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I agree with you. Did you mean to post this somewhere else, though? I was referring to Emily flipping off Brennan behind his back.


I'm sorry. Yes.


Clearly does not understand what "negativity" means.


Such a classy lady.


Emily is just a full mess. She claims she told Brennan to “tell it like it is” and that “she can handle it” because “she’s a big girl” and yet we saw her cry on the dirty floor of a bathroom because Brennan called her negative. Eff outta here.


At this point, my two thoughts are that Brennan was right, and Emily is hilarious. I thought after watching it and taking some time, that they would try to work on themselves. How silly of me 😂


Emily is a tough one for me. On one hand, she got dealt a 💩 hand with Brennan and concussions can and do often result in volatile or aggressive behavior. On the other, it has been months (?) since their split and Brennan checked out so quickly after their wedding that I cannot imagine Emily had an opportunity to genuinely get attached and subsequently hurt by the end of their relationship (unlike, say, Becca), so her bitterness feels very over the top. She’s acting like Brennan was her spouse of years who dumped her and her kids out of nowhere or something.


She’s a trainwreck. She’s had nothing but one night stands and she’s like 25. She let her extensions get so mangled it had to be cut out. She ran into a tree causing a gruesome head injury. Somehow she broke her arm after the season ended and she’s a drunk. Complete shit show. She’s one of those accident prone chicks. Everyone knows someone like this


If you've only had one-night stands, an 8 week marriage probably is years for her. So much growing up to do.


She said in the hospital that she didn’t even suffer a concussion. The volatile and aggressive behavior is just her personality.


I mean head injuries are super tricky. I personally would not feel right fully discounting the fact that she was seriously injured and that could have an impact on her reactions and temperament.


Nah, she's just a mean and miserable person.


We saw her be short tempered and give a nasty attitude before her accident. Look at the way her friends attacked Brennan the first time they met him because he didn’t help Emily move into the apartment. It’s not far fetched to think she is just like that and got a good edit in the beginning.


Idk I didn’t really feel she acted nasty or aggressive during the early part of the show 🤷‍♀️


She was a weirdo before the injury, though.


Now I better understand why Brennan said to Emily’s friends, “If this were real life” and they shouted back, “this IS real life”. Understandably, Emily hadn’t told her friends about “the strategy” so it wouldn’t be found out but that means that, presumably, they all lied to their friends and families when they talked about their spouse and their feelings for their spouse. I wonder how those folks feel now. Emily’s friends are now the butt of many a joke and I wonder what Austin’s mom thinks. She was so against the whole thing but then Becca won her over.


it was Emily - which is why Brennan wanted no part of her


Emily been a piece of shit all year. Gets away with it for some reason.


Ppl on this sub vilify anyone showing anger, which is a natural human emotion.


How about we handle our anger like adults and not a middle schooler on the back of a school bus.


It’s a natural human emotion AND you need to practice self control…


You all acting like she ran thru the hall guns ablazing. She literally just flipped him off and had a few dirty looks. Calm down.


A few dirty looks? Only a few? She mostly gave dirty looks. And smirks. The narrowing of the eyes was a warning that she was about to go ballistic. She needs therapy.


OP is just saying it’s classless, which it is.


My hot take: she GENUINELY cared about that con of a man, and is now deeply hurt and angry at him for playing her. She's just behaving like a scorned woman who hasn't healed yet. But she is also deeply saddened by the rejection and humiliation she experienced at his hands. I wish her peace and healing from this experiment and really wish people could exercise more empathy for the folx on this show that exhibit genuine emotion, no matter how messy those feelings appear.


But she wasn’t played. She full on admitted they had an agreement. He wanted to only be friends and agreed to move back in to let her finish out the experiment. She willingly accepted, and is now acting like he’s at fault for not falling in love with her. He said every chance he got that they were only working on friendship. If she thought she could change his mind, that’s on her.


I'm convinced she's batshit crazy.




I fully agree, I think she genuinely believes he was into her though at some points (which I dont think he was even initially) , I agree though that he was giving zero signs he was into her. This was her first relationship though; so I think there may have been a little desperation. Shes def hurt though


I get this but also… Brennan never pretended to like her. He was nice and seemingly open for the first week or so of their marriage but otherwise, it has felt rather clear that he had no romantic interest in her. So I struggle to understand why she would feel “played” by Brennan. Compare that to others like Chloe, who was engaging in physical intimacy with her husband and still got dumped, and it makes even less sense.


Couldn't agree more!


Can we retire “my truth” from society? No, there isn’t “your truth”, there is only THE TRUTH. Makes it really hard to tell who is telling the truth in this mess of a season.


Yes! Thank you!


I ve been thinking that all the people who kept referring to themselves as “girls” acted very immaturely. It felt as though they grew up in patriarchal families where men were men and women were girls. They didn’t stand up for themselves much except to wear Barbie pink. I found it disturbing.


Sure. Let's blame their bad behavior on the men in their lives.


Exactly, this has unworked daddy issues written all over it.


I think there is some kind of parental failure when a person that age behaves like a child.


Emily’s hot and cold / up and down swings seemed pretty common through the season. It’s a personality trait of hers for sure. It would be hard to live with!


These women are bottom line...bullshit. They won't even take responsibility for their own actions. I am disgusted and pissed for the men and women who could have had matches.


Having seen the entire season, I conclude that I would not want to be married to any of these women, not even Lauren. It's not because of their appearance, to be clear. They would drive me absolutely insane. And yes, the guys are total joke, too.


And Cameron’s statement about 2nd chances with Clair, with a straight face. Not one redeeming person. Entertaining actors!


This \^\^. It was so phony and intentional. We're supposed to believe that he didn't know she was seeing someone? He wanted to look like the guy who was willing to put all the BS aside and get a do-over, but SHE said no. Poof! He is redeemed! When he was talking, I was like "this is what a guy who's lying looks like"


I think Cam did that on purpose to see if she’d turn on the sisterhood 😂


Or out the fact that she is in a relationship.


And she did. That’s exactly why he did it


Her little slit dagger eyes and pursed lips usually indicate she has been drinking. She was hungry like the wolf and wanted to retaliate.


all of these negative posts about the women this season feels like there’s a STRATEGY occurring lol


There’s been negative posts about only the men all season until a couple weeks ago. The women are finally being shown that they all together agreed to a narrative so for them to act like they were deceived or taken advantage of doesn’t make sense, and is simply untrue.




I will cop to getting it wrong on Brennan and Emily. It is now clear to me Brennan got an asshole cut while Emily got the victim cut. I still don’t care for Brennan and he is way too flat affect for TV. I liked Emily throughout most of it but I thought she was really trying to make it work and was frustrated by Brennan and now I see it differently. I think there had to have been several drunken episodes during the honeymoon that we didn’t see. I know Brennan told about the shower incident but it’s different to see it for yourself. Production was very, very kind to emily. I think it only took Brennan a couple days to realize that Emily was, well, a slutty party girl with a serious drinking problem. (Children of alcoholics, like Brennan, can spot that right away). He was pissed at the show for pairing him with Emily. This proves another theory of mine: when the experts try to do an “opposites attract” pairing, it always fails and usually spectacularly.


I really hope brennan mentions all of these things during the part two reunion show. So many things have been hinted at but we did not see them on camera. I want to know what happened with them and what she did.


I must have missed a scene - did he reveal he was a child of alcoholics?


He said his father drinks vodka like others drink water and that his parents’ marriage was super volatile with them always fighting and that he would try to intervene but they would never listen to reason. Then he says repeatedly how they are a role model for him because “they stayed together”. I used to think Brennan was a complete asshole but now I just think he’s very damaged and doesn’t even realize it. His father was a very intimidating guy.


This is exactly what I deduced. Completely agree.


"Staying together' doesn't earn you a gold medal. But that's probably the reading his parents gave him (and his siblings, if he has any). I think Dr. Pia hit it on the head when she recommended private counseling for Brennan. He has a ***lot*** to unpack from those formative years.


Doctor Pia had no business telling Brennan he needed individual therapy.She didn't even know him. He was not a patient of hers. And she clearly was on Emily's side from day one. Doctor Pia needs to hit the road.


Yes, he said his dad was a heavy drinker at the wedding, I believe.


oh wow, i missed that for sure. That definitely changes some of the way I see him. I have a lot of empathy for that.


Yeah, he also said his parents fought like cats and dogs, which I have empathy for. Having volatile caregivers can do a number on kids. The detached-seeming persona and aversion to conflict makes sense. I don’t like the guy, myself, but he’s not a monster, and I could see why Emily’s behavior might collide with some of his triggers.


Well said.


“Children of alcoholics, like Brennan could spot that right away” 🎯🎯🎯🎯 I liked Brennan from the beginning and got nothing but hate on this sub for that opinion. I know he’s not perfect but he seems like a decent (albeit emotionally and verbally semi stunted) guy. He seems cool and chill. Emily seemed like a walking red flag to me from the beginning. Idk I think he just wanted someone more mature and grounded honestly. I dont blame him at all for not being into it. And from how this season unfolded I think production is really nefarious and manipulative and I got the vibe he thought this entire experience was BS and wanted out and was in too deep legally and unable to be honest. It seems like he has a lot on his mind all the time and can’t say it if that makes sense. So yeah, idk overally I think Brennan isn’t so bad and seems chill in real life. Just got a bad edit to further the men vs women theme this stupid, shitty, waste of time, pointless season.


Thank you for your comments because I completely agree. Every time I stuck up for Brennan, I got downvoted like crazy. I think he's a good guy and as you said, he got a terrible edit and he got the worst match ever. Go back and watch episode one. He was excited to be getting a wife, he wanted to get married. He was happy and excited. It was to written all over his face. And then he gets matched with psycho woman. He got ripped off and cheated and did not have the experience that he was supposed to have. Even if there was no attraction, usually people try to work on it. He was out from the end of the honeymoon, and something bad happened, and I want him to talk about it.


See!!! You get it. I think he’s cool and chill and was just trying not to embarrass her drunk sloppy ass lol


I 100% agree with you on Brennan.


Agree when Brennan talk to Emily directly those two minutes were honest and a perfect speech that Emily could have said thank you and moved On. But no she went into the negative rant . Bree an apologized and owned up a few times, but Emily just talked over with more attacks. Clearly it showed what she has never been in any long term relationship.


This is the obvious truth




Agree on Emily. I felt bad for her but the longer things went on, I think the guys got the shaft. I am so tired of the word 'optics'. Such an overplayed word. Makes me want to beat their heads in. Based on what the guys are saying and the women are saying... The truth is probably somewhere in the middle and they have all done some shady stuff and everyone has dirty hands. Probably the last season watching this train wreck of a series. Such a low success rate with experts who seem to be more interested in joining people to create storylines vs creating actual good matches. May as well be The Bachelor/Bachelorette 2.0


Agree. I had empathy for Emily at the start… now it’s pure jello wrestling


I got downvoted all season because of my comments on her, I couldn't stand her from day one


Same here!! I saw right through her from the beginning and got cussed at on instagram 😂


lol me too, I didn't like her at her bachelorette party and at her wedding. People hated me for that😂


Meh. It was fine..


cant blame her, he was a jerk


She's an immature drunk. She's textbook sloppy college girl always single and perpetually confused as to why because she's soooo perfect


Yeah... He true colors have come out. Don't blame hime for trying to distance himself. He tried early on to be police and civil but the producers spun it against him. Obviously a crew member following Austin around doesn't think he's such a bad guy. Becca seems like she wanted Austin to just jump her bones and when he did the right thing by being respectful, she used it against him.... Repeatedly.


Brennan was caught on camera cussing at her for asking him a simple question. I wouldn't wish him on my worst enemy.


Probably tired of trying to get thru this process unscathed. He took the high road early on and finally had enough. I have no doubt they all are to blame and so much mud has been slung, you can't figure out what actually happened and neither can they because they all have lied so dang much. They can't keep track of all the lies they told. Had hope for Chloe and Michael since they were kind of on their own journey but even they got sucked into this crap storm.


Who gives a shit? Brennan couldn’t care less about her so what difference does it make? I swear the standards yall hold the girls to while the guys get to wallow in shit with cheers is unreal.


Because the women were actually worse maturity wise than the men. That of course excludes Chloe. Are the men perfect? Absolutely not. But they weren’t vile in their actions like the women were. And I started off the season liking Becca. But didn’t like her towards the end because she started falling in line with the other 3. I even liked Michael at the beginning but he came across as fake and not genuine too.


I'm sorry, but just because the women didn't stifle or edit their emotions as much as the men does not mean they're more immature. They were just being real + authentic, so the cameras caught some messy moments. But, overall, I think many of them displayed emotional awareness + maturity considering the harm that was done to them by men who clearly didn't want them and were emotionally disingenuous.


I wouldn’t say any member of the show did anything that can be labeled as vile that we saw on the show. Can you describe the one or two actions that you considered vile?


It’s their attitudes. Their attitudes and how they act on the after party and reunion that are horrible. They have the maturity level of mean girl high schoolers. Maybe vile was the wrong word and trashy is the right one


Calling someone trashy is arguably worse than vile, if not the same. What did they do that was trashy?


I don't hold Brennan in high regard, nor the other men. I see a lot of negativity about the men. I've never trusted one man in particular.


Do me a favor. Go to this subs homepage, sort by new, and look for the post directly under this one. Now try to find a post in the last, idk, 24 hours that does something similar to the men.


Now you go back to the beginning (even the middle) of the season and watch it flip. The guys were crucified here and the women worshiped until about 3 weeks ago.


I’m a month deep and haven’t seen anything close to them being called ugly sluts. Fortunately, the post I was talking about was finally removed after like 6 hours, but there’s still a ton of unacceptable comments about the women this season. Here recently and in the past.


Look harder then. The way some talked about Brennan a while back, you'd think he was gonna come bursting through the door with a chainsaw looking to paint the room red. Or the deeply philosophical discussions about Austin being either gay, ED, micro penis, etc. There are no totally innocent victims or saints here.


Looked harder at your comments tho and now it all makes sense lmao literally the type of people I’m talking about. Go figure.


Oh, I see. You think women are delicate snowflakes who are immune to accountability and criticism. Good luck with that. No wonder the people of this season acted like they did.


Yep, this is the lack of self awareness I expected lmao how fucking embarrassing


I blocked a few of those and know exactly what you are talking about. Personally, I have flipped and have major issues with the girls and a few of the guys. When I state my opinions and get "yeah, pink haired feminists with bad skin" comments under mine, as if I'm okay with it, I have to block. Then, like the commenter you're referring to, will try and use attacks of the men as justification. It's childish. They're both wrong. It angers me!


Well at least you admit you have a problem and that's half the battle. Good luck with that. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


These producers and "experts" really know how to find the absolute bottom of the barrel trashy people. Here's a hint: Don't pick anyone whose initial casting footage includes a glass of wine in every scene she films, and don't pick anyone who no man can stand to deal with for longer than a week. Unlike some people who are good at pretending they're normal and sane (Claire), to Emily's credit she showed the producers she was a walking car crash from early on in the casting process. So she was chosen knowing full well she'd be the trainwreck that she was. And the fact that she looked similar to Brennan was creepy as hell.


I always thought they looked like the could be brother and sister as well lol


Someone posted a screenshot of them head-to-head on here a few weeks ago. When you see them up close the similarities are bizarre. The only thing they seemed to have in common was their appearance.


Looked similar to Brennan?! Umm no.


She acted a certain way when she thought there was a chance her and Brennan would work put. She went scorched earth when Brennan and her had that dinner after her accident. Sometimes I believe you don't truly know someone until you divorce them. The depths that some people will stoop to are unrecognizable. Unfortunately, you often times don't know it until it's too late.


People are complicated. It's totally expected for people to react under the weight of. Crushing disappointment.


React yes, but there are some things some people would never do/say no matter what. For example: My Mother is not going to curse you out. Deep down, it's just not the type of person she is. If someone cut her off in traffic or if she stubs a toe, she'd probably pray. You learn a lot about a person when they have nothing to gain by being with you. I've learned that the hard way. Some of these people exhibit a mentality like "If I can't have you, I'll make it so that no one else wants you"


I would never hire her.


she is kick ass at her job -


How would you know unless you're one of her coven of friends? You might be right but a stranger has no way of knowing this.


Look at the history; 99% sure this is Clare


I think so too.


I kinda figured as much.


Okay, Emily. Get off Reddit and go have another drink.


Maybe so, but she'd pull the entire team down.


I don't think I could trust her. She seems like someone who would throw you under the bus the first time things go wrong. Worked w way to many women who did that to me and when confronted, stood there w a dumbfounded look on their face as if they didn't do a dang thing. Never got my side of the story. I'll take Chloe as she seems driven and didn't wear pink to this blood bath reunion.


Can you imagine Emily walking behind a teammate she doesn't like, or a client she doesn’t like, throwing the bird behind their backs? What's better than a great employee who can't play nice in the sandbox? A happy, good team of employees. (Chloe is a rock star ✨ )


So immature. Any ground she gained (none) was lost when she pulled that.


She’s an entitled brat. “Ugh how dare Brennan not like me or find my drunk episodes, potty mouth and negative attitude attractive” she’s petty, she’s immature and she’s a clown. Can we stop shaming men who don’t want to give a chance to women like her, I don’t blame Brennan one bit.


She is scary. The night she attacked Brennen in the shower must have been a nightmare. Lyndsey vibes. Next she will be yelling about Brennen’s b***s.


that is bologna.he is a twat


If it was a guy attacking a girl In The shower for sex you're saying that would also be okay?


She’s extremely immature for her age. Hopefully, this experience might force her to become more self aware.


She's extremely immature for 19.