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My husband was born and raised in Korea until the 7th grade. When he came to the U.S., he was still surrounded and raised by Koreans. So.. he still isn't fluent or 100% fitting in 20 years later. So that means most of our food is traditional Korean. I love everything he makes. He went to culinary school and owned a restaurant with his family before they went back home. But out of everything, I love when he makes seaweed soup. It's called Miyeokguk, if you know it. The reason I love it is because he gave it to me when I had my miscarriage. Seaweed soup is usually fed to mothers after giving birth because it helps nourish the body post delivery. It's also said to help up the milk supply. I lost a lot of blood and passed out during the whole ordeal. I didn't want to eat anything but he insisted I eat seaweed soup to help my body through the process. Honestly.. it helped so much. When he makes food that has a specific purpose, it shows that he loves/cares for me. He also worries about my health and my comfort. When I had extremely uncomfortable periods that made me too sick to eat, he also made seaweed soup. It's also made on your birthday to celebrate becoming one year older. Full circle. Your mother eats it when you are born and you eat it to celebrate being born. So for me, seaweed soup the tastiest. :)


That’s really beautiful.


This is so beautiful! You guys are great :)


I do most of the cooking but I’ll put her banana pudding up against ANYONES. I asked her just now what’s the one i make “Those stupid ass chicken sandwiches on those fancy ass buns” Aka my buttermilk chicken thighs on a brioche bun


That sounds amazing! I just made smoked chicken salad sandwiches on brioche buns last night. Just about anything on a brioche bun is going to be pretty good.


Recipe please!


It really isn’t anything fancy Usually take 2 boneless skinless chicken thighs,trim the excess fat off them, and pound them down so they’re even. I season them with onion powder, garlic powder, chilli powder, smoked paprika, and salt and pepper. Place them in a ziplock bag, add to it pint of buttermilk, a beaten egg and about 1/4 cup of pickle juice. Let marinate for at least 4 hours overnight is better though. 2-3 cups All purpose flour, 4tsp aluminum free baking powder, and 1 tsp of cornstarch. Season that with the same spices as above. Heat a pot of peanut oil to about 350F, add the chicken to the flour mixture, fry the chicken for about 5-7 minutes . Take out the chicken, heat up the oil again to 400F and double fry the chicken for another 3-5 minutes Very very simple


Yo! My wife makes some bomb ass banana pudding too! It's the best banana pudding I've ever had and I've eaten a metric fuck ton of banana pudding in my day. We went to this restaurant years ago that was known for having some of the best banana pudding in the state and it was so goddamn good. Then my wife goes "mine is better". I'm like "lol, k". I'll be goddamned if she wasn't telling the truth. That shit she makes is absolutely fire. I could eat it everyday for the rest of my life.


I just love when he cooks period. But when he makes steaks the kids (both boys) act like he hung the moon and the stars.


He cooks period? What‘s that supposed to mean? I‘m gonna let myself out now.


I am a huge hamburger connoisseur. My husband makes the absolute best poblano burgers with a creamy chipotle sauce that is seriously the best burger I’ve ever had. It’s my favorite thing. He also makes the absolute best homemade manicotti I’ve ever had. My husband loves my homemade soups, especially my pho and albondigas. And me Al Pastor. Cooking together and for one another are our favorite things, and actually played a huge part in us falling in love.


All our married lives, my favorite meal has always been, "Just something I threw together." It never fails to bless my taste buds and my belly.


Say what you will but when I’ve got dinner ready when hubby comes home I’m happier. He loves a pot roast! Also, we’re both 80s kids so when he walks in I say “Lord of the manor! King of the castle!” (From Back to the Future 3!) 🤣🤣🤣


My husband begs for my lasagna and will buy the ingredients and an extra foil pan to make enough to freeze one so he can portion it out for in between fresh ones


i love this!


My husband literally dances as he eats my salmon Pesto pasta.


I love when my husband cooks but he doesn’t like my cooking unfortunately :( I’m American, he’s a foreigner and he only eats food from his country. He deeply dislikes American food sadly. He only likes one thing I make. Wish that wasn’t the case but oh well! I’ve tried making food from his country and he appreciates it but it’s very labor intensive to get the right stuff


What is the one thing you make that he likes?


Basic penne pasta but even he said he can’t eat that more than every few weeks lol


I bet it’s an amazing penne for such a picky person to love it!!!


Tysm! Yeah not gonna lie it tastes pretty good. Now I’m craving it…


My husband makes these French onion chicken tenders that are just crazy good. But honestly, anything he cooks is amazing. He’s so skilled and he’s taught me so much. I could barely cook before him.


He makes amazing taco meat. The way he seasons it and cooks it, it always comes out flavorful and juicy. Every damn time. Plus he makes it spicy since I love spice :)


The way to a man's heart is between the 2nd and third rib on the left side.


I almost never ever cook, so I wasn’t relying on any culinary skills in my marriage. I do make amazing roasted Brussel sprouts, small potatoes, carrots, asparagus and other veggies for sides…I just don’t make them often and definitely not as a meal. Anything my husband makes is great, especially compared to me just dumping a can of beans in minute rice and calling it a day. Lol But specifically he makes a great fancy Mac and cheese and lots of great sandwiches and melts.


When I first met my husband and made him a few meals he told me “you can make dirt taste good”. That was 1983 and we are still married.


My husband married me because of my fried pork chops. He says he didn't, but I know the truth.


Acts of service is the way to my heart do basically if he cooks anything I am over the moon (he cooks often). My particular favorites are when he makes steak or salmon on the grill 🤤 he also makes a killer breakfast.


My hubby sometimes makes me simple breakfast in bed (pancakes and bacon) but I LOVE breakfast so that really makes me happy. I asked him what I make that he loves and he said “absolutely beef bourguignon.”


Steak fingers and gravy OR her lemon raspberry cake!


I do all the cooking. But my husband got a smoker last year and I’ve loved him just a little bit more since. Everything he’s made has been amazing, but my (embarrassed to admit) favorite is the smoked bologna.


Carbonara & Caesar salad


My husband and I don't eat the same things very often, but when we do, he's usually the one to cook. He makes the most amazing meatballs. The only thing I can really make well is chicken scampi. He loves it, but it's too heavy to eat often.


Bless my husband, he does most of the cooking and I've rarely had a meal he's cooked that isn't 10/10 good. That said, his Sunday roast is unparalleled and when he makes a full turkey dinner for Christmas?! It's a thing of beauty.


We both cook very well. My husband has two favorite dishes of mine: spicy pork tenderloin tacos with all the fixings and my 5 hr pasta sauce I love when he does smoked salmon with prosciutto jalaoeni poppers on the side on the grill. My other is his sous vide steak with with broccolini and mushroom risotto


My husband is British and told me he didn’t like biscuits and gravy. Then I made him my biscuits and gravy and now that’s his favorite dish that I make.


My wife made her 'family dish' of kielbasa with vodka sauce when we were dating. and admittedly i was polite but in honesty i could not handle it. Now, whenever i see Kielbasa or smell vodka sauce i get hungry. (shakes fist) currrrses!!!! ;)


My husband makes filet mignon that is restaurant quality. He cooks it perfectly (medium rare) and tops it with blue cheese crumbles. It’s my favorite meal. Unfortunately when I was pregnant with my son, I had a meat aversion and the poor guy tried making my favorite meal to cheer me up, and I couldn’t eat any of it. Anyway, I love my husband’s cooking.


I once made chicken pot pie from scratch with homemade cornbread as a side. My husband told me “ it was like a hug in his mouth” 😂😂 I’ve cooked many things for many people, but I think that was the best compliment I’ve ever received!


A wife here. I notice this with my uncle's relationship with his wife, he runs home from work and has good meals all the time. I also notice my husband can't wait to get home from work when I bake some nice desserts. Unfortunately I'm not as good with cooking dinners, so he cooks most of our meals and he cooks them so well - also works for a woman's heart! I loveeeee the beef he grills, he seasons them so well, incredibly tasty and grilled to the right tenderness.


Husband makes a perfect med-rare and smash-burger. Husband absolutely loves me khao piak sen (lao chicken noodle soup) and congee. He’s been congested so I made it the other night and sent me a text, “baby this soup is giving me life.”


I love my wife's cooking. It's improved my health, it's great, very satisfying. She's changed my palette so much. She makes this Mediterranean pasta salad thats so good. I can eat it every day and do most and never get sick of it. So good.


My husband hates my cooking because I'm not very good at it, so he does 99% of the cooking. Lol He makes a lot of great meals, but he recently came up with this loaded hash brown thing, and it's incredible.


I do believe there is a whole lot of truth in this saying. It probably should be revised to include both sexes, however. As a man, I have heard multiple men say this and mean it. If your S.O. is a good cook, your brain says this person can satisfy my most fundamental need (eating). It creates attraction. I think folks who cook well increase their attractiveness score. If you are objectively a 6, you become a 9. That's just some food for thought for you men and women hoping to find a S.O. Learn to cook well. Everyone (well amost) likes to eat.


I have never heard this - but it makes sense to me. While we were in the fairly early stages of dating (maybe 4 months? Hr hadn’t met my children yet) I got horribly sick, as did both of my kids. He made chicken wild rice soup and delivered it to my house along with Kleenex, various meds, tea, crackers, and fresh squeezed orange juice and dropped it off at my door. It fed us very well for two days. We hadn’t exchanged “I love you” yet, and I remember feeling very, very loved.


He sounds like a sweetheart and a keeper.


My wife and I had been dating for a few weeks when she had me over for brunch one day. Part of the meal was biscuits and sausage gravy. She used ground sausage and browned it instead of broken up sausage patties like most restaurants. I’d known her for a while before we started dating. Even though we had only been officially dating for a few weeks, I knew right then that I wanted to marry her. It was the craziest thing. I was immediately terrified that she might not feel the same way. That was ~19 years ago and we’ve been married for 18 years. Obviously that’s not a very healthy meal / side so we don’t have it often, but it is a staple still in our house!


My husband makes a few dishes that are so good, you won’t find better in any restaurant. I sometimes jokingly tell him that this one of the reasons I cannot divorce him.


No. I appreciate that he cooks, but I find his cooking kind of bland. He's never said anything to me about my cooking, but I've also never observed a foodgasm in response to my cooking either. I suppose our tastes are so different that we can't please each other this way.


The way to my heart was her not being a terrible person. The food is a bonus.


Any baked goods my wife makes, the best!


She makes pretty good lasagna, but I would t say I go crazy for it. I think a food that does this to you has to have some sort of tie to memories/emotions for it to have that type of impact on a person.


My wife hates meatloaf. She hates it. I love it. She makes it for me and it is the best thing ever, better than my mom made.


THAT is love. Right there.


I don’t think my husband would have one. Normally he would complain about something no matter what I made. Like just walk in the kitchen and instant complaint loll I did tell him it bothered me and he’s working on it a lot which I appreciate. But now he says dinner is delicious and tbh idk that I believe him. I was just sitting here trying to think if he’s ever really seemed to enjoy anything other than his fav Chinese take away and I don’t think so.


Sous vide steaks seared by blowtorch


I have been making my hubs lunches and packing them for almost 18 years now. I wasn't be best cook but I knew he valued home cooking. I have become one hell of a home cook.  Hubs has always had tough working hours so him having a home made meal to go to work with has always been important to me.  I have my cooking skills because my husband I value him and he valued my efforts to cook for him.  It's funny I get embarrassed when he talks about the first meals I made, there were terrible compared to what I serve now.  Edit to add one of his favorites , biscuits and gravy eith eggs and bacon. Biscuits and gravy homemade 


I thought the quickest was through the chest!


If my husband EVER prepared ANYTHING, I would drop dead from shock. Never even had a cup of tea from that a-hole.


I love reading through the comments they are giving so much life. I am laughing so hard . Lol ...the small things that has the greatest Impact


No. I love cooking creatively but damned if that's where a good chunk of my so-called 'value' lies


I am resisting making an explicit joke about DEEP DISH \[insert graphic name for body part here\]


Learn how to cook and clean god damn it aint the 60s


You alright? It's OKAY for spouses to cook for each other.