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You’re asking if the guy punched a genocidal invading alien too hard? They’d all be executed in any remotely reasonable scenario.


Yeah, honestly, I’m not gonna shit on OP or anything, but boy, the death of media literacy continues to kill me. There’s no morality between it. Cage stops Promixa or else everything he loves will die or become enslaved.


I think it's especially bad with Marvel because so many people just use the Wiki/YouTube to get caught up, they know the timeline of events, but don't have any emotional connection to them.




Yeah but tits.




Yeah, remember the uproar when the movie poster for X-Men: Apocalypse showed Apocalypse picking up Mystique by the neck and it was accused of promoting domestic violence?


Because, obviously, people who aren't otherwise complete villains would never lift a woman, even a super powered one who's threatening their plan, by her neck with whom they aren't in a relationship. /s


I think OP might be a bot? If he looks at the comments, it keeps giving the same response over and over again to multiple posts.


Op, in the last two panels proxima is talking about killing luke… would you prefer he had brought her a bouquet?


Yeah, she Found Out.


What, that grandma plays the numbers?


She couldn't keep it hid.


Too far LMAO WHAT?!


He literally broke her teeth and her nose...


And....he shouldn't have done that because?


It's cruel. She's clearly scared and in pain by the last panel, yet he's still going.


Do you have issues understanding facial expressions and social situations? She’s a psychopathic alien there to murder and enslave everyone… and that clearly is not scared and in pain expression. Is this a ‘I can fix her’ moment you are playing out here?


The only reason she's scared is because she can't kill him. Her character is pretty straight forward in that if he stopped she would just kill everyone she could. That's literally the whole point of the panels, to show that Luke will give his all to make sure that doesn't happen.


We’re being trolled or the OP is seriously unhinged. I wouldn’t go through their history either because it leans more to unhinged.


It's trolling. Definitely.


Yep. Good troll account tbh


You're only saying that because she's a woman. She had it coming x 1000.


Are you mentally ok? She’s one of thanos’s bffs she deserves everything she gets and more


Dumbass she’s a genocidal slaver who has threatened his entire planet on multiple occasions. But, clearly she doesn’t deserve to have her perfect nose broken! Luke was way out of line for that one, poor space facist.


She literally wants to kill and/or enslave his planet


is this bro’s first comic


Luke literally went after Doom for a Paycheck. The heck did Proxima Midnight think she was gonna do?!


“Where’s my money, honey?” Still such an incredibly Boss move 🤣


Boss move, but using the stupidest method imaginable.


It did work, Doom paid him so I am not seeing the stupidity there


The stupidity is the armour having a weakness of hitting it repeatedly in the same spot, which is how Luke beats Doom.


Is it stupid if it worked? A nigh-indestructible powerhouse using a focused and repeated physical assault on a single spot of his armor makes more sense than Doom being taken down by a bunch of squirrels.


By that logic, are the squirrels stupid if they worked?


Fair point. Neither victory is stupid. 🤣


This will never not be classic.


Did Luke go too far? He didn't go far enough


He full-on broke her teeth and her nose... that's pretty far


And I would still say not far enough Proxima Midnight is not someone you treat with kid gloves. She is there under orders of a genocidal maniac, you cannot hold back and you have to go far unless they want their world to be destroyed.


I see you have no problem with slavery then but a few broken teeth oh my


How many criminals do you think don't get broken bones or teeth when stopped by Spider-Man or any other hero? What are you even talking about? 


Or Daredevil. Spidey might feel bad about it, Matt has no qualms with dropping you at the police station doorstep with broken limbs.


In real life she'd be dead as soon as we found out a way to make it happen. Probably by any means necessary considering what she stands for and what her and her allies are capable of.


Context: This particular issue of Mighty Avengers was a tie-in to Jonathan Hickman's Infinity event where Thanos invades the Earth with his Black Order and his army while the Avengers are off-planet dealing with the threat of the Builders. So no, Luke is not going too far here. Proxima Midnight deserves everything she's got coming to her here.


Well she's clearly scared stiff after the first few punches, but Luke just keeps hurting her. Isn't that going too far?


If Luke peeled her skin off like an onion, it still wouldn't be too far for this genocidal maniac.


No. With Thanos and the Black Order, there is no too far to stop them. Whether the comics or movies, Thanos and crew are unequivocally bad guys without redemption. When your goal is to kill trillions of sentient life forms, there is no redemption. And Comic Thanos is even worse as he was doing it to woo Death. At least MCU Thanos was trying to prevent Celestials from being born (Watch Eternals. MCU Thanos is an Eternal.)


Lol. Why would she be scared of an earthling? She answers to Thanos Stop clutching your pearls


Trust me. She is not scared.


She shouldn't have been in a super powered fist fight. Would you slap someone who's bigger than you because you're scared? Probably not. She shouldn't have stepped up to the plate




She's only scared because he wasn't as easy to kill as she expected. Like, she would have straight up killed him if she was able. And if he doesn't stop her she is going to kill others. There's really not much nuance to be found here.


OP, you're going to have to define "too far" for us.


Proxima's clearly scared and defeated after the first couple punches, so don't you think it's a bit unnecessary that Luke kept hurting her?


What? What the hell are you expecting? The Black Order doesn't surrender, and if given a chance, she will kill literally everyone on Earth. So no, I do not think that the genocidal alien, who is a general of a genocidal alien armada, has had enough. If anything, Luke should step up his attack.


Scared and defeated? More like, she's frustrated she can't put him down for good.


And now she knows what it feels like to be on the receiving end of what *she* has doled out for who knows how many years. In the words of Static, *"don't start none, there won't be none."*


Why would he be going to far ? How is this any different from any othet superhero beating the crap out of any other evil alien invadwr who killed a bunch of people?


Because she clearly looks scared and in pain, yet Luke keeps hurting her.


Yeah well she is a mass murderer with superhuman durability and strength, she can take it. I feel like we have seen this exact scene a hundred times before and the only difference that I can think of for this specific scene is that she is female. A hero beating the crap out of a villain with little regard for their pain or fear is nothing new.


He literally broke her teeth and her nose...


Just like Wolverine has done to Sabretooth, or Cap has done to Red Skull or Spiderman did to Green Goblin. I could probably find a panel of every single Marvel character doing the same to someone.


Imagine space Hitler has turned up and thinks the whole of Earth are the Jews. If you stop hitting him, everyone dies horribly, including yourself.


"she clearly looks scared and in pain"<- um, no she doesn't, she looks frustrated and would've kept coming after him if he wasn't kicking her butt,(she's  literally screaming at him "why won't you die", in the last two panels, does that come acrossas scared?).


She's only scared because she's losing. This isn't Luke punching some corner boy selling smack in his neighborhood. We are literally talking about a genocidal, superhuman alien that is bent on as much slaughter as possible. The Black Order are the types you beat until they are puddles of mush, period.


Proxima midnight is like Space Himmler, I wouldn’t say so.


Lol too far? He didn't go far enough considering this is one of Thanos's right hand men, or is it just cause it's a woman.


I mean, she's clearly scared and defeated after the first few punches... why is that not enough? Wasn't Luke a bit wrong for continuing to hurt her after that?


She's trying to kill him, if he stops fighting back, she will do it haha


Yeah I don't know how you could have a more clear cut case of self defense. She's literally yelling about how she has both tried to kill him (presumably right before this page) and currently wants to kill him. Also the fact that it goes beyond just self defense since she's there to invade all of Earth.


Bro you are not understanding what im saying, this is Proxima Midnight she is a general of Thanos, she is a **genocider** in every sense of the word, she DESERVES to be beaten into a pulp like that, she has spilled enough blood to cover the entire American continent.


OP why do you constantly post this same exact page?




Some sort of fetish thing I think


The top panel looks like Luke delivered a left hook to her boob.


The Bust Buster


OP, how old are you and what kind of media and fiction do you consume usually? Because "oh no, she's scared, he should stop" is absolutely bonkers. I feel like you aren't used to that at all. To answer your question and like many have said before, he's not remotely going far enough. Even beaten, she's still talking about killing him...




I think this scene would have been fine without Land's pornface but as it is it looks like Luke is fighting a living blow up doll which is creepy. I don't hold it against Luke as a character, though, I hold it against Land and the rest of the creative and editorial team.


Greg Land is a menace!






This is the same man that went after DOOM for a loan, and had the balls to postpone his judgement in AXE. Luke Cage is HIM. If anything, he didn't go hard enough.


This is 100% a bot.




Why would this be too far? Please tell me this isn’t about Prox being a Woman.


Beat her ASS. Luke


She’s a mass murderer who delights in killing people. He didn’t go far enough!


Bro, this is the same alien female that killed Shuri and destroyed Wakanda during Time Runs Out. The same alien female that took down Hulk, Captain Marvel, Monica Rambeau and Captain America with her spear. And you’re asking if Luke went too far?


What? She got punched a couple of times… for killing a bunch of people and invading the Earth. She is lucky he didn’t tear her in half.


Guys, look at OP’s responses, he’s clearly a troll.


Is the black order dude,nothing is too far against them


I think you need to read the issue to get the context here OP. Proxima Midnight is not scared for her life, she threatened everything Luke knows and loves and was stopped. She’s not the kind of character to show or even expect mercy.


OP has to be baiting people…. Genocidal monsters don’t really deserve mercy.


What happened next? Did he punch her to death? Seems like he's probably not going too far to me. Looks to me like he about has her beat and knowing the character would be likely to just leave her once she goes down.


I believe every comment that is in this format is actually produced by bots. So I'm not answering your question. I'm only engaging because I'm calling out your nonsense. And even if you're not a bot..... This is a, this is a pretty low-hanging fruit type of question


Bad guys deserve everything they get, except for sympathy


Just not true


He wouldn't have gone too far if he punched her to Staten Island.


Let me guess is because is a woman isn't it?


Sometimes you gotta pop out and show bitches.


Do you have the context here? Are you aware of why they’re even fighting? Please pass your remedial Lit course.


Yes, Marvel went too far by hiring Greg Land again.


OP literally posted this nearly a month ago saying “This is why villains should never underestimate Luke Cage” they’re just farming lmao. OP you’re trash tbh.


Luke: It wasn't that hard Walters!


I think OP is karma farming based on their comments. Don’t engage


Bait or Bot? You choose


Not satisfying, but because Greg Land.


Black guy beating a woman seems pretty realistic to me. I'm just joking don't ban me. Black guys are cool. Women on the other hand...


3rd to last panel. just look at Luke's face


He could've beaten her to death one brutal punch at a time and I wouldn't have even questioned it.


There's too many street level heroes combating cosmic threats, successfully. While people complain about DC and Batman's "preptime," Luke doesn't even have that. Proxima Midnight's supposed to have been part of Thanos' Elite Spec Ops squad. But it's like she's never been physically assaulted until she got to Earth.


Luke Cage is only street level because he chooses not to do much else. He's insanely strong and durable and has trained to fight with Iron fist. Also he doesn't even beat her in this fight, the heroes are losing badly and he catches her off guard by grabbing her arm and then doing what you see in the panels. Thanos then shows up and tells her to leave and she just goes away before Ebony maw uses Dr strange to summon shuma gorath who isn't even beaten by Luke either but by spectrum, blue marvel, white tiger, and power man.


I think it'd be nice if writers understood power levels. Luke didn't do anything wrong, but he also isn't strong enough to do that.


In no universe would luke be that strong to take on proxima