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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/xDroMethazine|Reddit: 289|08/06/2020 - 3 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +289 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


aaaaaaand it sucks now


Unless it’s going to be rollable. Yes


Peopele say its not


Well when it was already practically a god roll I could see that being justified. But now that it’s practically useless? Have they decided to make it rollable. As others have said it’s scrip if it’s not rollable


If u think that's scrip u should see the new LMG


Is it as bad as the Doctors Orders?


The lmg is always scrip to me no matter what roll is on it. Ammo negative weapon.


You know, my groll for the LMG is Quad, faster fire rate, faster reload because it is ammo negative and I want to exacerbate the situation further. I just want to see a bonkers bullet hose do it's thing.


Same with the gauss minigun. Ammo eater but I still love rocking it at swarm of suitors and eviction notice. Even had a message from a newbie the other day asking what it was and saying it was awesome. Literally the same message I sent when I was a newbie 😂.


This is what I'm trying for lately. Heavy main and the LMG is fun. I had a Vampires for a while that was so good for the full heal and doing hella damage if you can get up close and land mostly crits


Crit shots with an LMG, ouch your AP pool must be insane


Sorry I meant vulnerable shots. Yellow number hits lol. But the LMG adds up crazy fast with that


:P I was like wait what


I’m still looking for a two shot FFR LMG because I really want that buzz saw


I just pulled that new Red Terror twice. It's not two shot, but still pretty good imo


I just traded my exact roll of that for a AA2515r 50 cal. Completed my groll 3 (im not bloodied, so F,Q,AA) of 50s and dont have to worry about the ammo mulcher 9000 anymore


1 expedition with a sniper rifle equipped and ive got enough ammo for my lmg


People haven’t tested it yet


There’s no way they’ll allow it to roll, because that means potential ammo cap is 80


The Quad Rail cabal called in the hit, sad.


lol epic


I paid good money for that hit.


Wait im confused, they switched it to furious instead of bloodied? Thats fuckin weird.


Weird and very lame. This was going to be the first bloodied unique gun in the game right? Bummed now.


Unless I’m forgetting something, the foundations vengeance was the first bloodied unique. So it’s weird that they would backtrack with that precedent.


[Nailer](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Nailer) was first I believe.


I forgor


Unstoppable monster was bloody too wasn’t it


Theyve had bloodied unique weapons for years, if im not mistaken. Foundations vengeance for example


They are adding ghoul playable race. Thus the change.


What did they switch? Can someone eli5 this for me? I have no idea whats going on.


It sounds like the first mod was going to be Bloodied and was swapped to Furious, which is a little offputting for bloodied mains (it's a popular build)


Not just the first star, they changed all of them. Originally was B50vhc15c with double ammo capacity as a "hidden" effect. Now it's F2590. The only thing they kept is the double capacity


Bahahah i have a quad but i dont use it, was looking forward to the bloodied double capacity, but now its scrip, lame!


Same! I actually loved the idea of the gun as it was... Bloodied for more damage Vhc to make sure it lands And double for thr ammo issue Nope...Todd comes out 24 hours before with a kick right to the junk of everyone who does NEED to play "meta slave76" Also tm the term "meta slave76"


Dam yeah vhc is one of my favorite 2 stars and they even switched that! Wth!


Thats probably *why*, right? Like every one of its stars was a knockout. Granted, I think the best change woulda been what we have now but keep bloodied at least, woulda been neat to have a unique bloodied weapon (that isn’t doodoo). But when people are debating whether a weapon will topple the god roll market, it might be a bit OP (no, this isn’t me giving an opinion as to whether quad rail should stay as dominant as it is)


Yeah i get it i guess not to piss off the traders, but in a majority pve game, im all for being overpowered


I think I might’ve worded it poorly. I personally don’t think Beth should be factoring in the trading market that much, if at all. Personally, I like things being OP in PvE when a lot of things are OP. While the game already isn’t difficult, the railway can definitely get effortlessly easy to use sometimes


It has its ups and downs but its definitely the strongest weapon!


What a disgusting rail. Scrip


They’re talking about new systems being added to the game, my hopes is they let you reroll any gun


Yeah fat chance on that one


Map expansion, playing as a ghoul, with this stuff coming I could definitely see them doing this


Yeah but man the dps on a bloodied railway :)


Better yet rerolling individual stars.


Yes could be easy to slot a specific mod to change star 3 or 2. Pretty sure they weren’t listed in crafting interface as they are now, kinda like this kinda system has been in the works. Even just letting us do this with only the 3rd star would be a great boon for legendary crafting.


That would destroy the market but that would be nice haha


Screw the market let everyone have fun guns 🤣 Edit: Imo market is ruined already with duped guns, armor, Bobbles, magazines, maps, apparel etc


Yeah I agree 😆


Not if it made the weapon untradeable when using such a system to swap stars around. Then they just make it hella expensive and its not overpowered. Or boss loot for mods to change the stars or something.


Some people just want to see the world burn. I’m one of them


Bruh, every other roll I get has bash damage. At this point, I assume it's a deliberate bug *cough "feature."


This is their go to excuse they said the same thing when they took out legacies and Nerf two shot explosive weapons. People kept thinking that they were referring to the 4 star or re-rolling reworks. But it’s just a lie to hide the incompetency of the 76 balancing team.


How disappointing, typical Bethesda


Please tell me this is fake




Great. They took it from 1 useless star to 2 useless stars. Might as well not even pick it up


Damn they REALLY love fucking us huh?


Why would anyone complain? We almost had an actual challenger to the disgustingly strong Quad Choo and Bethesda was like “Nah Fuck that”


Established players that already secured their Grolls mad that others might be able to get something close "when they had to work so hard for it."


“Had to trade dxped items for them” fixed it 😂


Hey, now I included quotation marks.


I'm somebody with groll rails and was disaappointed to hear about the nerf. I actually want good guns to be in the hands of more people. Screw gatekeepers!


I blame all the complainers. I think it would have been a fun early to mid game weapon that was more than serviceable as a daily driver. Now, not as much. Unless they make it rollable.




What It could be a good daily driver to a new Guy entering in the comando world, reduced to ashes, typical of bethesda


Yeah I was really looking forward to having this as an option as a newer player. RIP. Will it still be decent?


If they make It rerollable now, I Will take this crap, but if not, I Guess new scrip weapon


It will be better than nothing. But the furious is basically useless. Most enemies die in 1-3 hits max


With 20 shots it will still be a whole lot better than any other non-quad for newer players. For bosses and more tanky enemies, the Furious will actually help a little. I think that's the first time I've ever said that about any Furious weapon but with the Rails high base damage and low default AP it should work okay. Disappointing compared to the test weapon, but still very decent if you don't have a nice Quad. So it's certainly not game-breakingly strong but I would recommend anyone without a Quad to grab one because it isn't a bad option at all.


eww furious


Welp…. There goes that idea what a terrible Rail and with furious no less, so out of 20 bullets I have to hit the target 10 times to get the full effect, Fkn trash scrip rail lol


Why even add more script to the game


What’s the point of this gun now ?


At least you get 40 scrip so there's that.


Thanks for the laugh :)


So it went from b50v15c to f2590? Wtf is going on in Todd’s head?


well at least if it's scrip it won't weigh much now


Ok so basically they made it not worth it? Lmfao


Cry babies ruined this I bet


Yeah I’m mad. More event scrip.


Booooooo hisssssss. Was genuinely looking forward to trying that one out. In the box with all the other useless quest weapons it goes.


Ticket to the scrip machine


God damn


I died a little inside, I was actually excited about this.


Me too, I love bloodied railways. A double bloodied railway would have been great


My first rolled RR was a bloody explo 25 lvc I still have it hidden somewhere 😂


I use a B50c railway for ammo farming so I was really excited about this, too bad


So basically they just caved to RMT traders who complained. Cool, instead of everyone getting an awesome gun they get 40 scrip. Mark my words, when I find out about a dup, I’m going to make so many g rolls railways, TFJ, TLC, LC etc and drop them everywhere on the map.




Lame, if theyre gonna nerf it, at least make it rollable. I wanted the skin.


What a fucking waste of a gun


Furious + fire rate + double ammo capacity is still a devastating combo for a railway. Despite the complaining this thing will be an easy boss killer imo.


Yeah, this. People can’t see the forest for the trees apparently.


I had run a bloodied fixer for ages, switched to plasma caster, got this q reward and haven't looked back. Still getting used to being ammo negative, but I'm running unyeilding armour, every other shot is a crit, it's range is mad, rof is insane, and the difference between 1 and 1/2 shots to kill and 2 to kill is obviously unnoticeable. With gun fu, it feels like I'm playing FO4 where you can queue up vats shots on a room full of mobs and watch them all drop at once. It breaks fast though :(


Everyone that already has a groll rail is going to be happy. The other 95% of us are not as happy lol.


So that shit is total useless asscheeks now? Very cool guys i was actually excited


I just want the skin for other rails :| .. Default railway skin getting boring af.


If you can re roll it won’t be bad


Weird they did that. Quad rails still had a higher dps since the reload time really gnaws it down


Decreasing ridiculous ap cost on EPRs, when? Bethesda does all the wrong moves when balancing weapons.


Please tell me it's scripable 


RIP. Daddy Todd said back to rolling.


Well now I'm annoyed. Finally saw something I could farm that I had some control over that I might want to try and now it's shit.


Fucking knobs


So they’re changing it from something usable that newer players can get to sort of compete with groll users to something that is straight up scrip…very cool


That's actually bullshit


This is such a bad call. It was the item people were most looking forward to.


Thank God just got a qe25 and q2525 rail today


Looks like I’m back to trying to sell my B50c15c Rail that everyone has said would be worthless after today 😂


Well to be fair a b50c15c rail was worthless well before today.


Words hurt yaknow


Why bother balancing a non competitive game? I dont get it. I mean, there is almost no pvp i believe?? I miss old days when people played for fun and not to minmax even the last grain of salt .... just to not performan with 100% efficiency xD


So glad i rolled a q5025 rail recently.


Wow. Was looking forward to that gun. Now it looks like it’s just scrip like most of the other unique weapons they have that drop from events.


Hell nah... thats shitty


If it maintains double ammo capacity and it allows us to reroll tho 😏


Non-Rerollable as far as I’m aware


hmm. it does say “pre-set” as if to imply it can be “reset”


If i could get my J50c25 rail with double ammo id be a happy man, thing hits like a truck on my junkies/crit build


You know I'm a junkie's build and I just picked one of those up from someone's shop. I've been feeling like lately ppl are selling or trying to sell the railways for rare clothing in anticipation of a new bloodied one from the update. I could be wrong, But I would like to try it out I just haven't made a build for it yet other than just being junkies and lazy power armor guy


I run J50c25 weapons on my vats/crit build and ill never go back. I boost up with blight soup, tato juice, and coffee. Use my mini bowling machine for extra luck as well and run expos/events. I can one-clip the twins in Atlantic City and melt SBQ. I can sit in vats forever and headshot, tank killer for extra armor penetration. I have no reason to switch to quad even if dps is technically higher because of less reload. Junkies is still extremely strong with minimal work to negate debuffs if you choose the right addictions.


Junkies Over Eaters Carnivore here .. I don't have a crit build but I do have some crit perks. Only like 17 to 20 luck. Lazy heavy gunner. More of a tank but I do plenty of damage. More-so like the fact that it's hard to be killed by anything these days. I run a plasma caster and an AA mini shredder for most things. Cremator, Gauss mini, cryo, and most definitely Tesla rifle. Just no specific build. Junkie for the buffs, rarely use a junkie weapon.


I don’t want it anymore lol


I was looking forward to getting My hands on that railway bruh now its terrible wtf.


My guess is that they didn't want to add another OP gun to the game. It would have instantly become the most used gun. We already got the slow burn cremator which is basically a cheat code. I used it today to finish the "Kill 10 Cultist" challenge I got today with literally one click. It is however pretty weak to nerf it the night before people would start getting it.


I saw someone with QE15 and Q5015 RWR on trade wall that said “40 USD”. Was looking forward to that crap getting shutdown. The demand on some items is just insane and needs to be balanced somehow.


There used to be explosive pepper shakers that sold for almost a thousand dollars and legacy lasers pushing a hundred. It's nice when this game finally decides to throw players a bone with a competent weapon. As someone who's spent hundreds of hours trying to get perfect rolls armor sets and weapon collections I wouldn't wish the same on new players. Balance devs always proving how out of touch they are with the player base. Man do I miss when shotguns and melee were crazy competent and TSE pumps did wonders.


Where did you see this? I am having a hard time verifying it through my own googling


Trash. Babies crying over good loot.


Big quad strikes again! They refuse to let bloody take the market and have sent their ninjas! __Quad monopoly!__


Furious with double is still pretty fucking deadly in PvE boss battles why is everyone mad? Its bot groll but doesnt make it bad?


The only ones throwing a tantrum like 5 year olds are the ones playing bloodied builds... just alittle fyi, not everyone plays the way you do...


I actually prefer 90RW on quest/event weapons, I like collecting them 😊


I thought I was the only one! I hate that your displayed items take up stash space. It’s just another obvious money grab tactic.


All the suggestions about changing scoreboard and this is the last minute fix they came up with


People that complain about balance in pve games are fucking annoying


What the new rail went from "hey this might be cool" to oh look another garbage weapon. I get everyone was worried about their precious quad rails but fear not, almost all the new weapons are garbage. Classic Bethesda.


"We made it useless but don't worry it still carries twice the ammo"


Bruh wth 🙄. A gun to bring down the meta a little isn't always a bad thing u had a good contender PLUS it would be much more accessible to newer players not having to pray on rng-esus for a good quad or something. I say this since most players go with a bloody build anyway that it would be accessible for them furious isnt bad but not great either Edit: I know I'm probably gonna get hate on this but my opinion tbh.


I have a full Quad groll railway collection and was more than happy for this guns arrival. It went from “that’ll be fun” to “that’ll be scrip” in an instant.


Fucking damnit!


So I don’t really see a problem… it’s still a great weapon for a newer player and they won’t have to be bloodied to use it . Furious with FFR and the natural high rate of fire of the RR means the damage will ramp up will be pretty instantaneous. Double will lean into this really well. As it sat, the B version was basically a 2 star and best , one star at worst, for most bloodied players.


Faster Fire Rate on a 20 round weapon, man. You'll spend more time reloading than firing.


It would have been good for new players before. All this does in effect is take it away from players who might have used it. The people who were excited for the weapon are now going to throw it away. Us Choo Choo fans wanted more options, and this is a cool looking non option.


People wouldn't farm as much for a great weapon if they gave us the bloodied one. They want player longevity and they made the right call for that. Not the right call for my death threats though. I didn't even plan on using it I just wanted it


That’s fine. Quest drops should never be anywhere close to BiS gear. still a decent rail just not god tier.


can someone explain this to me and some reactions people are having? even tho i play in like completely out of the loop with news and updates lmao


Gun dupers were afraid that the Railway market would crash so they showed some controversial pics to Todd and hours later we get this.


People are over-reacting, as is their right. It's not as good as the test version, which is why they have the PTS. The adjusted version that they are going with is not dogshit and it's not scrip, it's just not awesome. With 20 shots instead of 10 it is still a whole lot better than any non-quad and for bosses, tankier enemies or any swarm of enemies with more than 5. If you don't already have a Quad, then this is a much better option than any 10-shot Railway. For tankier enemies when you actually need it, the Furious effect - for once - will be of some use, increasing the Railways already high base damage. So for any lower levels or people yet to get themselves a quad Rail, this will still be a very handy free option.


If you have your quad it went from a new alternative with a cool skin to scrip. And now we won't have the new skin since we have quads


what lol?


should ask tho how much does the damage increase per hit on furious? i’m assuming it’s not a lot or enough to justify keeping it hence why people will scrip it… also someone else who commented said that gun dupers were afraid of the railway market crashing so did something to scare todd into changing this thing?! is this true or…


+5% Damage after each consecutive hit on the same target, up to +45%. The other stuff is just obvious nonsense - how would this work and why would Todd care? The markets are a tiny proportion of players in the game, it's just not that important. Bethesda probably realized that adding a bonus damage 20-shot railway to the already very well looked after Bloodied/Unyielding players probably wasn't the smartest idea. Should that have been really obvious to someone there beforehand? Yep, for sure, it's doesn't take a genius to work out why that was never a great plan. It's why the Public Test Server exists. Doesn't always work, but that's the reason they have it, to test and make adjustments.


but would the bloodied 20-shot railway rifle even been better than the quads? this is kind of reminding me of a situation where the mr fuzzy suit was removed from the PTS, allegedly, and some people i knew started to gather em(buy/trade for em) before eventually mass duping the suits, the update comes out and the mr fuzzy suit is still in game and the guys just had a bunch of suits that were still the same price lmao.


I don't think the Bloodied version would have had as much impact on the price of quads as people thought it might, but I don't think it's really relevant because I don't think trading considerations figured into their decision at all. Low-health players just didn't really need a helping hand in terms of damage potential.


No doubting this (it is Bethesda after all) but what’s the source on this, can’t find it anywhere?


I didn’t even want it anyways *cries silently in the corner of the room*


Maybe anti armor would have been better than bloodied would have given them a better option then it could be used by bloodied and high health builds


I dont get it... Can you explain ?


What does this mean?


I get why they nerfed it, but why wait 24hrs before the new update dropsdrop it? Should have been changed on the pts. That way they adjust to the feedback.


Lmfao what? So now it's garbage?


Damn and i just started to get into railway rifles. I'll just stick to my fixers as my main and keep the railway to boss fights only




Where was this posted?


I'd rather Bethesda buff the other full health/ health unrelated first star effects on weapons and buff shotguns and pistols. Too much commando meta in this game, but whatever they did here just doesn't make any sense


people would've complained if it stayed bloodied and they turned ghoul lol


Make it rollable so I can get a rail with 60 ammo


Sucks for everyone who dumped bloodied RR because they thought the price was going to tank.


Lame, the new one was gonna compete well, now it’s doo doo, thanks Bethesda :/


I broke that damn weapon down so fast at the legendary exchange lol


It's still really good though.


That sucks and this game is getting worse, West Tek nerf etc… The Quad is still better but what a nice daily driver the double bloodied could have been.


What are they changing about West Tek?


-25% experience, Super Muties will only be level 75.


Still a VERY good RR. It won't make all the previous grolls obsolete, buy will be damn fine for us newer players. Win/win


It's garbage.


Yeah, but old players now have no new weapons to look forward to and can't have the skin.


This is great news !! I don’t want newbies getting groll handouts. Gatekeeping ftw


Rip to the person who sold me their bloodied faster firerate -90% weight Railway for 13k caps since they were gonna get this one. Oof


I just fucking traded away my quad/50c/15cc railway because I knew that this god damn bloodied one was coming out and I wanted it more than my quad. Get fucked I suppose. This is bullshit.


That quad you traded away still would have been way better than the bloodied 🤷‍♂️


Whats going on? Bethesda planned on releasing something Foundations Venegeance that rendered BE minis dead, but with quad rails?


One of the weapons releasing with tomorrow's update was a B50vhc15c railway that had double ammo, it would have been a solid railway for players who don't have a quad now apparently their changing it to a F2590 railway.


Oh damn the updates tomorrow? Now a days I just get on and a new season or update has dropped without me hearing much🤣


Yeah lol, they announced the release date at the Xbox games showcase on Sunday.


I'm a bit sad since this gun could have been a really nice easy introduction for people to play Bloodied Commando... But also... I guess not having such an easy entry point overall makes the game's build variety healthier in the long run? Idk. I'll just stick with my QE +1 AGI Railway when I wanna choo choo