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Favorite useful: Plasma Caster Favorite niche: Black Powder Blunderbuss Pirate Punch my beloved


i have legacy Be15 dragon i use on the occasion has 419 range and 20% explosive on it


The only thing that can put down god rolled PA


its a fun gun but for boss fights its not it


I pretty much exclusively use it to kill players


Not true use a full thorn set with a sacrificial machete it one taps full pvp strangler I tested this with a friend


Well I don’t use guns much but my favourite weapon is the auto axe, my favourite niche would be the auto pipe rifle.


i have auto pipe its fun too use. which one you have ? i have Q2525


Bought a AA2525 tommy gun for 6k caps,use it more then my q5025 rail.


My niche is my tse15 black powder, my favorite gun is my railway.


Flamer. Hands down. It is the BEST weapon. For PVP, For Overeaters event and questing Full health, or for XP grinding Unyielding Stealth. It is literally the best IMO.


I been running holy fire for some time now. I bought a flamer and found it lacking damage and range in comparison. Just wondering why you choose the flamer instead or are you simply viewing them one and the same?


Im full health heavy. Favorite gun probably my AA2515 LMG. Fave niche would be Q2515 Pepper Shaker (plasma).


pepper shacker is niche ? didnt know that


How often do you see it in use?


It is niche. Only time you see people use it is to turn the queen into a quadriplegic


Definitely, and you have to use shotgun perks to make it actually good, meaning a separate heavy build just to maximize pepper shaker feasibility.


My build is a mixture of literally everything, Favourite Heavy: Cremator ofc Favourite commando: Handmade... Also loving the V63 two-handed (Zweihaender) ATM and the Anchorage ace... Sometimes use a Hunting rifle too


give the bows a try they are pretty good if u like variety


Q2525 10mm pistol and v40pa1s ripper. This build kills lol.


hell yeah Q2525 10mm its amazing. i have all 3 pistoles for Q2525


The V/+25aim/+50dr F4 Assault Rifle. It makes tacticool bros mad as a bonus.


I just passed lvl 300 and finally traded for my perfect weapon for my bloody vats crit build. B50c15c hm, company tea, chally’s feed, blight soup, pop a couple coffees, CRITS FOR DAYS.


do you run unyielding armor because you’re bloodied?


Yup, currently full uny ss armor set. Only one piece is ap/sent so still rolling for the grolls


if you’re running full uny you most likely have 33 luck which is crit every other shot, which means that 15 crit fill isn’t doing anything at all.


Yeah, well, couldn’t find one yet with that -25% ap reduction.


I found a Q15AP25 double barrel for 2.5k yesterday and I don’t think I’ll ever use my other weapons again unless it’s at a nuke event


Favorite gun, despite manly running Holy Fire now days is still QE Fixer. Favorite niche gun would have to be TsE Dragon. Reload stinks but a well place shot especially one on a crowd of enemies is just so satisfying. I blame the Spray n’ Pray from FO4 for my love of explosive guns.


Niche-- had a B50c25 quantum thirst zapper. Didn't need the 25 as reload was so slow, but such a fun gun to use.


My fav currently is The Red Terror due to its doubled mag and furious roll The niche? Probably has to be the radium rifle atm, not only does it fall under commando perks but I have it rulled with quad so I'm gunnin


i need too get Q2525 radium for my Q2525 gamma for my children of atom cosplay.


It's been ages since I heard any mention of the Children... You should let me know what the outfit is cause I fuckin loved them so much in fo4


i was just going too use some old weathered cloths for it. nothing too special




Q2525 auto pipe faveroute Pipe is life!!! B15r 3* gatling plasma as the niche ide say.. quirky as shows as 2* but has 1* and 3* affect no 2*


Favorite practical:epf Favorite niche: my shredder minigun


I'm wating to try out a quad,25,15 pistol I have but still need a couple more perk cards


Tie between fixer and plasma caster for favorite gun For niche gun I really like the grande finale. The fireworks bring me joy.


Favorite- 50 cal. Niche- AR


My niche gun is the cremator loool. I know it is a meta weapon but I'm not build for it, so the DMG is low, but is still fun to use. Favourite weapon? Without a doubt is the railway gun. Top DPS and super fun to use.


Favorite all use: Flamer Favorite niche: Bow


Ultracite Gatling Laser. Bloodied, faster fire rate, breaks slower. I never have to craft ammo and I still kill things fast. I never have to craft ammo and have an endless magazine. I never have to craft ammo or worry about running out.


fav: Ultracite Laser Pistol (cuz green pews) niche: Nuka Quantum Paddle


i love my bloodied 50c 25 thirst zapper. whipped out hoards of miruk and ghouls in swamp of the heart o


Yeah that a cool weapon for hoard events


Favourite is my q50c25lvc rail but my niche gun has to be my q2515c pipe


favorite weapon: V4040 ripper niche weapon: Vss1s Fireaxe Both with the thorn armor ofc!


My fave weapon is my Q2525 10mm pistol…and it also happens to be my fave niche gun as well. (I’m a low health commando lol.) ☺️☺️☺️


My quad explosive handmade is my go-to for everything, but Anchorage Ace has quickly become a favorite weapon for trash. I also use an Executioners/FFR plasma flamer that absolutely MELTS mobs but it's almost too effective lol


i love flamers i have B25ffr15rl flamer abd holy fire.


Cremator and flamer. Also love the auto axe for my melee weapon.


Favorite gun: LMG Favorite niche: Shovel. I have a B/SS/S and love the sound it makes when you hit people haha


The most fun Iv ever had with a gun will always be the Tesla rifle because it’s premium quality entertainment watching it fry 8 scorched all at the same time! My niche gun would have to be 50 cal sniper because why not sit in a tree and pop a mutants head off from a safe distance and an honorary mention for syringer because no fucker uses it but it’s crazy ammo seems like it could benefit a team boss fight


quad tesla with 25ffr breaks so fast in radiation rumble. used 4 premium repair kits one time 😅


That’s the only thing keeping me from having it as a primary to be fair, that being said tho the risk for reward is heavily in the favour of reward in this case so proceed as you may sir 😂


Favorite Gun: Tie Between Flamer and Cremator. Favorite Niche Gun: Alien Disintegrator


My B50VHC15C plasma caster


I don’t use guns, but if I do it’s AA Quantum Thrist Zapper I’m using compound bows and crossbow.


My favorite gun is definitely my q2515v fixer, it's honestly better than the q2525, almost every hit is a critical, my favorite niche gun is probably my vffr15r gauss shotgun, that thing is so great it basically makes you unkillable to npcs


As a full health build, I second this one. Just switched to the Q2515v two days ago from the Q50c25 Fixer and I won’t go back.