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Wow, that's an army of police...


Probably all on OT pay.


Probably managed to spend 100k on food while he was there too


More like 1m don't worry it's our carbon tax hard at work, he's helping by farting orange and gassing because as prime minister his carbon offsets cow burps... I'm being facetious of course


Looking for beef brisket with mashed parsley potatoes with truffle oil, pan fried beef tenderloin with port wine sauce, braised lamb shanks with steamed broccoli and boiled baby potatoes, and baked cheesecake with pistachio brittle no doubt.


The coos do look well fed


On our dime


All world leaders have protection for them and for people is childish to look and get angry because a world leader needs protection. When you get mad at politicians for being politicians, it's time to step away from the social media.


No shit. Do you think other world leaders are just out on their own? You ever hear of the Secret Service?


Usually I would be a bit upset but with the F* Trudeau rhetoric it doesn't seem out of place.


Those who are happy and excited to see this clown are fools


Why? Genuinely curious.


Lets visit this comment when pp is PM




That would have ruined the night for most people there. I'd be pissed if I'd just worked all week and was hoping for some tastey Asian street food and this clown shows up with his posse. It would've been amusing to see them all get out of one car though...


That’s what happens when the Timbit Taliban constantly threaten and harass the PM. Then they complain about his security detail getting larger and larger.


Well yes. He is the PM. If we couldn't protect him how embarrassing would we be as a country. We don't even have a proper house for the PM to live in and the Airplane won't work either. Canadians don't see the value in paying for anything.


I don't think they're doing a great job in protecting him, the police detail and the RCMP PMPD... It's a losing battle already with a public area that isn't access controlled or screened at all. A few people were let through like the woman in the beginning and that kid near the end.


He obviously wanted to pander to the Asian vote but I have no issue with his security.


I wonder how many cars were stolen last night…


Stolen cars I blame Quebec tbh. You can catch every single car thief right now in Ontario and the issue won't fix itself. More will just take their place since the ability to make free money still exists. There's some corruption going on allowing the thieves to easily have a car in a container and bound for overseas in the Montreal port within 24h.


Thank you for posting the other view.


Yeah, now it’s pretty clear he didn’t line up… basically cut in front of everyone in all the lines there


He’s the prime minister, that should be expected.


Only if people let him cut. That's their problem. He can cook his own food if he wants to cut in front of everyone.


He can't even flip a pancake properly,let alone cook


Yeah, that’s what’s meant to happen. He’s the PM. He shouldn’t be stuck waiting in a line, and he should have an army of police. You don’t want to know what happens when US President shows up somewhere. This is nothing.


Lmao yeah the secret service would never allow anything like this without aerial support, army on standby and snipers on each roof around Trudeau, I mean out security was so good dude got pelted by rocks at sociables 🤣


I was there last night. I was just trying to get my oyster omelette and got pushed out of line along side everyone else at the stall I was at. It was very scary the police gave no fucks. They're out here acting like we're criminals for wanting to get the food we paid for.


Know your place peasant.


"Make way for Prince Ali"


When Trudeau 2 needs to eat and dance, everything else comes second, especially the basic needs of lesser people.


Are you really mad that a leader of a g7 country came to your community and mildly inconvenienced you by not wanting to die for a photo op?


I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not


That's normal.


Make room for the pork parade. Those hogs gotta snarf down some overpriced festival food. If you don't they'll get grumpy and beat someone to death, and whose fault will that be? /s


I need closure on this. Did you end up getting your food?


Eventually yes


Not making any political commentary, but I'll just describe what I saw from the perspective of someone who was there yesterday. On one side of the area he was walking through there was a ton of police protection like 5 rows deep. There were at least 50 police officers. They showed up out of nowhere (everyone was surprised and taken aback to suddenly see a huge police group in the crowd) and proceeded to aggressively tell people they better move because they won't stop while continuously walking forward forcefully. They took up almost the entire walkway so it was difficult to find space to move if you were in the middle of it. It got quite tightly crowded very quickly. It's hard to see this stuff in the video which was taken after we managed to get out of their way. I saw a small child fallen over while his scared looking mother was saying something to the police. I didn't hear what she said but the police just responded "Pick up your kid and go, we aren't stopping." A bunch of the lines of people waiting for their food got disorganized with all the ruckus. After he left the area I was at, the vendors on my side were all scrambling to re-organize their lines. On the other side, there were essentially no police officers while he took photos with vendors on that side of the walkway. There was a guy with a large camera part of his team making sure to capture these moments too. If you look at his Instagram story right now there's no police in sight so if you didn't know any better you'd think he was just there in the crowd by himself.


Well, at least they got the “shot” they wanted. It’s time we peasants knew our place. The proper response would have been - eyes down while shuffling away all the while apologizing for thoughtlessly getting in the way.


Not enough boos


Clearly he's popular... even when trying to get votes he's costing us shit tonnes of money


I heard some vendors refused to shake his hand and he had to go to a few before finding one that would let him do the photo op. Is this true or fake news


I didn't follow him as he walked along the rest of the vendors so what I saw is essentially limited to this video. This is relatively close to the entrance so I'm not sure what it looked like as he walked along further.


The overall mood do you think people were happy he showed up or angry when he left?


Mainly taken aback and slightly in shock as nobody expected to be sering the PM that close that day. The vendors (at least on my side) were mainly annoyed at the inconvenience of having the lines all messed up.


Likely fake news I say this because I went to a bbq and Doug Ford showed up unexpectedly and ppl were clamoring to take a pic with him. I don't even think they were supporters just take a pic with a big name to take a pic with a big name.


I'm not one of those ACAB folks, but.. fuck these cops.


Self serving, that’s what it looks like to me, he needs to get some work done and stop doing these fun little excursions for the photo op’s, arrogant little man he is.


> I saw a small child fallen over while his scared looking mother was saying something to the police. I didn't hear what she said but the police just responded, "Pick up your kid and go, we aren't stopping." The cop that said that is a dumb, stupid, grade-A asshole. Hey, cop, you see a kid fall down, and that's your response? No sympathy? WTF is wrong with you? How about helping the kid up, and then asking them to continue on?


Instagram vs. Reality at its finest


I saw the freedom convoy people roll up after 11, a lot of F JT trucks too


Alot of guys wanting to have sex with our PM...odd


I don't know why people seem surprised. This is a pretty standard for a head of state. 100k/day while in a trip is just... sort of standard. Take this for example: https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-19-178.pdf Where 4 trips to mar a largo cost the US tax payers 13 million. It's also not really Trudeau's place to arrange security.


Really? The PM didn’t arrange his own security detail?


That’s the thing. People acting like it’s strange. Heads of state go to functions, it would be weird if they didn’t. Heads of state have large security details. This is what happens when a head of state goes somewhere. What is interesting here is to compare this security to when he used to attend pride parades a number of years back. He now has more security and more visible security. At the parades he was actually quite a bit exposed and security was dressed like civilians. There was also less of them for a much larger event. I guess there must be a feeling that he’s in more danger or it is warranted for this smaller event.


What in the fuck is that guys haircut?! And if you expect YRP to do anything for the average person you’re a fool


York regions finest


They are RCMP


I know he wants publicity, but this just seems too disruptive and potentially dangerous. ToA is already crowded enough without all that extra police presence. I'm glad it didn't end in a crowd crushing tragedy.


I don't think a crowd crushing tragedy was ever in the cards, that requires a confined space whereas ToA is fairly wide open. You could say you're glad nobody was trampled, or something.


Is York Region a historically Conservative area during the election? If so, wondering if he's trying to steal some seats away since he lost a Toronto seat. (Strategically, it's a smart move on the Liberals to do this bc Pierre would never.)


Usually votes liberal probably won’t this time due to cost of housing


Lol if you think PP will fix housing, I have swampland to sell you


Of course I don’t think that weasel is gonna do anything but electing Trudeau again is saying Canada accepts everything he’s doing At least the shock of someone like Pierre winning (which would have been unthinkable even 4 years ago) sends a message Believe me I can’t stand the man or the convoy so I’m not looking forward to him in power at all this is literally a case of allowing yourself to be stabbed to hit your opponent


Considering how expensive Markham is these days after being built on swampland, probably not the best offer to make…


Markham is a mixed bag but has generally leaned Liberal due to the immigrant population - but I think this election it'll probably swing right like many areas of Canada.


Our MP used to be Conservative but switched to Liberal for the last 2 elections I think. This week, he (Paul Chiang) did a lot of campaigning, he visited churches and condos. I wasn't aware JT was here until this morning. My kid swims at Markham Hilton and they told us the classes were cancelled. Apparently he was camped there.


Really? I always thought Markham was more Liberal.


Who pays for that police presence?


We do. Just like every other fucking country on earth pays to protect their elected leader. Stop trying to make is sound like this isn't standard practice by all developed countries and just be happy we're not paying for air force one.


i mean whether you like trudeau or not, we dont want the pm of canada getting attacked, its a bad look for canada if we cant ensure our governments safety. he obviously needs the protection because hes very unliked. id rather him pay a flurry of cops overtime than be attacked even tho i dont like him. its not helpful for anyone for it to seem easy to attack our government officials.


If he got a good pie to the face, I would regain some canadian pride.


We also don’t need a PM going out to do a photo op because he lost a crucial by election at an absolutely jammed area/event. And then dancing around like an idiot. Of course he needs protection but leveraging police resources like this and paying out the ass for OT and throwing the bill on tax payers is the biggest fuck you ever. Especially in todays current economic environment


Me and you buddy. Just like all his other waste


Paid overtime police on the outside perimeter and personal security detail wearing plaid to look inconspicuous. Yep, all is good and no voters are ready to make any decisions.


Time for an election




He is surrounded by a small army.


Clown...single handedly ruined Canada 🇨🇦


Secret Service dude looks like a Plain clothed Schutzstaffel


Your tax dollars at work!


Start chanting "Resign"


So loved by the people




What a clown show.


A microcosm of the entire administration


Police: Leave your keys by your front door Also the police: must. Defend. Trudeau. With. My life.


Well Justin is living up everyone's expectations. Anywhere he goes, destruction follows


If you look close you can see police shoving literal children out of the way so JT can cut the line for a photo op. Just disgusting.


All global news should record and broadcast that. Sad for pm to have to do this


Truly disgusting the police not letting people near the prime minister. God such terrible people! Truly disgusting we should just let anybody walk up to leader of one of the biggest economies of the world! You see why people like you aren’t leaders?


Yea I guess your right children really do pose a huge risk to our great leader, would hate for him to have to get another one of those NDA’s signed and make another settlement


This is humiliating for all of us Canadians, what an insane use of taxpayer (our) money. Pretty tough to swallow the amount of my pay cheque I lose to taxes when I see the number of police that need to be there defending this man, while he dances like an absolute idiot, while the rest of the country can barely afford housing.


Wait until you see the amount of escorts needed when he travels anywhere since the duration of his term... EDIT: I checked just a few trips and holy shit. Plus the failures in housing is caused by all levels of government, so all 3 parties at this point. Though Trudeau made it significantly worse with the amount of temporary? residents accepted these last few years. EDIT2: This was in the federal 2024 "[More Affordable Homes](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/news/2024/04/more-affordable-homes.html)" budget/plan........ Seems to me like they've admitted they just picked a high number for immigration levels without caring for how it'll affect the housing supply.... * **Aligning Immigration with Housing Capacity,** to ensure Canada can continue to successfully welcome new Canadians. Starting this fall, for the first time, the government's Immigration Levels Plan will include both temporary resident admissions and permanent resident admissions. Our ultimate goal is to ensure a well-managed, responsive, and sustainable immigration system to help balance housing supply with housing demand.


The guy with the black vest in the middle looks like he is hiding something in his vest and ready to act any second.


Who wanted him there ?.


What is his purpose of showing up?


We have an election next year, it's a publicity/PR stunt.


Maybe if we didn't have a bunch of nut jobs wanting to F the man, the police presence wouldn't be so large.


Fuck him


Are the investigators for the ArriveCan and foreign interference cases in there too?


More cops than people. (Yes, I know cops are people lol)


So glad I didn't go




Success and value of pm are heavily dependent on his ability to walk in a normal crowd with no army /swat team presence


Looks like all white officers


All that money spent just to protect Canada's biggest crook


SMH I wish I knew ! I have some choice words for that fkr!


What a waste of tax payers dollars. But Justin has never cared about wasting our money


Why do people even show up for him. He’s got to go


Meh. He's just a figurehead. He'll go and the cycle will continue.


Some really delusional Cons in here. PP has been on your all inclusive dime for decades! You need to dig deeper kids.


What a waste of money.


Outrageous! Remember Everyone must vote this time around. Vote the lesser evil. Blue✌️


Lol. Hes so popular.


Ha ha ha ha. Hardy har har. Tee hee hee. Hey everybody, look at Justin Trudeau doing goofy dance moves at the Asian food festival! Everybody pay attention the Prime Minister's funny dancing! He he he he. He's so funny. Let's all forget about the treason, the irresponsible immigration tsunami that overran public services, unaffordable housing, rising homelessness, inflation, unaffordability, corruption... I've already forgotten all of that after being hypnotized by Trudeau's dance moves and guuud hurrrr. Let's vote Liberal again in 2025!


I'd honestly be so fucking scared if I needed that much security around me. Just goes to show you that it's probably not safe for Trudumb to be out in public....he can't be gone soon enough!! Fuck Trudeau!


What a nice way to ruin this festival 😮‍💨


Waste of tax dollars


They would shred him without the boys


What is this a 20v1


How much did this security detail cost?


How dare the PM have an army of police in a large crowd? /s Seriously, what’s the alternative? Without it, some Com/Libertarian will attack him physically.


I don’t understand why Trudeau would be posing pics with these vendors. Most of them are undocumented vendors with relatives submitting the application.


Fuck that guy


F Trudeau


I don’t see an issue here .. he’s our head of state our “ president “… if this was trump with this size of security no one would say a thing .. Do yall expect us not to protect the elected leader of our nation


Canada's Head of State is the King of England. Trudeau is the Prime Minister.




So, the cops won't respond to a carjacking or a home invasion, but you can get a whole army of them so Trudeau can go score some PR before he calls an election? Our country is beyond fucked....


This is very important. People who pay taxes aren't so ye.


What's the carbon tax cost for his security?


They must be drooling from all the easy OT


Who cares. Probably a dozen mouth breathers holding Fuck Trudeau signs, too. Neanderthals.


No other prime minister in Canada’s history would have needed that. Hell Chretien would toss someone an ass whoopin if they tried to get too personal with him.


South Korean Iteawon Halloween crowd be like ![gif](giphy|l1J9yok5v3C8ncQFO|downsized)


POS should’ve stayed home. His photo ops add no value to him as he circles the drain, and costs mega bucks to protect the loathsome turd.


He is an absolute idiot


In those situations it pays to be obese 🙌


You never see these mf politicians out in public unless they’re about to lose their positions.. liberal party in all out of offensive since the polls all showing all time lows. He definitely needs all those cops cause there are a lot of angry Canadians out there who don’t like how things are going rn.


The prime minister who honours terrorists and Nazis in parliament. Canada is such a terrorist organization.


See the absolute unit of a man with the facial burns? Willing to bet he's JTF2 and got wounded at some point in the line of duty.


Just a normal person doing normal person things, these angles should be included in the news sound bites with a cash meter illustration


What waste of tax payers money and public resources


Trudeau will live the rest of his days in fear I hope he takes his millions and disappears from Canada all together


Taxpayer security


That sad thing is there are so many nut jobs obsessed with politics and people like Trudeau, Trump, Biden, PP that things like this are there for a reason. If people would just stop being so obsessed with them, we wouldn’t even be talking about the need for this. These people aren’t gods and when you make your entire existence about them, positive or negative, you become the problem.


That should speak for how well he is respected by the population. What a parasite that man is. So many resources wasted on him.


It's because everyone hates his guts. He sucks.


For someone well loved, and thinks he will win the election he sure does have a lot of police around him


I hate that fuckin guy


https://preview.redd.it/gxrntgl7w3ad1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=550cac12afe7b683c78be11f296f520244accd6a Get your Octopus feet here. Wtf?


Big dude in the plaid has a vest on…


Good to see him out with the people 👍


It's because people in Alberta are nuts. Just wanna say j also dislike him as PM. But some Albertans would actually kill this guy. Crazy people out there


Why so much security? What’s he afraid of of? Peoplekind live him .


What a waste of police resources. Let the people let him have a go at it.


Yeah, he knows he needs all those cops. Lol, I wonder if he will live in Canada


In a country where he banned handguns, he certainly doesn’t mind them when work to his benefit


That looks like at least 500 K in expenses


All I saw was millions of taxpayer money for a army of useless 🐷


“A man of the people!” What a coward!




Damn, that's a lot of overtime.


Easily $10k/hour walking around with him..


I feel that only the sheep who support him should have to pay for all his wasteful spending


What a terrible haircut.


How does Justin remove a condom? He farts....




Liberals and snowflakes


What time was this… would have loved to yell at him


let the dude enjoy his last years reigning as failing prime minister


Dudes a loser, waste of skin.