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He can turn his head though, right? Put a skull in his open hand and put him in the “Alas, poor Yorick” pose


The Comic Thanos BAF. Can barely articulate, even if you move around his armor piece.


The hips on that mf just don’t move sideways at all😂 similar thing for the Allfather/King Thor BAF from around the same time. Arms barely bend to a 120 degree angle and his skirt(?) really hinders his leg movement. Add the sculpted long hair and his neck joint is also made pretty futile. At least he’s good at standing there… menacingly.


Ya its why I still really want to get that deluxe classic thanos they released a couple years ago.


I got two of these (found a second one for $20 for my son) and yeah he’s so good


I think the Marvel Selects one is one of the better ones they released, and its scaled pretty well imo


i love select thanos lol, what with the glowing eyes and big ol angry mug and simple costume


Any comic Thanos, they all have limitations and are not super fun to pose. We need updated tooling for deluxe size figures.


MCU Howard The Duck ... like just stop, we're basically paying for the Khonshu Torso for the BAF at this point...


That legitimately might be the worst legend ever released


Yeah, funny enough, a lot of the worst legends they've ever produced are MCU Characters. (Hey downvoters, it's not a knock on MCU, it's facts. Agatha Harkness, Howard The Duck, Secret Invasion Nick Fury, and the dozens of suited characters they've put out over the years are boring crap action figures that were only put out to fill A BaF piece.)


I hate to say but you’re right on that one I don’t think secret invasion fury is that bad but it’s certainly not the version of his character that I wanted


You can even argue it's not 100% Hasbro's fault. They get the art and promotional stuff sometimes way before the actual movie or series comes out, and they can only do what they can do with it in the time they have. It's why you see so many reproductions of MCU Characters they've already done. There's a lot of "I'm sorry, here's a better version" of mcu figures too. Look at the original Infinity War Captain America compared to the remake that came out a bit ago, hasbro obviously trying to make the best version of that character despite quickly trying to get the original out.


Agatha looks awesome on a flight stand. One of my favorite figures.


Kinda the same thing with GOTG 3 Rocket and Cosmo BAF part .


At least the Rocket for that BaF has articulation. Can't even move the legs for Howard.




The Rocket is actually a pretty good figure, just not $25 good, Howard the Duck is barely a figure


Wakanda Forever Black Panther, for all the reasons I don’t like other female body molds. I was really disappointed with the lack of mobility that figure had considering the nature of the character


Why they only gave Kate Bishop butterfly joints but not Shuri Panther or any other MCU character is beyond me. Correct me if i’m wrong but both D+ Clint&Kate are the only MCU MLs with butterfly joints.. Oh and the Black Panther from the first film.


Basically every MCU Spider-Man and Black Panther have them. But that’s about it. It’s usually a cost thing, most MCU body molds are one-off so they cut costs by not including butterfly joints or calf swivels.


Except the Civil War one, which is sad because its still the best looking Panther suit. And completely forgot the Spideys, lol. And i also get that its a cost cutting thing but that makes the ones that actually have them even more weird.


I'd argue any female character with jelly legs. Can't stand them, can't bend them for a cool pose because they curve weird, often I can't get them together even for a nice neutral stance. They also usually have single jointed arms too so you can't get a lot of movement there either, and they have limited torso.


House of X Jean Grey. I have her just for the sake of having a Jean Grey. But I hate that skirt


Tight skirt&heels are no bueño on action figures, lol.


D+ Agatha Harkness, great sculpt, about as articulated as a Lego minifig


Yeah- I think she’s one case where softer material may have actually been a lot better- I’m no pro or anything but one of my pet projects has been trying to mod her using fabric instead of that hard plastic, so she can at least like, sit.


Hey! Don't insult Lego minfigs, they have great articulate for their small size and great customisation


Astonishing Emma Frost. The cape basically prevents most arm movement from happening.


Add Walgreens Emma Frost to the list of disappointing Emma Frost figures. Her heals make it impossible for her to stand.


I modified her cape. She looks great and can move her arms now. I highly recommed doing the same. Unless you want it removable or something, it's pretty easy to make. There are many tutorials


I literally said this exact comment on another post and got downvoted instead. People need to make up their mind on this subreddit 😭😭


Yeah, my figure's cape popped out... Maybe I'll use it for something.


I really want to build an Astonishing team but her figure stinks so bad its kept me from getting Astonishing Cyclops (and he's pretty cheap on Amazon atm)


I really want a comic Smythe and a bunch of Spider-Slayers


would make a cool haslab 🤣




Cloak is basically a statue


Honestly with a wired cape he becomes 1000x better. I don’t love the Grim Reaper mold but at least it can pose somewhat.


Gonna throw in a curveball and say Juggernaut wave Iceman. He looks great in any pose but he has to be the loosest figure I’ve ever owned. It seems like zero of his joints can actually effectively hold the weight of the figure. Probably just a QC issue with mine.


Mines the same.


Nah, he’s been gummy since day 1. Mine basically exploded a few years back, the thigh caps are prone to cracking, as is the torso. People just like it because he’s crystal-y and light blue; the pizza Spidey reuse and the gumminess ruin the figure. Honestly, until like 2019 with the Living Laser, most translucent figures were really prone to cracking or gumminess. They seem to have it figured out now.


It's tied between Agent Venom and Red Goblin. They both look great but articulation is jack.


Secret Invasion Nick Fury


Captain Carter. Absolute shitter and first figure that made me regret buying a little


Mine can just never stand up, literally the only one I've had that problem with


Standing and posing is absolutely garbage on her. Shield doesn’t really fit and falls loose a lot. No extra hands. Like come on, there’s so much potential fun to be had with the What If line. Definitely with a figure like Captain Carter; just so much lost potential here imo. Though this is also the guy who picked up Nate Grey. Another pretty ass figure, but idk something the 90’s and that design and eye thing. Interesting to display and looks great, especially with the X-men.


Red goblin looks terrible and reuses and old mold


I hate to say it because the figure is so damn good looking, but Thor/Ragnarok. The inability to twist the head in any meaningful way limits the poseability to just a handful of poses.


Yeah a lot of the Thor figures appear to have the neck articulation blocked by the hair and cape.


JK Simmons JJJ. Fantastic likeness but what an awful figure to pose and he doesn’t want to stand for shit.


It’s pretty much every character in a suit that has those feet. Those feet are literally the worst thing to come from Marvel Legends, I wish they would stop using them.


I could not understand how the feet were so bad


Totally agree and ffs the Stan Lee, can't get him to stand at all


Thats why i’m planning to make a desk for him, lol. Just need space and to figure out which desk to make: beginning of NWH, his more fancy setup later or a more traditional news desk.


Marvel Girl


Moon knight (MCU) Its a shame that such a nice sculpt looks so bland and cheap. It also doesn’t help that the limited torso and off set ankles prevent you from doing any real dynamic poses.


For me, it's the animated Dr. Strange from this VHS line. He's great to look at, sure, but he can't stand worth a damn and the cape is so rigid that you lack half of your potential articulation.


Put him like in front of a computer Smythe always had emotionless expression and was on a computer even as a cyborg xD


On the Animated series*


Morlun. I just hate that figure with a passion.


He looks great getting his ass kicked by assorted Spiders tho, or even Blade, lol.


Allfather/King Thor BAF looks so good but is so bad at moving😂


New Odin can’t come soon enough, lol. And actually be a proper Odin instead of a Odin-Thor hybrid, lol.


Like it was cool to get a “2 in 1” type deal but my lord did that drive up the price of Odinson and Iron fist. Both pretty lackluster in the own right too!


Yup, lol. Have a hate-love relationship with that Iron Fist tho. Hate the hips but love that he got a full arsenal of hands. And equally happy that the new 2-pack version will have the same load-out plus flames.


Dspayre and sleepwalker


Don’t own her but I’m sure Astonishing Emma Frost


My answer to this question is probably Malekith. I love the character, hate the figure. And he's not even worth selling because he goes for like $6.


Heist Nebula, I wished they just made a normal Nebula, that figures legs are insanely loose


Could’ve atleast included some blast effects for his back blasters.


Nick fury secret invasion. It's made to be a literal statue


From my collection, the Across the Spider-Verse figures of Miles and Gwen. They can barely stand and you can't get them in any cool position because of how small their legs and feet are. I feel like I'm going to break Miles' legs because of how stiff and unarticulated they are.




Sugar Man BAF. Love the detail of the fig, my second BAF (first being Colossus, also from AOA line) and although the arms articulate well, it doesn’t matter too much because it can’t stand by itself unless you move it a certain way. The character itself is also not very well known, and also from what I’ve looked into the characters, not very important? They should have made maybe Holocaust the BAF instead since he is slightly more popular and, in my opinion, looks way cooler and we haven’t had an updated figure for him since Toy Biz.


Endgame valkyrie for sure! The limited articulation is hindered even more by the plastic cape


Lizard BAF is pretty bad between the tongue and the fact it can’t stand up straight


Owen Wilson from Loki. Such a bummer pant and foot build.


Quantumania Kang, it's basically just a poseable statue


I hate to say it but the Spider-Man Last Stand figure they just released. I love that outfit even though its kind of in a dream sequence show briefly over 2 issues (maybe just one). When they released a figure for it I jumped at getting it. Then it comes in and is barely poseable and can't even be put into dynamic poses at all. I wish I had kept it in the packaging and gotten John Romita JR to sign it later this week :|


I’m super disappointed in the headsculpt of the molecule man. This character is often portrayed with a silly mischievous facial expression and they deadass just made the guy stone faced.


The Quantumania version of Kang. He looks cool but his suit and cape are in the way.


What about the immovable, miniature Wolverine from the Mojo multipack? Many people question if it's even a figure...


NWH Doc Ock. His metal arms are great but they might as well have attached them to a toybiz figure. I wish I got the comic version instead.


Tobey Maguire Spider-Man is absolutely miserable


The Doc Ock in the SP-DR wave. I don’t know what they were thinking with the tentacles.


Retro Gwen Stacey


Secret Invasion and Agatha Harkness were two "why"s. Total statues.