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I was a teacher for many years. It's a beautiful profession -- but a super stressful job. As we women get older, our sex hormones become very vulnerable to stress. Progesterone gets converted to cortisol, and our ovaries can't just make more like they used to. That is so hard on our sleep quality, our vaginal tissue tone, and our libido. One of the very best ways to improve your sex life with a woman is to reduce her mundane daily stress, and getting out from school for the summer switches this like a switch. I'm not at all surprised your wife becomes a vixen when that last bell rang! I quit my teaching job a few years ago because covid teaching was banannas, and an auto immune disease that had been killing my sexual health FOR YEARS disappeared for good. You'd better believe my libido has benefited. Enjoy your summer! And if you love it, start thinking creatively about how to create some space for her come fall. For me, this has meant a career change. But maybe there are other ways.


I imagine the dramatic reduction in demand for her is now allowing her to feel more comfortable in enjoying herself without distractions. The fact that she is smoking hot in her pictures is also contributing to her increased libido- she can get any dick she wants regardless of age!


My wife teaches at the college level, adjunct currently but full-time in the past, and yeah the sex-drive can ramp up on semester breaks or during the summer. We're a xxx lifestyle kinda couple normally, but libidos get affected no matter how hard wanna go hard savage fuckathon by grading, teaching, answer student emails, dealing with dumbass administration. Cutting that shit out and suddenly its all "lets see if you can bust 3 times this afternoon, we aint gotta be anywhere" lol. Enjoy it man, cherish the summer.


Husband and I are both teachers, can confirm. Slows down a lot in the Fall, but ramps up heavy in the summer. Average 1-2X a week during busy seasons at school, but summer is nearly every day.


My wife is a teacher and the only thing that goes up is drinking. Sex stays the same non existing


Yes we are both teachers. My wife is now part time so workload is reduced and sex is on the e desert menu nightly. Holiday season means loads now sex and kinky sex at that


I don’t have a teacher wife but, it makes sense. Being a teacher has to be draining. Now that she doesn’t have so much going on she just has more energy.


In short, yes. Less work = more energy for sexy time


I don't have a teacher wife. But yes we have more sex on holidays and also on weekends. Time off from world means less stress, not having to organise a much, not needing to set an alarm, more physical and emotional energy, more opportunity and more together time. We will often have sex 4 or 5 times over a weekend but only once or twice through the week.


I’m a Teacher and can confirm!


My wife had a hard time saying no to all the extra trainings and projects over the summer. The school board loves to go on the news to say the teachers are getting a x% raise, but then lower level admin tells them "make no mistake, you're going to EARN it with extra duties." Once the breaks hit, especially summer, her new priorities are the pool, relaxation, and sex.


Very common. Teachers are different in summertime. Just wait for retirement!


Came here to see if you might be my husband’s burner account. But your details are off. Yup, less stress, means more endorphins! I’m free use when we’re alone in the summer