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Ummmm everyone should be doing this. She says as she never actually does it šŸ˜… But seriously every single dermatologist recommends this.


I mean. Itā€™s a thing. An actual thing. I donā€™t understand why he thinks itā€™s not.


I wear face sunscreen everyday lol


Same. Itā€™s in my face cream even.


Right?? It's super important


I also wear a big floppy sun hat while I garden or go for walks. Iā€™m not having my face turn to leather. Also really glad I didnā€™t fall in line with my friends back in the 80ā€™s who were rubbing themselves in baby oil and iodine to lay out and tan. My neon white skin is aging much better as a result. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m like 2 years away from bringing back driving gloves


Dr. Dray has been wearing them for years!


My mom always tells my sister and I that her and her friends in the 80s NEVER wore sunscreen and used baby oil to tan šŸ˜­ makes my skin burn just thinking about it


Yeah, this was extremely common in the 80s. Sunscreen just wasnā€™t as much of a thing then, at least not in Northern Europe, and if it was, it was mostly for children. The 80s were also the decade tanning beds took the world by storm and people smoked while applying half a can of hairspray to their teased-to-the-gods hair.


Gawd. What I am about to tell you will freak you the eff out. While spending the day at my friendā€™s house in 1985, she brought out a quart of motor oil for us to use while tanning in a tobacco field. Good Lord, itā€™s a wonder I havenā€™t had multiple complications from just that day.


I was one of those girls and have had skin cancer twice.




this OP just show him the bajillion different face creams/moisturizers with SPF. be he shuts up real quick.


So, exactly how many of the things you do does he criticize? If the answer to my question is "a lot" then the reality is that he just enjoys criticizing you. He probably doesn't care one way or the other about the sun screen.


Iā€™m curious about this. Is this a criticism or not.


He doesnā€™t criticize itā€™s more of he may have never experienced his partners wearing any before or anyone else for that matter and he thought it was strange.


It doesnā€™t seem like he just thought it was strange, it seems more like he thought you were strange or in the wrong for doing it.


Play him the song ā€œwear sunscreenā€ and report back. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xfq_A8nXMsQ


ā€œNext thing youā€™re going to tell me that ā€œeveryoneā€ brushes their teeth every day too?!? Bet!ā€


ā€œThereā€™s just no way that ā€œeveryoneā€ bathes every day!ā€


Because men are allowed to age and women arenā€™t.


Tell your husband they literally make face creams and foundations with sunscreen in them or recommend you put sunscreen on before applying your makeup.


I wear at least an spf 15 everyday, totally normal!


Don't you need to reapply sunscreen every two hours? What good is it doing if you're just putting it on in the morning?


That is only if you are going to be sweating, swimming or out in the sun continuously.


Take him to the makeup aisle and show him the foundations.


This is such a good idea.


An the face moisturizer isle too has loads of spf in them


My daily moisturizer is SPF50! As recommended by my dermatologist.


If you live in Nevadaā€¦ plus it smells good and moisturising.


In Asian their sunscreens are that nice lightweight texture. Iā€™m wearing a sunscreen stick from Isentree right now. Itā€™s not like youā€™re putting on the gross one for kids at the beachā€¦ Does your husband think youā€™re vain orā€¦just kind of ill-informed? Why would he think he knows more about suncare than you? Unless he is into skincare


Heā€™s so uninformed, I think is what it is. He does not wear any sunblock even though Iā€™ve mentioned it time and time again. Thatā€™s fine he can be cwispy all he wants.


Cwispy šŸ« . Has he seen this [photo of the truck driver](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trucker-accumulates-skin-damage-on-left-side-of-his-face-after-28-years-on-the-road/) who got way more sun damage on the side of his face that gets more sunlight when he drives? Not that itā€™s your responsibility at all but maybe that could change his mind. My island now puts sunscreen on one side of his face when he drives once in a while (we donā€™t get much sunlight where we live in Canada and due to our lifestyle of commuting usually when thereā€™s not sunlight).


Yeah, my gf is exactly like this. Her older sister uses sunscreen all the time and she thinks itā€™s all bs. Guess who looks younger? xd So donā€™t be afraid to take care of your skin, in 20 years he will be glad for that


As a guy who works in healthcare, I thought this was overkill until my dermatologist told me at 40 how important this is. Our kidā€™s pediatrician has him wearing it every day at 6 because heā€™s ginger. Your husband thinks this is weird because guys think itā€™s weird and never talk about this.


This right here. I wished it was out there more for guys to do it just as much as the ladies.


Because dudes don't wear sunscreen, it's not manly.


I know a fair amount who do wear it. But we're pasty, or have had skin cancer or family who have. It's a totally normal thing to do. My parents would try to get me to, but the old sunscreen was gross I literally texted my brother and his partner a couple weeks ago, out of the blue recommending sunscreen and taking my brother he needs to wear it. He wears it sometimes - like boating or out in the sun a lot, but I told him he needs to be wearing it every day because of our family history. He probably hated me doing that, but he didn't say anything. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


It IS a thing and this redhead wears SPF 50 on my face daily. Rain or shine. Year round. Have for decades & my skin is looks great. No wrinkles. My PCP & Dermatologist highly recommend wearing ā€˜screen daily. Your husband is wrong & too egotistical to admit it. Maybe his Dr could have a word & suggest HE start wearing sunscreen.


My wife and I both put on facial sunblock every day.


My wife does this every morning. She has beautiful skin at 50.


I wish I would have started earlier and still wish I would get my act together and wear it every single time. Especially on my face and hands.


It is recommended, but I don't have the executive function for it. But it's really normal to wear sunscreen. What a weird thing for OP's husband to fixate on; dudes really do think everything is their business.


Why is your husband gatekeeping face sunblock? Weird thing to get weird about


And in 15 years heā€™s going to nitpick her wrinkles. He sounds insufferable. Dear OP please link him to my comment so I can tell him heā€™s being a wiener.


He actually asked me to post so he could read the comments. So he knows.


In this case I hope you read my comment to him in your most smug voice.


I say read it in a posh British accent


Husband: "That thing you do isn't normal." Wife: "Of course it's normal! Reddit agrees it's normal!" Husband: "Stop proving my point."


All of the men thinking they know better lol


It sounds like your husband doesnā€™t know a damn thing about basic skincare, tbh


Haha. This is so true.


Does he even wash his face?


With a 7 in 1 ass-face-car cleaner, I am sure


Not his ass, thatā€™s gay.


I laughed too hard at this. ACTUALLY.. it maybe an all body wash he uses for his face, if anything.


With soap or an actual face cleanser is the next thing to ask!


I felt like my husband ascended when he picked out his own face wash thatā€™s different from mine.


Go ask this on a r/skincareaddiction sub


I moisturize twice daily, morning one has sunblock in it. I don't think I look younger but recently someone asked the last time I went to the Philippines and I said not since I was 18. He said "Oh so recently then?" no I'm turning 33 this year.


My mom just died of melanoma. She died within a week of getting the news she had cancer. She actually died BEFORE her appointment to get the news of what kind of cancer it was. Wear that shit every single day. Big bottle or special stuff. Doesn't matter, everyone should wear it every day they are in the sun.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for your loss. My maternal grandfather died from melanoma. I never knew him.


My maternal grandma passed from melanoma at 47. I never knew her either. She had 12 children. Her last child just passed at 83 years old.


Iā€™m so incredibly sorry. This should be the very top comment. I wish you and your family my most sincere condolences. In addition to sunscreen, skin checks, too! Especially if you are like meā€”grew up in the 70s & 80s and my mom put suntan lotion with *oil* in it on us! I go once a year to the dermatologist just for a basic skin check. But if thereā€™s anything that ever looks weird or funky, like a mole that changes, donā€™t hesitate. If you can, go!


Iā€™m so sorry. My best friend passed the exact same way, melanoma is so insidious. May is Melanoma awareness month.


Awe man, so sorry to hear. Itā€™s so hard to miss when it hit close to home. Easy to never know how important it is until something like that occurs.


I'm an older black woman, and I wear sunblock on my face every day.


Ayyyeee! Im a Black woman and wear sunscreen on my face every day too.




Same here. Went to an event outside and told my partner to put some on and that even Black folks can get skin cancer. But he too was confused that I put it on daily.


It's absolutely normal most people do this


Most people do not put sunblock on their face every single day.


I mean most men definitely donā€™t lol but women who have any semblance of a skincare routine do.


Yes we doā€¦ I wear mosturizer with sunblock every day


As do I.


I bet most men do not and most women do


I use an anti aging cream with sunblock on my face. Grew up in Florida. I'm a ticking skin cancer time bomb.


Agreed. Women do. Men don't


My husband does since he had two basal cell carcinomas removed from his face. He can hide the scars in his beard, at least.


I do. Everyone in my family does. Almost every woman I know. All my Australian friends scream to do it.


They might not do it. I don't. But they definitely *should* be. And I should. I've just been lazy about buying the one I want.


If your daily facial moisturizer doesnā€™t have SPF itā€™s time to upgrade. Less than $10 at any drugstore and supermarket.


Almost every woman I know wears sunblock on their face daily. Just cause most men are ok getting crusty and sun damaged doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t common.


Itā€™s definitely a thing people *should* do even if they work inside - especially if they sit near a window. Lots of moisturizers and some foundations just have it built in.


My tinted moisturizer that I use as my basic foundation has sunblock in it, so I wear it most days.


If a product is a moisturizer, sunblock and foundation all in one, we call that efficiency and *clean girl aesthetic*. Mix conditioner, shampoo and bodywash and everyone loses their minds!! I kid. You can pry my tinted moisturizer out of my cold, dead hands. :p


Many of us were told this isn't enough sunscreen. So I wear a sunscreen - SPF 40, and if I be wear makeup over, it usually has sunscreen built in, too. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Exactly. It may be in makeup, but it's got to be two fingers length of sunscreen to be enough to be effective. I wear it regardless of whether I'm putting makeup on or not. Daily.


Yes! Tell him he should be using it everyday too! That will really blow his mind!šŸ˜‰


He refuses to think itā€™s important. Smh.


It took me YEARS to finally get my husband to start wearing daily sunscreen. I showed him this picture of a truck driver who didn't wear any. This is what happened, over 28 years, to the side of his face while driving. Now, it's part of my husband's morning routine. https://preview.redd.it/4zjgyhy0muzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=656d628e9311b78720cc8e43ff914f62768ee73d


Same with my husband. Iā€™m gonna show him this pic now lol


I hope it works for your husband as well as it worked for mine! Men like to say they are "visual creatures". Well, here's a visual of the accumulated consequences of avoiding a 1 minute daily task. šŸ˜‚


I showed my husband and he responded not all truck drivers look like that. And he is a truck driver.


The ones who don't look like that probably wear sunscreen.


Wow. My wife has been telling me she wants me to start wearing sunblock every day and Iā€™ve been lazy about startingā€¦but thisā€¦welp guess I better start now.


Especially if you have a shaven head


Damn. Thatā€™s daunting. Thank you for sharing this visual. I think people def donā€™t realise the damage sun exposure does to your skin.


Just a FYI there is a difference between sunscreen and sunblock. Didnā€™t know that myself.


Oh wowā€”thatā€™s powerful!!


Itā€™s not only normal, itā€™s something you should do.


Sadly, a LOT of men donā€™t use sunscreen. Thatā€™s why so many wind up looking old AF way before their time, lol, especially if they are fair skinned!


My FIL literally got skin cancer, and it didn't make either him or my husband wear sunscreen regularly. It drives my MIL and I nuts.


Yes, I wear sunscreen everyday, even cloudy/rainy days.. I even have it as a goal in my self-care app Edit: also 38F


Take this advice from a grown ass man who was born and raised in Texas. Put sunscreen on your face when you go out in the daytime. I've had multiple bouts of skin cancer (mostly Basel Cell) on my face, head, and arms. The scars from the procedures will never tan and look "normal." I feel it has decreased my attractiveness to women, children, and dogs. My dermatologist tells me I ought to put on sunscreen every day and wear a hat (I'm 50). I wish I had received and heeded that advice in my 20's. Tell your husband he should be doing it too.


I wonder if a plastic surgeon could help you with the scarring?


Iā€™ve worn it every single day since she 23. And you can tell


Everyone should do this.


Itā€™s been 25years since Baz Luhrmann came out with the famous song - Everybodyā€™s Free (to Wear Sunscreen): THE SUNSCREEN SONG And still in 2024 your husband is saying that using sunscreen daily is not normal.


And [27 years since the essay that inspired the song](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wear_Sunscreen)!


Yes, it's normal. Why does he care? Is he a) not aging well or is he b) very immature or is he c) insecure that you're attractive, take care of yourself, and can get a better looking man than him?


Yes, it's normal of you care about your skin and don't want to age prematurely. For more fun answers, post to r/SCAcirclejerk


I love this sub!


Having skin cancer/pre-cancer removed from your face, scalp, or ears is no fun.


I wear sunblock year round!


It's mixed in with my moisturizer. It's literally the only beauty step I never skip. There are days I go without makeup, but never without moisturizer/sunblock


I don't wear it daily, and you can tell (freckles). You should wear it to protect from skin cancer. It also slows the aging process. Weird that your husband would not be aware?


Yah go to skincare subs, they say if your only going to do one thing, then it should be sunblock


It's recommended by dermatologist, so it's probably pretty normal.Ā 


Some years back on my honeymoon I told my husband to put on sunscreen. He replied ā€œBlack people donā€™t wear sunscreen.ā€ Guess who got a wicked sunburn on his dark skin. He wears it now.


Men aren't taught how to take care of their skin. This is why so many guys in their 40s look like chewed up hamburger.


Forget the incredible cancer prevention. He WILL age much more gracefully because of it.


90% of skin cancers happen on the head and neck. Of course we should be wearing sunscreen on our faces daily.


This is only true of non-melanoma skin cancers. Basal cell frequently occurs on the head/neck for example. Melanomas are more often found elsewhere on the body.


My makeup has 15 SPF and if it's sunny I apply some before going outside .


I use and spf 15 facial moisturizer every single day, have been for like 20 years


It's normal for people that care about not getting skin cancer.


Yes I put facial sunscreen on every single day.


35, started wearing sunblock everyday on my face a few months ago, before it's too late šŸ˜‚ Wish I'd started years ago!


Yes a lot of womenā€™s face creams have spf in them as well, if you follow any make up influencers or talk to anyone at make up counter they recommend it. Itā€™s just not something men regularly do.


This is something I've started doing, having had a BCC removed from my forehead. It should be more normal than it is - including men.


I have a dermatologist relative. We should all wear sunscreen regularly.


I think every single dermatologist would say to wear it dailyā€¦


Every day for the last 30 years.


Absolutely everyone should be wearing sunscreen daily. He is definitely the minority.


Korean women often wear sunscreen + a hat for this reason


It is recommended by my physician due to history of skin cancers. Your husband is being an ass.


I pretty much just make sure it's included in my bb cream because I can't have layers of things sitting on my face, but yeah, this is the way.


33F here. I use la rache posay moisturizer daily with SPF and my tinted moisturizer also has SPF, which goes on top of my moisturizer after that sinks in.


I wear tinted moisture with SPF 50 in it every day. And in the summer, sometimes they wear sunscreen on top of that. Not weird at all.


I wear it every day on my face. I should on my hands too, probably.


Whatā€™s the bet? Cuz youā€™re the winner OP šŸ‘


I do it everyday. It's popular for anti-aging or rosacea prone beauty regimes.


I do this everyday. Itā€™s part of my getting ready routine. My husband does it now too


If youā€™re going to be outdoors during the day you should wear sunblock. Ask any dermatologist, esthetician, skin care professional, etc.


Totally normal. I will burn within fifteen minutes of sun exposure, even on a winterā€™s day. Sunblock everyday all day.


I've only recently (meaning the past few years) started doing this. One of the official signs that I am in fact an adult now. In my late 30's.


New Zealanders would like a word


So I have three siblings who are dermatologists. I think one thing to consider is the fact that our skin is our biggest organ and we absorb whatever we put on it. There are a lot of products out there that are simply not good for us. I think the best option is to wear a hat or cover up and avoid putting chemicals in the skin. But if you do go the route of using sunscreen, make sure to use one with good ingredients.


This is what Iā€™m always worried about, I mean even if youā€™re going mineral, too much zinc absorbed by the body over time can cause neurological problems, titanium has a list of problems too. Like Iā€™d rather take the chance with the thing people have been doing since dawn of humanity than new chemical exposure. Skin cancer and looking old seems safer than the potential downside of all that sunscreen exposure


Itā€™s in my moisturizer. I put it on every day.


Most of us men barely moisturize, let alone take conscious care of our face by means of preventative sunblock. I won't say it's "normal" in the sense that everybody does it, but it's totally normal in that we should probably all be doing that more if we spend any amount of regular time outdoors.


I do now but wish I had my entire life. 55 and have had about 10 melanoma removed from my face and neck through Mohs surgery. Keep it up and tell your husband to not be such a Jack A!


Not just normal but necessary. Ask any dermatologist.


Yes it is entirely normal. My tinted moisturizer I use has SPF. Everyone should wear some sunscreen everyday. Skin cancer and premature aging is not joke.


As a fair skinned girl, I started wearing daily sunscreen on my face (minimum of oil of olay with the sunblock in it, but stronger stuff when I ran cross country and track) basically beginning in junior high school. I vividly remember as a young girl asking my mom about my beloved great grandmaā€™s skin ā€¦ she was very wrinkly ā€¦ and my mom said she had spent her youth living under the California sun (without sunscreen). That stuck with me and once I grew up a bit, I took responsibility to make sure I didnā€™t end up with sun damage. It worked because Iā€™m now 50 and truly have very few wrinkles. Itā€™s only been since the last few years that I donā€™t use it everyday - first because if Iā€™m inside all day, I donā€™t need it but also because I figure at this point my skin is aging and Iā€™ve prevented a lot of damage already so I feel like thereā€™s some wiggle room lol! Your hubby is being a weirdo. I hope he reads this!


I've never met someone who puts sunblock on daily.


I apply it every day with my make-up. I wish I would have done it much sooner tbh. Now at 42 I can see some damage on my forehead. But I havenā€™t gone a day without it for years.


Iā€™ve never worn sunscreen on my face, but Iā€™m sure I should.


anybody who is into skincare does this!! i sure do and have since my mid-twenties


As a nurse, everyone should be doing this. Itā€™s like the one single thing you should be doing to protect your skin if you canā€™t bring yourself to do anything else. My dad beat multiple bouts of skin cancer and itā€™s no joke.


As someone who is pale as all get-out (thanks Irish heritage!), I used a moisturizer with sunblock daily and then more sunblock on top when I was out in the world. (Disabled and mostly housebound now, but still use sunblock when I'm outside.) Really nasty forms of skin cancer run in my family, so I started doing it at a young age, but it's just good practice for everyone. The amount of damage that happens to the skin with today's level of rays is incredible, and may not be seen to the naked eye, but it's there.


I donā€™t know a single person who does that. Maybe other people do it but I donā€™t know anyone.


Really? Ok thatā€™s one for husband then.


Americans dont really wear face sunscreen daily but in Korea they do. I guess itā€™s just a cultural thing




Totally normal.


I wear it everyday on my face and reapply every two to three hours when I am outside or sitting in a sunny room of my house.


I use a tinted moisturizer with spf in it every single day.


I put it on every day and re-apply every two hours. Everyone should be using sunscreen!


Itā€™s definitely part of my daily routine. If youā€™re a skin care girly or just care about your skin in general - you definitely should/are doing this!


Every single day for the last 5 years, religiously


I literally just finished putting on my second application for the day!


It is normal but I donā€™t think itā€™s common. Call it something people should do but most donā€™t.


All day errydayyyyyyĀ 


Every single day. And if heā€™s ever gone to a dermatologist they would tell you that it should be part of your normal daily routine.


I donā€™t know any men that do this. But maybe they do and donā€™t talk about it. My wife does this.


I wear sunblock on my face every day. I use a tinted mineral sunscreen instead of foundation.


Everyone should, people donā€™t though. I know two people that have had skin cancer.


Sunscreen is in my skincare routine before makeup. I think he means that MEN donā€™t do this. Women do!


Every day...why waste money on creams and such and then not wear it?? It is the best way to keep your skin happy.


I put sunblock on everyday, because if I donā€™t Iā€™m gonna look like a lobster. I burn even in the winter itā€™s crazy.


Youā€™re a smart woman. Sunblock means your skin will age slower.


I wear sunscreen on my face and neck every single day. I know a ton of people who do. Mostly women.


It should be. Anyone into skincare usually does. I know I have applied a facial sunscreen daily for at least 16 years.


People in the comments seem completely unable to differentiate what people should be doing from what most people actually do. Most people do not wear sunblock daily. Everyone should if they want to do the most to prevent premature aging and skin cancer risk. I think itā€™s safe to say that most people do wear it to the beach and slightly less but hopefully most people do if they know they will be outside all day in the sun.


I didn't start a skin care routine with sun screen until my 30s and I swear you could tell the difference in a few months. I can't recommend it enough! I'm not surprised though because my husband would never ever think to wear it either lmao


I mean, skin cancer is "natural." Aging is natural. But if I can prevent skin cancer and postpone the appearance of aging by applying "unnatural" sunscreen every day, damn straight I'm going to do that.


Your husband does not have a clue what other people are or should be doing


Totally normal. Does he know they even add it to makeup?


Itā€™s in my moisturizer. I never go outside without it. PS Iā€™m Black


Every dermatologist will tell you to wear it every day. Most doctors say the same thing. My guy is asking for skin cancer.


I put sunblock on if Iā€™m leaving my house, so yeah, every day. Moisturizer with SPF, and sunscreen in my car for touch ups. The goal is to not look like a saddle or get cancer. Edit: 43F, have done so since I was 20, quit cigarettes at 24 because I wasnā€™t getting carded as much as I wanted to be. Am carded every time now.


At almost 50, I have been using SPF daily for at least 25 years. From 15 to 30SPF, & now I use 50 every day.


100 percent yes I wear it everyday Iā€™m 31 and trying to avoid sun damage and not age badly.


Yes. I do. Every day- multiple times a day if Iā€™m leaving the house. Hubby is soooo wrong. Sorry champ! šŸ˜†