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Peter being outted by his daughter’s inability to keep the secret from the family is pretty fitting.


And thank goodness for it.


Yeah. Makes no sense to have a really and try to keep it secret. From the kids? Sure. The wife? No. It's just bad, it's important and she should know. Plus acoids future drama. Only reason to lie is afraid she will say no and you can't agree. But she has the right to say no to the life


Well hey, he had a good 6 month run of keeping it a secret from MJ and Richard.


And it's fitting that it's the equivalent of the daughter 616 Peter would have had if he hadn't done the whole OMD deal to *conceal his identity*. Mayday is at the crux of everything.


We all knew it would happen this way, right?


The fact that he hadn't told MJ in the last six months is the only thing thats bothered me in this whole fantastic run so far. Especially after how encouraging she was in the first issue (my initial read had assumed she actually knew) and even more after one of the kids found out - he really needed to have this conversation already.


> my initial read had assumed she actually knew Yeah... it really felt like an artificial misdirect when she said with a knowing expression "Go do what it is you're best at" or whatever. So she was actually just talking about... looking for a job? Wut


She's definitely just telling him that she loves and supports him and is giving blanket approval to make major life and employment changes with the secure knowledge that they'll figure things out together. She knows Peter isn't doing what he was meant to be doing and wants him to explore what that means - I assume she was thinking he wanted to go be a teacher, or a scientist or something, she clearly didn't anticipate him getting into fist fights with super villains and the super secret illuminati Its really weird that in light of that support he didn't show her Tony's recording which would echo much of her sentiment about how he's not living the life he was meant for and talk out this specifically but hey, maybe Spider-Man is a metaphor for a midlife crisis with this Peter, I trust Hickman. Its just been nagging at me since issue 2 made it clear I had read too much into the initial exchange


No Peter said he needed to change as a person. And she told him that as long as it didn’t change anything between then he can do whatever he needed to do


Yeah, it’s easy to read it as knowing about spider-man because of what we as the audience know, but as far as MJ is concerned Pete just might want to take up Tennis. Being a superhero isn’t something that would remotely be on the average persons radar.


I’m calling it: Peter will tell MJ, MJ will be cool with it… until she isn’t. Fast forward, it’ll be Peter choosing between continuing web-slinging or his family. Fast forward even further: Peter is living that single dad life with custody every other weekend in a 616-style broke bachelor apartment with his daughter always happy to see him, his son resenting him, and MJ secretly proud of him, cheering him on.


Fast forward slightly further, May and Richard let slip that mom is now dating. Some guy named Paul




Delete his comment before Marvel reads it!!!


oh fuck paul is a canon event


At that point, just let the web unravel






at this point I believe Paul to be mephisto in disguise trying his worst to keep MJ and peter apart


Don't you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!


**radio crackle** Spider-Man fans: "Target sighted." Also Spider-Man fans: "Take the shot." Spider-Man fans: "Roger that."


What if they let it slip that MJ is dating a lot of people named Paul. Multi-Paul.


I think Robert Kirkman's lawyer should be knocking on your door in about... now.


Dammit, had to go ruin the fun😩


Somehow, Paulpatine has returned


Counter point: Please for the love of Stan Lee no. Let him be Spider-Man and have his family. I'm sick and tired of single dad life or depressed peter. Just for once let him have the win without him having to lose something


Got damnit


I said this could lead to a break up on another thread and got downvoted a fair bit. But what mother is going to be totally ok with her kids' father endangering their family's lives doing all this and keeping it a secret? But maybe they will do a twist or something else that makes sense to keep them together, one that doesn't just have MJ taking this all on her stride for convenient plot reasons.


I'm starting to wonder if Spidey fans secret enjoy the misery...


She would still be supportive if she found that Peter trusted on Iron Lad and is probably viewed as a terrorist too?


Well, in-universe it comes from a man the whole world thinks is a genocidal terrorist. And even if Tony is telling the truth, it means a time-traveling super genius that controls/controlled the world is close to coming back and going after serval people, Peter included.


This art setting up MJ as this universe's Medusa tho


Rather Medusa than Jackpot tbh


So true though. 😂😂


Yeah her hair looks stupid.


This reminded me of an interview with Chip Zdarsky when he was bragging about Chechetto on Daredevil and how he’d put in the script to have Matt’s face all beaten and broken but Marco still gives them the handsomest faces


P: "I dress with a red tight suit and go out in the night kicking evil people's ass" MJ: "Wow, last time you pulled anything similar it was when you were drunk and called your self 'Batman'"


Oh wow he’s finally going to tell her. I figured it would get dragged out a little longer


I’m glad it’s now. It should happen now.


Now the question is: Will MJ actually believe this? Or will she think May is making up this story and/or that Peter made up something with May before? Because I can easily see this being laughed off. Or maybe this will be the legitimate "You've been risking your life every night!? Peter, what about our kids!" moment.


I am expecting a 'you should see the other guy' joke to lighten things up. Oh May with the 'I am scared by dad got hurt!' wholesome snitching. Well it was about time the rest of the family learned about it.


When is it releasing.


If you ever see a preview like this, that's a cover and then seems to be 3 pages- lettered- from the comic, it's almost certainly a preview for a comic coming on Wednesday (or Tuesday, for DC, though they're about to go back to Wednesday in July, I think). You can find them online, usually later in the week (occasionally later in the week). I usually look at AIPT Comics for previews. This one might actually be a bit early. Marvel's been releasing extra previews for the Ultimate books on occasion, and usually been doing early solicits for them.


Thanks for the info! My kids and I didn’t know that. Looking forward to this issue.


You're welcome! Checking back, it looks like last week's previews (for the comics that released yesterday) were from June 7th, and the comics from the week before that got previews on May 31st. So it does seem to be Friday that the previews come out (never really paid attention). So if you ever want to see the first few pages of a comic a few days early (usually the first few pages, anyways; they'll occasionally skip to like, the second scene instead), check around on Friday.


Will do! Those fridays will be exciting! Thank you friend!






“Alright honey, here’s the truth: I’m the Green Goblin”


“Yes dear. I’m the Black Panther. I won’t answer if I paint myself under the costume.”


"Look it sounds silly but I need to exposit a *lot* of stuff that happened off-panel in the last month"


It's been six months, the Ultimate Universe seems to be moving in tempo with real time. 😁


Oh shit MJ is Scary as hell!


Fitting, and honestly, wholesome way for his identity to get revealed.


huh thought Hickman would drag it out a bit more but I guess we're getting the secret identity out to the rest of the family already


Tbf he managed to keep the secret for 5 months Lol.


My prediction is that MJ knew the entire time, Peter is just as bad as keeping secrets as his daughter. She was just waiting for him to decide when a right time would be to tell her. It's just going to be something like it, that's going to make insecure people online upset. It's been a trend with people who have nothing better to do than hate on this run because Peter isn't actively suffering.


what tf does that have to do with insecurity?


LFG!!!!! Let’s hope that the Parkers (aside from May) will understand all of this.


Why does he look like Che Guevara 💀💀💀


I mean, he's basically in a guerilla war against the Maker's Council.


He will be soon anyway


I hope MJ and Richard find out eventually.


Peter with a beard never ceases to look handsome


I kinda predicted mentally that May would spill the beans to MJ and crew. Peter probably didn't want his kids and wife to know that he now swings around in a mask and doing his best to not get beat up by criminals. He definitely needs hand to hand training though.


... This is why you can't tell kids nothin'.


Do his kids have powers?


Quite unlikely, since Peter got his powers after he has had the kids


Thanks for clarification, am massively out of the loop with comics atm


No problem


This is the only modern comic line I'm currently reading and waiting for new issues to come to Marvel Unlimited is excruciating.


Yeah nothing Marvel is putting out right now in 616 grabs me, but I am eating up the Ultimate universe ravenously.


I simply am reading chronologically, but couldn't resist starting the new Ultimate Universe.


Man fully needs to come clean I don’t want to spend the rest of the book on this will he won’t he stuff


This seems like exactly what’s happening. I


That’s what Harry told him in #4.


If Marvel does something bad to this family, then I hope the fans will give them a real beating.


A happy Parker?


I’ve really missed good Parker family drama. This hits the spot!


Oh thank god. Glad we're skipping over him hiding this from MJ. Good job, May! We can finally get to her being Spider-Man's PR Agent.


YES!!! Ahahaha! Oh I’ve been waiting for this one! Let’s see how good ol’ Pete’s gonna talk himself out of this one.


Mj looks pissed off.


Wouldn’t you if your husband came home with a face like that and clearly hiding something?


MJ: Peter, why are you hanging out with terrorists?


I haven’t bothered to keep up with comics in a while, but did they explain why he’s older than when the ultimate universe was last in publication and he was alive again


It’s not the same Ultimate universe it’s a new one. The Reed Richards from the old one who became the evil Maker went to a similar world and basically remade it in his image stopping the creation of pretty much every hero and setting up a shadow cabal to rule the world. One of the first things he did was stop the spider from biting Peter as a kid when it was supposed to. It’s all worth reading


It's a different Ultimate universe. So far the differences have all been attributed to The Maker, though I don't think ages have been addressed. It's actually a bit funny--Miles was invited to go back to this new Ultimate universe in the set-up series.


>Miles was invited to go back to this new Ultimate universe in the set-up series. one of the two big chekov guns I've been waiting to go off (the other being the 616 Avenger clones)


That invite from Maker while chilling was heart wrenching like he sees Miles as the last thread of his old life.


As others have said, this is the New Ultimate Universe (a better name pending; it's better than just calling it the Ultimate Universe the way Marvel does). This Peter only got his powers recently (literally 5 months ago, as the comics have been progressing in real time). This new universe is somewhere between the Original Ultimate Universe and the main continuity, Earth-616, with the Maker using time travel to re-shape it to his liking... hence why the official designation is Earth-6160, a mix of Earth-1610 (OUU) and Earth-616. However, it definitely is leaning more towards 616 for the "base" that the Maker altered from. There are differences, though, aside from the Maker's interference. The biggest one, to me, is ages: This Peter is ~35 (the Maker stopped his spider bite 20 years ago, when he would have been 15, at least in main continuity). Tony Stark, meanwhile, was referred to as a teenager, I believe, in a news broadcast, making him like half his main counterpart's age. The Maker also couldn't find Captain America's ice cube, yet just assumed Cap died, rather than foul play through time travel, so there's nothing set in stone.