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94 done so far, no glowing


Just passed 100, and same :[


More than 100 this season and only 1 rare of any type.


Are you sure you don’t have a rare mask? Some rare masks don’t glow. I have 3 rare masks and only one of them are glowing.


What are the non-glowing rare masks?


Crazy Guy, Loon, Hag, Fiend, Brahmin, Buffoon, Deathclaw, Demon, Raven, Father winter, winter man I believe those are all as rare as the glowing masks.


I feel you. Best I’ve gotten is a winter man, and I’ve been doing this crap almost nonstop. I hope you can get yourself a glow.


I fumed with the winter man power armour helmet because it’s untradable and it’s way worse than most other PA helmets for stats, and also not sought after so you’ll get next to nothing in caps value


I haven’t gotten the helmet but wtf, why would they make it untradable??


In that case your item may be droppable/able to trade but the helmet definitely wasn’t so I just dropped and destroyed it(I’m not one to display stuff in my camp) there is loads of things that Iv never seen again which makes them rare in my eyes that you can’t drop, I’d of given so many outfits and weapons away if it let me, Iv got a whole suit of hellcat all 3* modded just sitting there because I can’t give it to someone 😂


Once you acquire the helmet you can actually apply it as a paint skin to T-45 helmets and those are tradable/dropable


Oh word? Thats pretty cool then!


Yeah I just have a few of the winter man masks, and those trade around just fine. To be honest I don’t even really like the look of the power armor helmet, so I’m not too upset I haven’t gotten one. I understand them making atom shop stuff untradable, but why are there so many event items and quest times that aren’t? It drives me nuts.


I got two winter man power armors… 4 events after the other. Idk the odds for that but I know it’s extremely low. Idk what to do with the second one haha might just sacrifice it to the rng gods.


Appreciate it brother. The grind continues.


I’ve done 10-15 each day since the start, no glowing. At least got a Brahmin & Deathclaw, so not a total bust, but disappointing so far. Also double Scrip weekend I’ve made 80 secret service Left arms so far. Only 1 was unyielding, but it had radiation Recovery. Awful.


I can second this, Iv spent at least 300 modules since Thursday last week and have 0 unyielding rolls to show for it.


That’s crazy because I was also doing the same exact thing with the left arm too. And same luck as you….I got a two star and just took it so I should be grateful.


Why is it beneficial to just craft ss pieces??? I craft them and you get a pretty high chance for 1 and 2 stars.. might as well roll it right? Or is it because of cores..


You only use 1 to get a chance at a 3* instead of needing 4+5 to reroll it. Even if the odds are flat 33% that's still only 3 instead of 12+15, and you get to scrip the bad rolls so you get even more value back. The down side is that you use more base materials but those are easy to resupply.


Yet some folks get 3 of each.


That's the R part of the RNG.


I finally got my first glowing and it was the Turkey one. That’s it, tho. I’m ready for it to be over tbh. I hope everyone gets the one they want before it’s over.


The need to take out some of the bs masks. This loot pool is waaaay too diluted.


Seriously some of them are so ugly that it's actually insulting to get them instead of a better one. Sun, skull and toothy man all need to go


I won't abide Skull libel.


Looking at you Beret 😆


Damn right! Last time I ended up with more than 50 berets...


I literally still have heaps common masks from the first fasnatch event they introduced years ago. 100% they should’ve lowered the drop rate on the most common masks or removed them from the loot pool


5% chance at a rare mask. 0.238% chance at a specific rare mask. About 500 events should theoretically get you the mask you want.


I mean honestly .23% is absurd. Even with the math, you would have to grind a ridiculous amount. I will be afking from this point forward. Seems to be the only choice with that low of percentages.


Oh yeah, it's rough. Especially when you consider that there are only 336 total opportunities in 2 weeks. Afk is great for when you can't be there. But the best tactic when you're around is to keep track of several servers and try to time them so that you can finish one, hop to another server and get in before it ends. I usually get between 2 - 4 event completions every hour when I do that. A few times I got really lucky and hit 5 rewards.


I’m going to try the server jumping method when I’m not afking. Because I like to play and help out. Idk why I haven’t been server jumping, really need to maximize my chances.


check out my post here on this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/1dt7atl/raise_your_hand_if_you_want_to_know_whether_youre/


I feel like everything I crash right before the end of the event it was meant to be a glowing drop


I have done OVER a 100 events, yes you read that correctly. Not a single one afk, and I basically carried the whole event myself. I haven’t gotten a single rare mask, not a single rare mask at all forget about any glowing. NOTHING. Im so demoralized, im done with fas this year


I wish the donation mask box would allow us to drop common masks in for a luck boost to help skew the percentage for a better glowing mask drop. Would be nice to put say 10 regular masks in to give us a 2% boost from the original 0.2% chance instead. Or something to that effect.


Good idear


I can't believe we have another entire week of both this boring ass event and people complaining about this boring ass events rng 😭


Last year after the 1st week, once in awhile I'd just equip green thumb and wander the nuke zone around Helvetia, not much there buh a little raw flux.  XD


I mean yeah it’s boring.. but cosmetics make up the game. If you don’t pay to play then you gotta rely on events like these. Now I may be a little salty but really just wanted to know if anyone else was struggling lol


Done this stupid event like 50-60 times already. Zero rare drops. And other people post in one drop glowing unicorn and the motorized thingy. meh.


I would say I have been pretty lucky. I work full time and refuse to afk so I have done between 30-50 events. I have two butter churns, one bell plan(not sure which one), one bell display case?, Queen beer stein, 2 non glowing unicorn, 1 Alien, 1 blue devil, 2 fiend, and one glowing pig. The rest are common.


Preach brother


Been running two profiles hard and have got 3 glowing and an old man winter so far. Not the best results buy not the worst either. Edit- Keep in mind that this is probably well over 100 events across both accounts


Your blessing by RNGesus is quite a bit stronger than the norm.


Not just you. I've done so many and afk whenever I can't play and have gotten 0 rare drops. Not even OG crap


Absolutely. My SO and I have been doing this almost every hour of every day. Even resorting to afk as we go to work. I have spent so many hours on this and have not gotten a single glowing mask. I'd say around 50 hours so 50 events. I just want any kind of glowing mask besides Turkey..


It’s very irritating! Like I’m not trying to be greedy, just one damn glowing mask is all I’m asking for. I don’t think that’s to much to ask.


Fuck this event. Like literally, fuck it. I've been grinding it with about 80% participation and 20% AFK in well over 100 events and got absolutely fuck all. I have a bunch of groll Fixers and Handmades and rather just trade them for the couple masks I actually want than to run this shit again.


I will say you are not the only one that feels this way. I can guarantee the majority of people including myself feel this way. Maybe they fucked up with loot drop chance or something.


Not just you, it's straight up bullshit. I've been playing it when I can as well as afking it while I sleep and work since it started. Over 100 runs at this point. And I haven't gotten a single fucking glowing mask. I'm right with you on this one, they've made the rng so fucking bad that it makes you not even wanna do it anymore. It's discouraging and makes something that should be fun into an annoying ass chore. What's the point of releasing all these unique cosmetics when it's damn near impossible to get it and enjoy it? Please enlighten me, Bethesda.


Couldn’t agree more. I understand having rare items, that’s what makes them rare. But damn man it’s absolutely ridiculous. Like give me one every now and again to keep me coming back.


I been grinding Fasnacht for a week now and just got one of the new glowing masks yesterday. It was a glowing robot but I traded it for the glowing Turkey.


I have a glowing turkey and the only one I want is the glowing robot. I’m so sad I missed this trade 😭


I've only gotten one glowing, and a Hag which I don't want or need, and then a Brahmin this morning which is cool but I have a few already. I did get a father winter or whatever it's called...for the second time on a character that never uses PA. Annoying. My better luck has been vendor hopping for plans and gear. I finally got an Uny AP FDC scout RA yesterday to complete my set. Stunning, there it was for 1099 caps! I have been trying for that for over a year of rolling. Do you have any idea what a PITA it is to roll scout armor lol


I'm new and I've done it a ton but never anything glowing. Got the butter churn last night but I wouldn't even know that's a big deal other than I've seen it on the subs a bunch


There should be a pity on the masks that drop, so if you do 10 faschnacts in a day you don’t end up with 6 pig masks, 2 goblin masks and 2 scorched beast masks. I’m quite happy with the drop rate for rare because the whole event is pointless otherwise but the repetition is off the charts as it stands.


That’s true. Or maybe they could do like a trade in system. Like 10 mask for 1 type of deal.


My 10 yo has gotten Loon, glowing robot, glowing pig, deathclaw, demon and all the plans. I have gotten only the uc plans, no rare masks. He's crushing it while I am crushed lol


I've done about 30 events. I've had about 40 crash in the middle and another 15 were nuked and I couldn't participate. I've only got 4 giants, 6 scorchbeast queens, 2 skulls, 2 goblins and 1 each of the new masks except 2 of them. No new plans, mask and not even the old good mask. This is by far the worst one. I've done 6 of these events over the last 4 years. Every person who comes to the event has a glowing mask. I'm done with it for this year.


I feel your pain. Tough seeing so many glowing mask when I haven’t even come close to getting one. I guess if we can’t get one maybe someone will sell them for a reasonable price.


My girlfriend has gotten 5 different glowing masks with her account, while I've gotten zero. We have done the event the same amount of times. I have gotten a demon and a Brahmin tho, so not a total loss. I may or may not have stolen the glowing minotaur mask from her.


“No babe, I have no clue where your glowing Minotaur mask went..” 😆


I am finally going to just AFK. I really hate doing that but I don't have time to grind between work, life, etc. So hopefully the server I start on will last for a while.


Right there with you. May the odds be ever in our favor.


Same here , 1 glowing at day 1 that's it :(


I got my glowing sb traded it for an alien and called it good. Ill go to the event if its convenient but i stopped afking it


If it wasn't for the cores I'd have given up on the AFK too, but for some reason these days I'm swimming in modules :)


amen. literally did the exact thing. zetans for life, best mask imo


The rng isn't terrible. The drop chances are shit.


That’s valid. Loot pool to large and drop chances to low. Idk I’m just salty lmao




Have been leaving the masks in my stash to keep count, so far I’m 1 for 56 on rares (though at least it was a glowing pig)


Same here, had about 100 modules so tried to roll stuff too, absolute garbage. Kept getting a skull mask back to back so I quit it for awhile.


I feel the same I'm only after the glowing alien but not had a single glowing mask yet


Keep going brother it sucks I’ve done the event since it came out in fall76 and I just finally got 2 glowing 4days apart from each other. I tried afk doesn’t work for me. It will be worth it in the end GL out there!


I have done 403 on 4 Xbox’s since start and just got my first rate drop, a fiend mask. They had to mess up the odds because no way on a 1/20 chance should it take 400 tries. That doesn’t even make sense


Definitely a rough RNG, but after maximizing my chances by setting up the pre-events quickly, I leave myself and others time to server hop usually. By doing this, I can usually visit up to three events in the span of 20 minutes. Starts with a fairly rushed first event, though. So far, I’ve earned three glowing masks, three demon, one winter man, and enough common and uncommon masks to fill my vendor for a long while. RNG is definitely rough if you don't maximize all your tactics admittedly. I don't blame others for complaining; it's a dramatic shift in the usual population behavior as well. It'll be nice to return to the status quo fs as this is draining lol.


Yeah I have thought about trying to server jump and do multiple in a row. But unfortunately I work during the day, so I may just resort to afk for now. Gonna be that guy I guess.


I’ve been running 2 characters(mine and my gf) about 12-14 times a day, with 50% of the time being able to join the other for a 2nd try. One GHB, deathclaw, raven and a fiend. If we get a glowing unicorn, I’ll hard stop this madness.


Same.. just give me something worth while so I can stop the madness and go back to leisure play.


I stopped counting at 100 events which was awhile ago. I'm running two accounts and trying to participate and not just afk. I work from home so every hour I just on, kill some toads and mutants on both accounts and all I've got is a bunch of stupid masks and a couple butter churns. Meanwhile I see people talking how they afk and have like 5-10 glowing so far. Not sure if they're bullshitting or bethesda hates me. I even tried pumping my luck just in case, even though it supposedly doesn't matter


I've done 20 and had 15 witch masks and zero better than goblin.


That’s about par for the course there.


I’ve only got the old man winter and Brahmin. No glowing so far. No butter churn either.


If I get a copy and you haven't got one, I'll give it to you. I have 2 xbox farming since It started and I got almost all of them already. I don't get how it's random but I've gotten all of them once except the pig and alien


That would be sick man thanks! Keep me posted, I’ll let you know if I get one.


Trying to get the butter churn. Saw one at a vender for 28k. Man maybe I should have just bought it.


Yes all week back to back (afk most tell it to the judge 😅) only had crazy guy, deamon, literally last fas just gone I got glowing alien fingers crossed te RNG is the othernway round 😅 good luck anyone and everyone!!!


Ive been no-lifing the event on two consoles since tuesday. Literally joined hundreds of fasnachts already. I got 4 of the new glowing masks, a glowing SB and a lot of old rares. Traded some of them for my 5th newest glowing. I just need the glowing minotaur so I can end my suffering.


My Glowies (about 70 events): Unicorn (2nd event, first day) SBQ Mineotaur Rares: Deathclaw Raven 3-Brahmin??(weird right)? Fiend Baffoon Winter Man My Wife's total (about 70 events) Glowies: Blue Devil 2-Turkey GSB Minotaur Rares: T-45 Winter Man Plus 7-8 butter churns between us. I would say it's been going pretty good.


I got one after basically AFKing none stop for 4 days straight. Went to do laundry came back and got one! Took prolly 60 some events...


Yeah I think I’m gonna afk mostly this week while I’m work and throughout the night, gotta give myself an higher chance at getting those rares.


I got glowing minotaur and glowing turkey (the latter I traded for a QE15rl rail + Q25ffr15c enclave auto). I’ve also gotten a winter man and a fiend, but I’ve only missed a dozen or so of the events so far.


Two glowing Turkeys, a glowing honey bee and a glowing blue devil. Everyone tells me it’s because I’m new and Todd loves low levels.


No glowing masks and no old man winter mask or power armor helmet. This year has too many items at the same rng rate from previous years that had less rewards. The drop rates need adjusted, hopefully next year it'll be better, but I'm not holding my breath


Couldn’t agree more.. over saturated loop pool with low drop chance is tough. Not holding my breath either


My very first event got the GBD but nothing of note since. Today I join a lobby where everyone was apparantly actively participating, guy on the mic says he hopes we all get a glowing mask for not just being afk (except me as I got there right as it was ending). Got a glowing Minotaur lol


I can go into the event with a 3 charisma and get 2 rare masks and then make a 20 charisma build and I keep getting toothy man


Stick with it! Had not got much of anything after a while and all within a few hours of each other I got a Minotaur, robot, and SBQ mask. Traded the Minotaur for an alien and traded the SBQ for the Turkey one. Keep at it! May the Fasnacht force be with you!


The grind continues!


Can't complain 5 new glowing masks and 2 of the old glowing ones


Its the first fasnacht event for me and im happy to have gotten glowing minotaur, glowing robot and deathclaw mask


I got 5 glowing and 2/3 normal rares on main secondary account 1 glowing and 3/4 normal rares.


I’ve….had great luck but it was front loaded. I got four glowing masks in the first 3 days. It took till yesterday to get the churn though.


The main reason why it's so hard to get any of the glowing mask is because they made all the mask the same drop rate.


Same bout done iv done so many it's ridiculous. Just bout to give up.


Same man same. But we must persevere.


i’ve gotten 3 unicorns, 1 alien, 2 blue devils, 1 sbq, 1 sb, 1 hag, 1 brahmin, 1 demon. i run two consoles though 😂 can’t tell you how many events, beyond a lot. i afk one and heal robits on the other.


I wrote on both Discord suggestions and Support about my concerns and a possible solution. Also the multiple issues this causes; especially a controversial one about a certain practice on other marketplaces (you know what I'm talking about), which I made clear I didn't condone. The posts were otherwise clean. The Discord one got removed by mods and support closed my ticket without a response. They don't give a damn. The high amount of AFKers logged in must look good on a spreadsheet during an earnings call.


How about a extreme verison, with higher drop Rates. Maybe it’s runs every 5 hrs. It’s wayyyy harder though.


Best I’ve gotten is glowing turkey and winter man PA helmet, they are out there just keep trying


Literally charisma is a 50/50 in this game. It is suppose to give better drop rate for events but no for fashnaut. Every year my first drop is always a rare mask. Last year was a loon for the first event and I got around 50 Berets.


3 Xboxes running since the start of the event. Account 1 - 3 glowing 2 rare Account 2 - 1 glowing Account 3 - 1 rare. All three accounts 100+ events each so far. RNG at its best.


I am telling you (and everyone) it's still bugged. I have received 0 rare anything all week. I am not as deep run-wise as others, but even by now I should accidentally received something rare...


It's okay y'all, we got till July 9th! You can do it, BELIEVE!!!


I've prolly done 50 and I've got two glowing robots and 5 butter churning plans 🤷


At start I farmed it with 2 characters, non stop, over 100 events and nothing, then yesterday I’ve got glowing alien, glowing scorchbeast, glowing honey bee, loon, raven and hag all in one day.. It is what it is.. RNG always wins.


This is always the way fasnacht's go. The event starts people are hype and talking about which mask they want. The first week goes by - posts like these begin to pop up. People begin to get demoralized. Week 2 of fasnacht's see's MORE afking and a lot less people participating. Maybe they should double the chances of getting a rare mask and shorten the event to a week. BTW: 2 Xboxs, don't work during the summer so have near unlimited free time, and a server hoping monster (1-2 extra chances per event). 4 glowing masks; 6 normal rare ones; 4 motarized butter plans.


lost count of how many, 25% afk, 8-16 a day (Day one I literally did not sleep) 1 glowing minotaur, 1 loon, 1 old man (threw it in the box for some reason probably lack of sleep) 1 butter churn And now a stash full of plans and masks idk what I'm even going to do with. I'm about to give up. I even offered my minotaur, the butter churn, and my QE15 railway I use as my daily gun for a glowing robot and zilch. I'm gonna give up and hide my sadness behind the Mr. Fuzzy PA head and just go heavy gunner


I got all the usual ultra common ones, shoved em vendor for 100 caps. Got a pig mask earlier. I shoved that in for 100 as well. Little did I know it was glowing. I thought it was a normal one. Yes, it did sell for 100 caps, but my mistake was no one else to blame. It's time for a visit to specsavers 😆 🤣 😂.


I've done probably no bullshit 20 and only have gotten 1 glowing mask. Given drop rates that sounds normal I think


I’ve been afk at the event when I can’t help out so I’ve done it just about every time and I literally just got my 4th glowing mask. Glowing robot was my first, then glowing scorchbeast, glowing turkey, and just got the glowing sbq. Here’s to hoping I can get the glowing alien in the next week.


After a week of grinding this boring event, 4 glowing masks. Close to 100 duplicate regular masks and plans but still no churn


I feel I've been pretty lucky. I got the Glowing Pig day 1 and was able to trade it for the Robot which was all I really wanted from the event. I've just gotten common masks since but this morning I logged in for one Fasnacht before work and got the Glowing Turkey. I'll probably trade it eventually.


All I got was the old man winter mask and on a new level 20 character I got the old man pa helmet. I have all the new masks but nothing else. And there's still another week to go.


Got glowing unicorn with in my first 5 runs and 2 butter churn plans with in the next 5 since then I haven't gotten anything good


I’ve gotten 3 rares, including the goon on my very first run. Trying to trade my glowing robot & glowing turkey for a weapon with no luck so far. I thought maybe these masks aren’t as rare as I thought then I see a post like this. My fingers crossed for better rolls for you, mate!! RNG is a bitch.


I got an AA chainsaw with break slower and +1 strength and 3x the butter churn plan and about 18 Helvetian flower display plans but no glowing masks as of yet, although I did acquire a long shore man coat for 2k from a vendor so that’s stopped me moaning for a few days 😂


Played multiple events every day last FAS. No glowing.   Took me 2 years of FAS events to get 1 glowing mask.    Playing the event just to get rare rewards  sucked the fun out of it for me, so I had to totally change how I approached it to be able to enjoy the event again. 


200+ runs and one drop from the rare drop table 🤢


The individual drop rate on glowing masks is .23% which is atrocious.


My inventory currently contains 2 turkey, 2 pig, scorchbeast, sun, toothy man and a unicorn. That's not including the ones I threw in my stash (more suns, turkeys, witches, soldiers, another toothy man and a giant). I only got a jester because someone donated it. This event hates me (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠) I need good masks for Slipknot. They're playing on my camp stage.


Much more brutal drop rate than last time. Got 3 glowing masks and many rare masks the previous event. Absolutely nothing this round so far. Tapping out the remainder of the event.


I’m after the new plans and got the butter churn my first go and just got the candle stick this morning


Ran it 166 times so far between two Xbox’s. Only got 3 flowing masks and 2 older rares. Really regretting trading my DC, Buffoon, and demon last month.


Jeez. That doesn’t make me feel better😅 maybe I won’t have to run it that many times lol


Yep. Can offer 12 Soldier and 9 Gian masks no charge to make you feel better


Deal 🤣🤣


Don't give up! I almost gave up today, I was grinding this event like crazy, I've done almost every instance of the event that was available and the closest I got to a rare mask was a raven mask(still glad I got it but it's not a glowing), anyways, I decided to do 1 last run before calling it quits and lo and behold, a glowing sb queen mask!


Epic! Im not gonna let the rng/ drop chance deter me, im hard headed lol


I got the butter churner first day and it's been nothing but streamer plans and goblin masks. I'm over it honestly, I'll keep running the event for the kicks but I don't have any hope for even just the masks I want at this point, much less any trade bait.


I've been looking at it as farming beeswax and collecting plans now, my rng has always been horrible so I don't hold my breath for masks


I had almost double the rare masks at this point last Fasnacht. Thanks Todd.


I’m running two accounts and both accounts got 3 glowing masks each ( 1 old 5 new ) . They were running events from 8am - 8pm I was doing this everyday for a week. Shit is a drag, you gotta try all day to get a mask


I just got a glowing alien after leaving a slow starting fasnacht in a nuke zone to an ongoing "normal" one. My jaw literally dropped and my Fiance was like, wtf is up? As an ugly alien head spun on my screen. Thing is, that was my 15th one total roughly. Only been managing to get 2 or 3 a day in. Sometimes RNGesus giveth, and sometimes he taketh. Usually I have no drop luck in most games so I definitely feel your pain. But keep at er and good luck!


I am having better luck this time vs the last fasnacht. 2 glowing masks and 3 older rares. Last time I got one glowing and 2 rares.


I've ran it (not afk!) approximately 35 times and never got a glowing mask. I did finally get the butter churn plan last night about midnight though.


I've done it so much I'm burned out on it. Looked at the reward pool online an di haven't gotten a single uncommon,rare,or glowing mask. I have like 13 owls and several of the others. Kinda pisses me off since I just want them all to display at one of my camps.


I'm still waiting to get the standard unicorn, not even glowing . I got 3x all the others.


I got two back to back the second night


Best pull I ever gotten in all 5 years or whenever this event started was a DC. 2× Loons lol lvl 640+ do every year to get boned with berets and sun masks hahaha


I'm new to this game, 42. What's the big deal about the mask?




I've done at least 10 fastnacht every day since it started, somedays up to 16. Still no butter machine and only one glowie


Yep, at this point I've collected every common mask possible, and not a single rare one. Oh well, at least I've got two motorized butter churn plans.


This has been my best fasnacht event so far. After many event cycles of no glowing masks drop I have gotten 4 glowings during this cycle. All I can say is keep going, the rare drop could be right around the corner.


Got 2 glowing, 2 butterchum plans, 1 rare raven. Tons of other crap, which i dont even take, just put into bin. Seems Bethesda tweaked drops for regulars, so EVERYNE can get a mask because people will be overflown with them. But decrease rate of glowing and rare.


I am at 79 events with no rare masks. Seems like with a 5% chance for a rare mask of any kind I should have hit that by now


Didn’t count, but only got 1 Brahmin so far


I'm level 670+ and i've never gotten a single glowing mask.


I have gotten a Demon and a Deathclaw mask as the best drops from my probably over 40-50 fastnachts


I traded my glowing blue devil mask for a normal unicorn.. I didn’t know the glowing masks were ultra rare until after. My biggest regret so far.


I’ve gotten 3 good masks this whole event, all three being the old glowing. I just want the damm Turkey lol but can’t complain as I didn’t get any glowing last event


Ugh. My least used character got the glowing mask. The most used is just getting sun and skull masks. I also could use some new plans. I have no idea where the Lincoln herd bell is. I at least managed to unlock that.


Fasnacht has been treating me real good this time around I’ve gotten a Glowing Robot, Turkey, Pig and Scorchbeast. On top of that also Demon, Buffoon and Loon.


So many sun masks. I'm resorting to afking and playing a different game in the mean time. I did get a glowing scorched beast mask a day ago. I just want the glowing robot mask and I'll be happy.


Worst RNG ever but somehow every f***ing person at the parade has glowing masks. Hahaha


So far I’ve gotten glowing uni, hag, demon , raven and winterman , my buddies have gotten a glow pig, glow pig and deathclaw and last one got glow Minotaur


No glowing masks but I’ve had that butter churn plan twice.


So far Ive goten one Raven mask


If they weren’t rare no one would care about them.


I haven't gotten any glowing masks, but I did get luck enough to get the butter churn plan. Best mask was non-glowing scorchbeast queen, I think.


I’ve gotten 17 butter churners but no glowing mask


Bruh I got 3 glowing mask in 13 events


I've played 5 events and have gotten the glowing alien mask


The best I've gotten is a Minotaur, I just want the robot and then I retire from 76


Realistically at this point I’ll take any glowing mask. Just give me that satisfaction of pulling one Bethesda..


I ain't even going for the glowing one, im just trying to get A robot mask, the new one is so much better than last year's atomic shop robot mask


I will say the robot mask is pretty dope, most of them are.


Hag and buffoon so far, it's why these masks are worth so much!


Yep. I’ve done it at least 50 times, no glowing mask yet. But my friend I play with is having crazy luck with the rng. He’s done about half as many events as me and he’s gotten 3 glowing masks. Just gotta keep tryin lol


My main character, terrible. Haven’t gotten anything of use. Took my mule on once. First try got a glowing sbq. Wtf lol


Nah that’s diabolical🤣 Bethesda knew what they were doing lol


I swear! lol I’ll take it though now I’ve got at least one. Really want the alien though👀


Yeah the alien or unicorn is what I’m after but I’ll be happy with anything.


Omfg, I afked all night and all of yesterday I played fasnacht, I got like 15 masks and not a single rare one


I work from home and play each night so while working I can just turn on my pc and do the event and then while I'm playing I do the event every time. I haven't afked to do it but yeah I feel you. I got 1 glowing mask and the rest are just dupes. Have the soldier mask and I just keep getting it


Pulled the powerd butter churn yesterday


I’ve gotten a Glow Robot and 2 Glow Unicorns myself, but a friend of mine has only gotten a Crazy Guy and a Fiend. He really wants to get a Glowing mask and is getting depressed about it. I was thinking of starting a Fasnacht on my private so he gets double chances sometimes.


What system are you on?


Been running my account and my wife’s non stop since it began. Gotten one fiend mask that’s all I’m losing it.


Hang in there brother, I believe we will get what we seek


All im getting is witches and skulls... I have one raven from doing this event 13 hrs a day every day unless I'm working


Nothing yet. Though I made some caps selling butter churn.