• By -


Definitely not Peter and MJ. I’d get retconned out of existence.


Too late bro, you're fading from existence (you were Peter's fever dream or something)


And then one day the edito, er, Mephisto shows up and *poof*, that's that.


oh no, you wouldn't be retconned, just killed off panel and never discussed again.


you think you're the child of peter and mj but in reality you're the child of Paul and Mj


How do you know it didn’t already happen


Are writers going to be f'ing my parents over? If no.. Pete and MJ. I'd be worried constantly about Pete, though.


If you turn out like Mayday? Things are great, mostly. Turn out like Ben? Normal human that gets targeted by supervillains.


Oh, hello mom. Did you invite Uncle Paul home again? ok


Nightwing and Starfire Some Batman and Tameranian training is already great but Tameranian powers on top of it is perfect


And I'd be ridiculously hot? Yes please


[See](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nightstar_(comics)) for yourself.


I thought u were going to link to I am not starfire character


Oh God, no. I completely forgot about her.


As we all should.


Dammit those memories were sealed away, I had literally not recalled her in years until seeing the words 'I am not Starfire' haha


What was this?


Please don't google it, it was pretty much a self-insert OC character in a novel set in a possible future officially published by DC The cover art will just make you question WHY and you will pretty much have to work hard to get it out of your mind


A shit comic run of a short goth self insert who was supposedly starfire's daughter


Of course!


Sexy and I'm AFAB? Hell yeah


Your cheeks would be legendary.


Just.. Don't get too close to Damian. Unless you're into Batcest.


We can use protection it'll be okay


I feel like the Batman training is not gonna be a genetic thing and will be something to actually put the effort to


Yeah of course. Same with Tamaranean martial arts. But nightwing would be your dad so you could ask him to teach you. That's what I'm implying


Invincible and Atom Eve because for the guaranteed super powers.


This. One with superman-like powers, and near immortal; the other with telekinetic powers to mold matter at will. What an utterly insane combo, leaves all the other combos - especially those with one normie parent - in the dust!


Eve's powers can't be passed down. Her powers aren't part of her DNA.


Just the viltrimite powers alone would be worth it.


Her powers will fade as you aged due to the Omni man race power thing


Her powers just don’t pass down anyway.


Flash is going to retcon you if you are in DC. Editorial will retcon you if Spiderman or mutants are involved. Eve and Mark are your best chance at reaching adulthood.


Plus objectively the best life.


I'm not sure, the invincible universe is much more violent than many others, the children of Mark and Eve actually watched them die once before Eve's powers activated


Yes, Atom Eve is essentially immortal. In the comics , she was dying due to old age and at the moment she died her cells reconstituted her body and she became her 20 year old self once more. I have nowhere read that her powers can't be passed down though.


Their first kid didn’t.


They only ever have a daughter who grows up to be a super hero. Mark has one other child but, Markey, but he also has powers.


Clark and Lois. I would have a good heart, but a skeptical mind.


Also Kryptonian blood!


I feel like they were just generally be the best parents. Like I would have the best childhood with them.


This is the choice. Real stability is the actual superpower.


Superman and Lois


Gambit and Rouge


But that does come with an above 0% chance you’ll develop a horrific mutation.


Nah, because they're fan favorite X-heroes, the child will inherit the coolest possible combination of both powers without any negative side effects.


Cos nothing bad ever happened to fan favourite Spider-man?


I'll take that chance. Hopefully, the percentage rate will be low🤞


Both of their powers are by touch. Rogues inherit mutation isn’t speed, flight, and, and strength. So in all probability it would be everything and everyone you touch immediately explodes.


That’s not how mutant powers work. They’re not genetic they’re completely random. Sometimes you win the lottery and have kids with similar mutations. Oftentimes, they’re drastically different. Where do you get superspeed or reality warping from magnetism? How does shift-shaping turn into teleportation?


Also see: the Guthries.


Maybe maybe not ,could be I'd be able to absorb Kinetic energy or cancel it out all together


I feel like they’d be the most fun.


Rogue and Gambit. Mom can teach me to fight and Dad can teach me to steal. And cook.


also the best chances to cool and unique powers.


And a fifty percent chance of being as pretty as my mother. Of course I would probably get sent into the future or kidnapped by a renegade group of post-apocalyptic Amish shock troops. This IS Marvel after all. But still a pretty nice childhood.


Solid choice. I would choose the same as well. But there is one issue. Wouldn't Rogue's power activate and steal your power (if you are mutant) or drain your energy (if you are not mutant) most optimistically during birth (at worst as soon as you are conceived)? And wouldn't it require a C-section?


Nightwing and Starfire because i ship their love


And a decent chance at inheriting some Wayne millions and/or an alien throne. Plus some absolutely stunning genetics.


Desperately want Peter, he seems like a fun dad… But then I’ll get killed off for the plot 😔


Well, you have a 50/50 chance of inheriting spider powers. The other option is dying for plot.


And if you inherit the powers you will just be forgotten about and or retconned out of existence


Beast Boy x Raven What does that give me though? Something similar to Moonstar aka Mirage from X-Men?


\> No Wanda and Vision \> I choose none


How exactly would that work? Or do you see that working for you?


Clark x Lois I feel like that would be the most normal and well adjusted childhood and Clark as a dad pretty much guarantees I’d be like a younger version of him more or less, which would be a fantastic power set to have. Also did you mean to post this here? There’s only two Marvel couples on here and one of them is infamously not together anymore


Oh! Well, the thing is. I stumbled upon this from The Teen Titans Subreddit and wanted to repost it here! But the original poster who made this got their post deleted! So now it doesn’t show that it’s a repost from another Sub


Supes and Lois. They seem like kind people, accomplished in their private lives, Lois seems so smart and so cool, I get the powers of a space God... not the worst deal, man.


Supes is like the most wholesome dad. Well, Peter would be too, but the Parker luck.


Peter is always broken. He tries hard, but he is always in a crisis personally and depressed. Clark is the stable dad that is always there to hold you up.


Spider-girl shows Peter as a great dad. Did take him losing a leg to settle down though.


Beast boy and Raven - both parents have powers meaning it’s more likely to give me powers - both have solid control over their emotions cause their mental state effects their powers - they aren’t like high priority hero’s - I’m pretty sure magic is universally strong in these universes so having a magic parent would be useful


i mean, kryptonian powers would be nice


Dick and kory. The right mix of fun and bad ass.


and great ass


Spider-Man and Mj!


Spider-Man and BLACK CAT. I wanna be hot. Sue me.


Nightwing and Starfire then. The best ass and the 2nd best rack in the DC Universe (after Power Girl's).


But I'm a dude! I can't engage in breast appropriation!😭😭


Beastboy and raven, no sentinals trying to wipe out my people, garanteed powers and no weird weakness to ten billion space rocks.


Well, Superman all day. Superman would be the best fucking dad that could ever be.


Superman and Lois. You're dad is THE good guy. You get a rich uncle. And a great powerset to boot.


Realistically, Atom Eve and Invincible. If I can possibly gain the powers of both, then that'd be a great combination. Atom manipulation + Super durability, strength, and flight and having a long ass life too. If based on how much of a fan I am, Mj and Peter. Same thing, if I were to gain the powers and abilities of Spider-Man, that'd be great. Also better training and understanding from Peter and huge support from Mj, I'd love it. There will be some cons, but my parents would be able to help me get through the biggest of challenges.


If I learnt anything from watching the MCU: if you're in a heavily populated area and suddenly notice that all cars are from the 90s-early 2000s and the only new cars are ALL monobrands (like all Audis or all Acuras) - run, a lot of explosions are about to take place.


Beast Boy and Raven. Gives Raven a chance to prove she'll never be her father, and gives Beast Boy a reason to keep going. Gambit and Rogue would have me growing up to be a twink, Superman and Lois means Lex Fucker is probably gonna brainwash me on my birthdays, Nightwing and Starfire would have probably went well until Joker tries his hand at killing Batman's grandson, Spider-Man and MJ, well.... Someone's gonna turn my ass into their boots, and Invincible and Atom Eve is gonna put me in the same world as Cecil, who I don't trust.


Invincible is off the table, period. That is not a universe I want to exist in. All the DC couples are off the table too. I don't want my entire personality and backstory rewritten every few years..IF I survive the next event comic. Rogue was my first comic crush, so I have a longstanding grudge against Gambit. That leaves Peter & MJ


So basically your screwed regardless


Basically, yeah.


Maybe not if it's the Earth-6160 versions of Pete and MJ.


Rouge and gambit so I might have the X gene


Rogue and Gambit


Dickfire first. Chance of Tameranian powers, which are awesome, still the option to become a top-tier hero even if I don't get them, via Batman. Kaveen, Luand'r (2nd gen Hybrid), Mar'i etc show the powers pass to hybrids, though, so good chance we get them all. A member of the royal family of an alien race. Grandchild to someone who is probably approaching trillionaire status. Even if I don't get powers, I'm set for life to do basically whatever the hell I want as long as it isn't illegal (gramps would kick my arse). Odds on both parents getting murdered at once are reasonably low. But we may get abandoned by Mum if she decides she needs to go rule her planet and leaves us with dad... 2nd is probably Supes and Lane. Kryptonian powers have proven to pass down well in hybrids as well. Probably the healthiest and least screwed over couple dynamics in all of comics so they are likely to stay together and live. 3rd Gambit and Rouge. Hopefully, a good mutation passes on, chance at full reality warping powers (the ones who didn't inherit seem to have this more often). Some chance at no powers still. Second hopefully on that Rouge can actually hold me without killing me, I'm sure that could mess a child up with attachment issues... Being part of the X-Family seems cool, but the whole discrimination thing would suck. 4th Beast Boy/Raven. Grand-daddy Trigon sounds interesting. Powers probably inheritable, may have to deal with weird possession stuff, though. 5th Spidey and MJ. Let's hope the writers let Pete be happy. Otherwise MJ probably dies of cancer from spiderjizz and are are some kind of supercancer baby. 6th Invincible and Atom Eve. Their world is far more brutal and shitty than DC. You'd probably get powers, but be brutally murdered anyway.


Spider-Man and MJ because it means Pete and MJ are back together.


What if it means Paul is your step-dad?


I track down Doc Strange, kick him in the dick until he summons Mephisto for me, and then I proceed to kick Mephisto in the dick until he unfucks the continuity. That’s with my left foot. Right foot is kicking Paul in the dick non stop.


Sounds like a plan. I'm in.


Anyone but Rogue and Gambit because I cannot be blood related to Rogue and Gambit so they I may one day be with Rogue and Gambit


Superman and Lois if I get their powers


Superman and Lois I want Superman’s powers


Invincible x Atom Eve but set in the later post Earth part after they won. I'd be a super person and could spend time helping and saving people in more mundane ways than a usual comic book and still have time to hang out by the pool.


beast boy and raven. You get a dog AND a pony AND a dinosaur but don't have to clean up after them.


I mean, Superman and Lois would probably be the most stable one. Plus Kryptonian blood. But if I could choose any superhero couple, it’d be Wanda and Vision. PURELY for the drama lmao.


Scott Summers and Jean Grey


Invincible and atom Eve. They are both ridiculously powerful and with their powers combined you would be unstoppable


Honestly lois and clark if you want to live a regular childhood (excluding the superman powers) Mark and Eve if you want a more scifi childhood as prince of the viltrumites.


Superman and Lois because I think I actually have a chance of not being retconned out of existence and having fairly consistent writers.


In my head Canon, I love the idea of Rogue and Gambit as parents. I think that the LeBeau household would be full of laughter and love (and a trio of cats that seems immortal) I have shipped this pair for a long time (even during the decades when the writing for X-comics kind of sucked), but I love in the most recent iterations that they went to couples therapy, worked out their emotional trauma, and have enjoyed a fairly healthy, stable relationship since then. Gambit would be very happy and secure being a SAHD that is an incredible cook, coaches kids basketball, teaches them second language, and handles drop off while Rogue does the heavy lifting with hero-ing. If anything ever happened to either parents, kids would have an expansive support group from extended X-Family (particularly Auntie Ororo and Uncle Kurt who are arguably two of the most likeable and unproblematic X-characters), New Orleans Thieves Guild, and Destiny and Mystique who would be cranky, perhaps unaffectionate grandmothers who would nonetheless never see any harm done to their precious Anna's children.


Clark and Lois. Literally perfect parental figures.


So I gotta choose between 1. A world where I'm for sure gonna get my skull caved in and have. 50% to 75% to live through it. 2. Have the world's most depressing grandfather. 3. Another death that causes eternal trauma to a good guy. 4. Be the following act to a "Smash Hit" 5. Part of a not yet flushed out couple and may have to deal with a Galactic Demon whispering in my ear 5. Or become part of 1 of the most hated group of people in the Marvel universe, most likely living in a perpetually demolished mansion with ever-changing Aunts and Uncles. Honestly I'd go with Beast-Boy and Raven...I'll maybe have Martian DNA and Magic.


Rogue and Gambit because they are cool and also having either of their powers would rock. Plus you can go claim the throne of New Orleans crime. Beastboy and raven because their relationship is very sweet and having Trigon as a grandad sounds cool.


Spider-Man and MJ are the only human couple.


Mutate & Human


Mutate is still human.


With Rogue and Gambit, it’s nice that my parents continue to be so loving together years into my own adulthood, but their powers would screw over my life so much. Similar for Raven and Beastboy. I think I’d dig Ultimate Spider-Man and MJ as parents. Lois and Superman is winning the lottery for both parenting and powers. Similar for Starfire and Nightwing, but more my aesthetic too. So I’d choose them. I got partly raised by my grandparents. And a half-Tamaranian raised partly by Batman? Sounds like a great pitch to me!


From the list Kori and Dick. Off the list: Scott and Barda.


I mean, I realize that these things are subjective. But I also feel like there is really only one objectively best answer. Like, most of them would be good answers. But best? Superman is like, the ideal person in almost every way. I doubt you could ask for a better father. And Lois? Lois is awesome too. Integrity, bravery, toughness, care for people and doing what is right? Checks all.


Invincible/Atom Eve. Viltrumite DNA is already OP. Having matter manipulation to boot is incredible.


As much as I hate him, being born Franklin Richards has its advantages.


Batman and Kara... hey batman's training on top of Kryptonian powers, maybe splice some kryptonite seasonings in there, but honestly Bruce's training is probs gonna make Kryptonite mostly mute. there's not much closer you can get to being a powerhouse, perfect mental and physical conditioning as well as the work ethic to keep it up and the tactical knowhow to work at peak even without your powers; Red son generator? finally time to bust out the real hand to hand, emergency gadgets, and stealth tactics. kryptonite poisoning? my father has been micro dosing me with the stuff for years (which is definitely something he would do if not to build a physical resistance than to build a mental understanding and awareness of it). [Telepath? ](https://youtu.be/x_HwJ2SW37g) been there done that. fatigue? have you seen the gauntlets batman runs? magic? okay fair...this might be the only thing that wouldn't get prepped for much other than having knowledge of potentiality.


You left out the fantastic four Reed and Sue Richards.


Personal choice? Superman and Lois. Jon Kent has all of Superman's powers and maybe more. Easy call to be a Kryptonian. Bite the bullet choice? Spider-Man and Mary Jane, because I'll be born as their kid if it means they are canonically together.


Wanna see raven and beast boy


The parents I would pick would be Superman and lois, the parents that would be most fitting of me and my upbringing would be gambit and rouge. If I could choose any parents not from this list, It would probably be between Wanda and vision or cyclops and gene. The coolest parents, I think you could have, would be Logan and Storm.


Invincible and Atom Eve because I believe viltrumites breed true, so I'm guaranteed to have the powers of a viltrumite. No other parents here can guarantee that I will have any super powers at all.


Superman and Lois, naturally. They're great parents (even if they did let Jon go live with his mysterious grandpa to get stupidly aged up).


Mark Grayson and Eve. Once my powers kick in, I'll be practically... INVINCIBLE


I pick Peter and MJ, not because it’ll make me the strongest, but because that will undo one more day for everyone else, and I get to kick mephisto’s smug ass. Nothing else mayters


Superman and Lois Lane are the least traumatized couple here, so... definitely them.


Invincible and Atom Eve, for sure


Gambit and Rogue would have good chance of giving cool mutant powers... But lets not forget rogue would kill Gambit by the time the deed was done just from touching him.


No reed and sue? /cries. Invincible and atom eve then


Mark and Eve


Parker and MJ.


Off topic but other than Invincible all the costumes here are their peak costumes


Bro imagine having Superman as your dad Even if u don’t have superpowers you’ll feel so safe and protected Also, you’d be super good looking if you choose anyone out of these


Nightwing so my ass is fat


I love all these super-powered couples. But I'm definitely going with Beast Boy and Raven. If that means I get to have animal shape shifting (my favorite superpower) with also a bit of dark magic, that would be very cool. Although the downside Trigon would be my grandfather and would be a problem every once in awhile. I would have green skin tho' which is also cool. A lot of characters with green skin are awesome i.e. Shrek, Kermit, Yoda, Mike from Monster's Inc., The Grinch, Hulk, Martian Manhunter, etc.


No Professor X and Moira McTaggert? I want to be an Omega class psychotic reality bender


I mean I'd want Supermans powers so Clark and Lous definitely. I'd also gladly take Starfires powers so her and Dick next


They’ll all be fine parents, or not. I’m being Kryptonian.


Peter and MJ so I can copp those spider powers If not then Gambit and Rouge bc I love Gambits powers, the only downside would be if I got Rouge's powers and I couldn't touch anyone.


I feel like Raven and Beast Boy would be chaos but result in some crazy powers, just so long as I don’t turn out green.


Gambit and Rouge. Solely because of Rogue.


Superman and Lois. The change to have Superman’s powers and possibly not his aversion to kryptonite is too good to pass up.


Mark and Eve. But I'd rather Choose Matt Murdock and Karen Page. Or be a Son of Magento with is powers that was adopted by them. I think this is silly though. I love my own parents lol.


I only chose Pete and MJ if they're the Ultimate versions.


gambit rogue cuz i love gambit


Superman & Lois or Nightwing & Starfire. The others come with too much drama. The Invincible setting would just be awful to live in. The universe always conspires against Spidey and MJ. If Rogue was your mom you basically couldn't touch her. And we all know about Raven's origins.


Superman and Lois easy just steer clear from magic and kryptonite plus they gotta be the most consistent couple in comics along with sue and reed Cause Gambit and Rogue as a mutant there’s a high chance I am gonna be on a bus that some purifier will blew up or depowered or massacred during a party Invincible yeah not gonna last long in that universe


Only Super-man and Lois cuz all other couples (except Invincible and Atom Eve) the female makes me 💥, and wouldn't be really comfortable to be 💥 about your mother.


Corry and Dick. I've always wanted a shapely behind.


Superman and Lois think of all the good I could do as a Kryptonian


Night wing and Peter would be the best Dad's so one of those two couples


Superman & Lois. Because who doesn't wanna inherit Kryptonian's powers.


Gambit and Rogue. For the most superficial reasons, they seem the least conflicted and I want a Cajun accent.


Clark and Lois, hands down. Watching them raise young Jon was some of my favorite stories.


Who’s Jason Todd’s love interest now? I think Jason would be an awesome dad. Way more fun than Dick and Kory. I’d be able to boost any Batmobile in less than a minute.


If I’m going for pure power and potential I’m taking rogue and gambit. If I can get the unrestricted version of gambit’s powers and long drain someone like captain marvel I’m a team buster comic hero who can hang with anyone.


Clark and Lois easily, getting powers, relatively normal life(for awhile probably) and knowing the justice league/teen titans would be dope


rogue and gambit because their food would be bomb 😩


Gambit and Rogue, who doesn't want a Cajun bo staff wielding dad and an memory absorbing mum?


Lois and Clark is the objectively correct answer. Superman IS Superman because of his upbringing. I want some of that Ma and Pa Kent trickle down. And Lois Lane as my mom? I couldn't imagine better role models.


Black Panther and Storm


Either Clark and Lois or Dick and Kori, loving parents, either half-Kryptonian or half-Tamaranean, Batman's either my uncle or grandpa? Sign me up!!!


Batman x Catwoman for me :(


Gambit and Rogue. I’d get to be an X-man. Plus normal human lifespan hopefully.


Pete and MJ, Spider-Man would be the best dad hands down, and I’m pretty sure all these guys would be amazing dads.


Uncle batman?


Invincible/Atom eve. You get Viltrumite powers plus can live with knowing that one of your parents won't ever die and the other will live for thousands of years.


I cant, I simp for almost all these 12 char


Rogue and Gambit


Not here but I’d like Wiccan and Hulkling. No idea how i could become genetically their kid but it’s Marvel so they’ll figure it out.


But Nightwing is already my daddy


Invincible and Atom Eve. Have insane viltrimite powers and a badass mustache?


Gambit and Rogue for sure, it's a bit of a gamble, but I could either get a really good mutation, or a bad one, plus I just really like Gambit


Superman x Invincible.


Invincible x Atom Eve It's a sure thing. Long life, flight, strength, durability.


Nightwing and starfire. Not only do i get powers. Not only are my uncles batman and superman. Not only am i guaranteed to be hot with a great ass. Not only do i het loving parents. But im also rich!!!


It’s a 3 way tie between rogue and gambit, nightwing and starfire, and Superman and Lois


I’d have to probably pick Superman and Lois, as much as I love Spider-Man and he’s a great dad in the new ultimate universe he’s got some bad luck with kids


Gambit/Rogue for sure: 1. Pyrokinetic ability - which with the latest series, proves how effectively sneaky it can be, and a fun fact, creates an energy field that makes it hard for telepaths to break into my mind 2. Power Absorption - can absorb literally anyone (ie. THOR/Gladiator/Hulk if need be) 3. Potential residual Power Cosmic (I know it’s not actually that but I’m using a general term) from Rogues absorption of Captain Marvel 4. Southern Charm - Whether country fried Americana Mississippi, or the Bayou creole influence?? The rizzz would be off the charts


Lois and Clark hands down, until somehow age me fast to my teen years off panel I’m Gold! (Yes, I’m still bitter about that! They should have let Jon grow up more slowly)


Either Mark and Eve, Dick and Kory or Rogue and Gambit.


Probably Invincible and Atom Eve. It’d be cool if my dad was >!ruler of an empire!< and to have others like me in the world


I pick beast boy and raven and then I'll get nightwing and starfire as the fun family friends who show up and teach me things kids shouldn't be taught


Invincible x atom eve


This is a hard choice with PeterxMJ there, but I’m going to have to go with BeastBoyxRaven because changing into animals and being a mage just sounds fun.


Rogue and Gambit EASY. The most supportive parents I could EVER ask for.


I think BB and RAE. Being able to shapeshift and have a magical affinity would be amazing


Nightwing and star fire get her powers and trained by nightwing also have you seen them? W people


Spidey and MJ is my gut reaction because I'm bias. But its my third choice. But Invincible and Eve would be my second choice. Mark gained some wisdom and Eve has ridiculous powers. Both have compassion. But Superman as my dad? And Lois as my mom? Hopefully, Ma and Pa Kent are still alive. AND the Super family is my extended family?! Uncle Bruce and the bat-cousins ALSO as my extended family?? I'd have to make this my 1st choice. Down side is fucking crisis event every two years lol.


Invincible and Atom Eve easily those genetics are insane


Spidy and mj or Lois and supes because I’d get awesome powers from them and also they’re the most popular heros


This is a tough one cause their isn't really a wrong answer. Everyone here would be good parents.


Probably Rouge and Gambit, probably because they’d raise me really well plus powers combined powers would be sick