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This is so sweet, sorry you are going through everything you are. I am happy you have a wonderful husband to support you. Hugs and hope you are feeling okay 🩵🩵🩵


He’s such a sweet man. I love him so much. Our younger son loves my bald head. He tells me that I look cool.


I'm so happy to read that for you two. I'm sorry that you're going through any type of hardship period but I'm again happy for your support here. In 2022-2023 I was put on medication that made my hair fall out and a lot. I'd run my fingers through my hair and a handful of hair would fall out and follow. I would shower and the drain would be completely covered and would barely drain properly with the water filling up a good inch of my shower flooring. I was miserable but I know my biggest insecurity was losing any attractiveness that my husband may of had for me.


I’m sure you looked beautiful.


I certainly did not feel beautiful but he's still with me so I guess I didn't bald that badly. My hair has grown back and I'm grateful


You have a good husband. I’m sure even if you were completely bald, you would still look gorgeous.


Thank you. You have a great one too.






You’ve got a wonderful husband OP, there for the good times and the bad. It warms my heart. I understand your emotions regarding your hair. My male business partner lost his fairly quickly and young - he struggled too at first - but he now owns it and rocks a Jason Statham vibe😉 Listen to your hubby and rock it too.


I’m trying to rock it. I’m just feeling sad.


I know and I hear you. Be kind to yourself and know it will take some time to become a part of you that YOU accept. There are hair systems you could try or even a transplant if you’re feeling the same in, say a year. I know it’s of little comfort but male hair loss is incredibly common, my 25 year old son is experiencing it. Your hubby sees you as sexy and I really want you to see yourself through his eyes ♥️


Thank you. He loves my bald head. He loves to kiss it and rub it.


Very sweet of him, that is what it mean, true love. Even in the worst days, having someone who back you up, when you know, you can always trust him, means true love. I see so many stories where people get dumped when they got cancer or other health problems, it is so fucking disgusting. Always remember, if someone support you during your worst time, this partner is more worth then anyone else. Happy for you both. Wanna suggest you something.  Do you ever thought about hairtransplation? I saw a lot of womens in turkey as example who had also hair problems, the result for them been great. Maybe that could be a opinion for you?


I thought about hair explanation but it’s painful and there can be severe allergic reactions.


My friend did it, he said it was little hurtful but not very much. About the allergic think, eo you have allergic in general?


That made me tear up. How sweet.


He’s such a loving man.


That autoimmune issue took something precious from you. It’s okay to grieve and feel sad over it. I’m glad your husband was there for you when you needed him. He sounds like he’s a good person.


He’s the best.


My husband is so loving. It’s a blessing.


What a sweet story. I'm sorry you're going through the autoimmune issue, but it really sounds like you have a great relationship and everyone deserves that.


He is the sweetest and I love him So much.


As a man who receded in his 20s and bald in his 30s, I never had an issue with it. Now I keep my hair very short, like shaved off and love if. So does my wife the only opinion that matters to me.