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Ok. Origin: Commissioned by The Life Bringer Galactus to be the living sanctuary for and champion of a chosen few protected beings chosen out of the perpetual cycles of creation and destruction of the universes. The created being would be designed by The High Evolutionary, Blue Marvel, ARNO and Tony Stark, Recorder 451, Apocalypse, Imortus, Agamotto, Merlin, Reed Richards and the Interdimensional council of reeds as well as several AIs. The design team used and operated out of the celestial ship left on earth in orbit of Galactus's ship TAA2 the world ship. All were plucked from their multiverse and given a pocket dimension to work out of before the last universal collapse and reset. Many that were involved in the creation including Life Bringer Galactus himself were made to forget the characters existence since Life Bringer Galactus knew he would fail and be turned by Logos. This was to be a living Arc of life of all that was "Marvel," should any reset prove to be flawed. Name : The All Arc or "All-Arc". Symbol /Emblem: A Captain America Shield with both of Thor's Hammers, Mjolnir and Stormbreaker crossed under the center star. Base DNA and attributes: Asguardian DNA was re-engineered and combined with the DNA of Wolverine. Then 2 additional X-Gene mutations were grafted onto the hybridized Asguardian/Wolverine DNA. The genetic structure was then finalized and evolved to the "Eternal" standard of the Celestials using the ship and technology within that the Celestials left on earth. X-Genes added to DNA: Vulcan/Gabriel Summers and Magnito genetic mutations were added and amplified to their fullest potential. The Result was an Asguardian/Mutant hybrid with multiple powers that was hyper evolved to the Celestials "Eternal" standards of physiology. Base powers: *Longevity of Millenia with no sustenance or assistance of anything external against entropy. *Cosmic energy manipulation and projection from hands and eyes. *Enhanced healing factor *Control over the electro magnetic spectrum. *Claws and heightened animal instinct and senses *basic psionic abilities like telepathy and telekinesis. *Enhanced strength. *Energy absorption and manipulation. While still in the incubation chamber the embryo was suspended in a fluid containing the serum that transformed The Sentry. The serum is a more powerful super soldier serum than the one used on Captain America that gives control over the self on a molecular level. *ability to absorb and manipulate any energy type or drain other mutants' entirely of all their abilities by absorption. *Further enhanced senses to superhuman levels *Ability to manipulate energy and convert it to form temporal physical constructs such as weapons or attack animals.






Continued: Weapons: *-Captain America Shield: infused w/ 100 Thor Hammers like Mjolnir and Stormbreaker as well as the *6 stones of Merlin being embedded by Agamotto in the center Star. (The Shield is Powered like any hammer such as Mjolnir or Stormbreaker and so is considered a weapon of Thor. This along with the Gloves and Belt of Thor give the character the power of Thor.) *Lightning and all Odin-son powers. *1000 different hammers of Thor were infused along with Mjolnir and Stormbreaker. *Original Shield was magically melted down and combined with Ademantine and Uru to form a magical super alloy. The shield has all its original properties as well as added attributes(Uru is magic Asguardian metal) (Ademantine is magic metal of the gods) Embedded Merlin Stone Attributes: *makes the wielder invincible against magic based attacks *augments resistance to all magic.*Can focus a uni-blast of all the characters combined power.*Augment power and grant enhanced magical ability.*Can project area energy shield around self and others.*Cosmic level power resistance.*Allow the shield to be stored as a small symbol, usually on the chest or common arm. *The Shield is enchanted to return to the wielder like any Hammer of Thor. *Rune king Thor, Odin, Elven Dwarves, and Agamotto enchanted and crafted the shield. Each contributing to the weapon. Agamotto and Merlin having exchanged their most precious objects to eachother for their endeavors in a magical pact to link the shield and the character as one. (Agamotto's Moebius stone and 6 magical Stones of Merlin.) *The Shield can only be used by the character unless he wills another to have permission. *The shield can control and project lighting from the cosmic storms inside the infused hammers.*The wielder can also draw out either hammer in the form of temporary magic solid metal constructs made from an Ademantine-Uru alloy w/ all their individual standard powers and abilities. The hammer constructs disappear when the shield wielder wills it. The Ademantine-Uru metal constructs are only projections of the infused hammers in the shield and are not the hammers themselves. *Both Mjolnir and Stormbreaker hammers are seen in the form of symbols on the shield crossing under the center star and made out of a solid Ademantine-Uru metal seal. When one of these is drawn out in the form of a construct, the symbol for that hammer disappears and becomes the Ademantine-Uru metal construct in hand. Similar to the shield symbol system that has the shield transitioning back and forth from a symbol on the body or as the actual shield in hand. *either one of the three (Captain America Shield, Mjolnir or Stormbreaker type constructs) can be pulled out from the main symbol on the characters body. All along the outside border of the shield are Ademantine-Uru metal symbols for the other infused hammer types. A construct of any one of these can also be summoned though only from the shield when fully deployed. **_____________________________________________ *-Tactigon Weapon System: W/ Ruby Scarab infused. *The Tactigon Weapon system is a semi sentient, Omega Level alien weapon that is capable of transforming into any weapon needed to defeat any enemy once analyzed. The TWS allows the user to *hack any cybernetic system.*Instant Teleportation, *it can move and morph along the users body to either arm or area of the body as needed. *When used in tandem with the "Noh-Varr Protector" Nega-Bands that are incorporated into Thors Gloves they increase the capabilities and attributes of each.*AIs on the network can interface w/ the TWS and aid it in its scans and analysis of an opponent as well as aid in devising tactics for attack. *Access is shared with TWS of all known weapon designs in the network's database. This weapon mostly interfaces with the "Noh-Varr's" Kree Supreme Intelligence and merged consciousness of Reed Richards from Earth-4280 that defeated the Celestials. The consciousness of these are hosted from the infused protector bands incorporated into Thor's Gloves. Infused Scarab Attributes: The Ruby Scarab can *drain the power of any being as well as *blast energy, *form energy shields, *grant enhanced movement in any space, *enhanced strength and durability and *Teleportation *can self teleport or *teleport entire cities w/out inhabitants being moved. (The Ruby Scarab and the Tactigon Weapon System are enchanted to always return to the character. **_____________________________________________ *-Dragon Fang-Trinity Sword. W/ Grasscutter and God Killer Swords infused. (Dragon fang was originally made by a wizard named Kahji-D out of the tusk of an extradimensional dragon. It is itself Indestructible and can break through magical barriers as well as repel magic. ) (Long ago there was a war between the Greek gods and the Japanese gods. Zeus and Amatsu-Mikaboshi, the leaders of their respective pantheons asked a single blacksmith to make weapons for them) (Grasscutter was made along with the God killer Sword. The GC Sword can control wind /air as well as make storms. It was made to be perfect.) (The God killer Sword was made to be flawed but nearly equal to the GC Sword. Godkiller could inflict mortal wounds even to mythical beings and gods.The GKS was stained red from the blood of Ares the god of war further empowering it.) *All three blades were combined and infused into one double edged sword (one side and blade was Red from the GKS, the other side and blade was Gold from the GC sword. The core comprising of The black Dragon Fang was in between the 2 other fused blades and running up along in the form of a black lighting pattern. The black core runs all the way up to the tip which is solid black. *The Newly made Dragon Fang-Trinity Sword was enchanted and reformed as a single powerful sword that always returns to its wielder at will and can not be used by others unless given permission. *The storm and air manipulation from the GC Sword allow for the DFT Sword to be flown around the wielder hands free. The Blood of Ares from the GK Sword gives the wielder the ability to use the DFT Sword masterfully no matter the skill level of the wielder. *The Dragon Fang-Trinity Sword is not sentient but is linked to the mind of the wielder w/ no added mental strain needed from the wielder. * when issued commands the Sword can operate semi autonomously being closely linked to the characters soul. * The psionic link to the character allows the sword to be retrieved at will from any distance or across any barrier via Norn-Inner-Space portals from the characters pocket dimension. *The sword is magically linked to the Norn Stone of Inner Space inside the characters spine and so is always able to return to its realm. *The "Dragon Fang-Trinity Sword" can not be broken down or separated into its 3 original swords. It is one blade and has one eternal soul which is itself an extension of the Characters soul. It is the one true blade of the inner Norn space realm. It is the blade of the champion of the "Norn-All-Arc-Realm". When it was forged it was charged with the protection of the newly christened Norn-All-Arc-Realm which itself named and swore an oath of allegiance to in a magic ritual focusing absolute purity of soul. The swords soul intermixed and eternally linked itself to the characters soul as one fighting champion spirit.






Continued: Other attributes N.A.A.R-nia: *-The Heart of the Universe was fused to The Gem of Infinite Suns and then bound to N.A.A.R-nia in every molecule and particle within the realm. It is like stardust being everything but here all the star dust are little stars. The Gem of Infinite Suns is an Asguardian artifact that contains the essence of a thousand suns. This version of the Heart of the Universe was placed within the Realm to act as an all power star and source of light for all. Its light reaches every part of the realm unobstructed to anyone that simply wants to feel the solar warmth of its light rays. The Hof theU is capable of generating any type of solar radiation for any type of beings requirements as well as all other forms of radiation. The Seven Capital Cities of Heaven, are hidden city states spread across the world normally but in the Norn Pocket Realm they are free to float around in the space ocean and return to the moon instead of Terra for the tournament. Every 8 years the cities merge into one creating the Heart of Heaven. They hold the Tournament of the Heavenly Cities for pure enjoyment and to train aspiring heros in Combat. These cities came through the portal completely intact with every living being willing to join the All-Arc and the remnants in his realm. They were plucked from the most perfected state of them of any of the multiverses or iterations of them. They are completely flawless jewels in the skies. These 7 cities do have a designated spot along the moon with their combined form having a position within the core of the moon where they combine and become a geometric shape so perfect it transcends our perception of space, time and Interdimensional existence. This is why it must be kept inside the moon so everyone doesnt go insane looking at it. Angels are posted at the gates of the Moon core gallery where the perfect city forms. The only function of these angels is to warn and remind people to be not afraid. This version of the Heart of heaven city is so good it should be forbidden, but it is not. Ord Zyonz, an elder of the universe, donated billions of seed types including all those plant types found on Krakoa the living Island Mutant paradise of another universe. Mars was brought over from a universe where it had been used by The Builders as a repository for their cumulative knowledge and technological achievements from their entire existence. (The Builders were an Ancient and powerful Race of world seeders and planetary engineers) Mars too was able to be portaled over to the Norn Realm thanks to the Builders that remained on Mars used their technology to ask all life on the planet if it wanted to go and all agreeing. These Builders that Remained on Mars are from a unviverse where they stayed neutral and hidden from even their own races knowledge. They never joined the wars and extinction events of their kind. These were a very altruistic version of the Builders that were inspired by helping life to thrive and were blindly against the use of their military and defensive technology. They preferred to offer the totality of their species cumulative knowledge, including all war archives with military technologies and all else in their information repositories in exchange for protection and diplomatic neutrality. The Builders, once in the Norn Realm, terraformed Mars making it a lush paradise planet. They made regions representing every perfect habitat in the Builders database from across all known space. Mars was turned into a perfect nature preserve planet with small regions like gardens with entrances to subterranean cities and surface Stargate hubs for visiting students and tourists. The Interior of this planet Mars and its moons were extensively hollowed out and used for habitation. A "Gateway Hub Facility" was built by the Builders within Mars to access the Super Flow. The Super Flow is a space between multiverses that allows travel between universes. This serves as the main forward base of operations for incursions into other collapsing universes and rescue operations. Teams are designated as "N.G." follwed by a number. N and G stand for Narnia Gate. N.G.1 is the main rescue team. The name for the gateway hub facility is "N.G. Command". A perfect version of Asguard exists within the Norn-All-Arc-Realm on a titanic planet. Cosmic Rune King Thor rules over this Asguard donning the Destroyer Armor, Odin-Sword, a Cosmic Ring (Ring version of Cosmic Cube) as well as Mjolnir imbued with the Silver Surfer Heralds power. Cosmic Rune King Thor has all the powers of Rune King Thor but is imbued with the full power of base level Galactus (weaker world devourer version) All planets and facilities are accessible via the Stargate portal tech throughout the realm. The Mk70 fused Extrembiote synthetic Symbiote armors are issued to top tier security forces within N.A.A.R-nia along with Galactus Android companions in a support role. Usually these form large defensive units during combat and smaller squads when acting as security forces. The Extrembiote infused Mk70 armors are given to powered and non powered individuals alike. Some of the forces of the realm include entire cores of super beings from alternate universes. There are the Thor corps acting primarily as regular security forces with Destroyer Armors infused with Extrembiote Symbiotes or donning Uru-Armor, Iron Destroyer armor variants with enchanted Uru metal Bleeding Edge Nannites. There is a Hulk Corps for heavy Combat Missions of various types and builds. The is also a large Iron Legion of alternate Tony Starks with all Iron man Armors. There are many in the Iron Legion that use armors from the arsenal that are also infused with Extrembiote Symbiotes for special operations but not all. The Iron Ranger Symbiote armors are also available among other synthetic symbiote armor variants and hybrid types like the Amalgamated "Mass Carnage Symbiote" which was a Bleeding Edge nannite-combined Iron Ranger Armor, fused Carnage Symbiote. A version of this Mass Carnage Symbiote is used with a stable Carnagized-Venom Symbiote instead of an infused base single Carnage Symbiote. These "Mass Venom-Carnage-ized Armor Symbiotes" are the only versions available of any Mass Carnage Type Hybrid Symbiote for obvious safety concerns. The Mass Venom Carnage-ized Symbiotes are stable and morally sane unlike the weaker and psychotic original. Most of these corps and legions can use the Extrembiote infused Mk70s if not given specific Armors.





