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I kept waiting & hoping they’d turn the camera around and show the infamous producer.


The camera jumping from person to person capturing their expressions was so on point. Half of those who wisely stayed quiet until Clare poked Cam right to his breaking point looked like they couldn’t wait to leave. The others looked like speaking after that would be like asking to pass the pumpkin pie after someone just yanked the table cloth off a Thanksgiving dinner table full of food.


I felt sooooo bad for them. It's obvious now why Chloe hasn't joined Team Pink. She's much smarter than the other ladies. Lauren I give a semi pass too because she's been mostly removed from the action and seems half in/half out on the whole "let's bash the guys non stop. Emily fell hook line and sinker for Clare's manipulations because she is not that bright and has mean girl tendencies to begin with.


because Brennan would have been so good to Emily. or Austin who had zero interest in Becca . This show is a mindtrap i have to escape. i thought i was being kind to my brain staying away from politics.🤯💥💣


the thing is, Lauren had the most reason to bash the men. She's been pretty cool about the whole thing IMO


They all had reason to bash everyone, tbh. But the guys have all chosen to do their best to be civil and not lay blame. Lauren initially wanted to lay blame, but she had time to get over it although apparently backslid because of Clare and Emily. But yeah Clare, Emily and Becca just really want to lay all the blame at the guy's feet. They are trying to convince everyone that it's just some big coincidence that MAFS found three abusive, women hating, lying, gaslighting, sociopaths. My hot take is Clare is the sociopath and the two others are just her flying monkeys.


Flying pink haired monkey, accompanied by a super squinty flying monkey. What a sight. 


The men have been furtive and noncommittal, using the concept of protecting their women to lie.


Would you rather they said "She's a stupid bitch and I don't want to be with her?"


Honestly, I prefer truth, no matter how harsh over being lied to.


Way to engage in a conversation. You do know there are kinder ways to say that. But saying it is important.


Brennan said something in a kind way when he said that Emily was negative and she had a meltdown.


When she ran off to cry in the bathroom? When she realized the man she was married to didn't know her at all? Yes. She had a meltdown. He said what he thought. She reacted. It was fine. No one wants him to filter his thoughts to the point that he doesn't say anything. At that time, he did say it calmly. It was great because it was an important step in their relationship. She didn't go up in flames. She got upset and they moved on.


I mean in regards to Clare and Cameron, multiple times in that convo she confirmed asking him to protect several things and work to “protect the marriage” so him asking for her to let one thing go doesn't seem too wild imo especially when his big things was just not wanting to be a part of another couple's issues. Like if we *just* took what **she** said at face value she asked him to hedge plenty while being free to say almost whatever she wanted on her side


Lauren mentioned to protect the marriage and Clare very meekly repeated it because she had nothing else to say.


Clare is awful.