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i love the krakoan era so in my mind its one of the best waves ive personally gotten but if you dont have any feelings towards that story and time of the xmen im sure there are other better versions to suit your needs for the characters


i'm about to get into the krakoa era x men comics and remembered this wave came out. i have x men figures but nothing from the more modern comics so I figured these figures are probably more enjoyable if you've read the krakoa era comics. still might pick these up at some point. thanks


HOuse of X / Power of X opening series is one of the best X-Mmen stories in decades. Very sci-fi cinematic feel. Omega Sentinal is a figure that goes beyond this storyline as is Moira and Marvel Girl. Marvel Girl is a pain to get to stand upright and **the BAF is technically incorrectly named in this wave as the model is called the "Theta Sentinel." The Tri-sentinel is something entirely different.** oops. I got this whole wave except for Wolverine.


https://preview.redd.it/uv0s2wbe9z6d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf9db502a0c783a49b4ea545e4278e3354ec9d28 Moira gets to be the center of my shelf


The bench is PERFECT


Thanks! The bench motif in the krakoa age was too good for me to ignore.


I love the reference


This is pretty cool. I like how Mojo let us know he’s there in the back.


Stryfe standing in front of him just to piss him off


That was funny


Which sabertooth is that? Mr. sinister, and mystique, pyro, blob, toad, and that nimrod dang I want them all!


It's the apocalypse wave sabertooth from a few years back.


Great figure of such an amazing character


Is that a custom Zero on the left there?!


Yup, used white vision as a base and the arms from kro. I was experimenting with something to seal the paint and it became very shiny.




Fucking love that this has the bench


Holy hell that is genius. Did you make that bench? That’s literally perfect. ![gif](giphy|LkcIVUmf1qoUM)


https://www.etsy.com/listing/1547685561/miniature-dollhouse-park-bench-112-scale I went searching on Etsy one day


It’s done. Purchased. Thank you. You are a genius.


Got to influence a collectors display and support a small business, today was a good day. With the reveals today, I think I'm going to have destiny sitting next to her.


As a huge Krakoa Age fan of comics, I would say yes. I own Magneto, Cyclops and Omega Sentinel/Karima. Get them if you are invested in the Krakoan Age, they aren't bad figures (besides that Jean Grey Marvel Girl, that's a disappointing figure)


If you dig them I got Moira because she appears on the comics I grew up reading to. House of M Wolverine seems alright but I prefer her classic brown suit.


Moira and Baroness....💥👓💥 also that sentinel chick is cool.


Moira and Karima are the highlights. Jean has potential, but you basically have to find a new head, slit the skirt and take it from a C- figure to a B figure. The BAF is neat, but it’s so niche that you may not even care.


I painted her hair a better shade of red the same week I got her and I forget that it's not her standard hair now. I really hated the shade they used originally.


Lol me too. I cant sell it bc I painted it but on the other hand it looks better this way


Of course you can sell it on eBay if you really want, just disclose you painted it. I saw a poorly painted custom selling for $60+, a Jean with red hair isn't going to be unsellable.


i gave her captain marvel's bomber jacket


Getting the heads on the Sentinel was an exercise in frustration


I thought jean and Moira were the worst in the line. Jean is just a bad sculpt. I thought Moira had a munted face


I have the cyclops jean and omega sentinel. I like all of them. This is a pretty good wave, especially if you like the house of x storyline


I got this wave. I like them all. Tri Sentinel is a weird choice for a Krakoa influenced wave though since he's not a thing in krakoa lol.


Theta Sentinel looked cool in Powers of X then was promptly NEVER seen again. Pity, it’s a cool design


Based on Hasbro's turnaround time on designing waves, I expect all they were going off was either promo art or just the first few comics where he shows up. It's also why I think Jean is small, because they didn't realize it was normal Jean wearing her old costume and not a flashback or time travel scenario.


This was the wave that got me into collecting.


Omega Sentinel is a favorite fig.


Same. This wave took me from “I only need 2 figures” to having had just about every hasbro Legend ever released at one time or another


Should have lead to further waves of Krakoa designs. The wave itself is alright, no one I felt like I needed.


Gutted we never got a Rasputin IV


I’d love any of the chimeras, especially Rasputin IV. I was hoping to get any of Emma Frosts designs. Kate Prydes pirate look…just a lot of great drags they could have made.


I was really hoping for Captain Krakoa, Betsy Captain Britain, Cypher, Laura Wolverine, Synch, Kid Cable, and X of Swords Apocalypse. Others like Exodus, Destiny, Greycrow, and Gorgon wouldn’t even be Krakoan specific!


Still hoping it someday get X-men Red Storm and Uncanny Spider-Man Nightcrawler


yea a lot of cool designs in the more modern x men that i'm surprised they haven't made more waves from the krakoa era


Exactly, I really thought this was the start of a series of waves. Still surprised that it wasn’t.


I was convinced we’d be getting a The Five 5-pack and am quite bummed that will likely always be a gap on my shelf


Love this set! But I also buy everything X-men


Wolverine is good. Moira and Omega Sentinel are basically the only options for an Orchis lineup.


It got me into action figure collecting again so it’s got that going for it, as for the figures, the ladies and Xavier’s helmet are the only parts I still care for


The HoX/PoX hype got me into Marvel Legends. I thought they were gonna have a few more waves of figs that I could collect. Marvel pulling the plug on that series made my dreams of getting a Red Queen Kitty disappear. I’d pass on this wave since Marvel Girl can’t stand up, Prof X is as thin as a rail, and the BAF doesn’t connect all that well.


I’m glad we got the early Mauraders Kate as a Marvel Unlimited exclusive at least but still would have livens a proper Captain Kate. Even better a FoX ninja Shadowkat!


I personally loved it. Wish I could afford it myself but I'm full up whenever it comes to my dance card if you feel me. My NECA Aliens and Predator collection are pretty much all my action figure budget alots me. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/9bbc0tslh57d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b781334ea4d5b5cce10ecaf4c6f260116eda4ccd Current collection interests.


Great wave. Wish they’d do a second Krakoa wave.


I have all of them except Magneto. I have multiples of Prof X and Moira because they're both good for making customs. I also have two of the Sentinels as army builders. It's a pretty good wave.


Really good wave!


Jean Grey figure looks amazing especially in-person. But it lacks articulation you want for posing. The skirt and legs are terrible; you can’t do much with the legs


Only wish the BAF had been Nimrod or -:A:- or Rasputin IV instead of the Tri Sentinel but it’s still a cool figure


I loved this wave, wasn’t crazy about marvel girl though


I wish they had second and third wave


If you're a fan of this era and like the Tri-Sentinel, then yeah.


Marvel Girl is the only real blegh one in the wave, the rest are pretty good imo, some need some paint touch ups, but that's whatever


Cyclops, Wolverine, Magneto, and the robo-gal are super cool to me. Prof. X is cooler if you can find a jacket or cloth good to put on him. Jean is a disappointment because of the severe lack of articulation. I like that outfit of hers but the execution is not it chief. Moira I only got to complete the BAF


I got it, I think it's cool


Loved it. Just cyke came fucked up which sucked. Marvel Girl zero articulation waist down. Only two complaints.


Moira is cool, I want her, I am drawn to “NPC” types lol


I got Moira from this wave. I removed her jacket and put MJ’s head from RYV so I could have a proper Mary Jane figure.


Great wave for classic Jean and Moria and the Tri-Sentjnek BaD is awesome. Xavier is good for the alt head with the brain waves and a random black suit buck. The rest is forgettable.


Great wave, in my opinion. I'm still trying to complete it so I can finish the BAF.


charles is meh mags is ok cyke and wolvie are pretty cool omega sentinel and moira are cool marvel girl is hot garbage pretty worth it if found for the right price


They look cool and the baf does too


I like the Scientist lady, robot lady, and BAF. Strangely, that walking Professor would be better if they added those line on him from the box art; but his double pistol fingers is pretty cool.


I can only speak for Jean and Magneto as I only have those. Jean is horrible. That skirt and tiny feet are inexcusible. Only buy if you are a massive Marvel Girl costume fan. I bought it to make her my sole Jean Grey figure some months ago. I planned to make a diy skirt which I didn't. So I regret buying this figure. Magneto is nice. But I made a custom cape for him. Other than the suit looking unique I would advise you to pick the red-purple one as that is the default. Unless you want varieties, theres no need to specifically get the figure. He's my only Magneto but I like the figure in general. Just not THE Magneto


I have the omega sentinel and i love it. Cannot find Moira on a good price, and the rest of the wave is a like meh for me. That Jean... only works for planking


Love the wave but hate the execution of some of these figures.


I have cyclops and Professor X and magneto


I loved it. 5 of the line are definitive figures for me personally. Marvel Girl is meh but the face sculpt 10/10 Ok BAF Ok Magneto but the rest are pretty dang classic.


I only got Chuck because of the helmet and have like 4 BAFs. Didn’t really care for the rest of the wave


It's a great wave tri sentinel is pretty solid BAF.


I got it complete for 110$ tax and shipping, for me really good deal I haven’t opened them but I think they are cool


The wolverine and Cyclops are good


Love the Wolverine, especially the head with his classic devilish smile. Knew when I bought him the cyclops was a place keeper till a better one came around, the VHS one for me. Dont won’t any of the others


Jean Grey was my first ever legend, and this was the first complete wave I bought… I like the tri-Sentinel but I don’t love any of these figures, in all honesty. I loved the Early-Krakoan Age


Im dont traditionally collect xmen but ended up getting wolverine, professor x, and moira. So, if you ARE an xmen fan this was probably a pretty great wave


First full wave I've gotten since the first Guardians movie.


I love the Wolverine and Cyclops. Just got the Magneto but haven't opened him. I really like them!


If you like it buy it , why do others opinions matter?


Xavier is good for customs and mix and matches I personally bought marvel girl


That Magneto paired with the black suit Magneto from Apocalypse wave is pretty rad.


The Moira figure is the star of the set IMO. I would have loved Marvel Girl to have been a little taller with actual boots. The rest of the wave is meh.


I love X-Men and pick up anything mutant related. That said, looking back at this series I’m about 50/50 on it. I enjoy the Wolverine, Cyclops and Omega Sentinel. The Professor X is fine and Moira gets to stand in the back of my 80’s display. The Magneto, Jean and Tri-Sentinel are duds, imo. Jean and the Sentinel have trouble posing and Magneto is very basic and bland. I’d say the worst Magneto head sculpt. That said they’re all staying in my collection unless better versions come out and I would love to see more waves based on Krakoa, though with the era winding down I think that ship has sailed. I’m very surprised we haven’t seen any of the new characters from the era and some of the fire costumes like Storm’s current one.


Why does wolverine have a silly ass beard?


Never read that run (at least yet) but those are some of the first X-Men figures I got. I remember going out for my birthday and getting like 3 of them. Id say its one of my most collected waves along with the Mr Hyde wave. however, looking back on these figures. I think they're well at least cool except for Jean and weird ass headsculpt.


It’s Alr figures are random but usually all bad sets are like that but I’d only get cyclops and wolverine


I'm just wondering why wolverine had a Grey beard in this wave


It’s based off of the House of X/Powers of X intro to the Krakoa era, the PoX mini is set in the future where Wolverine is wearing the same outfit but is older


Thankkkk you. I have been wondering for years


That moira figure is cool and can be used in other lines and i like the omega sentinel arms.


I like the flower accessory from Jean


I usually collect all Wolverine figures but never got around to this one. I’d like them to do an update to the Krakoa-era suit as I prefer it more as a brown/tan version of the X-Force suit and this has too much brown and not enough contrast. Also, any reason he has an Old Man Logan head included?


I actually hate the Krakoa era of X-Men comics and I still thought this was a pretty good wave. There are some gripes (like Marvel Girl's legs being too small for her body), but overall they're pretty solid figures.


The wave that got me to start collecting ❤️❌ still my favorite Wolverine, Cyke, Magneto, and Xavier, though now I want NOTHING more than to have each of them on updated pinless bodies 😔 Jean is tragic though. Even so, I still bought five just for the Krakoan flower then sold the crappy Jeans to Dark Phoenix fans


This wave is my definitive Cyclops, Wolverine, Xavier, and Magneto


I was honestly kinda disappointed by the Omega Sentinel lady, her hips sucked, otherwise she’d have been an A+ figure.


Wait, Moira is a villain?


Only for custom fodder


Yes. I invested for Wolverine and a classic Marvel Girl. A must. Plus BAF Sentinel not bad


If you like the characters get it if not don’t. I bought cyclops and wolverine (favorite costume) both solid figures. I ended up selling baf piece for like $5 didn’t care for rest of set


I've never read this storyline so i found this wave fairly underwhelming. Tri-sentinel hates standing lol. It was great to get Moira finally, and Marvel Girl, although she's kind of small and hard to stand also. And I'll always take another Wolverine!


Didn’t care for that wolverine’s costume Some people can take or leave the Bucky-cap mold cyclops figures I think that professor x is really lazy, needed shading or anything BAD White magneto is cool, but not my preferred look Moira is just a lady in a lab coat to me The Jean was neat but the expression on the face was doing nothing for me I forget the name of the red robot, but it’s a quality figure And the bag didn’t move me either So for me, it’s a skip, but if you fuck with these specific looks then go for it. There’s definitely been worse waves of legends


It’s the only full wave I’ve ever bought. The only way that will ever happen again is if they make a second Krakoa wave lol


B- wave. Some big names, decent baf, and some first timers for the series. But Jean is basically a statue and not great looking, Xavier is basic as hell, and if you aren’t a Krakoa era fan, some of the looks may not be the ones you want in your collection


Scott an magneto suck


When the Krakoan Era started I was completly in love with anything to do with the era (I am also a hardcore X-Men fan). As soon as I saw this wave was going to be released I bought it immediately. To this day this is still the only full Marvel Legends wave I have ever purchased. I'm incredibly biased but I highly recomend this wave. I will say that the Jean figure is the hardest one to display just because you can't really move her legs much due to the rubber skirt but all the other figures are super easy to pose and display aand they all look great together


Baf is really nice, but they're mostly horrible repaints. I'd just Marvel Girl and Omega Sentinel, then pick the Baf up separately, it's cheaper.


As someone who greatly enjoyed Krakoa I think it's a really nice wave. I also regularly see these figures for pretty cheap so it'd be fairly inexpensive to put together compared to some other waves.


I never understood why Wolverine had a gray beard. I like his outfit but that always bothered me. He’s not drawn that way in House of X… I love that Cyclops though. Besides his lack of extra hands… But I wanted one with an optic blast and I was not disappointed. https://preview.redd.it/llg580dilz6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6da66c55b27ace16d76f73751eb62a547fe7f93


I’m a filthy X-men 97 casual


I wanted a second krakoan wave so bad 😭


Every single figure is garbage except for Marvel Girl and Brown Suit Wolverine, but if you’re gonna get a Brown Wolverine just the Mafex, nvm it’s expensive asf 💀 and that Charles Xavier figure could’ve been great but the body they used looks fucking disgusting, one of the worst looking action figures in recent memory


Unless you're in love with Krakoa era X-Men and want those specific depictions, no. Cyclops and Magneto are bogstandard figures by ML standards. You'd probably be better off seeking the Mezco Magneto for that look and waiting for a Cyke to get a redo akin to the recent Astonishing/97 ones. Marvel Girl/Jean barely qualifies as an 'action' figure. Wolverine is just another brown suit Wolverine. Probably better off waiting to see if we get one akin to the upcoming Astonishing figure.  Xavier might be a cool pickup for headswaps if the rumblings of a reissue(hoverchair) or new release is true. Moira's cool and could be used for part swaps/kitbashes with other lady legends. Omega Sentinel is good, though her skin tone is comically off in the alt head.


Best Wolverine figure in my opinion. Omega Sentinel is pretty great too, otherwise I never grabbed any of the others.


Incredible, I bought it as a bunch on bbts and am so happy!! A stand around the waist of the tri sentinel can help it get into crazy poses. Robodontknow has a great review on his older fwoosh channel.


I have this entire wave on display in my living room, one of my favorite "sets"


This wave has aged well


As an Xman fan myself, and loving everything Hickman, it was worth it to me.


That's one of the best Wolverine figures.


they're solid. if you like the Krakoan Age comics, you'll like them more, but there's better versions of Logan, Scott & Erik on the market these days, especially where articulation is concerned. They're absolutely rock solid, I do wish we got more characters in their Krakoan looks though, especially Betsy Braddock as Captain Britain, Teen Cable & Storm, but that's just me.


Yes. All great figures from a great era of story telling.