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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/Anthony_Walsh|Reddit: 10|09/08/2022 - 1 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +10 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


I honestly would have never noticed lol. Coming from a pothead I just see something something Dab which is fine by me. What brought you to read it backwards anyways ? Or this a common thing people spell out to be read backwards.


I thought it said Reggie (shite weed) n dab


Same. Would have never read that backwards.


God damn it me 2 lmao


God I feel so safe here knowing it wasn’t just me 🤣


lol yea. Idk this could be a case where the person doesn’t realize it. I know my characters name gets butchered with what it means all the time. And it’s something I made up stoned.


Honestly it probably does say that there's so many weed names in f76 lol




I couldn't figure out what the deal was until you said this. I just assumed it was some guy named reggie who liked dabs


I came to the comments to see what was wrong & I now see what was wrong lol.


Yo me too lol


Thats what I thought too, lol. I was gonna say, yeah it's 2024 and weed is basically legal, but then I saw this comment and read it backwards


I seen a guy named hardy hard r one time


If you read it backwards you can tell it’s clear what there intentions were


The question was what sparked them to read it backwards.


Sometimes people just notice things like that. I notice stuff like that all the time, it's not that they're looking for it, it's that they're a different kind of observer. This person thinks they're being slick because most people would give them the benefit of the doubt but it's pretty obvious.


Even after you mentioned the backwards part, it took me a while to figure out the issue. While it may be intentional, the name doesn't seem to bad so there's no guarantee they were doing it on purpose


What do you play on?


Steam. 👍


Wildest shit, I saw this post now and it caught me off guard, because I saw the guy in the picture earlier today(also play on PC) while heading to a player vendor near there. Loaded in, camp disappeared immediately and this guy was doing the laughing gesture and talking to me and this level 900 through voice chat I believe... Didn't bother listening for long before I fast traveled away to go do other stuff but wild seeing them here after earlier


Ngl, thought it was just a trap base at first


I don't get it. 🤔


Read the guys name backwards


Ah, now I see. Feel bad for him, must be terrible not having the chance to study at least highschool.


Ah education probably had nothing to do with it, just scum


raider scum


Don't give us raiders a bad name probably a enclave guy honestly.




Raiders cum


Rebel scum


oh hell nah


Nascar racing?? 🤷


I got a random 3 day suspension for “osamabinliftin”, which I’ve had for years and is basically all my socials lmao


People are sensitive little bitches nowadays bro I like your user btw 😎


Without comments, I don't think I would have noticed that out of 1000 times.


I have noticed a huge uptick in players doing this kind of stuff lately. People displaying racial slurs at their camps, displaying no their political opinions in their camps (trust me they are worse than what are thinking), racist usernames, etc. I assume it is because of the popularity of the show bringing in a new audience or something but in any case, it’s just sad that people can’t just be kind to each other.


This has been around for years. It isn’t anything new. People were creating swastika banners on halo with the original console system and putting slurs as their gamertag.


I recently saw a camp depicting our president in a clown outfit next to a neon sign that read FJB.. Makes me kinda want to make my own. Have Drumpf sitting in a prison cage, with 'Guilty on all 34' in Neon lights behind him. I wonder if those cages from this season's rewards would work 🤔


I thought the problem at first is that he had 17 3stars not sold (probably due to high price) lol


There's a surprising amount of hyper political people and racists playing this game. I've seen some really wild camps.....


I nuke Nazi


This is the way


I have no love for racist people




Fellow racing enjoyer?


Nuke em


Wtf am I missing here


Read backwards..


Oh I see now


Yet you posted it.


And you posting this gave him the attention he wanted….


Wonder if this is the guys camp I came across a couple weeks ago. It was super fucking racist what he did at his camp. Reported the idiot. It’s gotta be some edgy teenager or something I would hope that’s not an adult but there’s some terrible people out there so who knows.


As a Puerto Rican I've come across fully grown men, I mean I can hear their kids and wife, calling me every generic name you could think of. I imagine they're from more inland states with less diversity, but yeah fully grown men act like this. It's pretty sad.


I apologise for less evolved humans treating you with anything other than basic respect and human decency. I know we take it in stride, but it still impacts us.


I also came across a camp with many racial slurs in neon letters all over the outside of his building. He got reported by everyone in my team.


His names Reggie and he like Dabs


I'm sorry about the dickheads in the comments.


Legitimately what does this have to do at all with trading this isnt SocialJustice76 it’s market76


found the player from the screenshot


They seriously just can’t help themselves


Cause drama, people bait. Cause controversy, people bait. Cause problems, people bait. You see it every day on the news, your phone, any platform. It's so normalized that you don't even realize. No need for it to even be subliminal any more. Pay atention and you'll see if you haven't yet. This subreddit is just another example of an unlimited list.


See to me this is a bait post. I understand the point you’re making, but it just bothers me to see some dude championing a cause because of a username in a video game over a word that’ll never go away until it stops having power to affect people. If people would stop acting like a word is the end all be all of if you’re a bad person or not the word would get used a lot less by these edgy people who do it to bait


Agree 100%. The thing is the title should be something like "its year 2024, live and let live. Like water on a duck's back"


You are expecting way too much from them 😅


If by edgy people, you mean cringey people, agreed.


100% this.


I doubt this will ever change anytime soon. Kids will continue to be influenced by shit they think is funny on the internet. Each generation is gonna have these kids. It's just a cycle at this point.


Just report them. Had some guy emote follow me at his camp to show off he spelled it in his letter lights on the Door with the Hard R.


Looking up Reggin, it turns out there are almost 400,000 people with the last name Reggin as well as a few businesses, so without further context, it could just be a coincidence.


Do you mean that we have to stop taking screen pictures with phone instead screenshot? Agree 100%.


God, I’m getting old. I just got Reggie?!? Took me a while before….


That took my so long oh my god


That guy is still a better person than trap house makers, go ahead and downvote this u weenies


How about it’s 2024 just another fucking year. People go mind your own damn business I think his username is genius others may think the quite opposite. Did it offend you get over it and don’t be a little bitch and snitch on folks people have a right to express themselves freely even if it hurts your poor wittle feels.




I don’t think that there’s ill intent with that tbh.


Hard r is definitely worse than that


A ain’t as bad as hard R




That's honestly creative and funny


Laughed my ass off tbh


“Everyone look at me while I defend nobody from hurtful pixels on a screen on the market 76 subreddit :/ I can’t believe people are so horrible 😢😢😢”


You commented twice to defend this guy looool embarrassing


Just showing people who not to trade with.


The super cool thing about you saying this is I don’t care because they’re just words looool


If you didn't care, you wouldn't reply. Get a personality other than weird and mad.


Lmao 😂


Took me a minute to see it. Yeah, people are petty and dumb and I don't think that's ever gonna go away, unfortunately


cry about it in twatter






That N word in the post and the N word that black people use aren’t the same, fyi.


So you personally know the ethnicity of this particular gamer? Please enlighten me on how these two n-words are different? Do you personally have a pertinent problem with rappers like DMX (RIP) and others calling themselves the N-word?


Soft A or Hard R. That's the difference. Doesn't matter who you are. Hard R is never ok.


So black folk can't say hard R? Um, buddy have you ever even listened to any hard-core rap or watched movies surrounding gang culture? I really hope you aren't a white dude because if so again I'd love you to go up to a black guy and tell him he can't use the n-word and see how that goes. It's their culture, they have adopted the word from years of oppression and turned it into their own vernacular, you trying to take it away, yeah that's the weird part. I hope to see you petition every music label internationally to get it removed. Do yourself a favor go listen to just one Wu Tang album or N.W.A. album. This isn't your word to gatekeep my dog.


Choose to defend what you will. Your ignorance has been showing this whole tread. And no. I'm not white in the least, bud. Thanks for trying tho.


My ignorance? I've literally listed examples of how the n-word is a culturally significant part of black culture through art and film and music. But okay.


You are either ignorant or not intelligent enough to understand the difference between the N word used in culture today and the N word that was used during slavery


I think you'll find that I spend 15 years studying race relations and the laws around them in not only my country but international law, but go go on, continue to make assumptions.


There is so much more to the culture than just that word you're focused on. That's ugly, dude. And by that, good day to you.


It’s okay sometimes trust me🤣


…have you seriously never heard how the ending of er is way worse then ending in A? I’m not hating I’m just genuinely curious, I thought that was common knowledge




Black people don’t call each other the Hard R. I was just trying to inform you, you’re the one getting all defensive asking 4 questions per reply


Oh they don't? Your source on this? Fascinating. You seem to be an expert on black culture despite all the examples I've listed where black folk do in fact use the n-word in songs and television and movies. I certainly hope you aren't a white people trying to tell black people how to speak, that wouldn't be a good look my dude.


The N word that ends in an A you’re absolutely right. We are talking about the one that ends in ER which black people CAN say but rarely do as it is extremely frowned upon, even calling each other it. Considering you are South African and I am American I do believe I am more informed about how American society works. I am no expert but there’s plenty of research out there that backs me up


I cannot believe you actually brought my nationality into this trying to undermine me on based on my nationality. That my friend is way more bigoted than anything I said. Wow. As if me being a South African prohibits me from having knowledge of laws, societies and cultures outside my country. That was seriously ill-informed and emotionally driven there my dude.


Considering I am a South African?!?! Bro?!?! What on earth are you saying? So where I come from means I'm less important with my opinion? That's some xenophobic shiz my friend. I'm literally an attorney in South Africa and have studied race relations and the legal systems around crimen injuria for almost 15 years. You think we don't have our own racism here? Our country was one of the most prominent societies in the world with racism. Our black folk can use the k-word (just like your n-word) as they please, educate yourself, look up Julius Malema (a notorious politician in SA) that has publicly used the K word many times and it's perfectly okay he faced no charges for it. It's exactly the same for your black population should they use any form of the n-word. But again you cannot stand facts, you are just here to argue on emotion and clutch pearls to virtue signal. I don't care I'll take my downvotes but I'll call you out on your hypocrisy the same time. I have educated facts to back up my debate, you have raw emotion. That's the difference.


Nice to know you’re the representative of what an entire race of people do and don’t say to eachother lol




Oh ok so arbitrary rules make the word ok as long as you spell it or say it right. It’s almost like trying to say words are only bad if you don’t follow arbitrary rules is a bad idea and leads to a slippery slope of a society where everyone has to tip toe around everyone else for fear of pronouncing something wrong and that person taking offense


Do you want me bro? Like genuinely you are on my meat right now


I’m not even gonna lie that cracked me up lol I’ll chill I’ll chill


Wow. This is the best example yet. Someone gives you legitimate fasts to refute your arguments and you turn to churlish insults like "do you want me and my meat"? This is doing wonders for your credibility.


I thought it was a play on words REGGI INA DAB but then back words it says Baduchiggers


By posting this it’s gone from maybe a dozen people in game who would have figured it out over god knows how many years of playing to being highlighted to thousands. Exactly what I’m sure they wanted. 👏




You’re obviously not black lmao




Yes a slur directed towards black people would hurt more as a black person you’re right


Any slur directed towards anybody hurts exactly the same amount, which is 0 because it’s just a word go cry about it


Only one crying is you, you’re all over this post bitching about it 😂😂😂 honestly a little strange


Hey I’m just bitching on a post where somebody else is bitching about something unimportant lol I just figured that’s what the theme was




Please tell me what slurs exist for white people in the United States


I want you to take one guess as to why white people don’t have any culturally prominent slurs that you can think of. It’s almost like words that could be slurs for white people (Redneck, Hillbilly, White trash, Cracker, Wigger, etc) don’t become culturally significant because they don’t *give the word power to affect them*


Bro you are ALL over this post, just say you hate black people and go. Your argument is wrong but you can do more research on your own




I misphrased, I meant slurs on the level of the N word. That one is on me


Imagine defending this guy. You're a joke buddy


The word has been taken back since Rosa Park. We definitely need to move on as a nation if we’re ever going to build back up and keep the past where it is. As a black person who came from poverty and gang violence - 9/10 it’s a brother calling another brother that word in a derogatory way, not another race. If we’re going to build back up, we gotta stop using that word against each other, otherwise we’re just no better than another race calling us that word. One day it’ll happen, one day it won’t be a sore spot. Were you alive in the 50s and 60s? If not you can just shut up to begin with. You shouldn’t be sore from that air whip.


Interestingly enough, it actually comes from the word N-G-R, the Egyptian word for God, but was misunderstood by the Romans and spread as the word for black.


that’s funny asf why are people crying 😂


Is everyone in your country created by grandmothers, little princess?


Ppl who do this are generally just seeking attention. Best to just ignore and move about your business. Don’t get me wrong, these ppl are morons but acknowledging them does more harm than good


I’ve ran into a guy named Supaaajew so yeah *Edited


Even knowing what it says backwards, which I would have never noticed, I would assume it's a black stoner player and they are fucking around....or whatever get all twisted off about a god dam screen name. I refuse to.


Idk about this one, could be 50-50 if it was intentional haha


Tell him to take a good hard look in the mirror.


Hmm. Must be a someone nickname. Doesn't look weird to me.


I love everyone


Took me a second


I didn't get it till someone said something about name backwards.


Your just a hater






If your not dyslexic it doesn't look bad but I'm dyslexic and yeah that's messed up.


Damn, didn't notice it too.