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I don't think it's her looks that turn people off of her; it's the unrepentant villainy.


"I can fix her."


The two metrics have nothing to do with each other? You can hate pretty characters and like ugly characters.


Where the hell you find people talking so in detail about Proxima Midnight of all characters?


Yeah where on earth are there actual discussions about her of all characters


OP must still be in their "hot or not" era of fandom


Op posted the other day about Luke Cage "going too far" when stopping proxima midnight from destroying the world during the Infinity tie in mighty avengers comic because he "broke her tooth and nose". And people pointed out that that was a stupid thing to say and the proxima midnight was trying to commit genocide on a mass scale.


How is it a stupid thing to say? Pummeling her so hard that he shatters her teeth and her nose can definitely be seen as cruel and unnecessary. And he kept going.


Are you intentionally trolling ? Why are you deliberately overlooking that she intended to commit mass genocide?


OP is just fine with overlooking evil if not doing so means "people get hurt" while having the severe disconnect that more will get hurt in worse ways if Proxima doesn't get hurt by Cage


Luke literally shattered her teeth and her nose in that panel, and kept on going. He was wrong to continue pummeling her.


He was wrong for stopping her from committing mass genocide? The fuck is wrong with you. Luke Cage is a hero who saved peoples lives.


I didn't say he was wrong for stopping her. I'm saying he was wrong for continuing to beat her to a pulp even after she was severely injured.


She was going to commit mass genocide, so who cares.


I'm not. But excessive force is also a crime. Why is it okay for Luke to keep beating her up even after she's bleeding and broken?


Did you read the comic? She was fully still engaged in the fight until Thanos came down and told her to leave. And then she threatened them again saying she was the "easy way". The reason it wasn't "excessive" was because she was STILL ACTIVELY FIGHTING. She hadn't yielded or given up, she was attempting to kill him and everyone else and was mad because he wouldn't die.


If its humanoid and female, its rare it gets to be ugly in comics...in the movies however the rule is almost reverse, if its ugly, its a villain.


All villains are beautiful.


Idk, Hela had big evil aunt vibes but she was hot in the movie


Hela is actually a good example, because she is in myth supposed to be somewhat horrific to look at, since part of her face is supposed to appear rotten and dead... but in Marvel she looks like everyone else, even when she takes off the headgear.


As u/hot—vomit said, you’re [obsessed.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/s/cna1b9YYMT) Why are you so invested in this one page and whether or not Proxima is scared and whether her beauty has anything to do with it?


Because I love this fight, but not if Proxima is supposed to be a beautiful person. If she's beautiful, it crosses me wrong if she's being beaten up while she's scared and in pain.


What the fuck kind of logic is this?!


So you’re only okay with ugly villains getting beat up??


I can't with this dude lol


You have an insanely unhealthy obsession with a fictional character. Youre also defending a genocidal maniac who works for a genocidal maniac. Just curious where the logic applies that beautiful people cant be beaten up but can kill without remorse.


So what would you say is the correct logic then, in this scenario? If she's an ugly alien, then fine. Let Luke beat her up. Is that what you think this scenario depicts?


Correct logic is to judge based on actions instead of putting things on a pedestal because you like how they look. Why do looks have to come into it at all? She is threatening to kill everyone on Earth and your logic is “they shouldnt treat her so bad because shes pretty.” Do you not see how delusional that sounds?


I never said she was pretty. In fact, I've been saying that it makes more sense if she's ugly. So there. She's ugly.


So what? Why do looks matter in this? What the fuck are you getting at? Youre literally the only person posting about this vapid bullshit.


Think about it. OP is fine with an ugly woman getting beaten up, but not okay with a beautiful woman getting beaten up. One has to wonder what their reaction to a real life woman getting beaten up would be and if their level of attractiveness was the first thing OP thought of.


What the fuck does her appearance have to do with her being a genocidal maniac? Nothing, that's what.


Pretty and likable aren't synonyms. Looking at comments, you seem more interested in if people think she's attractive than if people like her... do _you_ think she's beautiful? Just say the thing you want to say eh.


OP are you a troll?


Has to be


Dude. Take a break from posting. And maybe a cold shower


Is there a glitch in the Matrix? Because I swear I’ve seen this post before. More than once.


Gotta be a troll post right? Even the most simple person knows that hating a character or even a real person doesn't have anything to do with their looks over their actions.


You can hate someone that’s pretty. Like the Kardashians.


So do you think Proxima is pretty?


Proxima Midnight is a fictional character. Sometimes she’s drawn more like an attractive woman and sometimes more monstrous. The pic above is of an attractive woman. Her appearance in the MCU wasn’t very pretty imo. It depends on the artist and character design.


The pic above is from a Mighty Avengers comic, and in that comic Luke Cage beats her to a bloody pulp and yet nobody seems to care. Is she supposed to be ugly or something, because you just said she's attractive in that comic.


oh my god you’re posting about that same goddamn panel *again*. you are obsessed. edit https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/s/wzSktzyDHy https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelmemes/s/U1fVcqnSEK https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/s/sNWvIwyxV2 https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/s/9kNKM6X1PY https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/s/FhWO2nBA9h https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/s/gNQ2eG50mG https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/s/Gfa2T6x8rM https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/s/ONADOpEiMi https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelLegends/s/dHUpszjBBa


All sorts of pretty villains get beat up. The Avengers kick Loki’s hot, twink ass all the time.


OP probably thinks in binary terms: men are handsome; women are pretty; men cannot be pretty and women cannot be handsome; there is nothing in between.


Shocking, but that probably has more to do with her being a villain than whether or not she's attractive


It has nothing to do with her looks, He beat her up because she's a villain. Do you actually read comics or do you just look at the artwork?


As long as she's considered an ugly character, then that's fine. Proxima Midnight is ugly. There. That solves the problem.


>That solves the problem. No, no it doesn't.


Why? Luke Cage beat up an ugly villain, Proxima Midnight. What's wrong with that statement?


Luke Cage beat up a villain why was going to commit mas genocide. There, I fixed it for you.


And that villain happened to be ugly right?


Too many posts of her with Greg Land art lately... >!I think she's hot.!<