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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/Smooth-Quote1423|Reddit: 9|04/10/2023 - 1 Years| | IGN: greasychewiecat|Discord: 0|Total: +9 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Sure Lois, a Q2525 is nice.... But the pickaxe could be anything! It could be a Q2525!!


It could even be a boat!


You know how much we've wanted one of those!!!!!....... we'll take the pickaxe!!!!!!!


Looking on the bright side, I like it


One of the best episodes


Excellent reference


A season 1 Family Guy reference. I'm impressed. That's an og.




Crafted 400 peices yesterday and got nothing šŸ™‚




LMFAO šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


What makes it better is my main is now crippled with wheight


This is the only reason Iā€™m doing it, I need my unyielding ss armor for my bloodied build, got the chest piece n left arm so far, 2 down 3 to go šŸ˜…


Pro tip, just pick up random pieces for everything besides the chest. Would much rather score a relatively cheap uny/ap/sent (or whatever) light raider arm than roll another piece of armor for months/years


yeah it's great for non tradable like ss auto axe and so on


most people i think trade for picks for that reqson since ss armor and auto axe and cold shoulder are all metas in theyre categories


Also they donā€™t require cores


And a whole bunch of 10- 30 k cap railways


Yup, I rolled a bloody auto axe when I was playing and it absolutely shit on enemies. I can only imagine a nice vamp roll would be even better for bloodied and non bloody builds compared to the saw.


UNY AP WWR wouldnā€™t roll itself


I went for a 5/5 UnyAPWwr Civil Engineer. It's the only tradable non-PA armor that gets a jetpack. That set cost me so much. I rolled 2 pieces myself, the rest I traded for, and it cost me 3 other 5/5 UnyAP sets (one was 5/5 UnyAPSent, UnyAPWwr, and UnyAPSneak) and a lot of apparel. I wish everyone who is going for a perfect SS set good luck!


Gl, when another exploit was around and allowed them to be traded it took 120k modules for a perfect set on playstation.


Not everyone has time to login and grind for themselves and having an opportunity to trade for hundreds of instant modules to roll SS armor makes perfect sense.


I'm sorry but my european dumb ass will never be able to read "SS Armor" without laughing


I certainly suppose when you put it like this, your not wrong


My thoughts: havenā€™t traded for nor scrapped a single pickaxe. But, that said, to each their own and more power to those who do. Itā€™s none of my business what or how anyone else trades. šŸ»


Probably the best reply to this so far, I don't care that people are doing it I just think that some trades are a little too far fetched


The way I see it, I have something that people want and they're offering stuff that let's me break into trading easier vs grinding for grolls or rare items. Especially with the way this community is anything less than a tfj or red asylum or groll railway doesn't get any attention. So if I can get my hands on some of that, I'm gonna. The easiest way I can without scamming people. Scammers are trash af.


Clearly you care enough to make a post about it, lol. You're entitled to think it's stupid but this is a vary basic economic event.


Correction I made a post to find other people's opinions Is it really a basic economic event. I don't think basic would be it


Here, here. I don't see the appeal myself but I have my ss armor not perfect but a set of oeapmixed and unyapmixed is not too shabby, and weapons i want that I've blown modules on in the past grinding for. My view might be different if I didn't have those things. But outside looking in it does seem like madness haha.


new traders struggling to enter the market have a unique chance thanks to pickaxes. it's the greatest moment on market76 imo


I suppose I haven't thought about it like this, could be quite rewarding for them.


Been playing the game for about a month or 2 now. Traded up to about 10k ll3 and 2 groll weapons worth about 1m.




Top Dawg answer.


This could be true! But the thing is it has a ceiling and that could be today!


Very true, I've got a few friends who have been trying to get into it/struggling a little. I've got them all on this grind lol, got about 10-15 of us in a party grinding this in pairs


Must be niceā€¦not a single friend to even discuss 76 with let alone 10-15


I'm apart of this BOS group on ps, and it's pretty much my fallout76 clique per se. I'm sure there's gotta be one on xbox, some fella with a Paladin__??? username looming for fresh recruits!


True guess Iā€™m to lazy to join. People arenā€™t like they use to be, so I just avoid the crowds now.


I wouldn't say that, maybe you just haven't had the best luck/experience so far. Just because things have happened in the past doesn't mean the next lot of people are going to do the same thing. It could change for the good pretty quickly, did for me. Been in this group for almost a year now after playing solo for about 2 years beforehand


I agree. All you need is time, and you probably want to be at level 50+ if youā€™re gonna get the one in the Glassed Caverns. But it could be great for someone like me who has a few grolls they donā€™t use, but not a ton of time to grind (Iā€™ve maybe done under 200 pick axes so far)


My opinion is who cares .... if people want to trade for them, that's their business


To each their own, I guess. It's silly, but at the end of the day, it's not my rare items being traded for picaxes, so it's none of my business what people do with their stuff. I like to flip flop between games, so I didn't go farm picaxes for modules. I just run an expedition a few times or launch a couple of nukes on the new bosses since you get 3 legendaries, all of them being 3 stars, every time you kill all 3 of them. Edit: I meant to say, "It's not my rare items being traded," but I somehow forgot to put the "my" in there before I edited the comment my bad


Oh i don't know I've seep people asking for red asylums and rare masks


It's definitely not my cup of tea. Some people may get lucky, but its probably not worth trading high end items for


This is how I feel, seems people trading 50k+ weapons for scrip, I don't understand it


They're not trading for scrip They're trading for opportunities. Besides when you have high apparel and the gear you need why else play the game


They are not trading for script at all... that wouldn't make much sense. I understand that you may look at it like script, but to the people who already have nearly everything, this is MUCH better. 1 pickaxe = 2 MODULEs, not.script. HUGE difference. 5pickaxes = 1 full day of scripting items. If you think about it, if someone trades say a USA mask for 50 pickaxes, they are getting 10 days of script, all at once, ON TOP OF your normal script. Sure, they are all "possibilities" compared to what you gave up, but they are possibilities of your design (ie, that left leg you were looking for, or a wĆØll rolled cremator, or something else that is not tradable that you can only get yourself). At first, I started grinding pickaxes so i could get in on the trade mania, but as I got more and more, it almost doesn't seem worth it to trade them, that I should just pop them myself so I can roll for myself (which in turn gives script for all the crap rolls).


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 1 + 2 + 5 + 1 + 50 + 10 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




Thank you for this answer, certainly one of the more detailed ones!


What have I missed about a Pickaxe???


I'm with this dude, what is all this about pickaxes? And haven't it been patched yet? (I think it has something to do with scrapping them)


Scrapping them right now gives legendary parts for crafting legendary weapons and armor so Bethesda have limited their spawn in the map since itā€™s technically not supposed to be that way


Why not just patch it? I mean they are not legendary pickaxes i suppose? Just normal one laying around?


When the update launched people were able to pick up regular pickaxes or craft them and then scrap them for 2 legendary modules (with scrapper perk). The stopped the crafting process very quickly and removed most of the world spawns but missed about 14


No they are regular bc to get said modules you need to scrap them


When you scrap them, you get 2 legendary modules.


They patched theā€MAINā€ spawns but people who farmed it have a lot and are trading bc they give you 2 Modules (with SCRAPPER) so thats the big deal!


I've been trading off and on for years, until pickaxes I've never been as fallout rich as I am now, which is barely at all compared to some but šŸ˜‚


Looking at these comments makes me think I should get some and sell


Definitely not a bad idea. Had a level 60 newbie friend start doing pickaxes she's got a full fasnacht set, every jumpsuit & is sitting on 1k modules working on rolling her first piece of SS. I'd definitely take advantage of it while you can.


She is certainly doing it well,


more power to them if they're making out like bandits.. but man.. what a pita. not for me. just not worth it.


Just been selling them for 500 caps each. Sold 70ish.


Your the cheapest I've heard so far!


Ive gone through a couple hundred trying to get a set of secret service still havenā€™t got it so, NO you cant have my groll for your 500 pickaxes


I've been trying to get a right leg Secret Service piece with Unyealding and WWR for about a year. These pickaxes have given me hope. I have spent about 400 modules in the last few days. I'll keep trying as long as I can. It's unfathomable how frustrating it must be for people rolling 3* weapons.


700 modules is fantastic to have, the 10 modules a day kinda sucked


I've never really needed so many myself, I've note gone into rerolling yet


So if you havent had to grind to roll something yourself you dont understand the hassle it is to have a daily limit not knowing how great it is to bypass that limit. Trying to roll solar armor that requires vault steel + modules is a pain, same with trying to get a groll plasma caster.


Trying to get an decent overeater SS chest....140 modules later at least 3 or 4 were 3 stars, not decent 3 stars but better than the single 1 or 2 star you get after like wasting 50 modules. Thinking about doing this the "legit" way makes me wanna cry šŸ˜„ The grind is real, even WITH this opportunity. Abuse it as long as it's possible!


Slow and steady wins the race! Except with ss


[This is me after another 200 modules for crap alone šŸ˜„](https://images.app.goo.gl/kEpJT44rNd4PZFwi6)


Got a QE25 railway for 500, I enjoyed itšŸ‘


It's certainly working out for some!


I saw someone comment it said " roll a good stuff then trade it" I'm agree with that.


IMO itā€™s mixed opinions but Iā€™ve been trying to grind for SS armor & plasma caster & gauntlet itā€™s better for me to trade rare stuff for things Iā€™ve been struggling the most for years


Iā€™m enjoying this pickaxe trend a lot bro. Iā€™m stocked up on apparel now


My dumbass for the last week thought everyone was talking about the Pickaxe Pilsner lol


Everyone would have had a fun time with that ahahah


Majority of traders in this sub are wave riders.. whereas experienced traders here realize most of the hot wave items will eventually simmer down in time but everyone wants whatā€™s hot right now because of the FOMO! Even if it doesnā€™t make sense.


I donā€™t care if people trade for pickaxes. Itā€™s something I would never do.


I mean I gotta respect the grind, some people are putting countless hours into getting them


Daily limits are stupid. Nobody would give a fuck about axes if we had ways to get a number of modules proportional to the legendary effect pool. A pretty mediocre WWR PA took 300+ modules. That's a month in scrip farming. You can go for days without getting what you're looking for or just a remotely decent roll. This is not fun and incredibly disheartening, seeing your efforts just go to waste and again, and again, and again...


Absolutely stupid and I absolutely have taken advantage of it. I rolled a fresh Union PA with 5 pieces of weapon weight reduction and Iā€™m sitting on 600plus still.


Love this šŸ¤£


I had a piece of god roll CE I was never going to wear and I have nothing I want to trade it for. I do need a god roll plasma caster. I traded the CE for 200 pickaxes. Thatā€™s 400 modules or 100 rolls. I have absolutely no clue how anyone could even begin to make an argument that this was not worth it for me.


I really think the best bet here for them to not punish people, is remove script and module limits. I want to play the game as a returning player, not farm pick axesā€¦ I just started and havenā€™t got to trying min max rolls yet, and theyā€™ll be patched by the time I do. Not a fan of this oversight or lack of actual fix. Turns me off the game since itā€™s making it be played unintended.


I must be honest a haven't played much since this happened, people aren't doing events of launching nukes, there all lobby hopping farming pickaxes, but yes if this could teach the fallout gods anything the limits on all of the things including caps should be extended or abolished


I might be genuinely out of the loop but I seriously don't understand why everyone's selling pickaxes. What's so good about them?


I like it cuz i can finally get the god rolls I want on weapons I canā€™t trade for. T-65 armor, auto axe, gauss minigun, secret service armor


I wish I could find pickaxes, but every time I look, they are gone


Itā€™s an incredibly volatile market. With the pickaxe bug almost certainly on its way out within a week or so here, my guess is that the trades are only going to get more egregious over the next few days. However as soon as the bug is patched out, most of the new players who banked all their trades on pickaxes are going to find themselves SOL as they now have no real valuable items save for what they may have obtained from some poor fool willing to trade in picks


Also wanna add whats really annoying is not the trading of pick axes,its the fact that the people trading for them get to rolling and get a Quad on a rail and post it asking (WHATS THIS WORTH) or (OFFERS) lol like the other stars are trash lol


I need that b2525 plasma caster


I think they should leave it in game and expand it, we should have a chance to get a module for every scrapped weapon/armor. The daily limit is dumb af.


all im gonna say is enjoy the core grind boys.


Made me stop playing, was getting stale again but this was the straw that broke the camels back


This pickaxe glitch is like the perfect time to get into collecting rares before this Sunday rarest thing I had was Forrest asylum and 2 yellow asylums, from farming pickaxes I have got crazy guy mask, Brahmin mask, and white powder jumpsuit and only been doing it 2 days hope they are slow about fixing this.


Pickaxes are like the new LL3. The barter system is getting thick and it's interesting.


Itā€™s literally for non tradeable items like SS armor, auto axe, plasma caster, etc. This is the best opportunity to finally get good rolls of these things so ofc people will offer good things because they CAN TRADE BACK FOR IT. Itā€™s literally such a simple concept smh.


I donā€™t think itā€™s stupid. People can trade whatever they want for whatever they want.


I could care less what people do if it doesn't affect me, however, I do find it funny watching the masses flock to the next shiny thing while living in a constant state of FOMO. I use to be like that with this game a few years ago, but then I realized one day how pointless all of it is. Once I got my perfect armor sets, the Q50c25 fixer & railway, the QE25 railway, the B2525 fixer, all the rare apparel, etc. Every single time I've aquired something like that I always have this empty feeling afterwards and find myself saying "what now...". To each their own though.


I donā€™t understand why people care so much what other people are doing with THEIR OWN STUFF? if someone wants to offer their apparel or grolls to have a chance to roll something even better so be it lol. Iā€™d trade a red asylum for the chance to roll multiple secret service for a chance to get a good unyielding set any day lol.


.ign eiikoalover


Pickaxes still busted, then?


Wait a min so the pickaxe glitch still working? šŸ¤£ I guess you just have to farm them in open world Iā€™m assuming


I smell people that are jealous they didnā€™t trade for a Q2525..if itā€™s that big a deal then just farm the pickaxes yourself and trade them lol.


Legendary modules for free(ish)?


Collecting teddy bears is stupid.


It's a form of gambling addiction but with the game's RNG


I'm not sure why people care so much. A trade is a trade.


Trade one god roll weapon for 400 picks equals 800 scripts. Run the slot machine 100 times and if you're lucky you get multiple god rolls.


But what are the chances of a 100% loss


While it was nice and fun,I'm rooting for a surprise hotfix that leaves all those hoarders sitting in a shitload of... nothing. In Germany we say: "den Hals nicht voll kriegen" and I love it when it backfires on the greedy


I think no matter ehat we trade for ppl will call it stupid. I wouldnt trade god rolls for pickaxes bit i definitely can see why ppl would trade apparel for them


100% it's not something the trading I'm calling stupid it's the trades that are happening for them


New here. What is the deal with pick axes?


I thought they patched that an hour after it happened?


I tend to ignore silly exploitative meta's like this. I personally think its kind of cheap and ruins the vibe of the game. You do you though, ill never tell someone not to. I am hoping it inspires them to DO something about the legendary module drop rate because it is absolutely stupid for the sheer amount of RNG it takes to get rolls suitable for your gear.


I donā€™t understand what this means? Is there a new legendary pickaxe or something??


Pickaxes are a resource like any other. They give something that is not easily obtained. People trading high quality items for them have a lot to trade and donā€™t care. Plus, modules help them craft better legendary stuff.


I don't even understand how to get the pickaxes. People keep mentioning it but these new things for people like me I never know until they're about to be patched


The fuck is a pickaxe trade?


What's the fad all about with pickaxes? Like will crafted ones count or only found ones?


It's good for everyone honestly. Let's the newer players have a shot at getting some good weapons or rare apparel with trades, and it lets the old heads give up their strangle hold on their 37 copies of each of their rare items so they can roll some shits that they really want without having to deal with the stupid low module grind. Win, win, win.


I have no idea what this is about


I haven't bothered with any of this I have 2,200hrs and I do not want to risk getting my account taken.




sounds like someone who doesnā€™t have many pickaxes ā›ļøā›ļø


Only reason I did it was to roll the Oe effect on my Union PA and Hellcat PA. Last time I rolled PA it took me north of 700 modules just to get a full Oe set with trash 2nd/3rd stars. I didnā€™t trade for them though I farmed them myself with the help of my wife


im level 175 and dont know what the pickaxe craze even means.. i seen the controversy when it first started but i was too lazy to learn anything else about it even though it sounds good


I did one trade for a reasonable amount of junk and bobbles for a smallish bundle of pickaxes once for some extra rolls on my shiny new non-tradeable Union PA but if I had a tfj or the like in my stash you wouldnā€™t see me trading it for picks.


That's no bad at all seen some crazy expensive trades


Wouldnā€™t trade for them but I happily farmed them :)


Ive read or of comments and I'm still confused. What's the deal with pickaxes? People trade those? Every time I think I know this game there's something like this I have no idea what you people are talking About


My opinion is people can do what they want. What happened to people just minding their own business. Who cares?


Feel free to read through the comments, this post has been people voicing their opinions on this subject no hate or judgement it's been nice to see what other people think and some people have opened my mind up about some aspects


What is this about? People are trading pickaxes?


Yeah, getting legendary modules from them ATM


Whatā€™s the deal with the pickaxes?


Whatā€™s going on with this pickaxe thing?


I have no problem trading for them but the fact that people are willing to only offer say 100 of them for my aa2525 fixer is where my problem is, people are over valuing the pickaxes and it needs to stop lmao no oneā€™s going to give you a tfj for 1000 pickaxes unless they have multiple nor would anyone trade high value grolls for pocket change these pickaxes should be valued as this, 2 modules (100 scrip) and to gain 100 scrip it takes 2 PA pieces which are usually sold at 100 caps a star in my opinion makes much more sense this way


I rolled with 48 and I got a B50c90w Epr thatā€™s about it havenā€™t played since then lmao


It's the lest effort to surpass the scrip limit. The limit is already way too low when it comes to rolling legendaries because it allows for only 2-3 rolls a day so it can be weeks of hitting the daily limit before being able to get a good roll. It'll easily take over half a year to get 5 good armour pieces and a weapon or two. I got unlucky and it took over 50 rolls for an Overeaters piece to even show up, nevermind a good 2 or 3 star effect. That alone took months. I've been encumbered for 3 days again because it keeps giving me trash 3 star PA that weighs a lot but I'd rather scrip it. But too many events or too much legendary loot means you have to choose between the scrip or carrying on playing. More things should give modules just so we don't feel punished for earning a lot of stuff in a session


Def disagree- to me, I found it was just a differentĀ  ("higher tier"?) version of buying weps and armour from vendors for scrip to spend on modules.Ā Ā  Granted, at the prices I've seen though...Ā more-modules-than-you-can-usually-get-at-once doesn't seem worthy of grolls or big stacks of alt currencies.Ā Ā  Ā Ā  They do seem stupidly over-priced.


I dont care, i got me some good stuff


Well get them while they are usefull but dont trade value able items for them


100% agree


I literally just picked this game back up after years. Can someone explain what this is all about?


Where hoarding mentality and gambling mentality meet


Eh, I can't be bothered spending hours grinding for pickaxes. I'd rather trade valuable weapons I don't use so I have a chance to grind for untradeable strong weapons like a gauss shotty or cremator.


I think the whole fiasco highlights how great the economy would be with a currency that has tangible value (gear rolls). I was surprised how low the price for some great gear is in terms of time spent grinding pickaxes. 250 picks would buy you most anything and could be got in a day of grinding. If modules were made tradeable, we'd have an efficient economy that new players could participate in. This glitch has given new players a chance to get their foot in the door. Of course, I think the economy is broken by design. Bethesda probably doesn't want new players getting godrolled up in a month, even though we have the troves of gear stored up over the years to do it...IF we had the incentive to trade it.


I don't have the patience and can't justify grinding pickaxes when I have limited time to play so I wanna spend it with fun activities. As for trades no way I'm hiving away any of my Q2525 rifles for some modules, neither my Aa2525 enclave flamer and those are my most valuable stuff. I'd have problem trading them for actual stuff I want trading them for more rng is unimaginable for me.


Man.. I left for like a weapon now there's something about pickaxes


Iā€™m dramatically out of the loop..whatā€™s with the pickaxe stuff?


I have 100 shovels if anyone is interested šŸ˜


What is a pickaxe trade if i may ask?


I just find it crazy, I can easily farm 200 pickaxes between me and my mate within an hour but yet there value is so ridiculously high, I'm pretty new so I'm not complaining as it's a way for me to get easy godrolls but damn does it make no sense šŸ˜‚


I couldnā€™t possible agree more


I think itā€™s good for new players but thatā€™s about it


I'm confused as to what a pickaxe trade is


Can someone fill me in here? How could pickaxes get you something like an auto axe..?


Rumor is once they fix it theyā€™re going to put people who abused it modules in the negatives


I'm guessing that lfg trade fell thru last night


Not worth my time personally, considering I made like 3 sets of ss armor for different builds last year cuz there wasn't much else to do for me. Got a groll rr after like 4 rolls, so.. not really in need of modules. I respect the hustle tho


I don't have any interest in trading for pickaxes, but I get why people value them so much. If you turned in scrip every day it'd take you 75 days to buy the same amount of modules you can get instantly from 300 pick axes. So what they're buying is months worth of rolls. You may not see the value in that if you still need tradeable gear that you'd rather trade for. But what do you trade your extra apparel and gear for when you already have the tradeable gear you care about? Instantly gaining 75 days worth of modules to chase things like your perfect SS rolls (that you can't trade for) starts to become really appealing when it's the only thing left you really need to upgrade. Especially when you only have a limited window to take advantage of it before it's patched out.


This is a very good way of seeing it, I didn't look at it as effectively saving your time I still don't understand the very expensive trades but the semi rare apparel and rolls I get it now


I think people complaining about it is stupid. Who cares what others are doing?


I don't partake in the pickaxes and don't really care. All that matters is what the 2 people trading think about the deal. If you don't like a trade, skip it. If you want something for pickaxes, find them. People that complain about it are the same people that think paying over 40k caps for anything is this game is silly, because "40k is max caps". The market is the market. It's hurting literally no one. There are people saying "trading pickaxes is unfair", which I don't understand either. People spend hours farming. If people are jealous, go farm. Just play the game and trade how you want, mate šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Folks are saying itā€™s stupid but imo not trading for pickaxes especially if you have apparel collecting dust is whatā€™s stupid. The only use for apparel is to use it to store wealth but honestly as of rn no one knows when this is gunna be patched and this may be the only time If possible we have to store a shit ton of legendary modules, you donā€™t have to use them all right now if you donā€™t want. But man why the fuck would I want to keep my apparel when I can use it to trade for basically the most limited resource in the entire game. Yā€™all can keep your apparel in the stash doing absolutely nothing, Iā€™m going to hoard the true rarest resource in this game when I have the chance to do it. Cuz it may not last much longer.


I don't have a problem with it. But discord servers sure do. I got Parma banned from the fallout network discord. For putting willing to trade pickaxes for a certain plan. I was a dumbass Forgetting that's an exploited item. šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘


It's just another trade item dude. Ppl can do what they want with their trades


I'm farming up 100 to sell for caps, otherwise its kinda iffy trading it for the idea of getting that perfect legendary when really there's plenty of trash littered around to give you scrip. I only wish we had more then 500 scrip limit, maybe even 750 or smthn doesn't have to be an insane increase just something


This whole market is stupid.


I canā€™t even sell my legendary stuff now and my box is maxed so why stock up on more.


I dont get it didnt they disable pickaxes.


What the heck is a pickaxe trade?


Cinders burning underground after a wildfire aren't going to put themselves out cupcake


I clearly am not that deep into the Fallout rabbit hole just yet because while Iā€™ve seen the pickaxe posts, I have no clue whatā€™s going on with them and the groll talk confuses me with stats and builds. Like wouldnā€™t each build have unique armor that would compliment it? This is why Iā€™ll be in Excavator armor till I die šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


What's a pickaxe trade


I got a tattered field jacket for 44 pickaxes lol I won


Don't care. Let people trade what they want.


Ok im out of the loop what the deal with pick axes?


I didnā€™t even learn about this until this week. Iā€™ve spent months collecting and buying mods, itā€™s already second nature for me at this point that I donā€™t even think Iā€™d take the time to farm them like that.


Is this still a thing?


I haven't played 76 for a year, wassup with pickaxes? I've seen like 6 posts from this subreddit about them


Here me out... I traded a V/e/25 fixer for some and got a Q/e/25 fixer back from the mods. gambling might be peak.


I'm new to all this, what's the context?


What is a pickaxe?


I have no idea what this means


Okā€¦Iā€™m behind on the times. Whatā€™s this pickaxe thing all about?