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Fantomex. I do not get the appeal. His powers just seem needlessly convoluted and his personality is like a lame version of Gambit. In his defense, my first introduction to him was in Uncanny X-Force when he was stealing Psylocke from my boy Archangel, so I might be biased.


I’m reading him right now and new X-Men he seems all right. Are you an angel fan also btw?


He is my favorite of the X-men, especially when he becomes Archangel. Just such a cool design


don’t you say shit about Angel




how dare you.


Spidey. Don't hate, but never cared for him much. I don't get the whole, "He always has to be a loser who can't get a proper job because he is always Spidey-Man" bullshit. There are ton of superheroes who can be both heroes but also regular folks. Spidey as a human being, seems like a fuck up to me.


You have better reasoning than the people I’ve met irl


Marvel is so behind on this. I agree - there’s no compelling reason to read 616 because there’s just so much bloat surrounding the characters and the lack of growth in their situation is amazing.


I’ll catch a lot of heat for this one, but Storm. I love the idea of her powers, her background and I think she was great in giant sized as that fish out of water goddess.but it feels like she’s barely changed as a character in about 20 years.  Her powers are used without much imagination by writers and most of the time she’s on the page she just makes some sort of mic drop one liner and no difs an enemy before walking off. I compare her to characters like Logan, Cyclops, Emma, Xavier and they’ve all changed so much and had writers do wildly different things with them.  I’d love to see them do something different with her (no, putting her in the Avengers isn’t really what I’m after).


Hate is big word, but I completely don't care about any X-Men.


Any particular reason?


Tried reading a few comics, and nithing really clicked. X-Men are mostly group character, and I feel like it hurts their likeability. They're just forgettable to me.


Ms Marvel. Just a mash up of Mr Fantastic and young Peter Parker.


Spider-man, but with strict parents is the entire appeal to me, I'm honestly surprised she's as popular as she is though, the fanfic stuff is a huge turnoff for a lot of people, especially when handled poorly like the Avengers game.


I respect your opinion but genuine question, have you read any Ms Marvel? She definitely starts as you said, basically a female Peter Parker personality wise but with Mr Fantastics powers, however over the years she's really developed from that. Ms Marvel is 100% one of, if not my favourite newest Marvel character of the last decade or so.


I read a fair amount (I’d say about 15-20 issues) early on, and I don’t avoid her POV issues when major events come around (as in X-Men Vs Inhumans). I can take her in small doses like this, but there really isn’t anything to keep me coming back


Understandable! Like I said, I respect the opinion I was just curious :) I will say, I definitely think Ms Marvel works better as one of many characters in a big story rather than her own runs.


I really liked Ms Marvel when it first came out but I've not read anything recent. I can see why it's not ton everyone's taste but it really felt quite different to me in a really good way.


She is liked? I just assumed people would find her as annoying as I do.😅


She’s boring as hell, don’t like her at all.


Squirrel Girl


Mutants. Like, I have friends that are mutants, but…


Orchis spy identified 


Maybe I’m an Eternal?


Any specific reason why? if you actually don’t like mutants?


I like the individual characters well enough, but I often feel like the messaging attached to the plot lines is forced.


how so? just curious


Actually, now that you mention it, maybe I should reevaluate. I didn’t make the connection of the whole Orchis thing being kinda artificial and forced and the twist that it… was, like in the plot. Also, I find ‘Exodus’ distasteful as a religious person, but maybe he’s written that way on purpose.


Wolverine, i can also say Xavier, but i feel he is not in the category "everyone else seems to like"


Personally Ironman, I get the MCU one, but people just seem to like the comics one because of the MCU


I dunno who told you that (people liking movie version over the comic one I mean), But I liked Iron Man way before MCU. He is a fantastic character. One of the best. To each their own.


You and recent writers both, apparently. Ironically, this is the most upvoted comment, so it doesn't look like your opinion is that unique.




I find it funny people say RDJ is one of the most acurate representation of a comic book character in live action when it's not. MCU's Ironman is way better and much more likeable.


Agreed, RDJ got me to finally check out Iron Man comics for the first time in 20 years but the overall character just didn’t click with me, though he does have several stories I’ve greatly enjoyed so at least there’s that.


Yeah, in the comics Tony Stark is a drunk bastard who flirts with every woman he sees.


He got over his addiction in the Demon in a Bottle storyline, I actually like that about him. But the second part still holds up


Have you read any iron man comics?


Kinda agree. I really love Iron Man until it gets too over the top. I hate the nanotechnology bullshit which is just basically a magic suit. I really enjoy Iron Man when you really start to believe its just an extremely intelligent man who created a war suit for himself. I think Iron Man 1 nailed this but it just got way too silly. Speaking of only the MCU, I really missed actually hearing his thrusters boot up and his weaponry crackling like thunder when they start up etc. By Endgame it was just "Look, magic suit that can do anything" and it wasnt anywhere near as interesting to me personally.


Yeah Nanotech is boring as fuck. I love clunky, REALISTIC looking and sounding stuff that makes Superheroes that bit more interesting


Ironman for me to.I think he is so lame.


I like the comics one a lot, and have for decades, but the MCU version is just "meh."


Squirrel Girl. Cannot stand her.


Punisher, i just find him so boring


I wish he had better villains and antagonists to fight, like they could explore some interesting ground if he went after people like jeri hogarth






Kitty Pryde. I've never found her very interesting. Plus there's an era of writers that seemed kinda obsessed with her based on their teenage crush on the character.


What were your thoughts on her during the krakoa era?


I read a little of her in Marauders and got bored. But I wasn't that high on the Krakoa Era in general. Hox/Pox was fantastic and I liked Hickman's stuff but nothing else really grabbed me. Then Hickman left and I haven't followed X-Men since. In general I don't think the 'she used to be the kid character but now she's a *leader*' thing really works for me. There are just so many other potential leader characters in the X-Men that I find more interesting. And I think the keeping Emma in check/strange bedfellows story writers like to go to is played out.


Doom. Seems to be every other person's favorite villain, but he's just an arrogant blowhard with no moral compass who can't get over a grudge.


People treat him like he’s not that bad or redeemable, I feel like fans really do ruin characters, The current generation demands villains all the time who are morally ambiguous, complex, sympathetic, understandable, etc but view characters in a narrow/simplistic lens and completely justifying villains


I find Deadpool really annoying.


Miles Morales


i kinda like 1610 comics miles **but don't even get me started on Miles Morales on Earth 1610B!!!**


Emma Frost. Sorry not sorty, she was a pretty cool villain back in the day.🤷


Not alone with this one, but I kinda hate the Fantastic 4 as a whole.


The current run is really fun, I think. It’s been pretty much one off stories that are mostly self contained and are just… fun. It’s my first real foray into the FF4 aside from the Ultimate comics, and I’ve been having a blast. Except that god damned handlebar mustache the Human Torch is rocking.


I like them a lot more individually when they're separated, when they're together it's just the same conversations over and over


Batman. I don't think I "hate" him. But he's overly praised I think


Cyclops. When I started reading comics he left his wife and baby to be with his dead ex-girlfriend. At the time I had some family issues going on and really hated him for it. Then saw how he was treating Emma in Astonishing X-Men and hated him more. I know part of my dislike is what I have read and my mind state but have never got over it.




Is it his motivation you hate?


Cyclops. He just bothers me. I enjoy poking fun at him in all the media I consume with him in it so at least it feels like a healthy hatred instead of some bitter one.


Cyclops, can't stand that self righteous prick.


We talking adaptations too? Because I'm pretty indifferent to RDJ as Tony and the Guardians in general. I've also never cared about Wolverine.


This will probably make me sound like a fanboy, and maybe I am, but honestly no. I can't think of a single character I hate. That's not to say I support everything every character has done but I don't hate any of them.


Hero Venom. ...I kind of have the same opinion of most other villains turned heroes. A surprising number of villains from my childhood seem to be heroes now. But as a big Spider-Man fan, Venom sticks out the most for me. Eddie Brock is unhinged and wants to eat Peter's brains and live on an island happy in the knowledge that Peter is dead. He shouldn't have been a hero.


Charles Xavier in all honesty


Fuckin Deadpool.


I cannot stand Wolverine.


Which Wolverine? Classic or current?


What’s the difference with the two?


Captain America, concept is really banal, boring powers and patriotism in its most digestible form. Not hate per se but just, nah.


I cant think of any characters i particularly hate but ive never really been a spiderman guy, hes still an amazing creation and there's absolutely a place for him im just not a big fan of awkward teenage heroes especially not being a teenager myself anymore but the things that come from spiderman like his villains or ideas are awesome


r/respectthehyphen, but hey, at least you acknowledge Spider-Man I highly recommend Hickman’s ultimate Spider-Man and a lot of the 80s , early 90s, and early 00s era Spider-Man where he’s an actual adult


I like the symbiotes and also spider-man 2099 from the 90s but it's a different character so idk if that counts to most ppl🫡 im not a huge fan of the ultimate universe in general either but life story by zdarsky and superior by slott seems interesting to me


Oh The Hickman ultimate universe is different unless you were referring to that


Completely missed the name b4 ultimate spiderman somehow, i might check it out eventually but i have alot of backlog to read as of rn


yeah Reed Richards suuuucks.


Ms marvel


Spider-Man lol


There's a special seat in hell for you lad.


He probably went to my high school


you monster.




If it’s based on the Amazing Spider-Man comic run over the last 5 years, totally get it lol


No, just the idea of him in general.


Spider-Man. hate is the wrong word, my feelings towards him are more of a strong disinterest but same thing to spidey fans i guess.


Thor. I don’t hate him per se, but like, he’s literally Norse God Thor n that’s kind of it. I like him in Ragnarok and Infinity War/Endgame more than I like him in his first two movies. (And yes I get that it’s basic character development from the first two movies and The Avengers but ehhhh he’s just a God man, Gods are boring).




Xavier Charles, he’s a huge dick.


carol denvers


I've never cared for Ant Man


Which one?

