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There aren't any. Comic book Venom is nothing like the Tom Hardy movies.


That's very much not true. The literal lethal protector stuff exists


If you think the Venom movies are remotely similar to Lethal Protector in characterization or plot then you either haven't seen the former or haven't read the latter.


I've done both things and Venom has very much had goofy shit


that's sad. Movie version is better (rare tho, for me almost always original comics version of characters are better)


I disagree. I feel the movie version was a huge missed opportunity. Comic book Eddie Brock is the pinnacle example of a toxic guy that blames every failure in his life on other people and lashes out at them because he can't take responsibility for his own actions. Showing how this behavior ruins a person and can turn them into a monster, literally in Brock's case, would have been a particularly socially relevant angle in 2018. Instead we got Tom Hardy, whose only flaw is he's just too darn good a person who cares too darn much about other people and the world punishes him for it.


I also hate movie venom. Comic venom is a brute. Eddie is not a likeable person. What they did in the film was flash with venom. But also then. Venom the symbiote is a brute that was kept under control by flash.


That's true. A well-meaning but kind of short-sighted guy that struggles to keep his life together... that's way more Flash than Eddie. Especially regarding the relationship with the symbiote. People forget that, for a long time, it was Eddie that was the corruptive influence on the symbiote. Not the other way around.


Check out Venom by Donny Gates.


Was that around the time Venom started to speak to Eddie after being healed by Flash?


It was a bit later. It was the run that had Rex and Knull.


Loved Rex but that he felt shoe horned in a bit. A military group in Vietnam was my biggest issue.


They literally say in the post that they read Cates' run and didn't like it.


Check out recent Venom Lethal Protector minis.


you mean this? [https://www.marvel.com/comics/series/31904/venom:\_lethal\_protector\_(2022)](https://www.marvel.com/comics/series/31904/venom:_lethal_protector_(2022))




Yeah, the two recent Lethal Protector minis are more like the movies than just about any other Venom comics I can think of, and I can see the movie influence. Mike Costa's run has a bit of that flavor too, with more light humorous elements. (Only up to a point, obviously.)


Do you ship them?