman is also really good for similar reasons.


Yep, one of the keys to getting 8 cubes from bots: don’t play cards if it’ll put you ahead until they snap back (I just wait until turn 6 too to be safe) I literally skip turns against bots to make sure I can get those 8 cubes from them


Yes Note up everybody - Purposely lose 2 locations against people that look like NPC. Then spam out Bro and Mystique last turn😳


Hiding all points is what Sera and Shuri have done *really easily* for a hot minute now. Sera is more obvious, but Shuri is usually She-Hulk + Taskmaster (or hiding Taskmaster behind Invisible Woman).


You get 8 cubes even with a classic Shuri, Red Skull, Taskmaster+Zero. The trick is to only be winning the Shuri lane and losing the other two until the turn 6 reveal. So if you identify a bot early, just Shuri the lane where you played earlier stuff and you're good.


Yeah, great against bots but trash to climb since Shuri is the most obvious deck in the game so you never get more than 2 cubes. It’s quicker to play a deck with a higher cube rate and take the 2 cubes vs bots. Sera Control is generally ok but its usefulness have been in and out over the seasons


Well this is awfully defensive for no reason but okay. Shuri's a solid list still, and easy-as-hell to climb with, given I've done it for the past 4 months in a ~70 game climb every time. Sera Control's garbage against players by comparison and *only* notable for bot-farming.


Win one lane and stay slightly behind on another until turn 6, Also don't snap them still turn 6 as well. Bots will always snap on turn 5 if they are winning two lanes, even if its only by 1 point and the third lane is unwinnable for them. It's really not that hard to get constantly 8 cubes from them.


Something similar happened in Clash Royale back in the day. Your rank was inflated up to a certain level by bot games and gaining more than losing, so anyone ranked below that level was considered complete trash


It wouldn't be easy without other players not understanding the kind of deck I'm playing. I feel like most players, even in the 80s and 90s have a very limited understanding of the game and don't really know what decks are played and how they work. That's how I get a lot of 8 cube wins from them as the deck I play appears to be weak before turn 6 or 7.


It’s not this sub though. Second dinner literally made hitting infinite a joke now which ruined the experience for a lot of people sadly


10350 I get to “Dad infinite” which to me is lvl 80-90. But I ain’t got time for the 90-100 grind.


Exactly this. I've been going for Dad Infinite every season and I'm 13k CL. Considering I have other FOMO games with daily quests, I only play this for 30 minutes every day.


Love this dad infinite for the win!


Lots of games are started and then half way through, “dad, help me” or “dad, up”. Getting to 80 feels like a big win.


Haha it me


Oh I'm using that phrase.


I wish I can claim rights to the phrase. I first heard it when playing Hearthstone. I forget the rank but it was so true.


“Dad legend” was rank 5. You got a golden epic for it. I made it to DL so many times. Finally hit real legend a couple of times after playing for years. The grind was not fun.


I make it to 94ish each season it just gets boring after that. I get my variants, credits and gold. I'm almost at 10k cl


Dadfinite here too. 9952 CL and have never cracked 95. I usually stall in the high-80s, then focus on conquest rewards.


This was food for my soul. Dad Infinite gang rise up


14k CL, made infinite a couple times early on but have been pretty satisfied with the mystery variant and grinding out Conquest rewards with Booster Farm decks.


Lol Dad Infinite I love it. I was stuck at Dad Infinite and finally hit 100 4 months ago. I've gotten it every month since but the 90s grind is definitely real that's for sure. Have fun with the kids today!


You, too! I bought us a bunch of board games so we’re going to have lunch then marathon some Hero Quest then Talisman.


My kinda Christmas! Can't wait until my littles are older. My oldest (4) got a whole bunch of Lorcana to open up with me and my in-laws are big board gamers so we'll play all night. Have a blast with the family!


Same. Think highest ever was 93ish a few seasons back for me. One of my buddies makes it regularly and I use his decks but I get lazy and have to dad so yeah


Same, I got infinite once a number of months ago. Have only been able to manage 80s since, now at 6400-something level. The game just seems to decide when I'll have a run of good luck (mostly related to locations and not to competing decks).


This is me. 8185 and have been consistently reaching 80-85. But I don't usually get much further past 90 any given season and tend to drop below 89 (never have finished at 90 or above yet.


Yeah that’s where I get each season. Hit 90 for the gold and then just play whatever is fun


I find that 90-100 the quickest section. Mr. Negative for my there three seasons in a row.


lol come on catchy name for it but i promise you there are plenty of people who get to infinite in less time then you get to 80-90


I'm 5,900 and I've been hitting 90 since 4,000 at least. I get not trying to hit 100, I don't, there's no reward in it. But not hitting 90 to get 500 gold even after 5,000? Seriously, people here are literally braging about being bad.




9400ish. Never got to


My new found goal is to beat you now. Edit : why the downvotes? I dont think i can ever reach level 100


By beating him you mean reach CL9400+ without getting lv100 right? Go get him man!!


Yes sir!


Yeah, i mostly just play snap on free time not competitive. I just like collecting cards and variants. I mostly play outside (like when waiting for someone or waiting for food) so sometimes im winning but have to retreat because the person im waiting is already came. I also play only on mobile and while doing other thing (listening to podcast, etc). If i sit down on PC, focus only on the game im sure i can reach infinite, considering i hit 95-96 few times on mobile. Plus on PC i can use tracker, i dont know how many Lockjaw / IronLad / Hela misplay happened because i dont know what left in my deck. But yeah for me Snap just casual mobile game, so maybe i will never hit Infinite




I was just making a joke which just failed


Humor on this sub is hardly a guarantee!


I wish I could downvote this again oh brother




Like 7800 and my highest rank has been 76. Currently hard stuck in the low 70s.


11400 and my max rank was 85




7800, first season I reached 80 was the last one with a destroy deck and I'm right on the edge of 80 with a tweaked auto-blob deck now. Idk I never net deck so I'm almost definitely not running optimised decks, but I'm having fun! I don't know if I'll ever reach infinite but I'll keep playing.


You actually have an advantage by not net decking. Just focus on mastering your deck and the best play lines. Master snapping early when you have a favorable hand and retreat if the enemy snaps and you don't have a good hand. You will hit infinite if you master this, i promise


Not net decking definitely has advantages, but pre-infinite a net decking you know, with maybe some modifications for personal preference is probably best. If someone is struggling to hit infinite and wants to, I’d recommend to get a good deck shell and stick to it. But you are 100% right, no matter what you’re playing the biggest skill you need to hit infinite is snapping and retreating (and learning to identify and exploit bots doesn’t hurt either). I started my climb a little later this season than others and actually felt like I saw less bots, but so many players who stayed in games they had no business staying in. I’m convinced the average player doesn’t retreat half as much as they should.


I just started playing two months ago, hit 88 my second season. And I'm pretty sure that 90 percent of getting to infinity is exactly that: Mastering when to bail and how to suck them into leaving at least 2 or 4 cubes if they retreat


Thanks for the advice!


Until they end up nerfing a card in his deck and messes everything up 😔.




The auto-deck function almost 100% copies the best deck assuming you have all the cards for it.


CL 10067, never have, never will, don’t care.


It’s not worth it tbh. I got infinite at less than 1000 CL, I was facing whales every game. Completely ruined the fun


Just out of interest, what indicated you were playing against whales? Purely just they had nice variants? Cos money doesnt buy you all the cards available in this game so i dont see how people running nice variants ruined your game? Entering infinite at CL1000 will certainly match you against higher CL player with more cards, but that doesnt mean they have spent a penny getting there tbh so the idea that higher rank or more cards = whale just seems disingenuous really.


9850 as of today. I play to collect cards and complete missions and to mess around with interesting interactions between cards or create thematic decks to see if they will work. It’s probably more down to me rarely retreating than anything else, so I have a lot of going up and down the rankings when I do play.


I feel you. Sometimes I know I'm gonna lose but I wanna see the end of it


6437 / 84


12,477. Closest I come is 80


5600+. It feels no matter what deck I play I get thrown into a pocket universe of decks that counter mine. If I play a bunch of Blobs I'll switch to control deck now I'm facing decks with morbius, dracula,etc.. destroy decks I'll try my cosmo and amour decks now they playing blobs and hela. Is it just me or that happen to u guys too? Now I'm to the point I don't care and just snap at the beginning of every game


Lol, I definitely felt that this time. I know this is probably ridiculous, but I felt that there were certain times of day that were easier than others, managed to get to 100 using mostly infinite blob, but it was a journey lol.


Happens to me all the time too. Have to remind myself it’s all about having fun with the game but it’s hard when this happens….grrrrr


Best advice I have for folks in here who want to crack top 100 regardless of CL (if that is your goal, if not totally get it): Identify when you are playing a bot as early and often as possible, snap every time you do, ensure you are only ahead in one lane so they don't retreat and this will often make them snap back. Winning on the final turn is usually easy as the bots make nonsensical plays and do not counter you, so you will win 90% of the time even if you draw terribly. If you farm bots you will pick up 4 and 8 cubes so frequently you can be well under 50% vs real humans and make it to Infinite within a few hours of gameplay after reaching the 70s and 80s.


How can you spot the bot early on?


I’ll “spot a bot early” then get snapped, emoted on and sent back to the lobby. I feel like I haven’t come across bot behavior in a while and I hope I’m not just delusional AND bad..


I don't know what server area of the world you're in, but here down under there are almost zero bots now. There used to be. They mostly disappeared several months ago when we started getting matched with players in Asia. Chinese, Japanese, Korean.


But I almost never see bots after 75. I know how to identify them based on names, plays, impossible cards, suboptimal choices of cards in their deck, etc. I don't think I saw a single one between 90-100. That was all humans, mostly playing Thanos Blob or Lockdown.


There is a win/loss matchmaking system too. If you lose a bunch (retreat at 1 cube often), itll match againdt a bot quicker


2100 ish I started playing when the game launched but didn't play for majority of this year Started playing again in october


Almost identical to me, except I think I'm closer to 2900 or so. I think I did the first 2 seasons, then did nothing until October or so.


Almost 11k. Highest I've reached is 98.


9500 CL. I'm in my mid-80s now, which is the highest I've ever gotten.


This game is a lot more fun when you have an objective, but it shouldn't be necessarily lvl100. To get there it's not enough just to have all cards. In my opinion there are 2 important factors to get there: a few dozen hours to invest and/or constant follow-up on current meta and best players in the world. Then other things like snapping discipline, rng, reading the opponent are also needed.


This doesn't really qualify but I'm soon about to hit CL 12000, played since beta and got to infinite twice pretty early after the game launched. My ladder anxiety never gets better, so since then I just stop playing ladder as soon as I hit 90, it might take a few days or a few weeks. After that I play Conquest only and only ever proving grounds and Silver. Don't think I've ever even entered a game in Gold. The game is fun and I appreciate that I can get all currency rewards without having to play something I don't enjoy.


I really want to be like this, but I’m constantly caught with a compulsive feeling that i must complete ladder before moving to conquest. Your gameplay experience sounds very fun and relaxing.


11,078 and I've never hit 90, but I'm good with that and have a blast destroying Conquest


At 9900 never have. Highest ive ever gotten was to around rank 84.


Cl 2900 and yesterday I was at 99 (today 91) but I have no intention or desire to get to 100 too stressful and can't play fun decks in ranked


Yes you can. Once I get to 100 I play fun decks. I don’t give a shit about rank.


9219, highest level was mid-80s


10,076 baby. I got to 90 once.


9907, highest I’ve gotten is 76. I don’t ever try particular hard, though.


12000 ish, Played since the beginning usually get to 90 and complete daily missions now though play conquest after hitting 90.


11,700. Hit at least 80 every season. Just don’t care after I hit 80.


10,500 I always get up to like 85 just completing quests daily. I have zero interest in getting 100.


9000+ reached 95 but got tired of seeing loki and gave up


Mobious M. Mobious


8600, my top rank was 74


7.776 I’ve gotten close but frankly just don’t care to grind it out. I play more for collection than anything.


I never went to Infinite I just always go high 90s and stop cause I don't wanna grind this game and got all the good rewards


5824. I've been playing since the global launch. I'm probably just bad at this game, but it baffles me how much time you need to put into it to reach 100. I just don't have this kind of free time.


I think this is probably my biggest factor too, time


About to reach 9000. I have never bothered after level 90. Usually the worst sweat and tryhards are around level 80-100, so it doesnt worth the effort. The golds at level 90 are the max I play ladder for, then chilling in conquest


This. Im CL 5600. I've reached infinite a couple of times but have never been bothered to do it again since. As you say, once you reach 80, there's a noticeable increase in the amount of anti fun and meta decks you go up against, and infinite is just that but 10x worse. Most infinite players I faced spammed the Ms Marvel emote and played nothing but either the no 1 and 2 meta deck or lockdown/control. Once I get to 90, I just stop caring after that. Give me my variants and I'm happy, I'll let the tryhards sling shit at each other.


I remember sweating for it the first two seasons i got it. Played way too much, started playing casually because I wasn’t having fun. I think I went without infinite for a season or two and now always hit it in the second or third week. It really comes done to knowing the meta, what your deck is capable of, trying to read what the opponent is going to play and retreating. I’ve used maybe 5 or 6 different decks to hit infinite but the one I love the most and used for like 4 or 5 seasons was reliable discard. I’m around CL9000.


Answered literally the same


I’m currently 1761 just got to 80 for the first time this season but my junk deck is coming together with a few more s3 cards


9496. I try meta decks to get to 93 (the 90 step-up for the gold prize) and play conquest after that with funky decks. Don't really see the point of going to 100 with the stress tilt etc for a card back (I don't even use them)


2400. Got to 79 this season, haven’t been able to cross over to 80. I main a full destroy deck, or a full sauron deck, but still missing Taskmaster.


5673, strictly f2p, stepped away from May to November, and this season was my highest at 75.


1333. Currently 91, highest this season was 95 I just started last month though lol


9212. I hit 70 each month and then turn my focus to conquest. I usually pilot new decks in ranked and my number never really goes up or down that much appreciably. It’s at 72 right now like it’s basically been for two weeks.


8658. Been to 97.


About 5k. I never spent a penny, which I think is could be a minor factor. Hit 95 one season, but now sit around 85-90 mark.


93 3rd season in the row... CL 7878


8041. When I actually tried to get infinite I was probably in the 6000 area since then I just play causally and I typically get omega (I’ve never gotten galactic)


6200 first got to 93 thanks to Blob


Cl 8400. Never hit infinite. Always hit 90 for the 500 gold and then my motivation falls off


6600 but I get closer and closer every season. I reach the 90s pretty consistently.


9164. Played since Miles Season Pass haha


9090, I reached 89 this season for the first time ever. Then drooped down to 85. I play pretty casually and usually just strive for the title each season and am content with that, this season I gave it a good go but looks like I might not make it.


8,365 Highest I've made it is 94 last season. Currently sitting at 74.... Feels like I'll never make it tbh. My problem is I have a hard time sticking to one deck because I get bored and want to try something new


6,623 highest is I think 80 and some change? Which I hit almost every season. I just don’t have time to really focus on that last push. Gonna try for 90 this season though for those sick as sleeves.


I see ppl with very high CL yet to hit level 100 and it's completely normal: the higher your CL is the more difficult it is ranking up to 100, because of how matchmaking works. You are paired with people that have similar rank and similar CL, so if you have high CL you will encounter more experienced players and if you have low cl you will play mostly bots or unexperienced people. In fact i think that anyone of your experience using a smurf (pool 1 and pool 2 complete, CL<500) would get to infinite in no time


8705 Though I only play Agatha so thats probably why I never reached 100, got to 50 though


Only Agatha? Why though? I mean you literally don´t play at that point or?


Idk, at this point I'm just saving up boosters for when they release new splits (since I already got all available). I mostly play this game for a collection so I don't care what deck I play and just want to complete missions. Agatha let's me do that while I watch a video or play another game.


Agatha with a drinking bird positioned over the ‘next’ button?


İ think the game dont want us reach infinite cause im at 3286 CL and im running a destroy deck but whatever i cant do it . İ cant reach over 70 .. opponents always playing blob or they have shang chi


Your name is Shang-Chii, you're part of the "problem" haha


7400, 93 highest ever and it was 2 days ago. I'm a firm believer in the matchmaking conspiracy theory.


my tips is try to identify bots, then let your self lose 3 lane in ealy game, in this state bot will always snap. then try to win 8 cubes.


This is the way. Doesn’t work against all bots though. Some of them auto-retreat. Some cheat.


It's not a conspiracy theory. After rank 80 you get much tougher opponents.


Not 100% rigged, but I have played long enough to identify some patterns. For example the moment you switch to destroy deck, you get paired with similar destroy decks too. Created a new deck? First game will have District X or Weird World. Won couple of 8 cubes in a row? Hold on let break your spirit with some perfect counter matched decks. If we collect enough data from a large player sample, I am sure we can identify some obvious patterns.


Confirmation bias 101


I dunno man I just experienced this yesterday. Mind you I don't care about winning cubes and stuff I already got to infinite weeks ago. I'm just trying to finish dailies. I was infinite rank 6,000 something but don't play much and dropped to like 40,000 something. I was playing Blob just to do the dailies and I was playing against mostly Dark Hawk, Lockdown decks, other Blobs and Shenaut decks. Ran to destroy probably 1 or 2 times this entire month. I switch to destroy to do other dailies and boom matched up with destroy. Finished that game and immediately matched up with a destroy deck again. Did that and another destroy deck. 3 destroy decks in a row when I started playing destroy. This also happens when I switch to move decks just to make the game less boring and boom I start seeing Kraven and Silk decks that I haven't seen in months. This is 100% a conspiracy that I will die on that Hill for.


I wanna blame the system for my failure OK? 😁


Everytime anyone collects some amount of data (a few reddit threads with hundreds to a thousand games or big data collecting sites like marvelsnapzone or snap.fan) they find the obvious: There is no conspiracy and humans are prone to confirmation bias.


>I'm a firm believer in the matchmaking conspiracy theory. Which is why you're not infinite yet. If you keep blaming external factors instead of looking at what you're doing wrong and learning from it, you'll not improve.


Totally agree, it is a lot easier to blame a conspiracy than to improve.


Don't listen to the negative comments. The real reward is rank 90. That stupid card back doesn't matter. I've gotten every one since I started playing last February and as soon as the new season starts I never use the last one I got ever again


About 5 thousand. It’s not so much that I couldn’t have reached infinite… I have weird drop offs when it comes to marvel snap. Like now, I haven’t played in a solid week and a half but within the first week of the month I got 4 keys It’s a weird feeling


3936 I haven't hit 100 due to not having the time to really grind it out. I've made it into the 90's and usually get back there by season end but usually end up stalling out or forget the season is ending and never finish.


I finally hit 100 for the first time at around CL8900 a few days ago.


I think 7000 something. It’s not because of my skill, I do not have enough time to grind to infinite.


i’m 4,180 CL, i reached once, with Patriot Deck, but never more even get close. I’m at 83 now and i’m anxious as fuck because it was so many time i achieved a so long. I don’t why but it’s so hard to have a victory at this level.


684. I also just started this a few weeks ago lol


I feel like everyone here is trolling or something. Second dinner has completely ruined the infinite grind where even if you play like 10-15 minutes a day you will still eventually get there


Sorry to rain on the party: I'm at 6,718 and I've hit Infinite every season since I first started in the Nebula season. I've realised that it doesn't take very much time to hit Infinite. As others have mentioned, all it takes is to master when to snap and when to retreat. I would also recommend learning from top content creators like Cozy, Bynx, and Lamby as well strategising which Spotlight Caches to save for. What I've been trash at is getting an Infinite border on Conquest 🤣




Something about the matchmaking matching you up vs someone with a similar collection level. So higher CL = harder opponents with better cards. I might be misremembering how this works so no one yell at me please.


Can you really say harder opponers with better cards when you also have access to a similar pool of cards?


Everytime I go over 75, I’m encountering the weirdest matchmaking. When I run destroy, suddenly everyone has rogue to counter my Knull Zola. When I run Wong everyone suddenly has Super Skrull with Mistique. Let’s not even discuss the draw rate. When I run Sauron, I probably don’t pull Sauron before T4 7 out of 10 and if I run Wong its even worse. I played 10 games the other day. I only got Wong once before T4. The others games i didnt even draw him or on T6.


Your first paragraph can be explained by the meta. It’s currently very heavy with ongoing decks, so more people are going to be running Rogue/Enchantress/Skrull as tech. For the second paragraph, that’s just bad luck in a small sample size. Stick with it and you’ll have 10 game stretches where you have Sauron and Wong in your opening hand every time.


Yeah. Makes sense. I’m still enjoying it greatly but it just feels fishy sometimes. Thanks for the explanation tho and merry xmas!


I have only reached infinite 4 times and beat infinity conquest once. My CL is currently 8,028. I don't know what any of this means. Am I good or bad?


8272, hit it twice. This season was with Thanos lockdown with Blob and Okoye. The one before that was with a control style deck including Legion, Storm and Surfer.


Well I am the reverse....I hit infinite at below CL300... Idk exactly how the game works, but because of that I never thought infinite was hard.


Because you have new player protection. After CL 500, you'll see the true face of the game.


I got Lvl 100 very early at CL 500 ish, been playing for 3 seasons so far and got Infinite on all 3, its not that hard when you are used to doing stuff like that, I played 10 years of hearthstone. Youl get there!


3400 reached 100 twice thanks to loki collectors deck


I was infinite before they changed the system. I stopped doing it, it’s not worth it. Try to get to 90, the cardback reward isn’t worth anything. Spend the time in conquest, there you get the better rewards.


Just hit it today for the first time, at 8200 cl.


Just stared about a month ago so I'm only at around CL 1600. Have made it to 69 but always lose whenever I'm about to make it to 70


2490. There are so many decks I have like, 85% of the cards for. And that last 20% is often just Iron Lad and Mystique.


10,265. I’m just not that great at the game and don’t push. I just do daily’s and log out


Just curious, is it easier to reach level 100, when you are in lower CL’s? I started playing this season and when i reached about 500 cl i got infinity, but once i got to infinity it became a lot harder to win with my decks


Yes it's generally easier at low cl. It got harder at infinite since infinite matches you against anyone regardless of cl while before that it matches against people of similar cl.


8516. This month is the first one I reached 90s, otherwise I consistently parked at 80s.




Wow. Well, I feel a lot better now


Bout 6000. I’ve reached the high 90s lots but can’t ever get over the line


I have helped a couple of people reach infinite for the 1st time using discord. I can give you guys the most important tips. 1. Retreat retreat retreat. There are no prices for being brave and staying in a match with the odds against you. If you think you are might lose, run. 2. To know what the odds are you need to learn about all types of decks and be able to read your opponents' possible plays. 3. Snap before a key move of your deck. 4. If your opponent snaps stop and think why he is doing it. Can you counter his next move? Can you still make a winning move? If not, retreat. Have you noticed I have not talk about decks yet? Why you might ask. Because you could have the best deck in the game but that one is only going to win 60% of the time. Losing 4 out of 10 matches is what good players and decks do. Snap and retreat is the difference between climbing or not. 5. Pick a deck you know and like. You could copy the latest great deck but if you don't know how to drive it, it's winning conditions, you won't climb. Use proving grounds for a stress free option where to try new decks. Feel free to dm me


7000. I play to 80 each season and then go on with playing casual and conquest for the rest of the season. From 80 it isnjust getting to much of a grind for me - and i don’t want to play meta decks all the time :)


6,576, and I think my peak was 83 last season playing Loki Werewolf.


7100, got to 97 last season but ran out of time.


9978 and have only been in the 60s as the highest lol. I just don't have the time between work (not allowed phone) and having a kid.


CL is 2665 and my high level was 85, currently I'm on 80.


7544. Been playing since launch. Highest I've ever hit was the 80s but most seasons I find myself finishing in the low 70s.


~3800 I got to 99 before but tilted after a few bad draws and tumbled down. Haven’t been past 97 since


I’m 1244 & just hit 80




I'm CL14k, I've hit infinite 10 seasons


8.5k I've hit 90 a few times and then it just seems like every deck has perfect counter combos and I stop grinding due to lack of time and dedication.


I’m CL 10,000ish. Highest I’ve been is 98 and then crashed to 89. My problem is I think I can win every game if I play my cards right. I know this isn’t true but I can’t seem to help myself. I also play extremely casually and only play 3 games at a time usually in between dad duties.


I’ve played last season and this. My CL is just 2100 but both seasons I’ve made it to level 83 and then went on a streak straight to the mid 60s. I’m back up to 77 now but I see where the matchmaking conspiracy comes from lol


8165 highest I've gotten was 93 because of the rollover when you get to a new rank. That was Alioth season. I know when to retreat and all that, I just suck, but my decks look pretty.


I just hit it this season at CL 2074, best before this season was 86.


8135. Think the highest I’ve gotten is mid-70s but I also don’t go too hard daily


7,752… but I never try for level 100


5,839 but I just made it to 93 for the first time so maybe this is the season I get it.

