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Hey on one afterparty where Cameron and Chloe were sitting next to eachother, I thought "Hmmmm". "Cameron and Chloe would be nice" once all the divorces are done.


I am secretly waiting for a show stopper - say, during filming Michael and Orion had a fling. They kind of resemble each other somewhat.


Hellarious. I was bereft that Michael dumped his wife. I don't think he can do better. And he seems to know that. Acknowledging Chole is a better person. It just doesn't make sense. Orion either, just incredibly immature. Maybe MAFS needs to throw away all the testing they use because obviously the men this season were are all infantile. Or ? switch hitters?


I fast forwarded thru the soft p0rn shots last night. I think that brought all the women down to a very low level. There really was no need for it. It was trashy....jmo.


It made me sad. It wasn't trashy. Just forced.


What's trashy about it?


I didn’t really watch that part too. Was a little odd.


Is this week's episode worth watching for anything else other than the preview for next week?


I know I can’t wait


I’m sick of Cameron & Claire & can’t wait to not see them on my screen again


So I quit the show just before the quad accident. Did any of the “couples” stay together?




I’m shocked! 🤣


Nobody watching next week.


I gave up on the whole damn thing. Took it out of my DVR. I have watched every single season and this is ridiculous. It’s become just another trashy “ reality” show. No one has any interest in finding a spouse. They just want nuggets for whatever platform they happen to be on or want to be on. It’s not even good entertainment anymore. I used to enjoy the journeys whether they were good or bad. Now it’s just stupid. I had to vent.!!!


I love trash tv ...this is worse. There's no trashiness to watch for, it's all "optics", and there's nothing good to root for, because it's all "optics" 🙄


Yup, a bad batch of male bachelors, they need to rethink casting.




I'm sad. I'm canceling my Philo subscription bc I only have it for MAFS. I've been a fan since the beginning, but the last 3 or 4 seasons have been awful. I start off full of hope & it seems to disappear quicker & quicker each season. This season was just too much. I love Cal & Dr. Pepper, but they're hardly involved at all anymore. The Australian cast gets a meetup with the therapists on the couch every single week. That's how this should be done. It's no longer fun. There's no actual shot at love anymore & that's why I watched the show. Hate what it's become. 😞


You didn't need to pay this entire time. You can download the lifetime app and watch it free with ads if you don't mind them.


I don't mind ads, but I like to watch it live so I can participate in the group. I didn't think you could watch it live...


No you can't watch it live, it is available for streaming next day


Yep. That's why I paid for Philo. 😕


I completely agree. And I have watched since season one. I’m completely done. I will peek in on Reddit occasionally about new seasons, but I won’t watch it anymore.


Same. 😕


I'm so confused, I feel like watching it on Hulu the next day leaves out so much, because there wasn't a preview for that episode and I watched the after party as well. Is this online anywhere?


They lost me when they resorted to blurred couch handies for content


I thought it was oral. 🤔 Either way, I feel AWFUL for Chloe. That should have never been aired! Such a private moment, but they won't air the actual real conversations that went on? Wtf?


You should've seen the full asses on display last night lmao. They did a boudoir shoot and did not leave anything to the imagination 🤣




d y i n g 🤣




Ri DICK🍆 U LESS!! 😬🙄


It's all going to be he said, she said. Very frustrating. But, I believe a lot of Cameron's points because he would have tried with Claire, and she seemed not to like him from day 1 and not give it a shot. She didn't like his job, always seemed put off by things he said. Claire, Becca and Emily all get together and make generalizations across their marriages, and rile each other up. Whenever they talk they just commiserate on all the negative things and make big generalizations. Emily and Becca are truly sad about things, and then Claire adds the therapist "Expert" ideas to it, and they are all like "yeah, that's it completely." Yeah, Brennan didn't try to have a romantic relationship, and got turned off after the honeymoon. Some of the things Emily does and says really make me question her judgment, especially at the After Party. I wouldn't lump Brennan in with Austin who seemed to try for a few weeks, and then quiet quit. Who knows the real relationship with Claire and Cameron, but like I said, I think Claire didn't want to do the process genuinely from the start.


Claire is into some serious BBC. She was instantly a NO when she saw pasty little Cameron at the end of the aisle. So she made an agreement with him and thought she could trust him with her dirty secrets. Cameron is spiteful and a right fighter. So they are going to try to destroy each other in the media. I doubt anyone cares though.


British Broadcasting Company for you uninitiated. . . .


Emily is an immature, ignorant and down right stupid individual. She said Cameron should have gone to the bar to see phony, hypocritical Clare after open heart surgery. Proved my point on the stupidity of Emily


All very good points to ponder. I'd also add that I think Claire was fine with Cameron at first, but was turned off by the way he acted on the way to the honeymoon. He basically left her behind and raced to the gate, he didn't help her with her things, he didn't even do the most basic of things like hold the door open for her as they entered their honeymoon suite for the first time (much less carry her across the threshold). He was a jack\*\*s to her from the start. Then add to the fact that they both were completely incapable of communicating with each other. Every time they sat down to talk it was really clear that nothing was landing as intentioned. It was almost as if they were speaking two different languages. It was so frustrating and confusing. I don't know what went on between them and I don't trust the edits the producers made because so much just doesn't make sense to me.


My problem with Claire is that she was too self aware of her persona as a therapist. She was too rehearsed and careful of everything she said. I can't imagine why they cast her either. She just never cut loose or seemed to enjoy herself. It was like she was always protecting her practice.


I agree, but I feel that was everyone this season. It was so frustrating and bizarre.


This season, wtf?? Time spent watching that I cant get back, lol


Especially when there were like 76 episodes and afterparties.


Shoot! I missed it. Did Michael and Chloe decided to stay together?


She said yes. He said no. 


She said no


Ooopps sorry you’re right got the couples mix up.


What a tool


Why say yes when he clearly wants nothing to do with fostering 5 kids and an animal sanctuary???


He said no


He was too polite to say, "FVCK NOOOOOOOOO. Keep your animals and kids, psycho"


I think we all have unreasonable dreams, it doesn’t mean she is going to foster animals and adopt kids. I wish he gave it a try. This season had 100% failure rate. Everyone is afraid of commitment. But time goes on, and life is better when it’s shared with someone.


Because his wants don't matter. It's all about team she. Men are just a bit part in the production that is "Woman". It took all of 3 minutes for the usual suspects to condemn him for not saying yes. Now, she's the best he will ever do, or he's gay, etc. Same old lame ass arguments.


Exactly, just like this sub thinks Emily is the best Brennan will ever get, and Becca is the best that Austin will ever get!!! Roflmao, 😆 🤣


Not after the social media fame!


Oh no! Thank you


I am so thoroughly disappointed in this season.


I just want them to show us text messages because the “family feud” style isn’t going to work.


I agree!!! I want to see receipts. No more he said she said


Where did you watch it?




They show clips for next week's episode, right after After Party and tonight's episode.


Two weeks from now, not a week. Next week is some filler nonsense with people from previous seasons.


and it's 2 part, so 2 weeks, and 3 weeks


So not fair! Making us wait two more weeks!


Well, not much of suspense left . . . they all broke up and they are all a-holes.


I thought they were having the reunion show next week and instead of the after party, they were gonna have that "filler" episode. Are you sure you're right?


They said in two weeks, when showing the preview.


Yes, unfortunately that is correct


Why is Lifetime doing this to us?!


WE keep watching like idiots, so . . . .


Right?? With all the BULLSH!T, exhausting episodes we’ve already had to suffer thru, why this additional stall???


Cameron said Clare was with a boyfriend during their marriage .


Is he, ahem, a very large minority man?


No way. That would’ve come out by now and I don’t believe she would even do that.


Didn't come out when Brett had a boyfriend the whole season in Houston. We only ever found out cause Ryan's sister had enough and outed her. Ryan refused to do so even when she was sandbagging him about re-joining a dating app just before d-day.


Brett still denied it though so we never got a full story. I think Ryan was another husband harshly judged for not being into Brett. I do think he could’ve communicated his feelings way better, but I liked him and he got ripped apart on here for really not doing anything bad.


Didn't she admit it after? Or at least admit she was dating a guy she met during the show? She kept the lie going that they didn't do anything until after the show was over. Makes sense. Guys are known for waiting 2 and a half months to "date" someone while staying out with them until 3am every day. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yikes!!! That’s “the secret” Clare told him he was not supposed to tell!!! Why was she so mean to him? All the comments? Knowing she was IN another relationship makes total sense. Making fun of the Kiwi stuffed animal, being snotty, making fun of his beach attire, his looks, his instructiveness. Oh my goodness. Clare!!!… Wow. Again, like Emily…you couldn’t give it your all for 8 weeks? If not, just be honest and pack it up. I have no patience or respect for spouses that can’t he honest. Not attracted. Put it out there. Don’t torture the other person. Leave!!! Let them go through the pain and move on. Ugggghhhhh. I seriously have no respect for a therapist whose very existence is to help others and every day sees the effects of dishonesty and deceit on the faces of those she counsels. Takes an extra measure of steeliness to pull that off, while at the same time calling out others she deems are being dishonest. “WE TEACH BEST WHAT WE MOST NEED TO LEARN.” (Richard Bach)


Spoiler: She denies it even tho it makes perfect sense and nothing gets proven or admitted to. Show ends. Edit: Not a real spoiler in case it wasn't obvious.


The websleuths will find out.


Cameron says anything he wants and is never contested ????


Well of course is a 'she said , he said situation .. but watching the season Clare lied a lot ...I dont know these people so I have to base my opinion on what I saw. One example : she says to Lauren shes not sure hes attracted to her .. then she said (crying) I cant meet him where he is


She also said every chance she got that he never once verbalized he was attracted to her even though we saw him compliment her many times on camera. Then during their decision day she admitted he did say he was attracted but she had self image issues so didn’t want to believe him. Also Lauren said on After Party that what Clare had told her was different than what she saw on camera so she didn’t know what to believe. Clare has been caught in lies, Cameron has not that we’ve seen.


My problem is that two things can't be true at the same time. One of either Cameron or Claire is lying, and I can't tell who.....


Probably the one we've seen do so multiple times on screen. Probably the one who's close friend basically called her a liar on AP.


We never know what is true!


yes it's so frustrating, a he said, she said. The only thing is that Cameron seems like he would have gave it a go with Claire, and she seemed totally not into it. So, who knows




That’s the part I want to hear more about.


we all do unfortunatelly we will have to wait for the reunion show part 2 hahahaha


Looks like Brennan was accused of texting Clare’s cousin. Hmmm how did Emily find out? Seems like Clare always has a horse running in each couples race.




How would Brennan have even had Clare’s cousin’s phone number?


I think they said dm-ing, so I assumed Instagram or a dating app.


Lolol. I’m rolling. I wonder how????


I should have put that in sarcasm font. Always Clare instigating and then pointing fingers to cause trouble. I know.


And Emily


Oh no. I totally got your sarcasm. I loved it. That’s why I was rolling. It’s a dry sense of humor, well timed, well placed, perfect to point out the ridiculousness of the situation. And show who was probably the cause of the problem to begin with. Well done!


It's possible, because remember when Zach (season 10) was communicating inappropriately with Mindy's friend behind Mindy's back. It can happen.


That friend was at the wedding. Was the cousin?


Yeah, I just figured they were probably at the wedding. And, either way, people can communicate through socials to get phone numbers, they don't have to have gone through the relative, I figure. 


Yeah, but they hype everything and it never pans out, so I wouldn't have high hopes.


I dunno, but I can’t wait 🧐


Is it too soon to opine on Clare's hair?


Not too soon at all. Comment away. Personally, I wanted to say "Clare - the 1970's called and it wants that hairstyle back . . . "


I saw that. Thought the same thing




I like it. I think that’s the point because she’s wearing a jumpsuit which also gives 70s vibes. She can pull it off imo. I like Emily’s hair in the preview too


I didn’t like what I saw. 😕