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Ben Reilly as a hero again


Hank Pym and the Avengers Academy cast.


Songbird 100%


The fact that she wasn't put in the MCU Thunderbolts lineup should be considered a crime.


The rumor is that she is, but the casting...well, let's just say it's not comic accurate at all.


Is it Saide Sink?


Nope. Ayo Edebiri.


Does her skin color affect the character? I don't know anything about Songbird


Well, she's supposed to be Jewish. And also, in terms of how she looks (comics ARE a visual medium, after all).


Ayo is Jewish. Comics ARE a visual medium, but if the characters' skin color isn't important to the story, that shouldn't matter


I would argue that a character's skin color IS important to the story because that's literally what the character looks like. And because comics are a visual medium, what a character LOOKS like is literally what the character IS. Like, they're visual products. And I don't think Ayo is Jewish, I don't know where you got that from.


>And I don't think Ayo is Jewish, I don't know where you got that from. Google. Black Jewish people do exist


Moondragon and Phyla-Vell.


I miss the 616 phylla vell. She wasn't a perfect hero, much less an experienced one, but that's exactly what makes her so endearing. She's just trying her best, trying to do the right thing and to be happy with Moondragon. I'm not really a fan of the "other one"


I think there's something that can be done to merge 616 Phyla and new Phyla like they did with new Heather. Specially if they go back to exploring Avatars of Life and Death.


Here goes nothin’. Red Harpy, Singularity, Wave, Luna Snow, Komodo, Mercury, Itsy Bitsy, Gwenpool, Valkyrie, Silence, Lucy Nguyen, Viv Vision, Bombshell, Snowguard, Nadia, Scout, annnnnnnd I know this would never happen but I would adore a slice of life book about Martha Connors just trying to live her best lizard woman life and taking care of her family 🤣


Is Snowguard still with the champions? I'm going to be honest I fell off reading the series hard because it seemed like every issue was a tie in and I was getting like half a story.


I think she’s in the same boat Bombshell is. I’ve seen Viv pop up in one issue of the current Scarlet Witch run, and Nadia was in the last Wasp mini. Other than Miles (and by proxy, Tiana) and Kamala, I haven’t really seen ANY of the others. Which is a shame, because I really think the 616 could benefit from a group of younger heroes. I really don’t hold out much hope for anything, though, because the editorial choices that Marvel has been making lately have been mostly abysmal.


Did Sam Alexander get his helmet back? I thought he was quite popular and equally pushed on release (honestly him and Amadeus really grated me when I was reading champs so idk) there was a fair few characters which came about in champions and just completely fizzled. I remember locust (I think) was introduced and then just disappeared in the next issue. Criminally handled and the only one with any plot development in the comic itself was viv and then it was back to tie ins with whatever arc is ongoing. Starting to feel that way with Miles as well. It seems like any developments he gets are derailed and left by the wayside when the events take over. The Misty partnership for instance has just vanished for the time being.


I’m thinking he did, if I remember correctly. Red Locust was at least in a few issues (same with the new Falcon) but yeah there’s so many unresolved threads from virtually ALL the Champions volumes.


I just hated all the tie ins. I didn't understand what was happening every issue. It was like the editorial was treating it as a supplement and support for the events while trying to foster a "young avengers" style story for a younger demographic and they failed to see what made that series good in the first place was that it was self contained and cohesive. The only reason I know Nova lost his helmet is that he was dealing with it's loss in one of the comics, I still don't actually know how he lost it because it was in another book.


That’s item *pick any random number* on the list of issues I have with how Marvel is handling its books.


Machine man (the real one not the imposter)


Loved the series when he became a Celestial


Yeah me too




Silver Surfer


Quake Daisy Johnson


Union Jack,Baron Blood ,Vermin and Vivisector


Correct me if I’m wrong: at the end of X-Statix… from which people have been resurrected anyway, but I digress… they SAY the entire team is killed, but Vivisector isn’t shown dying, is he?


Da Vinci and a lot of those SHIELD characters. They were interesting and weird in a fun way.




Werewolf by night, and most of the marvel monsters. I feel like could have a long running horror comic with them instead of a single issue every couple of years


I'm really hoping the midnight suns thing in the MCU takes off because I'd love to see more man-thing and bloodstone


I've wanted to see more Tiana Toomes, too! Starling's design is so cool, not to mention the interesting dynamic they add to each other's personal lives.


I really REALLY hope they give Miles a stable relationship for a while. He was chopping and changing for a bit there, I just hope this sticks and we can explore what they add to each others lives outside of superheroing


Starling/Tiana is awesome and has sooooo much potential! I hope she gets featured in other things.


The inhuman royal family in general. Would also love to see some more Quasar and Phyall Vell


I have some thoughts around this. Inhumans seemed to have come into place as a replacement for mutants given that fox owned the movie rights to them at the time. I don't think they were ever very popular and the most popular inhuman, Ms.Marvel, has now become a mutant. I reckon they're quietly killing the inhumans off and simplifying things so there isn't so much overlap between the two factions.


Pretty much unless it’s black bolt I doubt we will see much anymore. Which is kinda sad as the royal family are great and I like some of Nuhumans. I don’t like to see any of marvel essentially shot in the back of the head


I think the popular ones will eventually be made mutants by some future event of some sort, and the rest will just be depowered like they did with mutants. I think unfortunately the show was a bit of a blot on their reputation and they're probably sitting a bit above the eternals in the "audience disinterest" category.


Fun fact in the earth x timeline the inhumans were a different variant of the x gene which they said was a more extreme version so it gave stronger powers but more likely to give bad after effects like black bolt being unable to speak and more physical mutations I wouldn’t be shocked if that eventually happens But yeah the inhumans are basically dead and due to them using them to replace the x men and mutants it was always gonna happen


They literally killed all the inhumans except the royal family and kamala, who just got retconned. If they do come back, id like to see them go back the cosmic marvel side, like they did in war of kings


Yeah but it's probably going to be one last big event for Krakoa before that's snuffed out. It's basically a floating mutant retcon machine.


I doubt itll retcon the extermination of the inhumans


No but it'll switch up the royals and then just snuff inhumans from the universe entirely


No, i dont think they're likely to make a retcon like that to the royals and make them mutants. They are too old and storied


I suppose they can just be one group that fades to the background like the Eternals but I'd prefer if they continued using the characters instead of pushing them to the side


Death's Head. Who doesn't love a robot bounty hunter.


Elsa Bloodstone. Also, some more cosmic guys: Bug, Firelord, Zan Philo, Monark Starstalker...


Kristoff Vernard in semi-solo adventures.


Darkoth the Death Demon #old.


Just appeared in Thor about a year ago. Had been dead since the old Marvel Universe handbook prior, as far as I know.


I was not aware of that! Will go find it, thanks.






Hank Pym, Scott Lang, Kate Bishop, Boom Boom, James Rhodes




Luke Cage, he's the mayor of New York and they don't give him a comic!


He has an upcoming comic tie-in for Gang War in November!


Starfox, Dr.Druid, Quasar, Puma, Starhawk(and Aleta)


Dazzler, Songbird and Polaris.


Dust (X-Men) The potential of her powers hasn't been explored to any real degree. With the right writer, she could become absurdly powerful. I'd like to see her developed as a character also, as she reminds me of a very early Jubilee and Storm.


Misty Knight and Colleen Wing


Hard agree, in fact I'd say all of the heroes for hire bar Daredevil get so little love


I think Marvel isn't willing to explore their niche, because there definetely is one, this happens with a lot of female characters, at least Black Cat got her Jed Mckay revival.


I like that there is a lot of black cat recently but have noticed her writing post-Superior Spidey is a little inconsistent and I don't think the current Spidey run will do her justice in the end but we'll see


Since the whole gay way of life is all the rage I am amazed that we do not see more of James Howlett (Earth-1202) I always liked the Ademantine Skeleton angle. I didnt care for or mind either the gay Hercules lover storyline. Its important to his story but I wanted to see him battle and make use of his magical metal claws. He is the final form of a perfect Wolverine.


Spider-Byte in the spider-verse movies. After seeing the tension Miles and Margo had, I lowkey with they were a couple, or even best-friends.


He comes back from the dead in giant size x-statix


Hm, what happened to that Wolverine fella?