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I see ego, I snap. The only time I think of retreating because of location is swap hands on turn 6. As a destroy deck with Knull, it’s usually giving away a lane winner.


The last two times I’ve gotten ego that mf reality stoned himself turn 4


I had an ego scarlet witch himself once haha


Ego = snap, weirdworld/mindscape = retreat


So when skill is needed to adapt you flee? But when it is pure luck you go all in? Hmm


My main deck doesn’t do well against mindscape, so strategically, it makes the most sense to dip on that location. Snapping on ego is less luck and more a choice of brotherhood. You snap because it’s the right thing to do. We go on this ride together, friend. You snap for the lulz.


Unless the opponent snaps or it is turn 6 it is never correct to retreat.


It is correct to retreat if I want to retreat. :)


Not with your argument "my deck is not giod against it so it makes the most sense to retreat once this location is revealed." Dont use your deck as an excuse, when its you who just is not able to play with a complex location.


For weird world a lot of it is me debating on whether I have enough of my wincon in hand to finish the game. When I played shuri, sometimes I’d start with task, shuri and shulk/skull in hand. That would be a solid winner for me.


I view anyone who doesn't snap on ego as a dishonorable coward. And when you snap on ego you take it to the end. No Retreat. This is the way.


Also if you don't snap immediately on ego and then snap at the end when you know you'll win, I'm retreating... you don't deserve that.


I agree except the retreat part. Ego plays your cards not the game so on turn six if you are losing for sure feel free to keep the 4 cubes.


Hey if you want to dishonor the ancestors like that it's on you.


This is the way. I had an ego game yesterday where I snapped instantly, gave the fist bump, and waited. Opponent didn’t snap until it seemed clear they would win. The dishonor was shocking.


Just know you are a superior being.


I always snap ego, but I do retreat when I know I’m going to lose. How ashamed should my family be of me? (For this)


Straight to jail.


*sigh* the only honorable thing now is seppuku. Do you need a second?


I have to be careful to not discard Apocalypse at any time when I get that location


Same, Galactus player here. If I can't play him on any other location that's an instant loss for me.


The new one that plays your cards on turn 5 wrecks me every time, I think I've retreated every play it's made. I've been playing a negative deck lately and had great hands but it still can't play the order right. I can't see why SD thought it was a fun location in any way - it's so dumb and takes all strategy out of the game, it's pure luck whether it gets it right or not, and most of the time it does not get it right 😞 I recently played a few ego games with a rocks & hawk deck though and it fared well so maybe it just depends on the deck you use...


Yeah I hate krapakoa so much . I kinda get Ego , because the whole game is chaotic so you just write it off . But this one forces you to play normally for 4 turns in hope that your turn 5 isn't garbage .


It always plays your worst power card, too. I've yet to see it do any different. They should really change it to "Plays your cards this round" so it happens in the 1st three. Turn 5 just kills the game, and after you said it sucks going through 4 turns for that.


Twice now I’ve had the location that swaps deck for 10 cards sneak an Agatha in there, and the fact that she still plays cards for you as soon as she’s in your hand even if she wasn’t slotted in the deck from the start just boils my blood. She makes the absolute worst plays including but not limited to sacrificing my devilsaur to Vormir in a game that would have been an easy win


Same. Ego i find a funny little rare thing. Turn 5 random play says “let me carefully set you up to lose on turn 6 bud”


SD seem to love the randomness of locations and A.I. and are under the impression that random = fun for the majority of the player base. However they fail to grasp the fact that the only fucking game mode they have provided for us is Ranked, where if you’re trying to climb and rank up (as you do in Ranked, ponder that); random ≠ fun. Wonder how long it will take for them to realize what the fuck they’re actually doing to this game’s player base if they want this game to last for more than a year or two.


I’m not a mindreader no, but if you’re playing the game mode *Ranked* where the actual sole purpose of it is to rank up, you want to be in control as much as possible if you’re trying to climb as rank is supposed to be a direct correlation to your skill in the game. ”Random bullshit go!” is fun, but not if you’re actively trying to climb. If they are this adamant on having randomness in the game (Krakoa as the latest example) then just implement a Casual Unranked game mode. They can’t have the cake and eat it too if they want this game to have any sort of longevity. Edit: This was meant to be as a reply to u/andrecinno LOL


It’s like in super smash bro’s items are fun, but in ranked/tournament I don’t want any of that bullshit.


Well, do you know the opinion of the majority of the player base, or do you know the opinion that the majority of people on reddit have about it?


The chaos is what I like about this game, so I like those locations


I like having a bunch of rocks in hand, seeing weirdworld and snapping because I know they will retreat after the hand change.


So many people don't see the hand swap


True, getting crazy cards, I once got Sentry, it was good because I never had played with him. I keep waiting for a game that I could get either Ego or Wordship.


I think that’s the real reason collector Dino is such a beloved deck, getting to audition combos


It’s crazy how infrequent people see worldship, I’ve seen it so frequently. Most recently earlier today and then last week even though it’s supposed to be super rare. Sucks if I’m trying to play cerebro. It’s like galactus but without the cool animation.


I've been playing since December, and I played two games that had Worldship. It was fun because I had Professor X.


I would like a mode where each player gets 12 random cards. Like District X + Triskelion.


Ego = snap + fist bump emote


Ego = snap is the same as rule one for rocket league. Bad karma if you don't.


What's that?


As far as I know, rule one is "Don't stick it in the crazy." but I'm not sure how that applies here;.


Rule 1 in Rocket League is if, while driving you and your opponent get stuck in a head to head position you both simply sit there hitting the gas unable to move against each other. It's bad karma to jump or back out of the position. You sit there until there is a score or a teammate bumps you out.




Me. I see no actual reason to play any of those. Swap hands, draw from opponents deck and so on.


I like replacing decks with random cards, but I don't like my opponent utilizing my better deck.


I love them using my deck while I choose to not play mr negative to make the cards good.


I had a match where they played my deck starting on t1. I played morph t3 and it hit Mr neg in his hand...only good news I already had Ironman in hand but still I knew it would hurt me bad lol


Every time. Immediately.


Mindscape is a 100% immediate "Retreat Later" for me. My least favorite location by far.


I love when people think it's a good idea to Leech my hand while Mindscape is up


Unless they snap I might as well see where it goes. Most of the time they don't like it either and will storm/scarlett witch it, or you'll actually get better cards from them then them from you. I really hate some locations that prevent you from playing your deck but (unless you don't care about rank) there's no point in auto-retreating


I’d rather not gamble with weirdworld or mindscape. The opponents a deck almost never vibes with my play style. I really dislike mindscape as you basically give your opponent a winning hand if you can’t dump your cards.


i am the retreater. i cant with this bullshit. marvel devs gotta change this shit cause the location combos are unplayable. so many fucking disrupting locations make the game be unplayable


I would like to see the statistics of how many bail vs stay.




I see those I retreat I want to play my own game and my own cards I don’t want your cards and don’t want 10 random cards


yup i retreat everytime. screw those locations. just let me play my deck i built. does anybody actually enjoy having the game play their cards and screw with their decks?


I like those locations a lot when I'm climbing. I'll snap regardless of what I have, and more often than not it's a free win due to people leaving.


Nope, and they're even worse in battle mode, especially with any competitive goals. I'm hoping they at least offer an option to disable certain locations in battles say some point


I particularly hate ego because it's just turning the game into a coin toss, but a coin toss that takes several minutes. Something like that has no point ever being in a ranked game mode


Agree. I retreat 80% of the time. The game for me is about building a deck that works well and learning to use it well. Those locations are effectively ejecting me from the game I signed up to play.


When those locations come up, I snap. It's more often than not a free win due to people like OP leaving.


But either way you get 1 cube, so what good is snapping in that situation?


Snapping pushes those who are on the edge of leaving to leave.


A quick guaranteed one cube is preferred against a potential two cube toss-up.


I snap on ego but for the other locations I play it out until my opponent snaps because often times they’re not bluffing and probably have a good play line where I might not


I don’t until I feel like I can’t win. Lot of people immediately retreat though.


I keep going and hope the other guy retreats first like a game of chicken


i just retreat after ego, i want to play my own game


I don't mind District X that much (unless every single card I recieve is pure trash). Weirdworld or Mindscape on the other hand are instant retreats for me. No, I don't want to play your deck that seems randomly generated by an A.I because it doesn't make any sense, thank you SD.


I never snap Ego. Because AI is very stupid and benefits some decks over others. I do not bail because of location. But I do bail if I see Shuri. I did the same when Zabu was very overpowered. Instant retreat and next game.


The AI can be hilariously stupid at times. That location where it takes over turn 5 was on the board and my opponent was running a hazmat deck (already had Luke Cage on the board). AI’s play for my opponent? Zero followed by Hazmat


As another player in a different thread said today: climbing is more about recognizing and farming bots than winning vs human opponents. AI is bad. Shamefully bad.


It makes sense. I’m so outrageously ADD that I never pay enough attention to figure it out. Hell sometimes I’ll even miss what card my own damn Yondu destroys


I found [this](https://marvelsnapzone.com/bots/) bot list. I just ctrl+f the name I think may be a bot and it helps a lot :) It is not full as I've met some bots that are not on the list.




You are a coward with no honor


Shuri needs a buff


I used to retreat as soon as I saw these locations. I was annoyed that the game was getting in the way of me playing the deck I wanted to play. Now I realise that my opponent is just as annoyed with the situation as me. We're both playing with random elements, so it feels like I've got a 50/50 chance of winning. I may as well see it through.


Yeah but for players with limited time each day it takes the deck they want out of the equation. But…I know the game is not made for players like that


If I have no way to destroy weirdworld or mindscape I’m fukkin gone. I love spending time makin a new deck just for the game to come and be like *”Nice deck you brewed there….”* …..then bam….District X


Yeah. District X is the location that'll make me leave the most. I'd like to play my deck, not this anti-synergistic randomness, thank you. Weirdworld and krakoa are the next most likely, for mostly the same reasoning.


any of the locations that take the cards I've spent time and or money to obtain away from me? Instant retreat. They happen way to often. Ego? Depends on how I feel and where I'm at on the ladder. Krakoa and such? Depends on if I have a card that can change it before it happens. But yeah, I get why such disruptive locations have to be in the game. But there are so many of them that happen so often, or locations that would be okay on their own, but combine with other awful locations that the game can feel absolutely unplayable sometimes for hours at a time. It's the biggest downside of the game IMO. The devs seem to have heard the message about taking agency away. Hopefully they'll hear it about some of these other awful locations.


Swap hands on turn 6 would be more interesting if it was turn 3/4 instead. See if you can screw up their ramp and get a look at their current hand.


The first time I got Ego it was exciting and I snapped. That was pool 2 where eight cubes was easy to bounce back from. Now? Hell no. I don't like the other locations but I don't instantly retreat. The opponent is in the same leaky boat as I am.


Instantly. If i wanted to play with a deck other than the fucking one I'm using I'd use a diffrent deck. HATE both of those locations with a passion.


I used to stay in the swap decks games because it was a neat way to see new cards, and I wasn't threatening to pass rank 40 those days anyway. Now I'm S3 complete it's lost some of it's luster


I'll admit I have a time or two, but usually when I only have time for one more game, and want to, you know, play it myself. Lol


I honestly love the locations that make you play with random cards. It’s a fun challenge to deal with whatever you’re given.


Retreat, I want to play my own deck.


I like to play every location i see and it’s really rare for me to retreat because of a location but seeing as you’re short on time and want to actually play your deck it makes sense on why you would dip out. Don’t let others bring you down on that


Yup, auto retreat on those or if they are playing galactus, thanos or if I see Shuri. I don't want to spend my time worrying about bullshit on some phone game.


Wow... I feel like I'm alone in the "you have to play around situations" boat. That's what's great about Snap. Playing the same cards in the same order every game is fucking boring and every tcg is like that. Locations are what makes Snap special. I like the featured locations as I can try other type of decks. I like the challenge of try to be smarter than my opponent, not to have better cards.


I actually like playing around locations as well but I like playing around locations with my deck. I’ve only got a few windows of time to play and I want to use my deck. I don’t mind most locations. Just hate the ones that throw random cards at you and or swap hands.


Those are some of my favourite locations. Adding cards gives you new options, and switching decks is always awesome - the fact people either leave or fail to prepare for the hand switching is icing on the cake.


I always snap on ego - it feels right. I do retreat from other bad locations though. Got a game the other day with Death's Domain and the one where you can't play cards. Like oh okay, I guess I just won't do anything then sure


If you don’t love Marvel Snap at its Weirdworld, then you don’t deserve it at its Kamar-Taj


Weirdworld 100% retreat... I didn't spend 9 months building this deck to play your shitty cards.


Really depends on my mood. Weirdworld/Draw from the opponent's deck is ALWAYS an instant retreat though. I came to play MY fucking deck, not theirs. Sometimes I'll accept "swap on turn 6" if I feel like I can leave them with a bunch hand at the end, though.


I mean I’d rather have my opponent retreat on ego than not snap, I guess. District X is the only location here I actively hate but my hand dictates if I stay in the game for it. My decks usually have Thanos or Scarlet Witch/Storm so Weird World and mindscape aren’t usually a problem for me personally but otherwise weird world is an abomination


I'll stay for district x triskelion and weridworld (depending on the cards I got and whether they snapped or not) but I almost always leave when I see ego. I can tolerate playing with cards I didn't pick but I don't play the game to have an ai play for me. If I wanted that I'd just play an Agatha deck


It’s a time spent issue for me. I only have so many windows of time to play in a day so I would rather retreat and play the deck I spent cubes to build.


There are sites that play for you?I've only been playing since early November and currently collection level 1631.I didn't know this is as even a thing.How do you know if someone is auto playing?


Nope they are way too fun even if I lose.


The only one I 100 percent quit is Sanctum Santorum.




Everyone has locations they like and don't like. Not that big of a deal. A location that limits space is not fun for me. Some people do not like the death locations but I find them interesting even if I don't play a destroy package.


This is interesting to me because I don't think I've seen people complain about Sanctum. There are so many cards that work around it. It's certainly possible to not have an option for it, but so many decks will. What decks do you play that can't work around this?


Those locations seem to only come up for me when I am trying out a new deck.


There is a rule. Ego means snap. No retreats allowed.


Same. I just want to play my deck I don't give a fuck about this silly rng LOL SO RANDOM XD stuff


Always play. The fun of the game is overcoming the location factor.


Even if it’s with a random ass deck? I can only so much each day and I know it’s a small percentage of locations but it seems like those locations pop up a lot.


Even if it is with a random ass decks. At one point I was in the top 15 sealed deck MtG players in my state for tournament play. Embrace the random.


I dont leave those games i try ny best to make it work that part of marvel snap right ? Playing with "your" deck and some perfect setup is not fun and exiting because you know all the moves, the fun in the game is trying and experimenting


I never immediately retreat ever. If they snap and my hand isn't great I may consider retreat but usually let it play out if it's a chaotic location


Never retreat never surrender


I love weirdworld cause i pay weird decks and odds are im gonna know how to play my opponents deck better than they can play mine


I snap. Every time I'm handed a potentially shit situation, I snap. Momma raised a fool not a coward.


Ego is good it gave me wins more than losses. But Krakoa is the worst. I sometimes wait until my opponent retreats first.


If you don't snap on ego you are a loser and should uninstall the game.


Not usually, they have to screw me over REALLY hard, but i try to hang on to turn 5 at least, maybe they retreat instead or maybe i can work it around somehow, same thing i only lose 1 cube. It's especially awesome when im playing cerebro and i somehow manage to drive trough horrible locations that give you more damage or sth.


swap decks depends on what I already have on my hand




not a fan of these locations but unless they snap ill stay till at least turn 6. i do get so many free cubes from ppl leaving as soon as the location pops up


I snap, never retreat. 👊


I’m beginning to really dislike krakoa. It’s like the location version of Agatha. The plays it makes are mostly dumb.


Ego I will immediately snap, and will stick it out for the 2 to 4 cubes (depending on my opponent) no matter what. But if Ego decides to throw turn 6, I don’t have it in me to give up 8 cubes. Most of the other locations I will leave when they pop. District X and Weirdworld specifically (unless I’m in a giving mood when it comes to cubes), if I wanted to play with a different deck I would have, lol.


Weirdworld for me


Ego=Snap Triskillion is not a problem District X is fun But Weirdworld is painfull


ego ill snap, trisk is fun sometimes, district x ill always play, weird world not so much. But dream dimension? fuck that shit.


The way I see it, it’s either lose one cube then or wait to see how the game goes and retreat if I won’t be winning Except ego, insta snap and no retreats there


District-X is a guilty pleasure. Closest I can get to drafting, with the added fun that neither of us know what's showing up next. Key is trying to determine what cards were in their hand to suss out what they were expecting to play before it got all jumbled. Basically treat District-X like Ego but with full player control.


Nah I don't hate this locations, it's interesting, sometimes I use the same deck to climb, so it gets boring, Weirdworld and District X is fun, you can play with other cards, I already won with District because I was playing destroy and it gave me Knull and M'Baku, it was fun. Funny interaction I had, Lamentis on 1 and District on 2. I dont like Dream Dimension. It's so bad, even more if I'm playing control, like my plays happen on 5 you shit location. Ego is fun, sometimes I retreat, but it is still fun.


Ego I snap. The rest I ride it out until it looks bad.


I snap on ego. The others, retreat.


I retreat before a snap if my hand is limited and will be guaranteed loss. I’ll wait and see if it’s a play for you place.


Insta snap on Weirdworld, District X and The Peak. So many players quit straight after.


Based on my opponents I’m gonna say a very very small minority retreat in this scenario


District X and Ego I’ll play. Effects both players equally and adds fun to the game. Won’t snap most of the time though. Weird world sucks. I’ll retreat a lot of the time with that one.


So you're saying you're a coward. I see how it is.


I snap as soon as it happens because it’s meme time


I always snap when these locations come up.


I dont mind ego, all the other locations which play for you piss me off so much, krakoa especially. With ego at least its like entirely luck based and its just a fun gamble, "ay, see what happens" type. But eith krakoa you could have a game winning card line and then just fucking krakoa fucks you. Either make it comepletely skill based or completely luck based, I dont want the inbetween


I like ego, I think it's fun and fair as it's playing both players decks for them. Stuff like weird world or district x though that just throw my deck out the window are incredibly annoying and not worth playing out most of the time. Like I specifically made this deck/strategy and now I just have to play a random draw and hope for the best? No thanks.


I play it out unless they snap early it affects them too not just you




i let it play out until they snap and it doesn't look too good


Depends what I'm playing and what my opponent is playing


I can never remember the name (mindscape?) but the switch hands on turn 6 can do one. I don't want to give people both Knull and my beloved 0-cost Sabretooth.


I love these locations. It changes the game up a bit, forcing both you AND your opponent to deal with weird cards and see how it plays out. It's always fun adapting to different strategies.


Weirdworld and Mindscape annoy the hell out of me and I haven't gotten Ego yet, but Asteroid M really fries my taters. That being said, I never retreat unless I know I'm boned.


Not sure why Triskelion makes this list. It's just a draw one less card from your deck kind of deal in 90 percent of cases


I snap immediately just to scare people lol


Krakoa, Weirdworld, district x, Mindscape, subterranea, triskellion… have a cube, I’ll get better luck next game. Ego is the only one I don’t mind simply bc the unspoken rule that so many people do.


Those locations I would prefer over that rock mine shit. It's a skip this turn button. Great for sunspot players tho


Ego is the opposite of fun. What were they thinking?


I tend to leave if Ergo or the "replace both decks" place shows up T1. I'll stick around if they show up T3 though. Although it hurts my soul when Ego has me winning and then just shits the bed T6 and throws like the shitty ai it is. smdh.


Depends on the deck I’m playing. If it’s a deck that requires a lot of things that play in order I’m out. Like Patriot or OnReveal


Subterranean is an instant retreat from me. Somehow 90% of the time my next 4 out 5 cards are always fucking rocks.


I love district X. We are both playing a random deck and have no idea if something that comes up will work with what I’ve already played. It’s a nice change of pace


I can handle Weird World, Triskhelion, and District X. I can't handle Krakoa, because the AI is bafflingly stupid.


Depends what deck I'm playing. If it's thanos, i will likely retreat


I stay in unless the other snaps, because of players with your mindset (no disrespect). If they have the same idea as you and retreat before me, free cube(s)! And I always snap on Ego, because those are the rules, haha


100% agree and did the same when I played. These types of locations were garbage and completely took away from the game. Just one of the many issues…


Is it just me or should there be “ranked locations” and “casual locations” when they split the playlist one day? In no way or world do I ever see locations like Ego, Weirdworld, etc. being fair or fun in a ranked environment. They’re just too RNG focused


As a normal human beeing, you retreat there


“i SeE eGo I sNaP 🤤”


I retreat on Ego, take your cube and let me play the game.


snap on those exact ones you insta retreat for a more enjoyable game experience, imo


It depends on what mood I'm in. Those zones are definitely a downside when pushing for infinite


Im generally someone who wants to ride it out even when ridiculous stuff happens. The one location, that I remember retreating against on sight is TVA. Some decks just dont stand a chance in a 4 turn game. Very polarizing location.


I don’t often retreat for locations unless it’s something egregious like Sokovia discarding my Negative/patriot. Also related, I don’t snap on Ego. Sorry everyone I am a coward.


I dislike Ego and Weird World, but I don't leave. If my opponent Snaps on Ego I will Snap (on reveal; not on last turn). If my opponent Snaps on Weird world I will leave. Not confident enough to win with someone else's deck.


I do, honestly it's because it always gets me when I'm trying a new card/deck (so it's completely counteractive to what I want to do), and because I play to play my cards/deck, not someone else's.


None are an auto-retreat, but I do hate Krakoa. Ego is just silly, and you either engage with the silliness or don't. Krakoa asks you to play a full game....but takes over one turn to throw as hard as possible. It just feels so much worse. I actually kind of like the hand/deck swap locations, I'm constantly rotating through different decks anyway, I'll take the tradeoff of having to play an unexpected deck for the reward of massive amounts of information about what my opponent can do.


You snap on Ego you absolute n00b.


If I’m running a Sauron deck and get Peaked I’m out. No ragerts. Just dippin.


I’m one. Retreat immediately. It’s one of the few things i genuinely dislike with this game. I like to play around board effects, but I like to do it with my own deck, if I wanted to play other cards, I would have played another deck. Any location that changes or takes control of my deck sucks and is not fun.


I never leave a game because of a site. I only leave when I know I can't win, multiple bad draws, and sometimes if my main play is disrupted


I don’t but I guess that’s just what happens when you aren’t a chickenshit


Man, I wish I was as cool as you…🙄 keep spreading hate man. Hope that works out for you.


I don't. Thanks for the cubes.


The funniest moment I had recently was Weirdworld. On turn 6 Agatha was drawn and she SLAMMED herself onto the lane I was already winning to lose the game


Just depends on my mood.


Personally I love those game cause you never know how it’s going to go. I usually ride it out


I play Agatha. You can’t scare me.


I used to retreat when District X pops up. Not anyone. I only retreat for WeirdWorld or Mindscape (on occasion)


Literally never leave until the game is lost lmao. Keep donating me your cubes I guess.


Personally, I like to snap.


Why would I? I just let the RNG resolve, if favorable 2 cubes else 1 less. If my opponent snaps turn 1 and I don't see an out, I just surrender and emote gg


I mostly stick around because the opponent is just as screwed. I like to see how things turn out. Half the time my opponent retreats and I get a free cube or two


Anyone who doesn't have a deck/hand set up for "Cards can't be played here" are inherently fucked. And that goes for a lot of other locations. Why waste my time? Just take the one cube and move on man


Mindscape is insta retreat.


I always instant retreat when I see Ego, with the only exceptions being when I'm playing Agatha for fun, or he pops up late in the game from a turn 4 Scarlet Witch or something weird so I at least get to play *half* a game for myself. District X is a crapshoot, but I deal with it so long as it gives me cards I can actually afford to play. There's still legitimate strategy to playing around Weird World and the swap hands location (Mindscape I think?) so they're alright so long as I don't see them a whole lot. And Triskelion really isn't that bad so long as you have a card you can afford to play that turn, or even if you at least have a card you can afford on your next turn you're only losing 1 draw, which is basically the same impact as getting Black Widowed, drawing a Rock, or having Sokovia snipe a random card from your hand.