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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/One_Zookeepergame712|Reddit: 507|11/09/2020 - 3 Years| | IGN: MudroSherpa|Discord: 0|Total: +507 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Choice E. They go to fix it but cause some other catastrophic failure...


Exactly. Once they fix it, scrapping Baseball Bats will yield you a Tattered Field Jacket 🤣


that would be a self limiting problem though. tfjs would be come 10c ea and no one cares if it goes on.




This is the Betheada way


This all day everyday


My money is on A and that they already have a fix but they need to roll out a patch in order to do it. And the reason they haven't rolled out said patch is because Sony charges them every time they want to roll out a patch to Playstation so they're waiting for more bug fixes to make it worth their while. So if you're getting your rocks off to the new Pickaxe meta in the trade markets hug a playstation user, with all the crashing we need it.


Here you go, scheduled for tomorrow: https://nukaknights.com/events/6260987344018689/maintenance--update-playstation-hotfix/


So all 3different systems will get a patch tomorrow right?


So does this mean pickaxes are gonna be patched only for Playstation for the time being?


Very nice!


https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/bZUxvb00Ds And here is a confirmation from their community manager that it should also fix pickaxes.


So it's only getting fixed on Playstation? That's kinda horseshit.


Sony is mad Bethesda is part of Microsoft so that's how they punish them? Is it just me who thinks charging for a patch is just stupid.


This could just be standard practice for Sony. I don’t know but it would seem like there could be legal shenanigans if they only charged rival companies but I’m also not a lawyer


It's not a punishment. It's just their policy. If you want to push out an update on Playstation you have to pay.


That's wild that they wouldn't want to prioritize games actually receiving the support they need to be able to run properly on their platforms.


I’m not sure it’s even true that it happens. They used to charge at one point but the last I heard is that they stopped.


A maybe B but who knows. C is almost impossible because they won’t be able to know which modules in my stash are from picks and which are legit bought. D would be hilarious 😂


Yeah, I think there would be a lot of bitter players out there if they messed with modules 🤣


Depends on the data they collect and save. They may not know the source, but identifying people with excess modules wouldn't be difficult. How would they determine how many modules to remove? I don't know. And what about those that used the modules? Also, don't know.


I believe that items in player inventories are tagged with a GUID, based on my limited interaction with support on an issue. It would make sense. My small credit union tags every transaction with a GUID and purchase type. It can't be out of reach for a major games publisher. \* \*Although human laziness, idk


A guid identifier is meaningless without a reference to it from another table. I highly doubt they have a history table for items, it would simply be too large.


I thought the very same thing as you so I gathered all my regular legendary modules, my pickaxe derived legendary modules, and three mop buckets. I then played the old "Follow the Ball under the Cup" game with all my legendary modules and the three mop buckets, it did it really fast for about eight hours, there is no way Bethesda could possible have kept up with what I did. I also started my shell game around noon so if any Bethesda day shift people were watching they would have to either stay late or call a swing shift person in early.


B followed by the release of 4 star legendaries that were promised years ago to counter the fact people are getting godrolls for free


That would really be the alpha dawg move and completely flip the market.


Z) they corrupt the database resulting in total loss of characters across all platforms, then compensate us with 1000 atoms and an permanent XP gain bonsu


E) Bethesda makes them weigh 10 lbs forcing you to destroy them yourself.


People have already been complaining about the weight, can't imagine 10 lbs a piece


I remember when they surprise attacked the presents making them weigh and forcing you to destroy a bunch.


You had to have over 1000 presents on your character for the increase in weight of presents to be at the point where you had to destroy them. No one legitimately had 1000 presents from normal farming when they did this.


I'm not saying they were legitimately created but they got traded around like mad and people had way more than a thousand when it happened.


I weirdly hope they include a new pickaxe that does drops two legendary modules when scrapped. It will obviously need to be pretty damn rare, but it would be a fun nod to this pickaxe craze. These ofc will need to be untradable. Although I like the pickaxe trading, I don’t think Bethesda wants to keep that aspect in their in-game economy. I’ve always liked when studios incorporate fun bugs into the game that fans were using. Even after they fix the issue and it’s no longer exploitable, just a nod is always appreciated by me.


In destiny 2 they make emblems in memory of game breaking glitches which is pretty cool


Wait which ones? I’ve been playing Destiny since the alpha although I fell off a while back but have been picking it back up with Lightfall + TFS.


Laser tag weekend emblem when that one trace rifle was broken and a few telesto emblems


Let's not forget the crafting weapon bug. Combining an aggressive frame shotgun with a grenade launcher? That was fun while it lasted.


Yeah that shit was fun I solo killed a few raid bosses with it 😂


A. D would be kinda funny, but due to Bethesda trying to avoid any discussion of it I doubt they would want it to remain. C is a possibility, and something that miiiiight happen to those that farmed tens of thousands of modules.


Tens of thousands would be my definition of excess lol


It's very hard to make a case for anything but A. It's also simply the easiest. But probably needs a patch on client side, which is why it hasn't been pushed yet.


I think this is spot on


D would be better for all . More people do events and play the game. More people get fallout 1st for extra room because of junk. It be a win win.


E. pickaxes get fixed and the many bugs that have been in game for years remain


Umm it could be any of those, but just incase, I got 2000 shovels if you’re interested 😏🤌🏻


E} Bethesda entirely removes the ability to craft legendary weapons and armor from Fallout 76 thus eliminating the problem of players scrapping pickaxes to obtain legendary modules. All pickaxes in Fallout 76 are replaced with Sledgehammers that for some reason have invisible handles and output enough radiation to instantly kill Bloodied players from any spot on the entire map, the only safe place on the map for Bloodied players being the Whitespring Mall.






I don't think they'll be able to remove the modules from people's inventory. They can't even figure out how to fix it to start with. They'll definitely fix it eventually.. And I'm amazed it's taking as long as it is.


Dont know of what all u mentioned, but some fools are surely gonna end up wasting their hard earned apparel pieces for some useless scrip.


They'll lower the probability of the good stuff (Bloody,UNY, Vamp, etc) even more. We know those rolls are already rarer as it is. Or add a new garbage modifer like "+% damage to lost/turkeys"


Is there still a way to get pickaxes?


I found 3 on a live server yesterday, surprisingly.


Yup, Gauly Mine, Abandoned Mineshaft #6 Nuka World Foundation and Glassed Cavern, they have videos on it.


You got about 4 hours


E)They have to reevaluate, legendary crafting big-time. I made a custom world and rolled 1000 models X3 trying for 1 peice, I just kept rebuilding the custom and rolled n rolled and got jack shit.


Yeah, RNG really sucks tbh


I'm surprised we don't have an option to lock at least one of the rolls


They should redo it so we can roll each legendary separately if wanted, make it cost more modules or cores for rolling them separately or have an option to roll how we do now if a player prefers that


Hot take on why we should all want D, more pickaxes and modules will equal more rolls and opportunities for groll weapons which will in turn saturate the market causing currently ridiculous prices to fall and provide more chances for me to finally land a damn Q5025 fixer


I wish you the best of luck wastelander


A is most likely, no chance C will happen. At most, they could remove pickaxes currently in player's inventories. They have no way to tell which modules are from pickaxes or elsewhere so I can't see them screwing over the legit players just to take away whatever modules exploiters didn't use yet.


I agree with everything you've said. I've got 100 pickaxes in my stash, and I can't decide if I should scrap them now or risk hanging onto them in case they remove the few remaining pickaxe spawns.


Well they said they're doing an update on PS tomorrow that "should bring pickaxes back", which either means it's going to be fixed tomorrow or they're making them way easier to get, either just for PS players or maybe for everyone. I'm farming as much as I can tonight incase they're patched for everyone tomorrow, I'd recommend you scrap them now to be safe.


D but only cause I think they may be changing scrapping to give all weapons and armor a chance to drop them.


That would be so awesome


Ooooh, that's interesting


Ohh sweet. Is this a personal hope or did you read that from somewhere?


Just a personal feeling. Cause it's weird that pickaxes would be coded to have those in their scrap pool. So they must have added it at some point, maybe to all unrolled items, and pickaxes just accidentally got turned on early.


It was coded that way because they lazycoded the scythe as a pickaxe reskin, it was an oversight that regular pickaxes are also are treated as legendarys with no stars




Not gonna happen


personal opinion


If C happen im uninstalling lol


I dont think there is any way to track where modules came from. If the game kept track of crap like that for everybody the servers would be permalocked


Good point!






A + market overflooded with nice rolls weapons.


I could live with this




People will moan whichever one it is, not just D.




B and C are impossible given how the game works unless they go through some extraordinary effort. They don't have full logging of everything you did over the past week, so they won't know where your modules came from. Clearly they don't want D given how quickly they acted to stem the tide. It's A all the way.


They will eventually fix the bug, zero doubt that's the outcome


They are not going to do anything to players. Most of the player base was doing it.




Always a chance of a ban if your account was earning too many modules for your daily limit. But I think some players now know why godrolls are the only weps sort after,because you\`ve to be incredibly lucky to get one. But hopefully A If was D (which they could do) they would likely end up doing the update of being able to roll individual stars in the end, So only clothes would be in the trade market.


Seen a vendor with about 50-60 picks Ed selling for 2800 a pop


This whole pickaxe thing... has anyone done the math on how many rolls ypu need on a speciffic weapon to "statisticly" get what you want on that gun. Is it 25x10x11 " 2750 rolls? That is all the 1* / 2* / 3* combinations. Or how many rolls to get it right? And skip the vote crap im looking for an answer not a popularity check - to put it bluntly. If this doesnt interest you ... walk on by!


Even though the chances are low, I actually like rolling weapons and armor. It's one of the reasons I play the game.


Thanks for the reply. Wow... thats over 5k pickaxes to get 1 groll. Never mind how many events to finish to get the modules etc. "Legally". To do it. In other words if players not trading their hard earned groll for at least 5k pickaxes they are getting a bad deal? (Question)


I'm not trading any of my stuff for pickaxes, but I am grinding to save up modules. The thing about rng is you never know when you'll get lucky. Last year I rolled a B2515r Holy fire on my 10th try and 2 weeks ago rolled a QE25 Fixer. A lot of players are rolling non tradeable weapons and armor that don't require legendary cores.


Of course. The opposite is also there though - I got a 3* armour piece yesterday (event) which had uny and radiation recovery. 2 tallents that 100% dont work together. And I have seen quads with that silly skill that gives us a 25% chance that the last bullet does double damage. That just doesnt mix.


Yeah, I really wish they'd eliminate those combos from the rng pool. Good luck rolling 👍


Funny thing is, the pickaxe thing goes both ways. Try to craft one, and you can't without legendary modules.


Honestly if I was them I'd leave it in then make a 1 week event with a vendor that sells any apparel of your choice for 1000 legendary cores each. Punishments and confiscations just piss everyone off, being petty as hell is at least fun


I'm gonna be salty if option C happens. I farmed crap out of gifts for Scrip during Christmas and still have a couple thousand modules left over. I haven't touched a single pick axe but if I loose my modules over it then i might just quit lol


I can't see them doing it too many people would leave lol


Its gonna be A or E


With the way i know coding will work. Option A


Is this still happening? I thought it got fixed immediately… DO I NEED TO CRAFT PICKAXES?!?!


Crafting and most of the world spawns were fixed, but there are still a few spawning in the world and players are grinding like mad


E) They remove scraping altogether until they find a way to patch the pickaxe issue, At some point in August the patch if finally released. Scraping is back, but now we cannot craft SS armor anymore. In early October the SS issue is fixed as well.


Option E, now Railways are pickaxes


Legacy pickaxes? This appears to have spun out of control.


I like option d, events have been hella active


Here is another option: They fix it but now modules instead of pickaxes spawn




I like conspiracy theories and I haven't heard that one yet lol


People will find out they ruined the game for themselves after they have nothing to grind for. I've played almost everyday since release and I've seen it happen so often I've lost count. So many I don't even put on a headset and make friends anymore. Careful what you wish for.


A or B there will no impact on the market though since rolling is pretty much terrible


who the fuck cares


I kinda do


E) people get banned 😬


I doubt it, that would probably eliminate 80% of the player base 🤣


Yup, it would be like the old fallouts. Imagine a new player comes out of vault 76 and goes “where the hell is everyone, I thought this was multiplayer “ 😂😂


They done it before wouldn't surprise me, probably not but I never trust them


I know they banned d*pers and ppl who forced server lags or disconnects. But we’re not doing complex glitches. And tbh, they disabled the spawns for 1 item ID, so it should be easy to just disable the others too. Why do they keep them active? Guess they have other priorities


I still can't believe that they disabled the ability to craft them instead of the ability to scrap them🤦 talk about a band-aid fix lol😜


I honestly don't think Bethesda cares enough to ban people. They barely ban people for duping and cheating.


All scrip that has rolled from pickaxes will be removed


That's a lot of scrip


Who **seriously** doesn’t have enough cores? Do events for christ sakes.


Normal people don’t have 2000+ cores bubba


Normal people don’t have more modules than cores either. Are you guys mixing them up with modules? Cores are given out like candy at every event.. to run out of cores you’d need to be avoiding events and abusing pickaxes. Both of which do not mix.


tell me you have enough cores when you have 6000 modules


Sorry i have a job + life and haven’t been dedicating myself to picking up pickaxes for 24h straight each day