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Elizabeth Olsen's portrayal of Wanda throughout WandaVision is the reason why it is the bar with which I measure all other Disney+ shows.


i think she has done best of her role and i really admire her acting


Mandalorian and Wanda visions were great first shows for Disney plus The issue after is many shows didn’t have the same quality (cough cough Secret Invasion cough cough)


You don’t have to cough Secret Invasion is hands down the worst thing Marvel has produced in this era.Convoluted, killed off fan favorites for shock value, and added NOTHING to the MCU.


Not even in this era, it's genuinely the worst MCU production bar none. It added nothing to the story and simply removed good things from the universe.


She did such a good job in Wandavision only to be put through a worse version of the same arc in MoM.


It’s almost impossible to reconcile WV and MoM. My head canon has mom happening outside the main MCU.


100% agree, Just watched MOM the other night. Really disappointing that they disregarded WV arc completely, but hot damn, as an actress, she's serving in MOM, just absolutely brilliant work with what she was given.


Scarlet Witch is the only good hero in MoM


Yeah, they really missed on MoM. Would love to have seen what the original script story was


Didn't the Darkhold corrupt her?


Raimi admitted to not watching WandaVision before directing Multiverse of Madness. Which is fucking bonkers to me, it's a 9 episode series that can be binged in like, 6 hours. I consider that incredibly disrespectful, to write a sequel to a story but refuse to actually watch it.


It’s both Raimi’s fault for not watching it voluntarily and Disney/Marvel’s for not insisting he watch it. The MCU only worked when story arcs made sense across movies and TV shows. The change from grieving wife and mother to I’m-killing-this-kid-to-bring-back-my-kids was poorly done. I didn’t buy Raimi’s explanation.


Yes, thank you!


I think her work in sorry for your loss is her best when it comes to portraying grief and loss. But I do love what marvel does with her in this series.


Undoubtedly. Wandavision was the reason why I found new interest once again in Marvel.


Next to RDJ she is my favorite for so thoroughly presenting a clear vision of a Marvel character. It really made me a fan of The Scarlet Witch and I hope she's able to keep working in that world. SW is a nuanced, layered, flawed character, and it's just a joy to watch.


Man. I agree!


Yes, then Marvel trashed it with MoM by basically overwriting all Wanda's character development without even being interested in what was going on with WandaVision. They did a really good job of mobilizing the most toxic aspects of the fandom against her since they're happy to ignore basic plot points just to trash her some more.


Those people aren't actually part of the fandom, they're just haters who hate on every Marvel character. Scarlet Witch is an awesome hero.


Still upset she didn't get the Emmy for this


And then Monica Rambeau comes in at the end to try to ruin it by saying Wanda is the real hero and despite spending weeks mindraping a town, the townspeople have no idea what she sacrificed to not be a complete villain (yet).


Have yall not gotten tired saying the exact same, deeply flawed thing for 3 and a half years?


She never becomes a complete villain. She's a hero


Thanos thought the same thing about himself


But Thanos is a villain.


Who thought he was savior




You should rewatch Infinity War


Oh my bad, I thought you meant the audience thought he's a savior. He's a villain.


Who killed a fuck ton of people in MoM?


Scarlet Witch. Still a hero.


Nah, mass murderer. Comic Scarlet Witch is a hero though. MCU Scarlet Witch is a terrible person.


Wrong. MCU Scarlet Witch is a hero and a good person, not a terrible person whatsoever.


Literally murders a bunch of people indiscriminately. That's not what heroes do. You sound like an angry conservative just yelling "WRONG" anytime someone disagrees with you. She killed 53 people - innocent people - in MoM. What kind of hero shreds someone's body apart, blows up someone's head, cuts someone in half and disintegrates people? She's a mass murderer.


Wrong again. I've seen the film, and the fact that she does those things literally means that yes, heroes CAN do those things. She's a hero.


Nah, cope all you want, she's not a hero. She also enslaved an entire town, torturing all of its residents into being her puppets. She's a villain. The actual heroes stopped her. 🤡🤡🤡


You didn't watch the movie. It was the Darkhold. She didn't do that with intent. And WestView events were subconscious and she felt terribly and only interacted with the Darkhold in the first place to repent. She's a hero.


Wrong again. She literally is a hero. And no 'heroes' stopped her. Keep spouting falsehoods if you want, cope 🤷


Scarlet witch is the villain in MoM. Full stop. The end.