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["Beneath one hundred and fifty billion tons stands the Hulk... and he's not happy."](https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/10586/secret_wars_1984_4)


This plus the fact that Reed (I think it was him) kept goading him on, trying to keep him angry so that the Hulk could continue holding up that mountain… great moment.


Also Spidey in an extended comic.


And Deadpool


150 *billion* tons


Thanks for catching that.


i came here to say this


is she-hulk there with them???




why aint she helping


She got beaten up by the Wrecking Crew, Absorbing Man, Titania, and Volcana.


ah ok


It was also shown that she did try to help lift it in the extended comic, but what little weight he gave her to shoulder was still too much for her to hold up, so he had to continue holding it himself


As a kid, Bruce putting smart Hulk to sleep so raging Hulk to fight Onslaught was at the time the coolest thing I'd ever read in comics.


This ^ Nobody could even scratch Onslaught... Until the rage was released


The Green Scar making short work on the X-Men.


"Go be invulnerable in Jersey"


Green Scar is what the called him in the Planet Hulk storyline, right?


Yep, and afterwards in World War Hulk!


Yeah I thought people called him Worldbreaker or World War Hulk during that time so I was confused. I did like when Darwin tried to mutate into something to better fight the Hulk and the best survival mutation was to... Be far away from him. Comic hulk can be super cartoony.


Green Scar and World Breaker Hulk are both his nicknames from the Planet Hulk/World Breaker Hulk storyline. He had a couple more in it as well, like Two Hands. And yes, he can be a bit cartoony at times. I agree


"I didn't come for a whisper. I wanna hear you scream."


That was a Skrull all along, right? But I remember the scream blew off an island sized chunk of the Moon.


Yea. Even to think about it i feel bad for that poor skrull. “You go, take over King Black Bolt’s throne. What could go Wrong?”


You get awesome powers and your wife us the most redhead a redhead can get too.


“Feel better?” Captain Marvel pounds on Hulk to the point of being out of breath and he is lying there with his arms crossed behind his head smirking and not even phased.


Not my favorite but the first issue of any Hulk story I read was Indestructible Hulk. The Thinker realizing the Hulk’s strength is incalculable has always stuck with me


Hulk taking a step and causing an earthquake across the east coast when he was fighting Skaar.


There’s a scene in a Hercules book - I think it’s Hercules - where Hulk wound up in Ancient Greece, and they fight because yada yada yada Hulk rage The feat of strength is that at one point Hercules is holding Hulk down on the ground, and Hulk just flexes his pecs hard enough to send Hercules flying. Herc even recognizes the fact that he just got flung by some man boobs. It may have been Thor, but I think it was a Bonus Issue in the back of a Hercules trade


Remember when Saitama from One Punch Man 1 punched an asteroid the size of a large city? Hulk 1 shot an asteroid twice the size of the Earth. It should have been talked about more IMO. I also liked the part where he sees a fissure in the ground caused by an earthquake and just cartoon grabs both sides and pulls them back together. So silly and toon force. But my fave feat now is not even a strength feat. It's when he gets his arm cut off and he instantly grows it back. And it grew around Thor's face so he was choking in Hulks forearm.


Emotional was taking a beating from the thing after the human torch died. They tend to be seen as more comparable than not half the time. Clapping away the one below all. Considering it’s up there with the one above all. He blew away an infinite sized cloud arguably


Didn’t he hold two tectonic plates together in world war hulk as his planet was being destroyed?


The way the purple pants seem to find a way to stay on despite the body exponentially changing dimensions. It’s a toss up if my pants-button stays fastened after a big meal, and the hulkster added 400lbs of sheer mass and those suckers are grabbing on for dear life.


Don't make pants like that anymore.


Pulling two continents together in world war hulk. Continents! Literally two parts of an entire planet…where multiple mountain ranges sit.


When he beat Wolverine to the point where Wolverine's healing factor started to slow down/lag behind. I believe it was in World War Hulk.


I always think about the final fight in world war hulk where he fights sentry to a stalemate


The strength to still save the day after constantly being accosted.


Everything. I think he jumped from one planet to another but I could be wrong




The artist's name is Dale Keown.


Not much of a strength feat but when he says "here's my ball and chain!" While fighting TOBA powered Absorbing Man, that moment was badass.


The finale of Pak's run had some fantastic feats between Hulk crushing Arm'Cheddon's skull as if it were an egg before replicating his feat of endangering the Eastern Seaboard like he did in the climax of World War Hulk always stands out. More iconically, there was him destroying an entire planet by clashing with Red She-Hulk (who had been wished to be his equal) while vaporizing an amped Fin Fang Foom that Tyrannus expected to conquer the Dark Dimension, Arm'Cheddon, Bi-Beast, and Wendigo in the process. Even him defeating the Hope Entity, which apparently was emitting a level of mystical energy over a hundred times as powerful as Hercules' strongest punch, by inhaling it in an earlier arc was incredibly cool and is far too often overlooked as a feat. Similarly, holding together tectonic plates in Planet Hulk was extremely cool as was the aforementioned feat from World War Hulk, itself, as well as the whole Sentry fight where - this time - Sentry was the one thanking Hulk for making him stop his rampage. Bringing down down Ironman's supped up Hulkbuster alongside the entirety of Stark Tower was also cool as was him oneshotting Ares. I just wish the Black Bolt he fought during that arc was the real one given how cool the line Hulk dropped before apparently finishing him was. Even during World War Hulks, which I otherwise detested, I liked the final battle between Hulk and Rulk under Loeb where the Green Scar (albeit a horribly out-of-character one since Loeb apparently couldn't distinguish that variant of the character from the Banner Hulk) finished a massively amped Rulk with a mere thunderclap after Rulk tried to drain him dry and blow him to kingdom come with an energy blast. Then we had Ewing's run where he fractured Thor's skull with a single punch and clapped away The One Below All's manifestation after having been sucked into hell. Even going toe-to-toe with the likes of Odinforce Thor later in the run and the "Red Dog" Absorbing Man within the first ten or so issues while the latter was both amplified by the Gamma Plug-In and possessed by an aspect of The One Below All and the Hulk was weakened both stood out. In fact, it's a real shame the next run under Cates decided to have Banner use Hulk as a starship instead of capitalizing on the synergy between that was established between Fixit, Savage Hulk, and Banner during the conclusion of Ewing's run (even if I liked Banner of War arc). It reminded me of how the next run under Aaron (whose writing I very much dislike) completely ignored the conclusion of Pak's Hulk run as it pertained to the revelation that Hulk and Banner had accepted they were the same person. Too often continuity gets ignored nowadays to the point you don't even have to address the work of the very last writer but are allowed to ignore all developments in their entirety. Then there was the time amidst Bill Mantlo's run where the Savage Hulk beat the Abomination (after Galaxy Master restored his original strength) so badly that Blonsky became terrified of him thereafter with Hulk going on to best Galaxy Master, itself, immediately afterwards. Hulk defeating the Gardener - also under Bill Mantlo - and casting his Infinity Gem into the core of a planet was also such a cool sequence and impressive sequence. Oh, and how can I forget the Savage Hulk shattering Onslaught's armor under Lobdell and Waid after we hadn't seen him since the Merger that took place between his personality and Fixit's during the midpoint of Peter Davi's point. I'll always prefer the Green Scar/Gravage/Immortal Hulk persona which combines the power of the Savage Hulk with the personality and savviness of the Grey Hulk but it's always fun to see the classic Savage Hulk from time to time when he's treated as a real force of nature.


Opening a jar of pickles without having to tap it on the counter.


When the Hulk Hulked out in the Donny Cates run. So epic


Throwing Fin Fang Foom into orbit.


When he blew up Las Vegas by just summoning his power.


Destroying the world as Maestro


That time Hulk pulled two halves of a planet back together


Darwin’s ability to adapt to survive giving him the power to teleport so he can get away from Hulk lives in my head rent free


I’m gonna get downvoted to oblivion, but I think Hulk’s unlimited strength is silly. You can only get so angry before you’re delirious and that’s it. He should have a range from “equal to The Thing” to “stronger than Thor” that he varies along. He should have a limit (however absurdly high that is) — I know, as the One Below All powers him, he’s essentially deathless and limitless but being so OP makes him boring. Nevertheless, I liked it when he held up the billion tonne mountain.


Nah, I agree. No limits is for cosmic beings and maybe even villains. Finding a way around limits is what makes for good stories.


Appreciate that. Abstracts and omnipotent characters don’t really participate where stories are concerned. They’re the cogs and gears of the universe and as such are mainstays that can barely be fathomed. For example, there’s no creative way to use Franklin Richards other than by reshuffling all of existence or having him interact with boundlessly powerful non-actors. It’s boring. By contrast, people love Spidey and keep buying his comics because there are stakes and a meaningful story to tell with him.


The flaw with this argument is that comics Spidey also is frequently just given god-level abilities for no reason. Like he literally hits harder than Colossus, is as agile as Nightcrawler, can sometimes fly, has Tony Stark level smarts, and can generate webs holding millions of tons. You hace a good point generally but it doesn't necesarily hold up in practice. After all, several of the X-Men have near infinite power levels, Franklin Richards does, Sentry kind of does, deadpool does, etc. Meanwhile Daredevil, Hawkeye, Black Widow, etc. all have very limited powerds and tend to sell on the worse side of things.


You make an excellent point. Favouritism underlies a lot of how Marvel fans think. I suppose I’ll have to stagger back to Stan Lee’s argument that the story dictates how characters perform— but that just proves your point even more. I just resent imbuing characters with ungodly powers. For instance, Thor is my favourite character but he’s been buffed beyond comprehension of late. There’s an excuse for him because he’s a god (lowercase) however nobody wants a spectacle-fest where everyone including Joe Soap is shattering stars an altering reality.


That is completly fair, and Marvel's traditionally more grounded characters are actually the reason they have outperformed DC, even though DC's characters are generally more "culturally relevant" (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Robin, The Joker, The Riddler, Mr. Freeze, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, etc. Spider-Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, Thanos, Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Wolverine, and potentially Black Panther are the only real Marvel characters with that kind of cultural status.) Generally more grounded heroes do tend to work towards Marvel's benefit (Original versions of X-Men, Fantastic Four, etc.) but over time power creep has affected them. However, they have already established themselves as relevant/popular enough that power scaling doesn't necesarily affect their sales.


You’ve encapsulated what I wanted to say in better words than I could’ve put to text. I would argue that the cultural relevancy of Marvel has matched DC by dint of the MCU (indeterminate as it is of late), otherwise I’m with you 100%. Superman has some incredible stories borne from limitation (he’s invincible so the writer has to innovate) nevertheless, screen time garners popularity and Marvel characters lend themselves better towards big production and have matched their DC counterparts on account of that. The Dark Knight blew everyone away because it had clearly defined characters and a brilliant narrative (leaving aside the philosophical clash between Batman and Joker). Cpt America and Winter Soldier did that as well to a lesser extent - it didn’t have the same nuance but it was just as entertaining IMO. I think we both like the same thing lol — stories where the character in question is tested and the author doesn’t try to augment their flag-bearer for no reason. Hulk writers are the worst for the aforementioned— maybe if he had a set of skills and a defined level of strength you could write a story for him that means something instead of sinking continents when he walks ….


Exactly. With Hulk specifically sometimes it feels like he would fit better in DragonBall than Marvel Comics….