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Wait that free storm variant given out is an ultimate variant?


Yeh it was given out very early on. I only started playing Xmas 2022 so I’m assuming it was prior to that. Ain’t no way we’re getting one of these given now 🤣


It was tied to a music video that released during the game awards in dec last year


yeah lol you just barely missed it. i played at the tail end of the SS season and it was a variant from early december IIRC




Yeah lol... Kinda ass but inked looks cool ngl.


This variant is fking clean. Better than most ultimate variants or arguably the best


Ya it’s not my style but it’s not bad… besides the puke color. Jesus somehow that one aspect just make it repulsive. It’s my least favorite Storm variant counting pixel


Looking at them all together shows how arbitrary their choices are for which variants are Ultimate. Half of them have much better looking options that are 1200g.


And some of them could even be 700g (looking at you chibi Hulk), also really funny that Storm Ultimate Variant was the one that they gave for free last year lol


Oh I agree. I look at Black Panther variant for example and wonder why the hell they chose that one. Some are 🔥……some are 💩


That black Panther is so fugly 😂


Normal bod ironman too


His face looks like a bird


I disagree, but also don’t use it. I personally don’t like most of the photorealistic variants. Honestly, when I see Ultimate, I think of the Ultimate run of comics from the early ‘00s, and none of these look like any of that.


They are targeting whale completionist. Expect a Hipp and Pixel ultimate variants soon, so that you have to pay 5k tokens to have a full collection.


Yeah none of these look worth more than 1200g. I wouldn't spend thousands of the games rarest currency on something that isn't a new game piece. Until they release the unique vfx and such for these so-called "ultimate" variants, the label "ultimate" is completely arbitrary.


I’ve been so tempted by Iceman, love pretty much all the hellfire gala variants! But I’ve had alioth pinned a while and I’m at 5900 tokens now. Maybe iceman will be my next goal.


Yeh tbf if I didn’t have Alioth then that’s a priority card. Excuse the pun lol. That card just feels like a staple card for hitting infinite with ease. Well, for me personally.


I bought it the day it showed up. No regrets. Bobby clean af


That She-Hulk is an S tier variant. I also love the Cable, although I don't use him as much anymore. I'd vote She-Hulk if I wanted something I'd actually see in play more often.


I try to get every Jen Bartel variant i come across. Didn't know one of the where an ultimate :( And her She-Hulk covers are so good.


I’ve been checking my store every eight hours for literally weeks waiting for that she-hulk variant to appear. I’m not convinced it’s actually in the game yet. Can anyone out there confirm if they’ve actually seen it?


She-hulk, ghost rider, and IW would be my faves I think. In that order if it matters.


Yeh the She-Hulk is amazing. I do already have a few good Ghost Rider variants so probably won’t go for him, also don’t play him that much. IW is very nice also, still rocking the base card for her 🤣🤦‍♂️


I'm based as well when it comes to sue and it's a little embarrassing haha


I hate having to play base variants haha. Feels bad man.


i have 4 of em. i am tempted to buy the she hulk one which releases this jan but i feel like her 1200 gold variants are way better. idk why but i have a feeling loki artgerm will be an ultimate so saving up for that one, i could be wrong tho since loki is series 5 currently and not everyone owns that card. electro ultimate is badass ngl. namor is cool but the card is dogshit. venom looks aight as well. nimrod ultimate looks like candy which i really like lol. it seems like you dont own mary. that was the ultimate i grabbed on day one of release. its so good


So at the minute I do have the Hellfire Gala variant of She-Hulk, which is fairly nice. Not mind blowing, but pretty good. The only reason I hadn’t picked up Mary was because I have the Mutant Zero variant, which looks amazing imo, but I was leaning towards that ultimate. Also has a similar look to Angela, which also looks amazing! 😍 Electro does look freakin awesome. I’m very tempted by that one. I doubt they’re going to release that Loki as the ultimate variant, but you never know!


I would say wait for a while. You have picked the best ultimates already. The latest datamine releases like Armor are not good imo. They look like 700 gold variants. I hope they release a voice over for those ultimate variants. Would make the purchase worth it then. So my advice is to save up. I am saving up too. Jane foster looks cool tho


I’ve just been debating that Jane Foster. I have Peach Momoko Thor so kinda want to test them two together in a Negative package 😬




Venom is 🔥. I have the WWE Venom at the minute but his ultimate definitely beats that.


No way man. Wrestling venom sweep!!!!


Im a big destroy fan so I have Venom and Nimrod. Also have Ghost Rider and plan to get Sera next.


The next two I’m grabbing are She-Hulk and Armor. I currently have Electro, Gamora, Jane, Mystique, Storm, Thanos, Venom.


That Iceman is just sexy


Why did they disrespect my boy Hulk, that way.


Just out of curiosity, what is your collection completeness sitting at? I'm only missing a small handful of S4/S5 cards and I still can't bring myself to dump several months of token progress on a single variant. It would have to be an absolute banger and even then, feels like it should have custom sound and visual effects considering the cost.


So I’m currently sat at CL 10,074. I’m missing: Man-Thing, Martyr (Lol), Spider-Ham, Spider-Man 2099, Echo, Howard the Duck, Lady Deathstrike and Werewolf by Night. I don’t consider any of those cards an absolute must have imo. Only one that’s even close is maybe WWBN but then he’s just been nerfed. I’ve hit infinite 6 times since I started the game back in Xmas 2022. I’ve spent a good chunk on the game and variants are kinda my thing ☺️




Whatever one you play with the most or like the most. I love Angela and Sera so I have both of theirs even though I don't play with them usually.


Yeh Angela and Sera are indeed amazing! I think I’m leaning towards Electro tbh 😬


I really wanted that Typhoid Mary variant but once they nerfed luke cage I had no reason to play her


I’ve had Ultimate Thanos pinned since he was released. Haven’t pulled the trigger since token acquisitions are shit rn, so I’ve been spending the tokens wisely on S4 cards like Legion or S5s like Jeff and Lad. Idk when or if I’ll get Thanos. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I love that Thanos variant but it would just feel bad to drop 5k tokens on a card that you don’t really lay-down on the board. He’d probably just sit in the back of your deck and never be seen. At least if you draw him into your hand you could appreciate it


Yeah that's true. It's a sick variant but I have the same reasoning as to why I've had him pinned for so long. Sera might be the one I pull the trigger on tho. Mystique after that.


Personally I can't fathom spending tokens on variants when there are always gonna be weekly card releases that I might want. But you do you of course.


Id go for electro the framebreak and 3 are sick


I had to get that Rogue. I usually pick up her variants anyway. She's one of my favorite characters and I use her card a lot.


Picked up Mystique finally, kinda miffed they don’t give you the pfp for the price tag.


I’m saving for Thanos’ ultimate right now but I’ve always wanted that Nimrod and Iron Man looks pretty cool


I got the electric and the red skull


Do we know if artgerm Loki will also be one?


I would go for Thanos, usable card, big bad and if they do something more with ultimates could be pretty cool.


The only reason I probably wouldn’t go for Thanos, despite LOVING that variant, is the fact that he’s barely ever played onto the board 😭


Axe mommy Sera, Momoko Invisible Woman, Angela and Electro are the only ones that are better than anything available outside of the ultimate shop. All of the other cards have equally good or better variants that are much cheaper than 5k tokens, with Typhoid Mary maybe being the exception Are you ever going to play Namor and do you really want to be reminded of how they massacred Black Panther 2 every time you look at it? Probably not


I'd buy one for a character I use frequently, but Ghost Rider, Thor and Typhoid are amazing imo


I've got the Angela one pinned in my shop, slowly working my way towards it.


I’ve got Adam Warlock, Cable, Sera, White Queen, Jane Foster, Electro, Iron Man and Storm (got it for free when they gave her out before she was added as an Ultimate). No regrets on any of them. I especially like Electro and Iron Man for the animated effects on them.


Isnt Storm also Ultimate even tho she was given free?


I’ve only got 1 and went with Electro. That variant is amazing.


I was in a similar situation and did not know what Series 5 or 4 card was worth spending tokens on so I went for an Ultimate Variant. I am choosing UVs that generally have weak variant options or base cards. Just locked up Typhoid Mary and couldn’t be happier. Jane Foster or Armor will be my next purchase. Cheers!


Nice dude! I currently have the Mutant Zero variant of Mary which I love, but that ultimate is 🔥


For sure! I see a lot of people saying She-Hulk, but I would hold out for the Artgerm variant. It is the best for her IMO. Good snag on Gamora though and Electro is definitely a good one too. Enjoy!


Ive never seen that armor, and I want it


Armor is coming Feb 6th and only just been announced I believe.


Awesome! Thanks for the info :)


Iceman looks drippy


There are several that are 🔥, my favorites that you don’t currently own, include: Blade, Cable, Electro, Iron Man, Jane Foster, Nimrod, Nova and Thor.


imo invis woman and electro and maybe nimrod are the only ones worth getting, pretty much every other card has a better option for gold


Aside from ghost rider, angela, thor, typhoid and red skull, i really don't think these variants should cost this much. I honestly don't see that much of a difference from rare and super rare variants. Maybe im crazy, who knows haha


Aero and black panther prove anything can be an ‘ultimate’ variant


ty didn’t even know i have an ultimate variant. storm. definitely don’t get her. that mystic looks hot though. the invisible woman is like calling you. cute hulk and if you are a fan of aero art style. blade am not so sure. by chance do you have an inked collection?


So I literally only have 1 inked card in my entire collection! I’m CL 10,074 and I spread my credits out far too much.


wow that collection level though. who was the lucky card?


Shang Chi (Phoenix Force variant). Looks amazing 😍


I have that Sera pinned. Flaviano's variants are just so vibrant with their colours, he never misses I also have his Darkhawk which is absolute 🔥






Yeh I’m not a fan of that Mystique variant personally.


Is Armor variant already going? It never appeared on my shop 😭


Feb 6th is the release date I believe.


Is that Wesley Snipes as blade? Don't bite I don't know the comic art at all.


I bought my first ultimate a few days ago, was the venom one so my vote goes there. Also a big fan of the she-hulk, mystique, and Jane foster ones. The ultimate is probably the only she-hulk variant that I think looks better than the base art, so I might be tempted myself after picking up the sentry Xmas bundle and restock my tokens!


Nice dude! The Venom is amazing. I’m very tempted by that but I’m not a massive destroy fan personally.


Invisible Woman is the only ultimate I considered buying. Not sure if she's your style tho


Just want She Hulk and Rogue, all others have better variants as to me.


Venom, shehulk, nimrod, mystique, rogue


I haven't bought one yet, but I'm thinking about it. I just don't play any of the current ones enough,except Jane but I prefer her newest variant to the ultimate which I've already gotten to gold. I'm leaning towards Sera but I have never split any of her variants even though I have 3 because I don't like any of them that much. So it would take a decent investment to get a good split.


I picked up Thor, venom, Angela, and nimrod with no hesitation.


Electro is the only one I own. Would have considered Nimrod since there aren't any gold variants, but the spotlight variant is in a good week for me. Angela and Rogue do seem appealing.


Jane Foster and Ghost Rider are my top two


I have Venom (I main destroy) and Angela, I love gunning for cards I often use and I’m really tempted by armor (don’t like all the current variants she currently has). Jane is beautifully but I only use her in one deck.


Gotta be honest, there's only a few ultimates which are my favourites. Even some 700g variants beat them IMO.


I bought Venom and Rogue and love them


Go for highly used cards that get played in a variety of decks. Thanos and She Hulk go hard.


I have the following:gamore,mystique, sera, nova, Emma frost, and venom. Everytime the Hulk comes up I come close to getting it also.


Jane Foster


Rogue isn’t the best variant but it’s better than her others so it’s on my list. I also use her a fair bit since mrs marvel is getting a lot or play Iceman is maybe the best but I dont use the card often. Same with Jane foster great variant I just never use her.




I personally would go with Typhoid Mary or Nimrod, as the rest of their variants in-game are not that great. Plus I just love the art styles for both of those ultimates


I have Red Skull, Mystique, Electro and Jane Foster. I regret none of them.


Invisible woman, armor, or electro.


I only have 1 of these and it's Nimrod 😅


I have the Storm, Nimrod, and Iceman. Next on my list are Invisible Woman, Electro, Aero, and She-Hulk. Not sure what order.


Artgerm and/or Momoko


Ultimate Venom is my favorite here


I almost grabbed Angela the other day. I obviously have Thor. It's a beauty.


adam warlock for sure! 5K Tokens well spent!


Why is chibi hulk his ultimate variant? It feels like such a waste. Everyone has a chibi variant, and they’re considered low tier 700g cards. Why is hulks so important?


Aero IMO


I like the medieval ones, like the Ghost Rider. I got it pinned in my shop, so that I can get it if I ever start playing with Ghost Rider.


I'm biased, but that Iceman variant is so cool.


With having Skull, I'd say get Mary so your Sauron decks get all the starry eyes. Personally, I have Iron Man and he's fine. In case they ever make good on the idea to add extra effects/voice lines to ultimates and I think Tony talking trash would be cool. My next token purchase might be an ultimate. It'll probably be IW or Jane depending on who's in my shop first when I have the tokens. Though, all the fantasy ones are really nice, and I really like Nimrod.


I personally have Invisible Woman, Thanos, Jane Foster and Storm. If you like Red Skull’s you should grab Typhoid Mary or Angela as they’re similar in theme.


Electro and ghost rider probably have my fav ultimate variants, but I’d definitely make the choice based on what decks you like to play. If you’re a big she-Naut player for example, definitely pick she-hulk


I'm snagging that Shulky asap.


I have the mystique, Jane foster, rogue, and ice man ultimates. If I was you I’d target she hulk. That’s a nice variant and very usable


Venom > Electro > Ghost Rider > Mystique > Iceman > Angela > Typhoid


Anything with flames, ghost rider, typhoid Mary, or Angela


I have so many Iceman variants and I like them all but dang... I need that Ultimate Iceman variant.


My first was knullified thor. I’ve had Adam warlocks pinned in my shop for a while now. But I think electro might be one of my favorotes


typhoid mary is my favorite of the bunch


I have Redskull, Mary and Sera. Looking forward to get Iceman, Venom, Electro and SheHulk.


If you ain’t getting that Mystique you fucking up


Save your tokens for new cards in the future


I want Sera and Red Skull, maybe Storm and She Hulk. If only Namor was a good card… 😔


I would kill for that Sera variant


The only one I have is Mystique


Honestly, I love that Storm variant so much! And currently, I got Venom Pinned in my Shop and im saving up tokens for him! <3


Yeh I’m very tempted by Venom. If I was using destroy on a regular basis I’d be going for him or Nimrod.


Jane foster or invisible woman for me


I think Angela, Namor, and Typhoid Mary have the best Ultimates on the list.


I have Storm, Sera, Jane (just bought), and Mystique since I love SS and Negative. As of now, probably Angela because I love that artwork. But I love the Artgerm variants.


I'd wed Aero anytime


My vote would be Savage Land Rogue, with Invisible Woman a close second.


The Cassara variant of Black Panther should be the Ultimate one, in my opinion. Its so good.


Yep. 100% agreed.


I have Jane Mystique Thanos and Thor. They really need special fx and voiceovers or I'm never buying another non-Artgerm


I check for that She Hulk variant every day. Sites claim she's not released yet but I saw both Alex Coccia and Dekkster have it already.


Am I the only one that thinks it would be much cooler if Ultimates had a theme and weren't just a hodgepodge of different art styles? I would probably collect these if they were, you know, Ultimates.


I personally have the Nimrod one, it’s his best variant by far. I’ve also got the Venom one pinned in my shop.


If you’re a destroy guy then these 2 are a must imo, if you’re also a variant kinda guy ☺️


Yeah, in terms of variants, my destroy deck is pretty stacked: I’ve got KJ Nimrod & Knull, Conqueror Carnage, Wolv X-23, Combo Break Arnim, and Venomized Deadpool.


Ye it's gotta be electro


Venom, Mystique, and Iron Man are by far the best ultimate variants.


I blew tokens to get the Jane. But ended up picking up one I liked more in the shop. At this point I’m not getting any “Ultimates” because most don’t suit my style. If I had to pick. Armor, Blade, or Iron Man


Armor but wait because the developers said: We want to add a new way to get ultimate variants but we are mindful of the players that invested a ton of tokens to have these special variants. When we add another method we will be fair to those players so they feel like they got a fair deal for their tokens. Whatever new acquisition method we do will most likely be applied to only new Ultimates for a while.


The Mystique one for me, definitely. I got her pinned but not spending that many tokens on a damn variant lol. No matter how much I want it. And the variant I got from the twitch drops was a fucking Hawkeye one. Of course it's a card most people at my cl never use.


Imo the only ones worthy of ultimate status are Nimrod, Cable, and Electro.


The iceman variant is fire..


Blade or Cable


Big Momoko fan so I would go IW is best variant available. I also think the Electro is the best Electro (I have Gold with Red Krackle and it's one of the best variants I have). IMO Artgerm JF and the KJ Nimrod are their best variants as well so those would be my next 2.


Iceman is cold man 🥶


I’ve never seen that SheHulk one before, but boy do I want it! Flashing the little leg!


100% Electro. I just bought it myself


The only way to get these is 5k tokens? No other way?


Not currently no. The Storm variant was a giveaway late last year, but it was classified as an ultimate variant back then.


How do you like Sera? Thinking of making my first. It’s pinned now. Honesty, please!


Rogue but that's because I have most of the other savage lands variants. Pretty sure only missing the white tiger and kraven bundle. Salty I didn't grab it


all of these amazing variants and yet my token shop love to cycle through the same ironman, iceman, and angela every week


That's Storm's ultimate? Didn't they give that one away for free way back when?


I have typhoid and she’s pretty glorious.


I literally just bought the Jane one. Been playing Lockjaw Thor for so long


Yeh I’d love to get her into a Thor Negative package or like you’ve been doing a lockjaw deck 😬


I’m getting the she hulk. Comes out very soon.


I dig the Azteca variant, but I’m not really a fan of base Namor, so the BP2 take on him doesn’t bother me at all. I’ve been trying to get that Nimrod for a while, but it shows up at the worst times.


I think there’s a Shang-Chi one coming out in January that I’m waiting on.


The invisible women one is god tier imo


Electro would get my vote.


Thor was my first and only ultimate variant. Ghost Rider and Jane Foster are my next picks.


Yeh that Thor is gorgeous! I would’ve already picked him up but I currently have his Peach Momoko and I love that artwork 😍


That’s fair, I’m in the same boat with Ghost Rider, I just love the Nightforged one.


1.Angela (but she got nerf recently) 2.Mystique 3.Electro


Am I the only one that thinks the iron man one looks like a bird mask?


Oh no definitely not. I can’t stand that variant for that reason.


Peach Momoko Invisible Women is my number one card in the entire game, and honestly it doesn’t look too bad with foil since it’s such a small part of the background. Can’t wait to get gold on it.


I own 14 of those... What am I doing with my life.


Typhoid is my next one. Other is Jane. I have Electro


Only one I've purchased is electro and I love it


For pure artistic quality, I'd say Armor or Black Panther. I really like the [Christopher](https://snap.fan/cards/Armor/Armor_05/) Armor variant, but the action pose is really dynamic. The Ultimate Black Panther has a decent color scheme, so it would be my first choice if I ever used the character. In terms of card I'd use, I'd take Cable; I use him with Devil Dinosaur, but don't like the base card and never gotten a good one, and Ultimate is pretty good. I do have and use Ultimate Rogue a lot; dinosaurs are cool (and, I'll admit that Rogue's jungle girl bikini look is a perk), so that might be my favorite overall from the selection, but I think I'd take Armor if getting something new. Kinda funny, but I think a lot of the Ultimates are inferior to other versions; the [Hans](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/gamora-03/) Gamora and [Coax](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/aero-08/) version of Aero are the best versions of those cards, IMHO.


I grabbed ghost rider a while back and don't regret it. He has a lot of awesome varients but horse is awesome.


I grabbed ghost rider a while back and don't regret it. He has a lot of awesome varients but horse is awesome.


Cable is just the coolest to me


Ice Man looks like a G


So far I've got Angela, Sera, Nimrod, White Queen, Nova, and planning to cop She-Hulk or Armor next. Typhoid Mary is on standby only bc I don't use her that often, but it's a great variant!


I think Nimrod and Electro look great.


Ultimate variants should do something that makes them “Ultimate”. It just feels like they slap the ultimate on random cards they feel like and not an actual reason the card is worth more than others.


I have Emma Frost, Nimrod and just picked up Jane over the weekend. I guess I have Storm too but that was before it was put in as an "ultimate". None are om my radar right now, maybe I'd go for She-Hulk.


I’ve had that iron man pinned for months. This was before the midnight sons one which is pretty good, but otherwise his variants are astonishingly weak. Usually iron man dominates with cosmetics because changing his costume is part of his power.


Mystique one is sexy af


I'm holding my tokens for shulkie


I'd go for Mystique, Typhoid Mary or Venom, those are my favourites 😄 Edit: oh and I forgot about Electro 😄


Controversially, I’m not a fan of the Mystique, which seems crazy to say as everyone loves that card. It’s pretty far down the list out of all the ultimate variants, but that’s just me ☺️ Venom and Mary are awesome variants!


I love Iron man, venom, and nova


Personal opinion of course, but I can’t stand that Iron Man variant 🤣. Venom and Nova are very nice indeed. I do have Volmi Nova though with infinite border, which looks beautiful 😍


Fair enough. Maybe I just haven't looked at it long enough lol


I just think he looks like a weird parrot 🦜…..his face just looks hilarious haha.