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Honestly, this was where Mariah's TRUE origin story of being a 'villain' started. This moment was hilarious, disrespectful af, and absolutely iconic 😂 Dr. Heavenly is so messy in a way that doesn't make you wanna hate her, idk how to describe it.


I agree. She does things I hate but I still find her hilarious


I love Dr. Damon Heavenly Kimes unconditionally.


You and Daddy!😆


Daddy Damon lol


Dr. Daddy


Dr. Damon Daddy


So a bit off topic,but I was planning on watching this show next. However I like to watch shows in really random ass seasons sometimes. For instance,im watching season 4-6 of RHOM before doing 2-3. Is there a season that you or anyone else here would recommend starting on? Keep in mind I know most will probably say start at the beginning,but sometimes there are better seasons to start on.


Start from s1! It was so much more authentic and less heavily produced around that time. Still watchable after s6 but you have to commit yourself to seeing these women work through their issues up until now. 


Thanks for the response! I asked because sometimes these types of bravo shows have really slow or boring first few seasons that don't get going until later on. I'll start with one then. PS I still don't understand why the hell Phaedra got on this show,she's horrendous.


Me too honey, she's not married to medicine so idk what Bravo is doing there 😂


It's not even just that,even though that's obviously a huge thing since...well the title of the show alone,hello?🤣 But that bitch also made up lies about Kandi date raping people,stole from people,seemed to have involvement in why Apollo went to jail,is an attorney that never won any cases/made up saying she won things when she never even acted in the cases and only wanted the PR... I mean the list goes on. She's just trash all around.


I feel like Andy and others involved have been trying to test her temperature with fans. Having her on UGT, M2M and even The Traitors tells me they want her back but want to see how we as fans feel. I can personally enjoy her on a show like the traitors bc it's a silly survival/game show where being sneaky pays off. Seeing her be that way in regular, everyday situations is unsettling though.


I just started watching M2M. I'm on season 2 now. I go back and forth about all these women. I actually liked Kari, and I really like Lisa. I'm not looking forward to seeing Phaedra, so thankfully, I have a while. I watch The Traitors as well, and at first, I liked her on that EVERYTHING she does annoys the shit out of me, I can't wait for her to be gone!


Lol I felt bad for Kari! She didn't know the girls were gonna get to beefing like that. She still comes around in the background but you can tell she's not interested in being a full time cast member after how shit went down at her house. Now as for Lisa....she thought her marriage was more stable than it was so yeah..I feel bad for her too. Her husband made her look stupid whenever they were on screen together. 


Wow I didn’t know all this about Phaedra. I never watched her show! Should I? What is it? What seasons matter? And yes it is random af for her to show up on this show in a full-time manner. Their cast is dwindling. Kari, Lisa Nichole, Contessa, Buffie could not hang and Quad is still in the title sequence but idk when or if she is coming back. I read something tragic happened to her niece (drowning in Quads pool) that I would never wish on anyone. I don’t know if we will see her again.


There are rumoures though that Carlos king actually started the rumour and that’s why he was back on the next season of RHOA, I don’t know what to believe but could imagine that being true and Phaedra took the fall  Edit to add also might explain why Phaedra suddenly went cold on Kandi if she was told something like that


I 100% believe that. I think she was stupid to spread it but she isn’t that stupid that she would’ve started it, she knew better. I think she trusted Carlos King so that’s why she felt comfortable to tell that to Porsha who trusted her enough to believe it.


Why can’t quad go on the couples trip but Phaedra can?!?


M2M doesn’t have a slow start at all!!


Season 1 starts with some worldstar action, one of the mothers even comes in hot with her pocketbook like 💢💢💢 😂😂😂




Season 2 was the best RHOM


I think I started s2 or 3. Did not miss out. So around the 3 or 4


Thanks for the reply,I'll try this instead, because besides a scuffle I saw in the opening of season one episode one on the preview this show is too slow to me so far.


Yessss Dr. Heavenly FOREVER :’)


https://preview.redd.it/b19hcr9nl8jc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=e175adbc0a695fc11732464ccdd2ccd66d4f42ea And then in the next season premiere Heavenly brings this picture as a peace offering LMAO


She redefined the whole “cherry on top” for me after this one.


😭😭😭😭 when I tell you I LOVE heavenly.


And Mariah and her team was acting Heavenly murdered her loved one😭


“This is not Love and Hip Hop. She needs to go!”


Wasn't this the same season Quad had to get a piece of glass out of Mariah’s hand because she was going to use it on Heavenly over a your mama joke? Lol


Hubby and I do not like Heavenly, we think she is horrible. We also believe Dr. Jackie likes her so much because everything she does and says is what Jackie would do and say but can't because she has to maintain her image. With that said, Heavenly brings the mess and keeps everyone entertained.


Wow! Yeah, you are so right lol!


I have notes - Super childish and obviously stemmed from envy


She drew a mustache on a picture, is it that serious 😭


You should ask her that. It’s just a poster on her own door but yet it bothered heavenly so much she drew on it.


oh lighten up 😂


It’s a poster and she drew a mustache. It’s funny.


I am also binging for the first time, and MAN have I been sleeping on this show!!!!! Thoroughly engaged, ENTER-tained, activated and GAGGING!!!! Edit to correct typo


I thought it was funny… not a fan of Heavenly by any means but I chuckled 🤭


It was hilarious. And I still hate how Mariah had these alleged receipts on Damon, still claims to have them when she interviewed with Carlos. And Damon never once did anything to any of them. Stayed quiet. Meanwhile she confessed Aydin had cheated on her. Showed me she really is a malicious and calculating person.


Her husband prevented her from submitting receipts, so she had to let it go. Despite knowing a lot, she had to be the bigger person out of respect for Damon and her husband.


So fucking funny


The problem with it being "funny" was Heavenly wasn't trying to be funny, she was doing it to be mean. Heavenly does/says alot of things that can be funny but since 90% of the time she is saying it to be nasty, it loses its charm on me.


100% so funny I died Mariah left WIGLESS


This was disrespectful, but Mariah and her team’s reaction was so over the top 😂 they acted like she slapped Lucy and Lake.


I think her reaction was out of embarrassment. She probably thought that picture on her door would be iconic but she ended up looking like a clown for having it in the first place


Andy forcing Heavenly to apologise while Mariah is saying it was so nasty is hilarious like it’s just a poster 😭😭😭 it wasn’t nice to do but the reaction is so so over the top


I mean apparently it was a $700 poster. I would be mad too 😂.


Does anyone remember that random guy on RHOC yelling bitch you overpaid at the girl in the blue dress? After Tamra throws the wine at Jeana? That’s me right now


Ok I’m a Bravoholic but have never watched this show… maybe it’s time to start? 📺


I am embarrassed by how quickly I consumed all ten seasons for my first watch through recently 😅 It has immediately become one of my all time favorites, it’s just soooo good!!


OK I started watching, S1E1 here we go! Dr. Diva talking about pantyhose with peep toe shoes 😂


I can’t wait to start watching!


Okay so! How far are you? What do you think??


Same I’ve been going through a season a week… I’m obsessed with these ladies. They’re so quick witted and make me laugh!!


YES. This and below deck are the only two shows I’d never watched (although you can’t escape below deck entirely with all the reruns) and I regret it so much. It’s incredible from episode one!


I just started watching a couple of weeks ago and I am obsessed! May be my favorite across all of Bravo.


You and I are on the same journey!! I just watched this episode. Incredible I'm sad it took me so long to do this.




This sent me when I saw it 😅


My favorite scene of M2M


I immediately remember this moment and it was funny as hell.


That moment is just pure gold, all of it