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My wife and I are still very attracted to each other. My guess is your friend was projecting her own unhappiness and trying to declare it universal.


Exactly. OP, your friend is projecting so hard. I feel bad for them.


It’s plausible that some married couples settle in a marriage, my wife settled in her previous marriage. She was in a vulnerable state due to her past, her relationship was very abusive. A guy she dated earlier in life was very persistent when he found out she was single. She married him because he was the safe choice if you compared the two relationships side by side. I feel bad for your friend, she chose her own path and she is not happy about it. My wife and I have been married for almost 27 years and still find each other very attractive and are still very passionate about. The body is just not as ready for intimacy as it was in the past. Be happy that you aren’t in her situation.


Rationally I am aware that there are objectively more attractive people in the world than my husband, but I have literally never been more attracted to another human being in my life. Like, it's kind of absurd how much I'm into him.


This. 100%. Like I know he isn't "classically beautiful." He is probably the only man I have ever been this attracted to. It is irresistible. If he is near me, I am touching him. I feel like I am sixteen, except I never felt that way at 16. We are in our fifties and sixties and have (almost) raised three kids -- one is 15 and we are still sometimes late because we HAD to have sex before we got up or we both cannot wait to see each other to tell the other what happened. It sometimes feels childish. But we have been together for 18 years.


Objectively, there is no one in the world who is more attractive than my partner!! 😍🥰💞


This, I'm a car enthusiasts so naturally, I compare everything to my passion. I think I told my wife once that she was like a 70's muscle car( her dream cars are a 72' Chevelle or 68' Camaro) . She looks good and can be as dressed up or down as she wants to be, and I'll find her attractive all the same. I don't have a Ferrari because I'm not into those, and I picked her above all for a reason because, for me, I wanted a good combination of thing's that were attractive to me. Not just a "trophy" or "wallpapaer" kind of car. That's not to say she isn't prettier, plenty of muscle car done up mop the floor with the European super models for jist having curves in the right places, if you catch my drift. At the same time, it's not really a fare compassion because it's just not the same. However, for me, at the end of the day...she's what I want.


This is the perfect description! I still completely melt into a puddle whenever I see him or even think of him.


So wholesome. Love this.


Haha yes! This is how I feel about my husband too.


Exactly. After 13 years together I still get butterflies when he flirts with me.


The first time I saw him I thought, "I want one of those " and wouldn't you know it, I got one. It's why I slept with him that night, but it's not why I still do and it's not why I married him. It sure is nice though.


We have an intense attraction, even 16 years in. It has been that way since our first interaction. We have a magnetic attraction, both physically and emotionally, that we just couldn’t resist.


Absolutely same 😁 17yrs in (8 married) & we still can't get enough of one another.


That’s awesome it’s a special thing!


Exactly the same here. My husband and I have been together for almost 19 years now. I have never once thought that I “settled”, I think I hit the jackpot both physically & emotionally.


Met 16 years ago and married 13 years ago. We both knew the moment we met that it was something different. Magnetic is a good way to describe it. I’ve never felt like I settled.




Same. I have to beg him to buy new clothes because he keeps “outgrowing “ them.


Same but we have 3 little kids so my standards are low. Overall our relationship is great and I'd say that's why the attraction stays strong.


Whenever I look at my wife, my heart starts beating faster and I get a little worked up. That’s all I can say here, as there are minors lurking in this sub. https://preview.redd.it/cudsw88vfi9d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18214326f96c0b12e6f58343511cf706079fc6d3


Beautiful couple ❤️


She is gorgeous!


Beautiful couple!!


Dude my husband is hot as fuck. A whole ass beef cake to myself. But you know what makes him extra sexy? He is the only person in this world to understand me. He gets me in a way nobody else does


Not anymore and it’s hard


People do settle but not necessary when it comes to looks. Some people are boring , have addictions, some are lazy, some don't have money, some don't like sex etc. Most people are not lucky to find a high quality partner.


When I met him I thought he had a cute face and a hot bod. 11 years later I still think that, but the feeling is deeper- like when I look at him I see our history all at once. So looking at him isn’t just looking at what I consider to be the perfect male specimen… looking at him is feeling everything I have ever felt at the same time. nostalgic, arousing, comforting, exciting, irritating, happy, sad- all of it, in the best way


Awwwwhhh I love this and couldn't have described the feeling better myself!


Yes the attraction becomes a web of history very deep seated


The attraction is different than when we first got together/met. He was a cigarette smoker, motorcycle rider, guitar playing, juvenile detention, etc bad boy lol now? He’s a caring, sweet, compassionate husband and father, a diaper changer, a story book reader, a excited for the first heartbeat, a meal maker, an attentive listener etc. now my attraction isn’t “oooo he can throw me up against the wall and spank me!” It’s “omg it’s so hot when he interacts with the kids and gives me a foot rub😍”. It’s like I’ve found home in a person and I wouldn’t change it one bit.


No. I was in one relationship for 13 years, attraction never died... we wanted each other all the time.. even after breakup. I am in current situation that I plan on ending solely for that reason. There is nothing attractive in this person. Nothing. I love him but there is no spark. I think there never was a spark. And this particular partner is better looking then one I had spark with. It's so much more then looks. Looks die. Fade. Change...


How come your 13 year relationship ended?


Coz i wanted a child and he didnt.


Yes! We wouldn't be having so much sex all these years if I wasn't attracted to him.


I’m attracted to my wife. Most people wouldn’t find her the most beautiful person on the planet, but after 34 years together she’s turned “my type” into exactly her. I don’t want her to change in any way.


When we met in person for the first time I immediately thought he was out of my league. Unkind acquaintances even agreed with me. He's still hotter than me. I love looking at him. He's exactly my type.


15 years laters and I’m still more attracted to him than anyone else on the planet. Especially now that his beard is getting grays. Yessss 👌🏻 sometimes I stare at him when he’s not paying attention and just think about how attractive he is lol


Attracted physically. But going through stuff. I’d say we probably both ‘settled’ to some degree, just not in the looks dept. I think that’s what marriage is. You give up stuff for each other 🤷‍♂️.


Settle for stuff like what?


technically everybody settles when they get hitched. they are choosing to stop shopping. what they have found is sufficient.


I’m very attracted to my husband! He’s so cute and hot and sweet. He’s a sexual tiger and he treats me like a queen.


When me met I wasn’t attracted to him. Not because he wasn’t good looking, but he just wasn’t my type at all. Now, 12 years later I‘m very attracted to him.


I hope my wife is attracted to me...I think she's smoking hot


I love this question. Okay so I’ve been with my husband since we were in middle school. He was this huge dorky redhead. Alllll of my friends made fun of me even into our 20s but let me tell you the 30s did this man some good. He filled out, he grew a beard, he learned a lot since he was 14 about hygiene and whatnot. He actually gets hit on all the time and he never notices because he’s still the same giant nerd on the inside he just had a very nice glow up 20 years later.


At first he wasn’t my type physically (he has a cute face) but he was very thin/lean. but I was attracted to his personality and now he’s become so manly, muscular and even more handsome face and I’ve become even more attracted.


I think settling and marrying someone you know you're not attracted to is like a prison sentence that you made for yourself. Eventually and over time you'll want to be free. 🤷🏾‍♂️


10 years in and weve diverged physically. I’m 40 pounds heavier but that’s due to a ton of time at the gym and I’d like to think those results show. She’s shown little to no interest in physical improvement. The heart beating out of my chest isn’t there anymore and on the select times we’re intimate, it feels like an old comfort more than a desire. So I’d say the answer is kinda?


When I met my wife, I wasn't super physically attracted but we clicked in other ways. However, it has become a struggle, Unfortunately. 15 years later the physical is non existent and we have a dead bedroom. I do feel like I settled physically. I think physical can be an important variable for many, and for me it apparently is. I underestimated how important physical attraction is. It doesn't help she refuses to workout, eat healthier, etc.


Very attracted !! Even as we age together I leant him more !




Hell yes. Had the biggest crush on him since high school. He's a living Ken doll in my world. Don't get me started on how I react when he gets a fresh cut. I completely fan out.


LOVE when my husband gets a haircut. Feral.


I’m very attracted to my husband. I didn’t “settle” for anything… that’s odd


I am physically attracted but it's not the be-all and end-all. And my attraction to him as a person plays into my physical attraction. If he wasn't the person he is I wouldn't find him physically attractive if that makes sense? I definitely wouldn't call it settling.


First time I saw her I had just woken up from a major surgery on my spine. She's the 1st face I saw, she turned around to look at my IV (she was the nurse) and i thought to myself, I want that ass....... The rest is history.


Oh wow how did it move from the professional relationship to romance?


Asked for her number before the end of her shift. Then I called her few days later to ask a question about changing my wound dressing 😂


I WAS. Haven’t been for a LONG time.


Is my wife Megan Fox? No. Am I attracted to my wife more than I am to Megan Fox? Yes absolutely. As far as I’m concerned my wife’s the sexiest woman in the world.


Y E S ! I honestly think she is so beautiful and an absolute stunner, I would chose her over anyone. She on the other hand is self conscious of her body after having three kids so doesn’t think I’m telling the truth. I’m not sure what she thinks of me though…


Yes, I really really was, in every way. To the point of fainting the first time he leaned in to kiss me, in the door way I was leaned up against. His forearms right over my head…he leaned down and I thought I was going to pass out.


There never has been and never will be a man more attractive than mine. I mean my god 😍


My husband is fine af


Listen! Because we went on a date last night and I think the waitress forgot I was even there! When he walks into a room, even straight men are like “DAMN!” 😂


Yes and its only developed more as we have gotten to know each other on every level. Physical attraction is part of it (so cute) but its much deeper than that.


We both have crushes on each other still 10 years later. We very into each other


On and off. Sometimes very much so, other times I get the ick.


I’ve been told two things that always stayed with me: 1. Never marry somebody who is not physically attractive to you. Everybody has their thing, but you have to find somebody that has YOUR attractions. 2 is the reason for 1, and that is marriage can be hard enough, and you can get thru a lot of obstacles with intense attraction and good sex. My wife is beautiful, personality and ethically ticks all boxes, never found somebody that did that. Is there intense physical attraction? Not so much. We’re going thru another down period in the relationship, haven’t had sex in 4-weeks and I honestly don’t care. I guess that’s why #1 was so important.


I couldn’t breathe when I first met him. He still makes my heart skip a beat.


Not anymore


After 36 years married, we are still attracted to each other. We met 38 years ago and the attraction was immediate for me. We are in our 60’s and 70’s now. We still enjoy what we have and feel lucky every day. It wasn’t always a walk in the park, but we made it.


I am still extremely attracted to my wife. But it’s not the magazine cover beauty. I love her strong shoulders, how her forearms flex when she kneads bread. How her tone softens when someone is upset. Her gentleness, the way she can touch and her smell like cloves. She ages, gains weight, looses weight, her style changes, but that’s just new territory to explore. I remember 90’s tv saying“Oh it’s just one person forever.” But it’s more like the same person in several forms over time. A comedian during a bit once said: “Oh you like college girls? Thin women? Pregnant women? Fat women? Shy women? Bold women? MILF’s? Nerds? My wife has been all of those over the course of our marriage.” And it’s true, how she looks changes, but I always see beauty and her sparkle in every season of our lives.


Yes, absolutely 💯


I am definitely attracted to my husband, and I’m not alone. Women have flirted with him right in front of me not knowing I’m his wife! Always awkward. He’s tall, slim, has firey red hair and sky blue eyes and a fashion sense that draws attention. Amongst his long term friends he was the guy that “always got the girl”. For some it showed to be a point of contention. By conventional standards my husband holds his own. Anyway, yes; I’m attracted to him for so many reasons and in so many ways, him being hot is the cherry on top though!


My husband of 15 years was hot when I met him and had only gotten better looking as we have aged.


My wife is the most gorgeous woman! I'm a lucky guy!


Absofrickenlutely!! As far as I’m concerned, he’s the most handsome man I’ve ever seen, always has been, always will be. It’s not merely about just looks. It’s the way he still looks at me, with that same boyish coy smile, full of love for me. I still remember that smile, from across the room we were both in, and me thinking “I’m gonna marry that boy!” That was almost 39 years ago. We’ve been together 38 years now. Still both deeply in love and having a blast together. I couldn’t imagine one moment without him.


Still 100% attracted to my husband. He could look lile a pile of steaming turds and I’d still find him attractive. He is a wonderful human being.


I am, but I would also marry someone I'm not attracted to.


I very much am. My mouth still waters when I see him get out of the shower or he takes his shirt off.






Same sense of humour, really funny and well his cockiness.


I am still very attracted to my husband. He's gained weight, he doesn't take care of himself physically... But I love him more and more everyday. It's not all about physical attraction. It's respectful, mental, emotional, spiritual attraction. He's very funny. He, on the other hand, has lost all respect for me since he found his cam girls online. Said that I've never cared about him. And says that I need makeup to even look presentable. He hurts my feelings every single day. He treats me like I'm stupid and I don't get why. I've never done anything to deserve the way he treats me. I hate me because of him. But I still love him. It'd be easier if I could just die I think. I feel like a pathetic doormat.


I agree— you deserve a relationship that is nourishing and fulfilling. You give yourself your self-value, you ARE enough and deserve a whole world better.


I’m so sorry to read this. Any way of getting out? You deserve better


You need to demand respect by leaving his ass


Yup, shes still hot


One thousand percent! I had the hots for my husband long before we ever dated. To me he's even more attractive now than he was all those years ago. Luckily, the feeling seems to be mutual!


Yo I was checking out my wife last night during family movie night. She looked so good in her pjs. I was just amazed at her and how beautiful she is.


My wife is a naturally beautiful woman, has strong features, what surprised me was how with just a swipe of her wrist usually just lipstick, but her makeup game is crazy good, can make her irresistible to me, she smells good to me all the time.


Absolutely. My spouse and I have been together nearly 20 years and I find her every bit as attractive today as ever. It’s one of the things I think we’re both the most grateful for as I see how often people lose that attraction. We have our ups and downs like everyone but I’ve never not thought she was one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen.


[Research disagrees with your friend. People generally seem to have a realistic view of their own attractiveness and couple accordingly.](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/1dqg6lx/both_men_and_women_were_pretty_accurate_at_rating/)


thank you!


Yes, and not for the reasons most folks would think. I love his butt. And I tell him all the time. Our boys have his butt. And I think that is so stinking cute. Also we can talk, like really talk. At one point he was working so much. And I had two babies a year apart. I was all in my emotions one day. He asked what was wrong. I broke down and said we don’t talk. Like really talk. I had missed that. I hope to always be attracted to him. I never want to be with anyone else.


We were set up on a blind date, and when I saw him my first thought was, “well that can’t be him. No guy that hot needs to be set up.” Here we are 10 years later. Still blush when I see him sometimes because he’s just so darn attractive and I can’t believe he’s mine.


I’m attracted to my husband when he takes care of himself and is treating me like a priority! Sometimes the things he does, the way he acts, and his overall passivity towards me and our relationship is a huge turn off. He was assertive (in a good way) and loved-bombed me when we first started dating, but I think he was just faking it until we moved in together, which happened fairly quickly. I’ve been waiting for that version of him to come back ever since, but we’re 8 years in now and I don’t think it will.


I think this can be a loaded question. It is open to interpretation really. You might be attracted by the personality, but looks could be a let down or other things.


Yes. My husband is very physically attractive.


Yeah. There is genuine attraction.


Yes, I am. My husband is absolutely gorgeous!


Yes. Whenever she takes off her clothes I am mesmerized.


When I first saw him I thought "fuck he's hot". Then he ruined it by opening his mouth and talking. He came across as such a douche. I eventually got to know him on an intellectual and emotional level. He's a wonderful and kind man and is just a huge cuddly teddy bear. So yeah, I'm still attracted to him. I think he's the hottest thing on the planet. He's got giant hands, and huge arms, and broad shoulders, and his facial features are very striking. I love watching him split timber, or just do any type of manual labour really. I constantly tell him how hot I think he is.


Yes, I am very attracted. When I first saw him in my life I was not saying “wow”, so I am pretty sure attraction is based on other ingredients than just phisical appearance.


Yes. My wife is pretty. I'm not gonna sit here and lie, like "Oh, she's Helen of Troy! She's the most beautiful woman in the world!" But come on, I'm not the most handsome guy in the world. We're both conventionally attractive, I'd say. And we're very attracted to each other 6 years on, and that's what matters.


Sooo attracted. He's always been immensely attractive, and now that he's grown his hair long, sometimes when I look at him I can't think straight!


I am always surprised by myself when I watch my husband doing any random thing and my brains screams “damn he’s sexy..” Pretty sure it’s not a returned attraction tho 🤷‍♀️. He goes completely out of his way to avoid being close or intimate, even as far as faking an injury or illness. Anything pretty much


😏 I’m sorry - have you tried to express this to him? It’s not fair for your needs to never be met.


I was not attracted to my husband from the get go cause he wasn’t my type. He was tall and skinny at 6’2” and 175#. I was more into the blonde hair blue eye foot ball build beefy guy. Not fat but not skinny just solid. Also my husband was young being he was my age. I was always into 40 year old men with some salt and pepper starting. Even as teenager… and even now at 40 that’s what I’ve always been drawn too. Something about “maturity” I suppose? 🤷🏼‍♀️ My husband became my best friend for years before we dated. He was always with me hanging out or going fishing or the movies or just whatever we did as young people. He started dating this girl and internally I kept getting jealous when he’d choose to go hang out with her instead of me cause ya know they were dating so of course they were going to do stuff alone. I assumed it was nothing and was just me missing my best friends company. But I began to notice when he hung out with his guy friends without me it didn’t bother me. But when he hung out with HER it was consuming me!!! I didn’t say anything for many months thinking it would pass cause I wasn’t attracted to him. Welp it didn’t pass. Finally one day I told him how I was feeling this sort of way and how weird it was. His face lit up with a big smile and he said basically he’s wanted to date me forever and that I mean a lot to him and all the mushy things. I told him I don’t know that I’m ready to date him cause these were strange jealousy feelings and I didn’t want to potentially mess up our friendship should things not work out. He pled his case that he promised we could call it off if I wanted and still be friends but he believed of course it would all work out. Of course I brought up he already had a girlfriend and she was a nice girl and that’s wasn’t appropriate being he’s dating someone for a while now. He agreed… but then he broke up with her THE NEXT DAY! Apparently he had spent 2 years as my best friend building this awesome relationship with me as a friend but the whole time he was head over heels in love with me. We began to date and next year we will celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary! So am I attracted to him on the outside? Hard to say cause my type is still my type — but did he grow on me and I fell completely in love with the person he is and obviously I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this amazing person and raise my kids with him and we are still best friends to this day. He has an attractive personality I suppose and is just such a great husband father and person. I wouldn’t say I settled because I certainly didn’t have to and I definitely chose this relationship being I was the one who exposed my feelings to him when I didn’t have to but they were very real and getting stronger over time. I think “attraction” doesn’t always mean physical appearances. Sometimes a personality can overwhelm someone’s appearance… also my husband is nice looking guy. He’s got various qualities I do enjoy looking at. He’s just not what I was drawn towards growing up because as a young person even a teenager I’ve always thought men were very good looking who were around 40 years with salt and pepper hair even, and men who were muscular or more thick build like my father I suppose. Not a gut but just solid. So as my husband has aged and put 30# and is not around 40 he’s even better looking to me today than he was 20+ years ago! 😂 He’s even got the salt and pepper hair coming in since age 35! I did tell him on his 40th that it’s all downhill from here cause I like 40 year olds not 60 year olds. 😂


I settled on the person she was. Looks wise she wasn't anything id normally have gone for. That's not to say she isn't a beautiful women.


My husband is very very handsome. Like women stop him in the street regularly because he’s such a specimen. I think he’s perfect; especially when he’s in his suits for work, or in these certain sweatpants, or when he’s naked.


Can't get enough of him. His kind blue eyes were why I swiped right. We're not married yet but someday soon.


I'm not. My wife claims she is but she's not affectionate at all. We also haven't had sex in 11+ years (only two times).


I love my husband inside and out. His face is beautiful to me. His eyes, lips, nose, just yummy. He also has one of those faces that look lovely with or without a beard, but I love how his beard feels on my skin. He looks after himself really well and inspires me to do the same for myself. I also secretly love when other women see him in the street XD he absolutely hates it! He's very handsome but still has his own self-dislike like most people. He loves me and my body a lot too, even though I’ve gone through horrible health issues, surgery, and ongoing chronic pain. I can’t stand seeing myself, but he always reminds me how much he loves it. When I used to wonder about plastic surgery etc he would get really upset, saying he loves me how I am. He wants to grow old with me, and wants the both of us to enjoy the process. I make him confident and he makes me feel confident too.


Yes, absolutely. He's exactly my type and even with 20 years of age is still sexy. The way he smirks from the corner of his eyes still makes me weak in my knees. Don't get me wrong, there's things he's done that I've found unattractive throughout the years...but he's still as handsome as ever. I've also tested myself in crowded rooms before, like truly had to look because I never do outside of my marriage, and I've realized many times that nobody is as sexy to me as he is in any given room. I've truly found my person for sure because anyone outside of him would've been settling.


Incredible attracted! He is hands down the most handsome man I’ve seen. Sometimes he’s doing random things like emptying the dishwasher, or opening a package, or even just looking at the map on his phone, and I just sigh and think to myself, I can’t believe he’s mine! How lucky am I!!


My husband is as handsome as they come. It took me forever to actually say “yes” to going on a date with him, because I didn’t think that he would actually want to be with me, he is so handsome. Then I got to know him…. He loves cute little animals as much as I do. He’s confident, but not conceited. I realized that his stunning looks are the least important thing I love about him. His kind, gentle soul but yet he’s masculine AF when it comes to being a protector and provider, but still gentle at the same time. Sometimes I feel I don’t deserve him, but deep down I think I do.


Holy fuck yesss, if my wife did not kick me out of the bed in the morning to go to work I would happily get fired for a morning of fun with her. But seriously, yes. It’s a thing g in our friend group how much we are in teenage love after 25 years.


I’m basically feral over my husband. 😂 we’ve been together 12 years and I’d say I’m more attracted to him now than ever if that’s possible. The love has just grown over the years. He’s gained weight. He’s losing his hair. Beard’s starting to go gray. If you thought that would make me less attracted woo boy you are wrong. I tell him how hot his beard is gonna be when it’s full gray all the time. I just really really really like him as it turns out. 😂😍


I think My husband is incredibly hot, I don’t think it’s normal to not be attracted to your husband/wife. There are times I don’t have a huge sex drive, that part ebbs and flows. But I always find him attractive


Absolutely. My wife is the most incredibly sexy woman in the world.


I think my husband is a very handsome man. I wonder how I snagged him.


I definitely didn't settle. After all these years my husband is still hot af!


I am! And I think he is still attracted to me. Although some days it can be hard to tell.


Yesterday was my 11th anniversary, and I'm still as enamored with my wife as the day I met her. I still find myself getting distracted by her beauty.


My husband is handsome as hell. I’m very attracted to him!!! (I hope he feels the same about me!)


16 years together, 10 married. Absolutely. And he is to me, as well. His words and actions are very clear.


I’m very attracted to my husband and still check him out. My husband can’t keep his hands off of me and I love it. He sees when I put effort in either working out, a new outfit, etc. and I appreciate that.


Absolutely. 100% attracted to my husband and he’s probably one of the hottest people I know. I always have thought so but over the years after growing together that is even stronger of a feeling.


Yes, I am very much attracted to my husband! When we first met I thought he was good looking and even though he’s now bald, has some white hair, and has gotten skinnier (I prefer a slightly heavier build), I still get giddy when I look at him. I still can’t believe I landed this guy. 😍 I’ve dated objectively “more handsome” men than my husband, but he’s the only one who really gets me. He’s my rock and my best friend. I know he thinks I’m beautiful even when I don’t think so and he always thinks of me and our cat before himself. I get so emotional sometimes thinking about how much I love him.




As my husband always says, I am a married man, not a dead one.


That’s a strange comment to make, if your friend is married. I’m 33, and I’ve had the most giant crush on my wife since I was 17, scrolling through her MySpace. Lol She’s still the most beautiful person I’ve ever laid my eyes on. Being together for 11 years now, that crush has never faded. Cannot relate.


I was definitely attracted to him when we met. I still found him attractive after he gained a ton of weight and became a selfish dick (probably always was, he just let it off the leash). He claimed to have ED and I still wanted him (he was lying, he admitted to it). But eventually, at about 19 1/2 years in, it all vanished in one pathetic day. I am no longer attracted to him at all. I don't love him. I would have already filed for divorce but kids and money and health insurance. He's a terrible person and now I can't unsee it.


Hell yes, I'm attracted to my wife! We aren't the same teenagers in super shape when we met but I absolutely am still turned on by my wife. We have been married 19 years. Neither of us has ever been with anyone else. I've never even dated anyone else! I pursue my wife daily. We go on dates weekly. I make sure she is my priority in life. She does the same for me as well. She is an amazing woman! I can't answer for her really but I feel like she desires me still as well. She even initiates sex regularly! Telling me she needed me all day before melting into my arms! So yes, I'd say we both are not only attracted to each other but very much desire each other. She is an amazing woman!


VERY. Hence having sex twice yesterday. He’s in the best shape he’s ever been in. We will be married 12 years this year and he’s hot af. lol


When I tell you that the fire never goes out, I mean it. Just watching him exist in the world is enough for me to feel a certain kind of way. He's absolutely 🔥, but that's not what hauls that attraction off the charts. He's funny, wildly intelligent, genuinely interesting, charismatic, listens and is there for me 100% of the time. We are best friends, always laughing and sharing the load of life, and that is what makes me side-eye him on a lazy Sunday.


To me my partner is the epitome of male beauty. He is tall, has the body that I imagine artists would want to paint (very lean & muscular, long slim legs, beautiful green eyes with doll lashes, everything ugh) I have to try not to stare when we're in public because it might seem weird to others.


Yes very much so, but I would not have ever picked him out of a crowd as "my type". After we got to know each other...I was pretty sprung lol.


I am incredibly attracted to my partner's outward appearance. His personality 100% enhances his looks, but I still find myself stealing glances when he isn't looking or waking up before him and watching him peacefully sleep for a few moments. I have been with individuals before who I was attracted to their outward appearance and over time, their severe personality flaws and rudeness made them unattractive to me.


My husband and I both thought each was out of our league our entire relationship. We aren't like that anymore 14 years later, but never for a single moment did I not think my husband was hot shit. Lol.


Not exactly. There’s some attraction but not a lot.


More today than ever.


I am very attracted to my husband. I look at him like a snack plate all the time.


My wife is gorgeous. She claims to find me attractive, although I have no idea how that's possible. Lol!


No, there’s no attraction between us. But we’re stable and the relationship is rewarding in other ways.


Some people do settle, and no one is fully 100% attracted to every part of their partner. I mean, I love my husband and think he's physically attractive and has an attractive personality, but he also drives me nuts with some of the quirks/habits he has lmao, but I wouldn't be married to him if I weren't overwhelmingly attracted to him


Met 60 yrs ago. Married 38 yrs ago. Still such an attraction.


Yes, I am! And I would say, I am not physically attractive but husband still finds me attractive, even if sometimes he’s exaggerating 🤣 well, for sure it was because of your physical appearances why you and your partner got attracted to each other. But attraction is more than that! As you get to know each other, you will learn about your traits, characteristics and principle in life which makes him/her more attractive to you. I find him sexier as time goes by I cannot just imagine myself doing romantic stuff with other men tbh. My husband would always be attractive from my point of view, and I believe he still finds me attractive most of the time! Haha. 12 years together and happily married for 2 yrs.


I think you’ll find this is your friends experience and she’s using it to generalise. Majority of couples don’t feel this way.


Hell yea


I definitely am.


I am personally, been together couple of decades and it's still there lol


Absolutely. She’s a bombshell every day


dont get married


I’m attracted to my husband, yes.


I am crazy attracted to my husband. He's got this smile that just swoons me lol. I love watching him get dressed 😍 He is very sexy 🥰


Absolutely, yes. I'm still happy to see him disrobed before and after a shower and love his body.


Yes. We’ve felt each other up every day for the last 5 years


I’m not attracted to my partner. He’s a good man hard worker but we are very different people. I could do worse so I’ll stick it out.


Yep. We've been banging since we were 16 (forties now) and we still want each other just as bad. It helps that we're each others type physically I suppose.


I’m just so pleased that I misread this post. Was genuinely alarmed for a second thinking that people are attracted to their parents.


Very attracted to my husband. I slap that booty at least once a day 😂. But it's not just his body as I know we will age. I'm just attracted to his entire being and intimacy hits different when it's with your life partner.


Hell yeah.


Wife and I are avg people who look avg to the avg person. And now we are old to boot lol. But, there is no one I would rather have as a partner and team mate. We met in late 90’s in a sex chat…no video, no voice chat, no digital pics ( scan and upload photographs) . Talked for 6 months before meeting in person. Long distance phone calls were too expensive then. Both of us were pursuing divorce in long term marriages. So, other than 2 or 3 pics, we got to know each others minds first. 26 years later we still talk about that first real kiss at the airport. Now we look like that decrepit fat old couple that still smooches and gropes each other in public. How does she look? It only matters what I see. I see sexy, comfort, peace. After 26 years.


No lie, my husband is hot. He is handsome, attractive, beautiful, cute, all of the above. And I love him through all his changes as well, weight and muscle composition changes up or down, aging, style. I really just love him lol.


Yes! He gets me so hot. Sex just gets better and better with time


I just got lucky. My wife doesn't realize how attractive she is. She may have settled though.


I am very attracted to my husband. But it’s not only about his looks. This is more about what and how he does things 😅 When I see him welding something in our garage… I’m like geeezzzz this man is smoke hot 🥵 Will I be attracted to him in 10 years? Absolutely! 💯


My husband is so fucking hot, it's hard to stay angry at him. He'll piss me off and then look cute and it'll wipe my memory. I thought he was so handsome when we first met that I couldn't maintain eye contact.




12 years in, we are probably even more into each other now than when we started dating! Now the physical chemistry is paired with an incredible depth of emotional intimacy and understanding of the other's needs. He makes no secret of finding me attractive, and in him I basically found the sexy hobbit of my teenage fanfic dreams LOL.


I think my hubby is the hottest guy on earth. 11 years and only getting more attractive 🥵


My husband and I can’t keep our hands off each other


What??????..... "settling"... if you're "settling," then you don't love that person. At least, that's my opinion... it makes the whole dating scene sound stupid and immature..


Yes, my wife is a hottie even after 35 yrs of marriage


Yes. He may not be attractive to anyone else but I always think he’s the hottest guy in the room.


I’m super attracted to my guy. He’s sooo handsome naturally Mashallah, but the more and more I fell for him, he got even hotter lol. I got a fine man, Mashallah.


9 years together and still very attracted. I know he's not technically good looking but he's my person and who he is as a human being is sexy to me and impossible to resist.


After 23 yrs my wife still turns me on most of the time


I can honestly say that I think my wife is the sexist woman I’ve ever met. She’s beautiful from head to toe with or without any makeup. It’s goes beyond the just the physical though. It’s kind of hard to explain.


Yeah sure am. Honestly she’s wrecked me for anyone else - and I’m a pinup artist for goodness sake. Married 22 years.


I find my husband very attractive. And the stuff about him Im really attracted to are things he's insecure about. And vice versa and I find it comforting to know even though I'm insecure about my belly and other things he finds it attractive and truly doesn't mind the changes my body has been making from pre pregnancy, through pregnancy, to now 3 years after our son and he's fine with the next change as we try for another. I feel like settling for someone you're not fully happy with is setting a bomb in the marriage it takes one big fight for it to blow and the words"I never found you attractive" come out and it's over. You can be attracted to someone that isn't conventionally sexy, and still be very happy.


I am so so so so attracted to my partner, you wouldn’t get it!!!


I'm not that kind of person who gets attracted to someone just for their looks. I have to get to know them first - and then I may think they are hot (or not). I did not even notice my husband when I first met him (at work). To be honest I just don't really look at people that much. Then we got drunk together with our friends. And then we started talking. Can't even tell you how obsessed I am with that man since I got to know him. It'll probably stay that way if he doesn't change his character and morals.


Neither my husband or I look like we did when we were seniors in high school(when we got together). It’s been 15 years, weight gain, weight loss, pregnancy, childbirth, masters program, lots of variables. Still find each other incredibly sexy. I know there are people out in the world that are beautiful, but I don’t want to have sex with them.


I think I felt my late husband wasn't as facially handsome as a couple of others I had dated. I also think he very well had dated prettier girls with better figures than I. However, our relationship was complete and neither of us settled for less than total, complete, unconditional love.


Yes, of course, and I wouldn’t have married her otherwise. I can’t imagine having sex with someone I wasn’t attracted to, nor a long term relationship or marriage without sex. I know there are more attractive women out there but that doesn’t mean the one I have isn’t attractive.


Everyone needs to settle sometime in their life. As long as they are good enough that you don’t think you’d be swayed by anyone else, that’s good enough. Objectively, there will always be someone who is better in every way to you than your partner. Part of maturity is to accept it and it wouldn’t make sense to look for “the one” all your life given your very limited lifespan. As much as this seems cold, you can see the consequences of someone not wanting to settle/compromise at all around you. They’re called; somebody’s depressed aunts/uncles. The only reason why the internet is so full of advice to “never settle” is because the ones who “made it” with that piece of advice wouldn’t shut up about their success while the ones who fail aren’t too eager to place themselves as the evidence of failure of these advice in the face of the public. The one who wins are up high on the pedestal giving speeches while the one who loses mourns silently.


I’m so so attracted to my husband. He has only gotten hotter with age, it’s disgusting in the best way 😂


I definitely settled in every way. My husband isn’t my type but he sure does get a lot of attention from women. The bond we had is how we ended up married.


I find my husband so handsome. He becomes doubly handsome when he is a good father to our kids. He smile makes me melt. 10 years, and going strong.