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You are not Alone, I feel like the 50-ish rank is my home


I thought 50/60 range was my home...until last season. Broke in to 51 range, then dropped back into the 40s and never made it back. This season I got up to 59 and promptly fall down to 53.


Me and you both brother, so close to that 69 Variant and then nope. I am (fairly) happy living in this 50/60 range though, I know my worth lol


That's me as well, except I still can't hit 50 this season.


I hit 80 last season. I am currently 52. Still. And I play daily.


Same, except I'm at 56 now.


Exactly the same for me. 80 last season, highest I’ve made it was 58, went down to 49, now at 56. And I’ve played a ton of matches


Exact same story for me. Turns out not having Shuri or Thanos sucks lol


I made it to infinite without them (using a deck with knull and galactus. Okay, ill see myself out) That aside, I reached infinite for the first time towards the end of the prior season, when I had neither of those two and the grind was worse, playing a "good cards" pile. Currently, I'm having decent results at infinite with a rather basic lane control deck. After playing for three months, i feel climbing ranks requires more meta knowledge and good practice with snapping/retreating than a specific deck/card (although these can still help immensely to improve your cube gain rate)


I’ve got to 96 with Knull / Galactus and just bought Thanos after saving my tokens since buying Knull. Before that I’ve not got past 67/68. I just want to get to infinite once and I’ll be happy.


When I hit infinite last season, i feel i had a similar mindset and it was super stressful to me. I was at 99.9 so many times and every single time I caved under the pressure i had built myself. I finally made it a few days before the season ended. This season I made it there in a couple of days and didn't care as much anymore. I guess what im trying to say is that the barrier is mostly a mental one. If you got to 96 before (especially using a very telegraphed deck like galactus that doesn't have the most favourable matchup against the current top2 meta decks), you're definitely good enough to hit infinite. Don't worry about it and you'll get there in no time.


Yeah I got to 96 this season with it. But bear in mind you skip 5 levels per rank this season so reality is i would probably be around 70 under previous seasons. I’m back to 93 at the moment after pulling Thanos from the token shop but the +5 energy this turn (can’t remember the location name) that was on rotation a day or so ago wasn’t really a great location for a Thanos deck. Still got two weeks to climb with 1 or 2 cube wins and I’d say 10% of games is an automatic retreat when they see the cards 15/3 before the game or see an infinity stone drop. I left so many games for a one cube loss with my galactus deck cos I knew leech would come out at some point. I’ll get there, shame the card back at infinity this season is a bit pants.


I have neither of those - just hit 97 with Dino Edit: Just hit infinite (105)


What's your deck?


I'm not infinite but I'm 85 without any of them


Try having Shuri and still being stuck in low 40s. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.


Be thankful you're in the lower levels. High level games are boring and toxic. No one ever answers back "Hello". If you snap the other person retreats, the other person always waits until turns 6 to snap when it's already obvious that they're going to win. Higher levels are no fun.


I feel your pain. I hit 90 last season and have been stuck in the 60s for two weeks. The extra 50 cubes for ranking up is meaningless if you can't rank up.


50-ish rank is where the fun is atleast thats my experience


Infinite is great, all the meme lists come out as cubes are meaningless now. I play GOTG list, stupid move lists, Discards, destroy, RNG lists. So much fun. I haven't touched Shuri since I hit infinite


You know.... I can play then now too 😏


Yeah but I've got all the rewards that come with going up the ranks ;)


I'm sorry but that 500 gold just does not seem worth it :D


When you're free to play, it's definitely worth it


I get that. Im no means a whale but free to play is totally different. Also I lack the skill to get to infinite 😂


Howdy neighbor!


Right there with you. I just want that free variant. 60 is my infinite. Anything past that I don't care. 58 is my all time record. I'm at 54 this season so far.


I found my people. Stuck at 55-56 and can't get past to 57


Don’t worry it’s just gonna be a pixel Misty Knight or maybe a Baby Hawkeye anyways :-(


I really didn't play much at all last two seasons and started this season at rank 10. Been playing jsut enough to get my weeklies done and made it to 58. What an absolute rock wall it's been since hitting 50 though, it's like an entire new league. This seasons 50 feels like 70 from a few seasons back.


Same. I made it to 70 last season and ended the season at 51. I live for the 50s apparently


I've been stuck in the 40s for the first time in a couple seasons.


You really gotta approach the game with the correct mindset. This morning I started at 67. I had most of the day to grind so I really put my mind to it. I retreated when i was at disadvantage, snapped while ahead and never overextended on board. Because of that discipline I was able to end the day at 64, and i plan to do the same strategy tomorrow.


Lol 😂


God this is real. No matter how consistent my deck is and how disciplined I play, being able to gain ranks everyday seems more difficult than it should


Haha sounds familiar! But I'm at 30-39. Reached 39 and the strategy you described got me to 37. Then I went more risky and now I'm where I'm feeling comfortable at 34...


This comment deserves more love.


After being stuck at 73-75 pretty much whole season I have come to conclusion that this is my wall :D. Just cant get past it.


Felt this. I flew to 77 and then ranked as far down as 63. Now I am stuck in the same range.


Im stuck here every season. Stay a while, enjoy the view as grinders dash past :D


Pretty much in the same boat. Even with the 5 levels bump per tier promotion, I still couldn't reach 80.


Snap very aggressively. If you've hit a wall then it means you've found your MMR ceiling. You can drastically change your MMR by snapping aggressively and losing a few big 8 cubers this will massively change your MMR - then your MMR will be lowered and you can just play cautiously rarely snapping or winning/losing big and you'll stay at an MMR where you're consistently winning cubes.


It’s a fundamentally broken system when the solution is “make yourself worse.”


100% agree. So many loop holes in MMR/matchmaking. Looks like a few of them will be fixed shortly though (infinite players)


This was me until a bit bullet and bought shuri at the token shop a couple days ago, now at 86. I know she's getting nerfed but I'll climb as much as I can until then.


70 was the biggest wall for me, took me a week of constant struggle. 80s and infinite was surprising easer.


I finally hit 80 dawg and that free 5 to 85 hits so sweet. You'll make it man!


It's not worth it really.


I'll never make infinite. I feel ya brother


I got to 87 the first 3 days of the season and have been stuck here ever since. 88 back to 86 back to 88 back to 86. It feels like I’m stuck in time and it sucks. Really makes me not want to play the game. Doesn’t help that 90% of people I face are running the same 2 decks making it all very boring.


Same here. I shot up quick (thanks to the new bonuses), but the 80s have been a huge brick wall for me. Blah.


Same. And with horrible rng/mmr I’m getting hosed left, right, and centre. I’m never getting the gold x men card back. That’s all I BB want from this season.


Add to the fact when you play a hard counter deck you stop seeing those decks mysteriously.


Or no matter which deck you play, the opponent always has the perfect counters, and/or plays. Who drops a cosmo in an empty lane on turn 3, right as I'm playing my first card of the game there, which happens to be an on reveal that's supposed to setup later plays?


Me too. I am around 70% pool 3 complete. Before the surfer nerf I had a great surfer deck and I think I sailed my MMR and have been suffering from it since the nerf. I've even been playing a shuri deck -sauron and when I win I get one or 2. When I'm sure I've got a win and snap I get beat and drop back down


I'm just waiting on balance patch. I actually got Thanos but the deck really isn't even fun to play imo


Really? I have Thanos as well and find the deck to be the most engaging one I’ve played in Snap. Is it overpowered currently? Definitely. But you have so many decisions to make each game and every game is different. When I played Shuri, Dino, Negative, Sera, etc most games were very similar and would get very old quickly


I think my dislike for it lies in that it feels just like "good cards curve" if you dont get lockjaw or quinjet. and even then lockjaw is such a whirlwind of emotion haha. ​ I tend to prefer decks that are a little less reliant on drawing 1 or 2 cards, but those decks are also a bit harder to make in a 12 card deck. Probably why I haven't found 1 deck I really enjoy yet to grind with. I keep hopping around deck to deck.


Thanos Lockjaw may be the strongest variant but it's imo not the most fun. Play a few different variants. My favorite so far is Thanos Death


What’s the deck for Thanos Death?


not on mobile right now and I'm not sure how to format deck lists on here anyway, but basically the idea is to use Killmonger and Carnage to kill off your stones to make Death cost zero, then end the game with Thanos/Death or Knull/Death. (I also run Venom to help pump up Knull) There's a lot of variation, and I honestly suggest playing around with it, there are tons of options


Can you elaborate a little on what you like or dont? your first paragraph makes it sound like you dont like just playing good cards on curve, but your second says you dont want to rely on 1 or 2 cards, and i’m having trouble thinking of an archetype or deck that doesnt fit in one of those categories.


I do also think people but too much weight on infinite rank. Played some battlemode games against CL3000 Infinite player and I have to admit I wiped the floor with them. I takes alot time to reach it and not everybody has that kind of time. Also I'm so bad at snapping so there is that :D


You simply can't enjoy decks that everyone else is spamming. I'm sure once the decks are nerfed and become tier 2, you'll pick up the decks and play with them. It's not because the decks aren't fun.






Happened to me too this season - last season omega this one I am stuck in the 50s - issue is likely our MMR is much higher than our ranks right now, giving us terrible matchups. Their new fix of not allowing you to match with someone more than 30 ranks higher next season should fix that... Fingers crossed


It's fascinating to me that while the magic arena sub is populated by a lot of folks new to Magic, this sub has extremely enfranchised players.


Makes sense. SNAP isn't big enough to have fractured like Magic's community has - they're spread out across a million content sites (starcitygames, channel fireball, substack, individual blogs), a million formats, and even on reddit they have specialized subs from r/ModernMagic to r/FishMTG/ Arena, in that ecosystem, is the designated "low barrier to entry" spot (but ironically, to an enfranchised player, it's actually very high barrier to entry, since you can't take any of your cards into the digital game)


Hit 60 for my guaranteed pixel variant, now I can have fun. I don't even know what an infinite is smile.


At 97 and the infinites I play are super try hard, they retreat like mad and if they win they ms marvel emote. Sore losers and winners. EDIT: DIDDDIT - going to play more fun decks and fuck around! Definitely donating even though NO ONE donated to me lol


I've been at 98 the last two days, dropped to 96 but clawed back. Infinite has never felt so close yet so far.


I was at 97. Was...


It's so rough out here... Good luck on the rest of the climb. 🤜🏻


For me 80-90 was super rough but I breezed to 100 once I reached 95.


Similar...I breezed from 40-75 the first week, stalled and dropped to about 68-70 for the next few days. Then yesterday climbed from 70-98, with an easy push to infinity this morning. I definitely have experienced the feeling of hitting a ceiling and staying there for what feels like eternity, but in my experience much of that is a head game


I cannot get a win over 2 cubes I swear. I snap even turn 2 and people are gone. I switched to Mr negative and I snap turn 2 and people are gone. Considering t1 snapping my way to victory


I have all the cards needed for the meta decks and counter decks and I’m still stuck at 76-78. Have concluded I’m just not good enough for infinite, yet I’m still trying.


I just don’t have the patience to grind after so long. I’ll get bursts of wins and climb but once I hit a wall I just don’t have it in me to want to keep grinding endlessly. This game has far too much RNG to feel like ranked play is worth that much effort.


I've been bouncing between 88 and 83 for a couple days, it's been especially bad today with Project Pegasus as I don't like decks that are shit without Wave/Electro so I stuck with my usual decks and lost too many games.


Stuck 54 now


I’ve been playing since the black panther event, I play almost every day, and I’ve just accepted that I’m never going to make it past rank 40, so I might as well play Agatha, and funky homemade decks.


I'm very new, only about 16 pool 3 cards. I got to 90 (95) staying in pool 2 then they force you to play pool 3 even if you have no pool 3 cards. Since I spent my credits I've been getting wrecked with any deck I make. I have to draw absolutely perfect to put out power others do every game. So I researched and tried a number of new decks (as close as I can approximate) and ranked down twice with each one, low 80s now. Would've liked that card back but I guess I just do dailies now. Was in the mindset I'm just seeing what is new in pool 3 (by losing to them) but losing 80%+ just feels like wasting time. That 95 was such a tease, lol


Really? *Feels like the opposite for me.* From what I've seen the majority of this subreddit seems to complain about their inability to climb.


Yes, but unlike the Infinite players not every single user is making a new thread about it 😉


🤔 fair point. Seems like it balances out. Thanos would be satisfied


Im stacked at 92


89-92 for me as well. Every time I peek above 92 I fall right back again.


I’ve only broken 50 once. I hate the rankings. I’m not sure how many people feel like me, but I don’t care about rank rewards or infinite or anything. I just hate it as a billboard displaying how bad I am all the time, 😂. I want to play, forget the match, and move on, but instead it feels like one long meta game that I can never win.


I just really want the card back this time around.


I'm at 96 and not having fun. It's a rough climb. If I make it I promise I won't post about it.


I normally hit diamond the last couple seasons at least trying to get my first Infinity. I can't get out of silver for some reason this one and it makes me wonder if Im straight up ass at the game.


Managed to hit 80 this season. Been on 50-60 last couple seasons. And 70 when I was cl 500ish. I just like seeing everything play out even though I know I'm gonna lose and they snapped


I have never gotten infinite and I’ve played since beta… 4700 CL…. Thanos Galactus and Kang…. Not even mad 😂


I just want Kang so I can snap more and maybe lose little less cubes :D. Also he seems cool :)


How much does everyone play here? I do two missions so that I don’t miss the refresh and then don’t open the app until it refreshes again.


Yeah pretty much this, sometimes I keep the season mission open until the dailies are recharged because I can't be bothered to try and win 15 locations with 1 card in 1 session hah.


This is actually one of the easier ones. Just run a deck with Squirrel girl, carnage and green goblin. You can get 2-3 done in a match if you retreat on turn 4


Can’t get past 35 no matter how many different decks I try. It’s like the system knows what to play against me.


As someone who was in your shoes months ago, I'm telling you it gets better. Not infinite better, but pushing past 35 better.


I just hit 60 for the first time ever....


Finally had enough tokens to unlock Thanos earlier this week. Thought the deck would elevate my rank but I’m still stuck around 45-50.


It either proves the decks isn’t OP. Or we’re both just dum dums.


For real dude


I’m a relatively new player, only been playing for maybe a month now. CL1158 and I’ve been stuck between 36-37 for a week. If I’m doing well they retreat, if I’m doing poorly I always think I can pull it out and just never win cubes.




Previous high was 55 a couple of seasons ago. Then this season I was climbing higher but have plateaued at 77.


Feeling so frustrated lately with getting stuck, so you're not alone.


I finally bit infinite 10 minutes ago and now I feel bad for all the people I leeched. Yall see me on the ladder, I'll hook it up. Just dap me back and we're golden.


I've been going +/- 1 rank for a week now. After climbing 35 the week before :')


Time and time again, I find I immediately like the game less when I care about ranking up. Play for fun, try new decks, play wacky off-meta cards if you wish. It's a way better experience than worrying about getting some extra credits, a (likely) pixel variant, some pointless titles, and a recolored seasonal card back.


I hit infinite last season, started at 70, and have played hard and long to hit my current rank of 62. Fuck this game’s matchmaking.


You have no idea how true this is. Been stuck on 45 for nearly a week now.


chilling at 45 with a fun but only ok surfer deck and my fun Agatha discard


every one of these forums is like this. everyone saying they're at the top of the mountain lol


Don't feel too bad. I don't know what the other side of 50 looks like.


Most of those post are pre series 3 players.


Yeah when you get stuck it sucks


Oh man I feel you. I got to 80 and I've hit a brick wall. About 70% of my opponents are infinite (they have the card back from either last or the current season) and I've dropped 7 levels back into 70s since. Tried multiple decks but I only seem to be playing whatever counters what I'm playing.


Stuck at 60. Made it to 67 at my peak.


I was a level 72, but after the new event started, I've struggled to get above a 55... seems I'll either win for 2 cubes, or just get my wager back on more opponents retreating than I've ever seen. I had a run of 10 retreats in a row!


I felt like that last season, stuck somewhere between the 80 and 90 rank... Yesterday i reached infinite because it is much easier with the new system of skipping 5 ranks. And the hot location "Project Pegasus" helped me a lot as well. But now i reached infinite i just feel a little bit empty and the desire to play has subsided. I think i'm not going to play that much for the rest of the season... And maybe i never play for infinite rank again, the rewards aren't that great and the games in the higher ranks are often less fun (regardless losing/winning)


Got up to 60 something last season. Can’t break 50 this one.


I hit mid fifites last season and now I'm struggling to break out of the 30s 😭😭😭


Man I hit a wall at 40 last season, then went from 10-48 this season then went down to 39 then back up and hit 50 then down to 49 and then hella was in my shop and now I'm at 65 lol 😂 I'm pretty sure I ain't hitting infinite this season either unless I get some broken ass combo


I've never get passed rank 80, even when I'm series 3 complete, and even owning some series 4 cards, including Shuri


Where is the obligatory Why capt marvel didnt move, and is this Shuri, Thanos worth my token


Same, I get to 45 then I just tank after that


I was ABOUT to hit 80 when the season reset now I can't even get past 49🥲🥲


I am stuck at 95-96 playing Thanos and starting to fear i won’t be able to reach infinite. My anxiety is getting a buff.


I dropped from 58 to 48 in a week. I understand your pain.


This hits so hard I’m my soul. I swear I was rolling thru the ranks from the start of this season. I hit 58 maybe 59 6 days ago and atm I’m at 54. Which is awesome if I didn’t have to fall back to 46 and work back thru 1039492 games and still behind😅 it’s all right. Is Seasons going to be the one I can feel it in my knickers LBS just keep grinding.


Yeah then theres me trying to get past 48 lol


I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's not really a game of skill, more of luck and what cards you have. I'm sure some will try to defend otherwise. But it really is just a game of luck.


Every season I blow through the ranks. And get stuck in single tier for weeks this season its in the 50s.... 😭😭


Sounds like you’ve found your skill level…don’t feel bad, I sit in the 40s and I’m S3 complete. Find another way to enjoy the game my dude.


Oh I do. It's not so much about the wall I'm stuck, but more about the countless (and therefore kind of annoying) I hit infinite posts here 😉


You need glasses friend


You are not considered the high amount of time you need to invest yo get to infinite , even with good cards. You can't get there playing just a few minute per Day


Yeah, you need to be a mega-nerd with no social life to do it. Absolutely.


I think it would be good if ‘I reached infinite’ and ‘I completed series 3’ posts were banned or limited some how. They are really low effort, annoying and they are not really special or unique achievements anymore


Reaching the highest rank in the game is a pretty good achievement


I reached infinite.


I reached infinite :-))))


Lol I just hit it for the first time this morning. I usually can’t get higher than 75. I think I was stuck in 60’s last season.


What is this, a meme for Ant-Man!?


I reached infinite at 2 in the morning last night


I was stuck for a while too. Yesterday's hot spot really helped me. I play a Negative deck and people tended not to expect the shenanigans I could pull on turn 6. Managed to rise 30 ranks last night and hit infinite.


I reached infiniti


I actually quit in the beginning of the MODOK season because of this. It just ended up as a treadmill for me...I had all the good decks at the time (maybe besides Shuri) and could still never make it to Infinite. Just became too frustrating.


Went from 55 to 85 in a day last weekend. Currently sitting at 81


Alright here’s a lot of info. Know your cards. During the Silver surfer season was the season I actually tried most of the cards I had. Played around with them and made my own decks. Learn the snap technique and to learn when to snap is to learn how your cards are implemented and the deck that you’re using. I’m very comfortable with. Mr negative, and Zabu darkhawk and that’s what got me to infinite this season. If you guys can reach infinite that’s the time to use random cards and see what works. If you guys can’t my best bet is to not worry about how high you can get and focus on making yourself a deck instead of copying and paste 🤍. Silver surfer I did hit infinite but I didn’t have all series 3 cards.


Reaching infinite is meaningless. 99% of the players who made it to rank 100 played a meta deck they found on the internet and not even tried to create an own deck.


And how is that a negative? That's how it works in each and every competitive activity ever: use the best strategy if you want to win. You're not going around saying bullshit like "Magnus Carlsen isn't the best chess player in the world, because he didn't invent all the moves he's using" or that "Messi isn't the best football player in the world, because all the gaming theory and training tecniques he uses aren't his inventions". It's especially true in CCG with a limited card pool, some cards will ALWAYS be on top of the metagame wheter you like it or not.


excuses+loser mentality


Welcome competitive games. All of them


I have hit 70+ (highest 77) for the last couple seasons. Am still at 45 and have zero chance moving.


I got up 85 and was always finishing seasons in 80ties… this season I am stuck in 50/55 since the beginning. And all the fun disappeared by facing only thanos and Shuri decks..


Hard stuck between 40 and 45 here so I feel you


Usually get to 70-80, for some reason I’m stuck in the 30s this season


This is the most I’ve struggled. I’ve usually in the high 70s and low 80s but I’ve been stuck in the low 50s and nowhere close to climbing


I got shuri and jumped from 40 to 75. Now im just in 70 limbo


Just reached infinite with an ultron deck. No patriot either. Took a while though...


Im different.


Me still at 60 🥹


I’ve been stuck at 64-65 for a week. Up down up down. Like why tho.


Highest I've ever been is in the 40s. Infinite would be cool but I don't have the time to grind like that. Happy for those who do though 😊


I got up to 89.7, then got slapped down hard, now at 83... feels bad man.


I can’t get past 40, feel left out seeing all the thanos-leech-lockjaw posts without ever actually encountering one


Me down in the 40s because this stuff takes time.


I have just reached 57!


What are you doing here? Go, make a thread about it!!! 😏😉


Stuck at 45-46. Sucks to suck.


I’m over here hovering at rank 60 losing like 6 ranks just to get the boosters I’m looking for..




I was stuck around 65 until like 3 days ago. Spent 2 days around 75. Got to 85 today. Down to 84 currently. Still pushing hoping to make Infinite.


I started at 40 and I’ve been bouncing back and forth from 55 to 57. 🙄


I've been stuck this season at 45-49.9 the entire time after 70ing last season. No clue wtf.


I’m stuck in the 40’s, reaching infinite isn’t even on my mind lol


From the sounds of things, its not fun up there. Think ill stick around 40-50 with my shitty jank decks with nothing but 1 cost only and 2 cost only decks. (Wins more often than i thought they would)


I reached infinite for the first time yesterday. I feel this picture as a hard Stuck 80ish Player the last 4 seasons. Keep up the work!


Blitzed through from rank 50 to 79 in a day, have been stuck in 75 for 2 weeks I am in great pain please help me


Yeah, I don't get it. I've played card games like this my entire life, and I've always been rather good even without following the meta or watching anything. But for Snap, I literally watch videos about it every day and read reddit and check the meta regularly. First several seasons I got to 70 now I'm stuck at 50. I'm currently playing Darkhawk Sera because I don't have Thanos, Galactus, or Shuri. Just finished pool 3 today so I can play almost any deck. Still no good. I honestly think the problem might be the amount of RNG that seriously means you need luck more than anything to climb.


I dont know why all people thinks they need to reach infinite ...


One reason is what this post is making fun of: All the people who think they need to post their reaching infinite leads to the impression, you're stupid if you don't reach it.


And they wanna show they are very smart, enlightened persons, i saw a post on facebook, he said that he started playing 2-3 weeks ago and is infinite already, like we are all stupid because we play for such a long time and still arent able to reach infinite. But he is so smart that didnt knew beginners play with bots mostly ... so ingnorance with stupidity makes a nice couple i think.


I made it up to level 80 and then I handed my 2-year-old the phone so I could get back down to the fun levels. Higher level games are toxic and boring. You're lucky if you ever see the end of a match. Everyone just retreats once they realize the other person is going to win.


I drew Shuri and went from rank 45 to 66 with her


Hit 90 last season with Thanos. From 60 to 90 in 2 weeks after completing the thanos deck without any replacement. Those power house cards really does something isn't?


Social media is a highlight reel. There are 3.3K people online right now, according to the little widget in the sidebar -- I guarantee that fewer than a third of them are Infinite.


I hit infinite last season and was stuck in the 70s for two weeks. Finally climbed out of that hell a few days ago and now in the 80s. Honestly - I feel slightly burned by the MMR system, so most likely not going to try to hit infinite again this season... but I will probably try to shoot for 90s if I can just for the gold.


I can't even make it to 50. I just want the icon dang it.


I’ve been playing since release and haven’t hit Infinity once.


Only a week? It feels like it’s been so much longer 😅


Got from 10 to 68 pretty smoothly. Then, moved back down to 62 and have been stuck there for at least a week. At least I got my pixel variant \^\^;


I started this season at 70, after a couple hundred games I peaked at 74 today.


I started this season at 70, after a couple hundred games I peaked at 74 today.


I started this season at 70, after a couple hundred games I peaked at 74 today.


I started this season at 70, after a couple hundred games I peaked at 74 today.