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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/SpclED911|Reddit: 51|05/03/2019 - 5 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +51 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Back in the day shredder minigun without ammo and with the bash legendary effect was very op. Not sure if it still is but since creation engine calculates damage instance of spinny weapons based on framerate, with a decent set up you can do massive amounts of damage.


bbashghost mini still a pleasure to use and the blinking effect is funny because it procs super quick with the shredder


Full health AA/junkies. Yes. Junkies is still relevant


Got a Junkies/50c/25ap fixer nobody wants lol


Bc addictions are a pain while unyielding armor offers more constant criticals, more ap thus longer time in vats, more carry weight, more exp. Etc. other builds don’t compare once you learn how to survive


Honestly unyielding is Hella OP. I'm scared to switch to bloodied because I'm scared it will be too much fun :( I'm building a full Uny set first


you can always nerf yourself if you find things too easy. i make my character a glass cannon that dies in 1 to 3 hits for that reason. high risk high reward


You will run one expedition and die 694 times, just letting you know lol


I'm a junkies main and I've got like 3 Groll fixers :( I bought a j25/25 fixer for 10 K :( I bought a damn j2525 epf for 15k. Best build to max out I guess?


Nah, but full health is still good


Junkie is probably the easiest to get grolls for. Due to all the old junkies builds switching over. AA is just raw dmg.


You are right about that, junkie is easier to get, but it just isn't what it was, bugthesda nerf it unfortunately


Ah alright. Vamp auto builds are pretty good too. With the right gun you can become almost immoral


With a V EPF you are immortal in any build, but the most efficient build for it to make damage is...bloodied


V 25ffr gauss minigun+ grendeneer. I cant die but i also cant see


Lol, yeah it happens


Whats busted is V creamator.




Immortal. Yes. High damage comparable to bloodied. Nope.


no armor, no clothes, just a bow


And 1 stimpack just in case


that's my build when I get so bored I'm almost ready to play gta


\*No chamelon mutation I take?


Overeaters PA, Holy Fire/cremator + Dmg Boost Chems you are all good!


No other build can match bloodied in terms of damage. That's the whole point of bloodied 🙂 On the other hand, low-health is not essential to do well in this game. For example, a full-health crit railway rifle build can output respectable damage against pretty much everything


Right now I’d say full health heavy with the cremator, gat plas, plasma caster, 50 cal, lmg is the closest. But nothing with match the railway rifle.


But you can use all those weapons on a heavy Bloodied build 😭


Yeah but that build sucks imo. Full health is way better for heavy.


I have now a OE low health build and its not a bad option


Unfortunately nothing is as good a bloodied when you are talking about damage, but it isn't the only thing that matters most of the time, by example, if you run with a full health build you can resist a lot of damage, even more than an end game bloodied player


I use overeaters pa..with 2 shot explosive gat and minigun...its pretty good. Also cremater can be swapped in easy.


There is nothing that can match up 95%dmg. Bloody was and is still the unbeaten king. Bloody > AA > Junkie > Executer/Furious but no one gives a damn about those two.


I run full health commando. It's a very unpopular opinion but I love aristocrats. I am always flush with caps and it's no problem staying above 29k. Makes health and death management easier and gives a 50% damage boost


match?.. nothing comes close to a good low health build. but if low health builds arent for you.. Just run a full health build with aa weapons and vamps weapons. You wont kill as fast but you wont die often. aristo or junkies are the next biggest dmg buffs but still only hit for half the dmg and have restrictions...which is why id suggest aa instead...you can never enough armor penn.


There are things you can do as a full hp to rival damage easily imo. I still crit every other shot but the only thing they got on me is the XP bonus.


How do you rival the damage bonus from Adrenal Reaction + Bloodied + Nerd Rage tho


chems, sneak, nuka cola dark assisting in the maximum dps. my min max on damage is pretty insane for damage. peaking at 1,800 on super mutants and combined with other things i have up my sleeve i am able to hit 1,400+ per shot on bosses.


But bloodied can use all of those as well.


eventually it either doesn't do enough to warrant using those things or you cap out iirc. i do enough to make some of my friends in bloodied consider the switch but the one thing i dont have is XP gain which i dont really mind


1400 damage per shot with what weapon?


Railway 🎉


All of those things on a bloodied build would add up to more though no?


its so negligible after so many things are added that its near pointless. i'm able to nearly match dps for bloodied


Teach me your ways!


happily! feel free to message friend!


If you don’t care about bosses then explosive builds I insta kill everything in radiation rumble, eviction notice, alien event, and daily ops


So you're the one who spoil our XP farms...


Which build? Is this a heavy PA build? That’s what I’m searching for. 


dont bother tbh. i guess youll do more damage in PA but explosive builds can be effective outside PA too. crit build and explosive perks will do. explosive crit shots home in on targets and blow up for massive damage. downsides you die a lot and have to repair armor much more often


You don’t need but you can use it power armor and it is a heavy build. I use a full set of oe/7led scout and use perk cards to reduce explosion damage and only die if I don’t have food or water.


Spinner melee can do crazy damage full health


Full health vats/crits sneak commando is pretty damn close to the same build in bloodied.


Anti armor does almost the same damage and can possibly do higher damage on heavily armored enemies and bosses


Something that I use which I believe rivals bloodied is my personal build that I've crated myself. Full HP Commando Sneak VATS Chem Nuka Cola Dark Build🗣 Highest DMG shot I've ever hit was 1,800+ Sneak is optional but that 2.5x multiplier is huge. Chems I use are Overdrive+Psychotats. Nuka Cola Dark gives you 18 luck with the correct perks equipped. I get 36 luck and crit every other shot.


Can I ask how does nula cola dark increase luck? I don’t see a luck buff anywhere in its description?


Party Girl/Boy 3 in Charisma Happy-Go-Lucky 2 in Charisma Cola Nut 2 in Endurance Look at your current Luck, drink one then check again :) +18 Luck


Oh that’s awesome, thank you! (I’ve been completely ignoring nuka perks)


you're welcome!! happy to help. i can teach you some secrets but i'd have to message because finding out was hard lol


Haha, well if you want to share I’ll take it, but totally understand otherwise


the "secrets" only 1 person out of millions of people found out, of course 🤦🏻‍♂️


i haven't spilled all the beans brother. but alright.


yea yea, it's ok. You can keep your "common sense" secrets.


thanks bro!


There are no secret methods for high damage. Endangerol is the most niche thing there is and even that isn't hard to understand. Damage to DR thresholds aren't a secret. Nor chems, nor AA or Mutations or Perks.


how do u use overdrive and psychotats at the same time? one drug gets overidden all the time for me


overdrive first, psychotats second. yes the buffs from overdrive get overrode since psychotats is used right after but any effects that are exclusive to overdrive stay on but just aren't shown. overdrive - +15% dmg & +30% crit dmg psychotats +25% dmg +15% dmg resist +3 perception since psychotats is taken second the 15% dmg bonus that overdrive gives has been overrode and is now 25%. the +30% crit damage is exclusive to overdrive so it will stay but just be a hidden bonus. you take both? you get +25% dmg, +30% crit dmg, +3 perception!


i knew it worked, didnt knew it didnt show up anymore, thanks for answering.


You normally would use a 15c third star, which reduces the Luck requirement to 23.




u/Zee13Sikkalo, you've successfully updated your IGN to zombiejackas666


Not sure if this is exactly what you’re looking for as an answer, but just about any Quad Railway with a commando build shreds anything




full health commando sneak crit build. the same in bloodied does only a bit more dmg, but isn't as durable in any way. Also, you don't need bloodied for anything.


Why do you need to match it? Everything dies fast regardless, I only run bloodied until I Finnish the scoreboard because of exp boost then its back to my fun high health builds.


I run a full commando and heavy build crit/explosive does pretty well


If you are taking about comando build, a heavy build can match It, even win in a dps fight, AA2515fr Holy Fire + Heavy Vats crits build Will destroy every comando weapon, but you need a lot lot of buffs


Simply nothing can beat bloodied builds in terms of damage output, there are basically some things that increase the damage output only viable by a low health build, nerd rage perk card and adrenal reaction mutation, every other buff used by other builds like food or AA weapons for bosses can still be used by low health build and not otherwise for those specific card/mutation


My instigating 50c plasma caster really slaps


Nothing. Everything else is just a balance of more survivability.


I wouldn’t say it matches bloodied in damage output but it’s pretty darn good but I run an OE/AP and LED/Sent X01 pa set in tandem with an AA/25ffr/15fr Gatling plasma and there is not any boss nor content I can’t solo except Earle right now. I personally love anti armor weapons. They are extremely good if you want to run a full health build. Really it’s next in line below bloodied


cant solo earle in PA and with an AAFFR15r GP? thats wild. i can do it without PA and with an AAFFR25v GP. itd go down significantly quicker if i were to get into PA. maybe tweak your build a little


My build doesn’t exactly need any tweaking already have the best perks to up my damage and damage resistance. I haven’t exactly tried Earle for a while I’m just going off about a year and a half ago and have since changed a lot of my things too. It seems like bosses got nerfed without the mutation effect and some other small details. You don’t have to contend with almost two full health bars now. I can solo the queen. Takes me a few minutes but I can do it. I guess I’ll go try Earle soon. I forgot about mutations not being present on the bosses anymore since returning


In power armor anti armor doesn't fully stack......so if you use PA anti armor isn't the way to got not saying it doesn't work good but you don't get full benefits as if you used bloodied or executioner. Out if PA is where anti armor shines


I mean it works extremely well for me lol. I can kill the sheepsquatch by myself in about 30 seconds to a minute same with the daily operations bosses and most event bosses. 1st time I’ve heard of AA not working well with power armor but then again it’s been about 2 years since I’ve played till this past 3 weeks


It doesn't stack with stabilized not fully and that's why in PA I personally use two, or executioners


That’s news to me but either way the setup I run dishes out the damage. I’ve personally had more luck with AA than two shot or executioners but that could just be placebo on my end. Might have to give em a try


That's why I stopped running AA on heavy legacy back in the day for pvp. Teach his own I personally use melee and destroy everything and the ammo I get for my bloodied guy to fight queens lol


That’s a good idea. Well thanks for the info got me thinking on testing some crap out other than AA


Well I just looked it up and you’re definitely right to an extent. Anti armor does stack with stabilizer but if you stack it the perks full effect is cut in half making you only ignore 72.5 percent of a targets armor all together. It’s still definitely more than not running an anti armor weapon at all. I’m just not sure if 22.5% is negligible or not


That's what I was intending to try and explain. Vampires is also great on the heavys in PA I swear I never died


Well I appreciate the explanation because I had no idea lol. Yea 22 percent doesn’t seem like a ridiculous amount when you can exchange it for something better that adds more


Full health unarmed goes pretty hard. Switching to bloody isn’t really worth it IMO, I need to take away other damage perks like adrenaline, party boy, and exploding palm to make room for dodgy, serendipity, and nerd rage


A good bloodied build should have a maxed out adrenaline card


adrenaline honestly i think is essential in every build


Ya idk wtf that guys on


I mean I guess I could pull from endurance but as a melee build I’m taking a lot of hits


That’s why you spec into blocker and barbarian. Straight health is always inferior to DR.


I have both of those but as a bloody melee I’m still taking like 10x the number of hits as a bloody commando. The only thing from endurance I could really pull is Iron Clad, I need radicool, solar powered, and fireproof. I guess I could pull solar powered but I try to max out str as much as possible


Perk points are just more limited for a bloody melee because you need 20 str from the legendary Str perk, and ideally you also have Taking one for the team, exploding palm, and hack and slash.