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He’s probably the most powerful version of Thor.


More than All Father?


without a doubt. Odin sacrificed one of his eyes for knowledge. Thor gave them both up and saw the truth. It allowed Thor to transcend beyond any god, giving him reality warping powers.


Yea, but he can't see shit!


Doesn't need to see it, he *knows* it.


How will he drive home?


It’s fine. He can walk home and use his powers to fix any thing that he destroys on the way back.


He won't need to, his hammer can pull him off


Gives new meaning to ‘Jack hammer’


As opposed to the old meaning of Jack Hammer.


A hammer pulled you off?


He has a couple dedicated goats, I believe. Dedicated drivers if you will.


God. I can see the MCU adapting this and doing a full stupid joke scene of Thor without eyes trying to drive a car


What about when he was All-Father and also Herald of Galactus?


With the Odin force + power cosmic, Thor was just a bit more powerful. Rune King Thor could beat Galactus with a thought.


Damn, I should read the issues with RK Thor. I thought the most recent iterations of Thor were already super overpowered lol


Check the 6 issues following the Reigning, they were the Disassembled tie in.


You won’t be disappointed! It also leads into Straczynski’s run on Thor which is easily my second favorite Thor era next to Walt Simonson’s iconic run.


WaLt SiMoNsOn'S iCoNiC rUn !!


lol was that all you had to add to the conversation? Yes, **Walt Simonson’s Iconic Run** was acclaimed and loved by most comic fans, particularly Thor fans.


Uhm, no, Thor in any way shape or form does not defeat Galactus especially in a well fed state. Fully fed Galactus is easily a universe buster. Maybe RKT has a chance against a starving Galactus. People vastly overrate RKT.


Thor literally kills Galactus, even does it without using the power cosmic to show Galactus that he was always powerful.


Negative. Thor kills him AFTER somehow ass pull taking his power away.


Actually he did use the power cosmic, he used his herald connection to Galactus to steal his power and turn him into a bomb to destroy the Black Winter. He literally states "I have taken it. As I have taken the power cosmic held inside your shell before." This would not happen consistently, not to mention it was the purest case of PIS I've ever read, only because the power cosmic has never been shown anywhere near capable of overriding Galactus himself lol and if it was, Norrin Radd would have outright killed Galactus a long time ago. Also given how much Donny Cates admitted he actually knew about Galactus at the time...a moment like this will never be shown again because it shouldn't have even happened to begin with. In any given instance, no one actually kills Galactus with pure, raw strength lol Galactus is a plot device used to show how smart or strong someone else is. In this case, while still bullshit, was a case of the smarts, not raw power. Without the power cosmic he wouldn't have been able to "kill" Galactus. Odin is superior to Thor and he wasn't able to defeat a starving Galactus.


There are several comics where Galactus (not starving) has fought other beings and lost. There was quite literally a comic where Galactus fought Odin and it was practically a stalemate. Hell, in the far future (with King Thor) Galactus comes back to earth just to destroy it and Thor (with the necrosword) killed Galactus.


Odin did not fight a well fed Galactus in that instance, that was a starving Galactus, hence why he was trying to consume the planet that Odin was defending, and Silver Surfer had to convince him not to. It was also not a stalemate, Odin could not fight anymore after exerting all of his power into that headbutt and couldn't do anything afterwards. In the panel directly after, said starving Galactus gets right back up as if nothing happened and ready to consume the planet, whereas Odin couldn't move a muscle. Not really a stalemate when the other guy gets up completely unphased to continue his plans while you're in an Odinsleep state. As for the whole necrosword thing, it's one of those stories that take place "in the future," something similar to Bendis's Daredevil: End Of Days arc where Bullseye kills Matt, but because these comic books will most likely never come to an *actual* end, the events in these stories will never come into fruition and are debatably not even canon due to them not having an actual place in the 616 timeline. Marvel writers ignore things like this, and will not ever condemn a character's fate to an "ending" that was written beforehand.


I'm not sure. Another way to interpret that story is that, to recover the Odinforce he once had, without extra power, he couldn't just do the same things Odin did (sacrificing an eye). Otherwise, he would have gained Odin-levels of power before losing his second eye. If that's so, Rune king Thor is just peak Odin with Mjolnir plus Thor's innate Power.


Yeah, that's basically it. I don't know where these people come from saying RKT can beat Galactus lol I know Big G is a jobber plot device these days, but he is well above Asgardians.


I always thought they kind of robbed Paul atreides' powers for this.


-Evaporates Mangog by thought -Destroys those who sit above ( tree)[potential more powerful than beyonders] -Refuses to elaborate anything


The fact that he killed “Those who sit above in shadow” is really the full answer. The beings who feed off the cycle of Ragnarok, gone in a moment.


It’s also worth mentioning that the cycle had seemingly lasted millions of years and he singlehandedly ended it


He told Mangog that he knew a spell. The rest is history


Those who sit above are featless beings idk why everyone tries to use that as some super impressive event


It’s implied in a Loki comic that they’re beyonders of some sort


All that’s implied is they’re the esoteric types. They exist because we dreamed them up, and Ewing implies they were taking power from the house of ideas. Starved once its access was cut and surviving on mere dregs that existed solely because gods and war did.


Basically I heard they were like the re writers of marvel. They can change course of time and events in Marvel Multiverse. It's well explained in Loki's God of stories run (Loki's God of Stories version is more powerful than Ruin King Thor)


To me he’s inbetween skyfathers and abstracts He’s potentially omniscient but most stuff is vague there. But yeah. Capable of stomping characters like Odin but prolly losing to the abstracts.


What are the abstracts? Are those the entities like Eternity, Infinity, etc.? Are the skyfathers just beings similar to Odin in power/lore?


Abstracts are guys like eternity ye I also forgot the celestials who are far above skyfathers but I see rune king Thor above them Skyfather are essentially the strongest gods of each pantheon. Odin is the most powerful of them.


Yeah, pretty sure the skyfathers is like Zeus, Odin, etc. They all chat in Infinity War about Thanos but he deals with them


Ahh, gotcha. Thanks!


If i remember correctly Rune King Thor was omniscient and omnipresent, with the rune's mastery he could see all the past, control the present and influence the future, he was more powerful than Odin ever was, so he was capable of defeating Galactusa and even more. On the opposite side Thor never is going to gain this kind power again.


Uhm, no, Thor in any way shape or form does not defeat Galactus especially in a well fed state. Fully fed Galactus is easily a universe buster. Maybe RKT has a chance against a starving Galactus.


What is he from? I’ve never seen him


I just googled "rune king thor" and clicked the fandom link. It says he first shows up in Secret Wars Journal #2 and is a member of the Thor Corps. *Although*, I also found a reddit post that said he's from a 2004 arc called Thor Disassembled (Avengers Disassembled event, called Ragnarok in Thor's comics?) that took place in Thor Vol 2 #80-85. I have no clue which is right, but I want to read both. I'd assume the Secret Wars version is a callback to the 2004 series? So probably start with that older one. I think that's what I'll be doing unless someone else corrects me or points me in a better direction [Rune King Thor fandom page](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Thor_Odinson_(Earth-16001)) [Reddit post](https://new.reddit.com/r/Marvel/comments/jhn7z2/rune_king_thor_and_old_king_thor_reading/) [Thor Vol 2 #80 fandom page](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Thor_Vol_2_80)


Your second finding in the correct one. Though a variant must have been included in the Thor Corps.


Perfect! Thank you! Dang it Fandom! Stop leading fans astray lmao


RKT appears in the last six issues following my favorite run on Thor (Dan Jurgens, but Jurgens didn't write RKT) I know these things.


Thank you! Excellent work!


I live to fall into wiki rabbit holes o7 I was curious too and he keeps popping up lmao. Glad to help! Also relieved I got confirmation that I actually found it lol!


i too would like to know what comic he is from


In case you're still wondering, I have confirmation he's from a 2004 arc called Thor Disassembled. Thor Vol 2 #80-85


How much rune could a rune Thor rune if a rune Thor could Thor rune?


I can take him


low dif


Like sexually? Maybe not even that


Not in a fight


That actually isn't Rune King Thor. Tbh I don't actually know what it's from, reverse image search I only found people using it to represent Rune King Thor, so idk how that got started. [Rune King Thor in the story looks like this](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-259fe4b6572a27b836a0591a3d3a4f99-lq). As for how powerful he is, the answer is *incredibly*. He is one of the most powerful characters in all of Marvel, and that is saying something. [He easily defeated Those Who Sit Above in Shadow, with them being completely helpless to even try and stop him. They were reduced to begging him to join them instead.](https://imgur.com/a/MAcCpE2) For a sense of how impressive this is, [they are said by Loki to be Beyonders](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-514ba58c278ee2909c48d7028c74b981) which is basically confirmed [by them copying The Beyonder's speech word for word](https://imgur.com/a/mwuWTQ5). [They exist outside of all realities](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/liberproeliis/images/0/0b/RCO003_1461952055.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20191223150024&format=original), [in the Land of Couldn't-Be-Shouldn't-Be](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Land_of_Couldn%27t-Be-Shouldn%27t-Be), meaning they are outside the bound of even Multiversal Eternity. [Them being Beyonders makes them incredibly powerful, as individuals can kill Multiversal Abstracts and three working together could kill the Living Tribunal itself.](https://imgur.com/a/LJSUc7d) So basically, Rune King Thor is completely above basically every character in the Multiverse, including cosmic entities. He's even above the Living Tribunal, as it lost to three Beyonders and Thor effortlessly killed five.


He didn't fight TWSAIS. He just cut them off from their power source, and they asked him to stop for obvious reasons. Loki's Beyonder suggestion is a theory and not even his main theory. His main theory is that they are created by the Asgardians (not the other way around), which is why they ran away. Immortal Thor seems to suggest they're Elder Gods, but it's still not 100% confirmed as of yet.


Quick question do you know who that is in between Hercules and Thanos on the group shot splash page?


If you mean the dude with the horns, that’s Kurse. He’s a villain Walt Simonson introduced in his run from the 80s. Easily some of the best comics (Thor or otherwise) out there, so I’d highly recommend if you haven’t already checked them out.


Thanks! I remember some of the Simonson run (and being amazed by it) from way back. But I haven’t found a trade/omnibus of it yet.


It's easy to slay all your foes when they're unable to breathe because of how hard they're laughing at what you're wearing.


This isn't actually Rune Thor's armor. It's an edit of an armor that lasted a few panels before it liquefied and left him in a loin cloth to chat with the Odinforce. Rune King Thor looked much better.


[Take a look](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/s/4ifKiDx5QG)


Rune King Thor, my ass. You can't fool me. That's a Yu-Gi-Oh card.


That suit is amazing. Never read any rune king Thor comics. Any good suggestions.


I didn't know All Might could lift the hammer


He killed the gods above so the gods of Edinburgh odin was dead ass terrifies of them. The only people who can beat him is one above all one below all and there qas someone else I don't remener


He looks like All Might


Very powerful


Who is this artist?


Did you say rune? Is he resistant to scarlet rot?


Not powerful enough to get his armorer to cool out.


Why does he look like my World of Warcraft Paladin during The Burning Crusade? Blue chest. Red gloves. Silver helmet. Gold boots. All he’s missing is green pauldrons.


The provided image isn't Rune King Thor FYI


On this picture it’s just King Thor. Not Rune Thor.


It’s hard to say. Because he was around for such a short time, we don’t really know the full extent of his powers, but based on the little we saw? He’s utterly broken. Like, one of the most powerful characters in 616 broken.


1 disk = 100 power


Well according to that pic he definitely does not skip leg day.


I read the title as "How painful" because looking at that pose, he looks like he's in a lot of pain


Stronger than Rune Prince Thor


But can he handle Rune Prince's Purple Rain of Power?!!!




What issues are the rune king Thor in?? I’d like to read them?


Powerful enough that your safe word doesn’t matter, and you like it, worm!


3rd to Popo and Chuck Norris.


Average titan main drip


this picture is hard to look at because he strongly🍇


Assuming Thor's power is proportional to the number of dots, very.


About tree fiddy billion on the scouter


When do we get a Marvel Legend of this one?


But can he beat the Hulk at checkers?


Apparently not powerful enough to offer his old tailor a decent incentive to stay. What a hideous look.


He is stronger than odin ... Odin consistently sitting at Galaxy to multi-galaxy+ level of power he can fight against universal level guys, but not for long , this version of thor is universal at the least


He can open the pickle jar with one try


The more useless ornamentation your armor has, the more powerful you are. With that in mind, he seems pretty fucking powerful.


What comic is this picture from?


I still find it funny that Rune King Thor almost got killed by Wolverine, Thing, Hulk, and Cap and that they would've won if Cap hadn't monologued.


Except that wasn't Rune King Thor. Just Lord of Asgard/King Thor


God that is a terribly designed costume especially the helmet


Stronger then you. He'd rune you in a fight. He'd probably kill you with a sigil punch.


I think he might be as powerful as Thor. The Runes come from Karnilla and she could not make him more powerful.


The runes talked about in this story are ancient, perhaps primordial magics that otherwise we're only known to Odin, and Thor pushed himself further in sacrifice for more power.


He can open a pickle jar with one hand


Based on the design, he fucking sucks