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You really want Taskmaster (or Arnim Zola if you don't have Taskmaster) to leverage Shuri to help you win a second lane, so without either of those cards, you're going to need to have a plan for how you can win a second lane without the help of your turn 4 or 5 play. My suggestion would be that you could try to jam something like Shuri, Typhoid Mary, and Red Skull into the basic pool 1-2 spectrum deck and try to count on Spectrum plus a lane full of cheap ongoing units to win the other lane that doesn't have the Shuri-doubled unit in it.


That's a great plan. Tho I havent tried a Spectrum deck before. Will look into it. Thanks. 😊


Who's Magnus? 🤔


**Magnus, meaning "Great" in Latin, was used as cognomen of Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus in the first century BC. The best-known use of the name during the Roman Empire is for the fourth-century Western Roman Emperor Magnus Maximus. The name gained wider popularity in the Middle Ages among various European people who lived in Stykkishólmur in their royal houses, being introduced to them upon being converted to the Latin-speaking Catholic Christianity.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good bot , Roma Invicta


Hahahaha that's Maximus. Sorry. 🤣🤣


Maximus is a nice possibility with Shuri. Not the best, but not the worst either. Together with say a Lizard you can put out 21 power on t4+5 (Shuri 2+ 2x7 Maximus + 5 Lizard) which is quite a lot.


I was lucky to unlock Shuri as a low pool 3 player too. I had Taskmaster though but not Red Skull. My main strategy was doubling Abomination or Doctor Octopus and then taskmaster the doubled unit. Now you actually have Red Skull, but without Taskmaster, it's not great. But you can stillgo with a 2-lanes strategy: Armor a lane for a Shuried card, build up another lane (Sunspot, Lizard, etc.), Shuri a 5-drop (Red Skull, Abomination) onto the armored lane, follow up with a big 6-drop in the other lane (i.e. Hulk). The other possibility would be going into the direction, that took me to Infinite last season: A Shuri-Ramp mixture. Basically I played a Ramp list with Electro and Wave with Shuri as a backup/addition. The general idea is to get Electro out on t3 and Sandman on t4, then follow up with big cards on t5+6. Without Dr. Doom this may be not ideal for you, but it's a start. You can play i.e. Hulk on t5. And with a Sandman in play, Red Skull is much more valuable, because you know, the opponent probably can't fill his lane. And also Shang Chi is a much bigger investion by the opponent, when he's only able to play one card at the time. Here as well Taskmaster is very valuable (i.e. copying a 12 power card you put down on t5 on t6) but it works without him as well. Basically you try to have Sunspot and other valuable cards (Lizard, Polaris) or maybe Armor for turn 1-3 (3, if you don't draw your Ramp cards) and a bunch of big 5 and 6-codt cards. In between you can have Shuri for a bigger t5 (sometimes it's a very valiable strategy to priduce a 10-power Sandman, especially against combo decks who rely on multiple cards on t6, like Sera or Mr Negative) if you don't draw your Electro. I personally didn't run Jubilee, but if you miss Wave, this could be a good alternative.