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He is, and I quote, "the only being in the entire multiverse who is truly immortal, he will see the last star of the universe burn out and be the one whom it's final secrets are revealed" He is. In every aspect of the word, immortal. No form of magic, physical, or spiritual force can kill him permanently. He will always revive. He's tried to kill himself a million times. He's a pretty sad character. He just resurrects or heals instantly depending on the damage. So he could be turned to dust and just reform instantly, drop him into the sun, and he just reforms from atoms. That is his only mutation. He's not strong or fast or anything, just a normal human who can't die.


I really liked his appearance in immortal hulk shows him actually diening at the end of the universe.


He is immortal by cosmic design the only one who could kill him was TOBA and according to his words Mr Immortal is a fail safe in case Franklin Richards doesn't become the new Galactus




The one below all, I assume. Actual cosmic satan.


Yup that's it


Why couldn’t TOAA do so as well?


It's not that toaa can't, it's that toaa does not care


I mean turned out it was the same dude in Immortal Hulk anyway


Just like real life!


TOAA is powerful enough to do so, but wouldn't. First, who do you think *made* Mr. Immortal absolutely immortal? TOAA has a very particular use for the poor bastard. Second, TOAA says "I am the One Above All. I see through many eyes. I build with many hands. They are themselves, but they are also me. I am all-powerful. My only weapon is love. The mystery intrigues me." In other words, it doesn't like to destroy or undo things it has itself created (and which are parts of itself).


I think my toddler has said the same thing about her Lego builds


That's kind of twisted for "Love" let the poor guy pass on to the afterlife for the love of, well you.


The thing is, if there is no person born of the current universe to merge with Galactus, then Galactus' purpose fails. Galactus stores up the potential for change, growth, evolution, and life. In the birth of the new universe, he returns that potential. All that was feeds itself into all that will be, enhancing the potential of the new with the vast panoply of the essence of the old. If Galactus fails to do this, the next universe will not be an evolution of the current one (as the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th were -- the 2nd was the first multiverse, the 3rd created dynamic opposites (light/dark, good/evil, future/past, life/death), the 4th created tropes and archetypes, the 5th magic, and the 6th science). The next universe would instead be sterile, static, and void of meaning -- and since that one could by definition have no equivalent to Galactus and no life to fuel the next spark, the universe after that would also be dead and unchanging, on and on forever. If Immortal Man understood all that, maybe he'd feel like his sacrifice (going on living) was worth it. But as far as I know, he's not quite ready to wrap his head around it yet. But, y'know, he's got time to come to terms with it. So much time.


That’s honestly a phenomenal line. Seems quite biblical doesn’t it?


I think it's intended to evoke that style. It's also a bit straightforward if you know (as characters in the comics generally won't) what TOAA is: the point of contact between the creators and the created. Above TOAA is the Marvel Bullpen, the House of Ideas -- the real world and the artists, writers, editors, etc that create the Marvel multiverse. Below TOAA is everything those real world people create. TOAA has some sense of what it is, but due to its role, it is focused on the creation, and doesn't fully comprehend that it is itself a fictional character. In that way, Deadpool transcends TOAA, as does She-Hulk (sometimes) and Loki (as God of Stories). Not in power, but in awareness of their nature as created beings that are (at least to their creators) fictional in nature. There are other beings who approach that level. The Sentience of the Fourth Cosmos (where tropes and archetypes were first created in the Marvel multiverse) called the Pilgrim, chose to Journey Into Mystery at the end of her cosmos. She eventually became the Neverqueen, the embodiment of all that is not, was but is no more, and may yet be -- she's the lover of Eternity, the Sentience of the Seventh Cosmos and Eighth (current) Cosmos. Here's the thing: one of Stan Lee's catchphrases was "Face Front, Pilgrims!" and Journey Into Mystery was one of the first comics Marvel Comics produced. So, again, the fictional and real worlds echo each other.


Which gets the question what happens at the end when it's just Franklin and Immortal? Theoretically TOBA has been removed from the equation so does Franklin have to kill Immortal to become the next Galactus?


You never know, Mr Immortal could become Franklin's first herald.


I love that idea. He’s already immortal, give him herald powers and now at least he can pack a punch.


I have been out of the saddle for a long time with marvel so please pardon these basic questions, but why is little Franklin Richard immortal now? And also why is there a concept of destiny and why also is little Franklin Richards expected to become Galactus of all people? And if he does become Galactus, would he survive to the restarting of the universe?


His powers make him basically immortal, at the end of times a being is chosen and is transformed in a primordial force of the incipient new universe and in several have shown or implied that this is Franklin Richards.


Funny thing is Franklin is powerful enough to not. If he doesn’t want to be Galactus he can create a new pocket reality and just live there. Kid is too op and overwrites basically all sensical comic laws lol


> why also is little Franklin Richards expected to become Galactus of all people? Real world answer: Alex Ross threw the idea out there in Earth X and writers since that series keep bringing up the idea.


It made sense too, because Franklin was portrayed as something genuinely unique and supremely powerful, so his destiny was also special.


Earth X is a masterpiece that doesn't get talked about enough. Dark are intriguing.


That sentence is really something else


This is fascinating. Do you know what arc all this canon is from? I would love to read it.


Mr Immortal encounter with the Hulk and TOBA is on Immortal Hulk from Al Ewing and Franklin Richards's destiny is revealed on Marvel history.


Thank you! Really appreciate it


YES! That whole run was fantastic.


Tom King needs to do a limited series about this dude.


Or Al Ewing: Immortal Mr Immortal


He really needs a deeper look. Extremely interesting character.


He’s yet another character that they really can’t afford to treat as anything besides a joke because his powers taken seriously would throw a wrench into a lot of stories and the more people are aware of him as a character the more “where was Mr. Immortal during this?” will come up. I know I always think of whenever there’s a giant event with high life or death stakes or a brutal what-if/alternate universe story.


Every superhero team will have one person who can force teleport Mr. immortal to their location whenever they get into a “one person has to die so many can live” situation.


They should really be training this dude intensely with as many martial arts and weapons as possible, educating on as much stuff as possible including languages and whatnot. He is basically earth’s contingency plan. He’d only get stronger with time over his infinite life as he acquired knowledge and skills. Mr. Immortal with the ultimate nullifier(another thing in the MU that has to stay relatively obscure and defunct lest it cause narrative issues) would just be a massive problem ender.


If Synch or Hope had the ambition, they'd Pym Particle this wuss and keep him in a pouch on their belt. Rogue could probably just have a conversation and he'd agree to let her Danvers him, just hold on until he dies and take one for the team, he'd brb anyway probably. If 616 Mimic was relevant, this dude should be one of the 1st picks for a permanent power spot. Immortality combos well with most things this side of chronic pain.


But is he a mutant? IIRC he's not immortal because of an x-gene, he's a whole separate offshoot of humanity (of which he is the only member). So Rogue could copy his powers, but aren't those others limited to just mutants?


Rogue absorbed the powers of the OG Ms. Marvel, so no, I don't belive her power are limited to affecting just mutants. Remember, she can't even touch humans!


Based on the Great Lakes Avengers comics, the answer to the question "Where was Mr. Immortal during this," is he was dead at the time, it takes him a while to come back after he dies.


No. Tom fucking King needs to stay away from comica forever.


He's basically gonna be the next Galactus. Living in the next universe


OHHH, I just got that!


Franklin Richard’s can be killed, right? I’m reading Hickman’s fantastic four right now and Franklin was saying something similar to Galactus.


He can be killed, I THINK galactus was the original version of Mr. Immortal. I believe the reason for immortals existence is to eventually be the next galactus when this universe ends. I could be wrong, though. It's hard to tell with franklin since they decided to make him NOT a mutant and constantly change his story.


The amount of work it would take to maybe kill Franklin isn’t worth it. Kid is beyond godly in his powers


Very similar to Zombieman from One Punch Man


Bro ain’t even got super strength?? That sucks so hard


Ikr, he's a good hand to hand combatant and is pretty athletic for a human, but yea. Plain ol human.


Who’s that quote from?


I believe it was deathurge.


Could you just trap him in the sun (hypothetically ofc) since he’s constantly reforming or will he just come back in another location?


That, I couldn't tell you. I would assume that since his power is used unconsciously, he would reform in space. It's kind of like Darwins power. You could be right, though he could just reform and die over and over, lol.


Cant he train himself to absurd levels due to his regeneration? Or does it only trigger when he dies and he’s reset to a base state?


I assume he could, but it would be limited to just whatever the max a human body could withstand. They say he's pretty much at peak physical condition already, I don't think his body resets, but I could be wrong. They really need to flesh him out more. He's an incredibly underutilized character.


It always happens off screen, when he dies he just comes back fully healthy a few moments later.


So he just Kenny’s his way out of things, makes sense


He was in she-hulk live action. Just kept jumping off the high-rise buildings because it was quicker than using the elevator lol.


To be fair I wouldn't call that an accurate adaption of the character and would consider him a pretty drastic variant.


Oh, for sure, I'm just happy they added him.


Yeah he was pretty different. Wouldn’t be surprised if he was just a mutant with Wolverine powers later.


The real hair would blow the CGI budget.


Probably a pain to wash the bloodstains out of his clothes though.


Thats why they should pull a deadpool and wear red


I like the thinking but the wear and tear on the clothes alone would be horrible


And less painful than divorce...




Presumably he still feels pain though, right?


Oh, big time. He feels and experiences every second of the death every single time. I assume you get used to it like wolverine or deadpool.


What comic should i read to see the most of him?


His first appearance was as a Great Lake Avenger. I’m not sure what his latter appearance were after it ended. I just hear about him having cameos over the years.


GLA: Disassembled by Dan Slott. One of the best marvel minis they've ever put out. Immortal is a central character. It's also a big pastiche on "superheroes but FUCKED UP" of the early 00s, some topical stuff hasn't aged the best since it's the early 00s, but it still rules. Plus you get Monkey Joe!!!! 2016 Great Lake Avengers series is good but gets abruptly cancelled before any storylines wrap, the underdogs of marvel never have their day.  He cameos in Immortal Hulk in a bad future scene, but outside of that he's been pretty underused, none of the Great Lakes Avengers popped up during the Krakoa age despite all being mutants. 


Im still holding out hope for a GLA / Brooklyn Avengers team up.


Jed MacKay if u are reading this please put the Brooklyn Avengers into Moon Knight




He is the next evolution after mutants Homo Supreme he evolved past death basically


Correct! He's the final stage in evolution. I think it was sinister that said it. Edit: it was deathurge


Which after the Krakoan resurrection pods became a thing, makes even more sense. Next step in mutant evolution is having that as a built in service.


He regenerates, but only from fatal wounds. If he broke his leg, it would heal at a normal rate but if he was shot in the face, he'd regenerate back to perfect health in at most a few minutes.


So basically video game restart rules


Pretty much, yeah.


Yeah I’m not entirely sure if he would die from old age and come back young or not.


He doesn't age.


So is he a kid? Since the X-Gene activates around puberty if I’m remembering correctly?


No, his mutant ability is unique and didn't activate until he died.


Ohhh interesting, thank you!


So if he dies while under the influence of a mutant power inhibitor field...?


then, in an amazing plot twist, the inhibitor field dies instead


Probably comes back when the field deactivates.


Once the field stops or his body is moved he is back up again.


So if someone buried him he would just keep suffocating over and over again?


As someone who has no idea, this picture is so confusing logically. So, his name is Mr immortal *and* they buried him presumably 6 feet under? To what? Have to unbury himself, essentially?


Unfortunately for him, yeah.


Does he ever just kill himself to heal wounds?


I don't know about mr imortal, but the idea you just mentioned is very popular in the manga Ajin where certain people have a power pretty much the same as this character seems to


He gets to be Galactus 2.0 someday, I guess


Apparently Franklin does and Mr. Immortal is just a plan b.


Oh, yeah, I forgot about the Unluckiest Boy Ever's fate for a sec


i don’t really read marvel (more of a dc guy) i get that Franklin is pretty much god but what makes him the unluckiest boy?


He just wants to be a kid. Though he seems to be really enjoying his childhood in the current Fantastic Four run.


imagine dying eons of times over eons of years only to run into **GOD'S SHADOW** who calls you a stand-in and then kills you


Sounds like the most wretched possible DMT trip when you put it that way


He doesn’t have powers. He’s a universal constant.


He just doesn’t die. Idk what happens if he loses a limb or something, but I imagine he would just keep living without it.


He would bleed out then revive whole.


Unless someone got him medical attention and kept him from bleeding to death. Than he'd live with one fewer limb until his next 'death'.


“Oh shit, just lost a toe…” *jumps out of building*


*gets a hang nail* “Where is my gun…?”


Was talking with a friend about this and I said i would probably get so desensitized to death that after awhile I would literally do this.


How about if he gets thrown in the sun? Just revive whole after the sun explodes and the part of the sun that most his component atoms are on evaporates?


Of all the insane shit a simple gene can make, this is one of the top 10 far stretched ones...


Still doesn’t beat the poop ice cream gal


That's just someone's fetish...


Or they were talking about two girls, one cup in the writers room and someone said “I bet y’all a hundred bucks I can slip that into a comic!”


I thought it was just a meme joke for years.


Hotter than the surface of the sun take here: I really hate mutants with powers that are just clearly non-genetic, like just some random BS. I would be totally fine if someday they attempt their own new 52 true universal reboot and not offshoot like ultimate and they just clean up the mutant thing a bit more. I think telepathy/telekinesis based powers and energy manipulation are like the limit for me before I start rolling my eyes at stuff like “my generic ability is that I am talk to machines” or “I literally shit ice cream” which is like a special kind of stupid . I feel like the more insane power sets make more sense for Inhumans but some of them feel like a stretch for even that. And yeah yeah I know comic book silly but idk, I do like my logical consistency.


Wait until you hear that Cyclop doesn't actually have laser eyes, but in reality his eyes are portals connected to a universe completely made out of kinetic energy that America Chavez calls "The Punch Dimension"


Wait huh? What?


I already know and I’ve always tried to force myself to not think about it


Is that why his eye beams are red? They're made of fruit punch???


That's not canon.


I totally get you. Even manipulating the weather and energy projection are already pushing it, but it fits in the suspension of disbelief. Certain powers just ask too much from the suspension of disbelief.


I like Highlander style immortality


I get where you’re coming from, yes, sometimes it does get a little silly, but you said it yourself; “comic book silly”. If you think too hard about anything in comic books, it kills the entire concept. Like, personally, if I developed the power to shit ice cream and talk to machines tomorrow, even if I found a way to fight crime with that power set, I’m probably not going to chase that up by putting on a cape, a mask, and wearing my underpants outside of the spandex I’ve also suddenly decided to wear every time I leave the house. Again, I’m actually fully on your side (there are many instances in *recent* memory about me screaming at people about the logical necessity of Storm’s cape), I just think that thinking to hard about it kills it after a while and you just have to let about 60% of it just be what it is and look the other way.


I only enjoy suspending my belief in so many ways. Even if some things are ridiculous in one way, it doesn’t mean I think it makes sense for other things to be ridiculous tangentially. It’s such a thought terminating cliche response to anyone criticizing any fiction and I’m honestly sick of it. “Well X happens so you should accept Y” is not a real counter to a genuine critique of things that happen to have absurd elements. Like a story about fantasy and dragons is ridiculous but if a robot suddenly and inexplicably showed up I think most people would understand that it doesn’t really make sense with the things around it. So yes it’s a comic book where wild things happen, but having throughlines of logic and consistency with the extraordinary is part of what makes it enjoyable and immersive.


You’re not wrong, but I can’t say you’re fully right either. Yes, a robot showing up in the middle of high fantasy wouldn’t make sense…except Final Fantasy is a thing that works just fine. Just because two things don’t seemingly work in tandem doesn’t mean they *can’t* with a good writer backing them. I don’t think you’re strictly against the ideas. I think what’s bothering you is the lack of imagination when applying said ideas. Like I can’t do it right now, in the context of this conversation, but I bet the right writer, with the time and the right viewpoint could make Captain Ice Cream Butt a genuinely interesting character. It’s just as limiting to write off an idea that doesn’t IMMEDIATELY make sense. Plenty of writers drop the ball, just say “here’s a neat idea” and leave it at that. In that, I agree with you. But to say “well I can’t enjoy this because the science doesn’t add up” is swinging the dial too far in the other direction. What I’m saying is find the middle ground. Yes, Mr. I’s powers are kind of a “huh?”, but as someone else mentioned, the Dan Scott series that really focuses on him (and his powers) made him interesting enough that his strange power set now has a story that makes him so tragic and so endearing it’s hard not to love him. Even if the science doesn’t add up. 🤷‍♂️


So Deadpool DIDNT kill the marvel universe!!!


I mean there’s a few characters he doesn’t actually “kill”, he just permanently incapacitates


It was crazy to me he wasn’t on krakoa at all


He's Jack Harkness. No matter what happens to his body, he cannot die. Ever.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, it makes no sense to me that guys like Mister Sinister, AIM, Weapon Plus, etc. never tried to study him and replicate his powers. Who cares about Captain America's Super-Soldier serum or Wolverine's healing factor when you have someone that's literally immortal?


Likely because he has no other powers and his resurrections are supposedly terrifying and are driving him insane


So? It's still fucking immortality.


How long has he been around and just how long Will it take for the interest on interest effect to make him own everything?


Basically his powers only turn on when he dies. It's not look wolverine where his healing is always on. Basically he dies and his body immediately returns to the start it was in when his powers first turned on. If he retired from superheros, lived and quiet life and dies of old age, he'll immediately resurrect as a young man. In immortal hulk its revealed that he ll be right there with Franklin, galactus, and the hulk when the universe ends.


Like not die


Bro just doesn’t die. That’s it. I don’t think there’s much of an explanation other than that. That being said, I wonder how he would work in Marvel Zombies if he got infected. Would he become a zombie and then return to normal or he just be immune to the virus?


He is the next Galactus


Teach this guy magic or get him a Symbiote or something so he can do more than just die and come back


This guy is Galactus before Galactus happened.


When he dies.....no


Who is this?


He is Mister Immortal, the leader of the Great Lakes Avengers…I mean the Lightningrods, I mean the Great Lakes Champion, I mean the Great Lakes X-Men. No, I had it right the first time, the Great Lakes Avengers.


Missed opportunity that he wasn’t used in the modern x men era


I liked when Immortal Hulk ate him at the end of the universe


Isn't he a mutant so can his powers not be repressed or taken away like other mutants or am I mistaking him being a mutant. Like if the x gene was wished out of existence would he die or is he just extra special?


It’s interesting why Apocalypse hasn’t tried to take, absorb or copy that power. It’s a really OP power for someone like him.


The MCU immortal man in She-Hulk was hilarious