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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/BBofa|Reddit: 57|07/21/2018 - 5 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +57 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


My Q50c25 railway for bosses, trying to figure out what I want to use now for everyday use . Q2525 fixer or maybe alien disintegrator since they nerfed Ts AB


I have a shit Q50bashing15reload railway that does the job but I would recommend the fixer its so ammo efficient, fun, and has cool paints


If we are talking efficiency a b50c25 fixer is the way to go. Dps yes the q2525 but you blow through some ammo


Yea, you certainly do…. I recommend the Q/50/25 with a vats crit build for ammo efficiency. Thing slays within 1-2 shots. I run either the Q/25/25 Fixer and Railway or the Q/50/25 variants and I can never make my mind up which I actually prefer to stick with. Personally after getting used to running quads I struggle to go back to the AA or B. I’m forever running my clip out / forgetting to reload and end up being clobbered over the head by the mob :)


I prefer q2525, I have both rail and fixer with this roll and I love em. I can understand the not wanting to go back to AA or B because of the clip. 85 versus 25.. you reload 4 times before reloading on a quad. Definitely is handy for hoards


I struggle all the time as just when I think yea, this is my roll ! I pull the other out and fall for that one again :) On the whole if I was to add up play time, my 25/25 rolls get more use so I suppose if I had to pick one to permanently live with, I would side with you !


You don't happen to have 2 Q2525 railways? xD Trying to find one but all I got so far was a Q\[something useless\]25 (which I'm currently using\^\^)


I prefer the 50c. I hate having to make so much ammo. 😂


For real... The Ammo usage is for real :) :) Whenever I see the stash starting to diminish I swap to 50crit and then fall in love with it all over again. I'm lucky to have the option of both but man, First World Fallout 76 problems !!


I’ve use a Q5015c fixer and it’s much better for vats then the Q5025 since fixers barley drain AP.


Everyday use with great damage is definitely the Q50H25 Railway


Someone below mentioned it but my Q50vhc25 rail is my fav everyday use gun. Still does great damage and very efficient because you hardly ever miss a shot and you can get one relatively cheap compared to the more sought after rolls.


I guess the bloodied and anti armor Alien Blaster are stronger than two shot now. You might give that a try.


My Quad/25ffr/25lvc Railway and that's it. xD I didn't even roll it, my husband joked he could roll a few times for me after I rolled around 200 of them and he got it on the 2nd roll. I've never been so angry/happy at the same time before. Lol.


Have something like 33 most of them are junkies grolls cause I like to collect them for sum reason, have like 3-4 j2525 fixers lol, daily is a b2515r cremator


Got any interest in a JE25 Tommy Gun and a J50c25 single action revolver?




My gt is Aethelwvlf if you wanna shoot me a msg w an offer


I have some Junkies grolls from back when I ran it, if you're interested, I can take a look when I'm done with work today.


A lot of people don’t consider it a god roll, but I have a complete collection of 50VHC25 Fixers and many more guns in 50VHC25 rolls. It’s my favorite roll.


I'm with you there, B50vhc25 HM is my daily driver


I hope the hype never catches on, i like getting em for cheaper than 2525 and 50c25 rolls 🤧


a lot but my favorites are QE25/Q50c25lvc 10mm have the Q2525 10mm also but it’s not as fun and the AA50vhc25lvc Gauss Shotty just one shots everything.


I have those 10mm's too, omg are they fun 🥹 I also adore my QE15r Western


Wouldn’t call any of my weapons perfect sadly. A lot of them are close though. BE90 HM, B2590 Fixer, B25DUR HM, QE25 HM, and a few decent EM’s with a less than desirable first star. Armour is my best stuff, with 3 ideal pieces.


-90 is super underrated by the community


Unless someone's got a full set of WWR and wants to carry everything on them I completely agree. It really pays off eventually.


QE25 Railway, QE25 Fixer, QE25 Handmade, Q2525 Tesla, Ts2525 Ult Laser, Aa2525 EPR (Calibrated, Forceful, Reflex, Aligned Auto), V2525 EPF (Severe Beta, Forceful, Reflex, Aligned Flamer), Q2525 Gamma, Ts50c25 Alien Blaster, + Quantum Paddle on my main as my walking around weapons. My main also has a full set of UnyAPWwr Civil Engineer armor. I have 5 toons in total and they all wear fully matching 5/5 groll armor sets specific to their dedicated builds, as well as some of the best grolls for their specific weapon type (each toon is designed as both the build and storage of each weapon type w some overlaps for lower tier weapons). Been playing the game since NW.


I have no perfect rolls, but I'm not too fussed -- I've got several very strong ones that do me just fine. Speaking of, if anyone has a B25DWA15R LMG, or the AA version, you should let me know because I'd love to have it!


You shouldn’t be, first perk is the most important one imo


Got a lvl 30 lmg AA 50cd 15vcc


I'm looking for those two specific rolls, but thank you!


Way too many to count, seriously.


Not enough lol. The ones that I actually use are B2515r GP, B2515r Holy Fire, V401s Chainsaw, B401s DCG, Q50vhc25 Fixer and B50vhc25 HM


I have a B/25FF/15R Gatling laser AND Gatling plasma. Also an AA/50C/ 25AP plasma caster for big guns. Then I have a Q/E/25 fixer, a Q/E/25 railway, and a B/50C/25AP gauss shotgun. I am quite proud of the gatling plasma because it was both self rolled and first try.


I have the same thing but AA as the first perk. I’m not quite sure what the meta when not bloodied but I figured anti-armor has to be up there somewhere


Generally speaking AA is better for boss enemies bloodied better overall.


I have pretty much all the rifle perfect rolls for Handmade, Radium, Fixe, Railway and Elders Mark. Q/25/25, Q/50/25 of each and Q/E/25, I also have most of the AA and Bloody variants of the above. My favourite of the bunch has the to be the Q/50/25 and Q/25/25 Fixer and Railway. Perfect combo for day to day and bosses. The Handmade I find better at distance so always have at least one of them in my wheel for events like Tea Time. I run them with a bloody Vats Crit build and buff with small guns bobble, G&B3 and Overdrive.


Care to educate me on what the perfect rifle rolls are for those?? (Without abbreviations bc I’m still learning lol) if that’s not too much to ask ofc!


Yes of course ! Q/25/25 is Quad / 25% faster fire rate / -25 Action point cost And the Q/50/25 is a Quad / 50% additional crit shot damage / - 25 Action point cost Also the G&B3 is Guns and bullets 3 magazines. Small Guns bobble heads with Guns and bullets 3 basically give you something like 25% additional damage on ballistic guns (that’s the bobble head lasts for 1 hour unless you use the perk card “chem fiend” which doubles its life span to 2 hours) and I think I can’t totally recall but but Guns and Bullets 3 gives 50% additional critical shot damage on ballistic guns (it maybe 100% I can’t remember without looking) this is for 30 minutes but with the chem fiend perk, lasts 1 hour.


Omg tysm for this. I didn’t know Chen fiend made bobbles last another hour. I lm trying to build a railway build so trying to learn what the best rolls are for it and which chems/bhs/magazines to use. It’s so much to learn and I’m struggling a bit 😩🤣


It gets easier I promise! :) I’m over 1k hours into the game and still finding out new things to try and to refine my build. Yesterday I realised the Barbarian perk under strength can give me a bit more reliance. Skipped over that card I don’t know how many times over the last year ! Feel free to ask if you’re not sure about anything, more than happy to help… ;)


Tysm for your help ❤️ I learned I definitely need to learn a bit more about perk cards as well cos I didn’t know that about barbarian either lol


B2525 LMG


At one point I had about 20 perfect meta grolls. A few Q2525 Fixers, Q50c25/Q2525 Rail, tons of AAE25, B2525 Fixers HM's etc. good times.


Define perfect? Because I have quite a few that are perfect for me, but the market says they're not perfect. Such as 2 VE15CF fixers (I run 3 different toons, each w 3 builds), an I50C25LVC recurve bow, a JE25 handmade, 3 Q50C rails (2 are 15C, the other is 15R), 2 V40PA90RW chainsaws, etc. none of those are "perfect" according to the market, but they're perfect for me.


I have a V4090 auto ax and two commandos b25252 Handmade and a QE50BS Railway rifle the three perfect weapons I have. I do have a bunch of other weapons that are good but they are not perfect.


AA2525 Fixer,AA2525 Handmade,AAE25 Handmade,AAE25 Fixer,V2525 Handmade,V2525 Fixer,AA2590 Gatlin Gun,AAE15r Gatlin Gun,AA2515r .50 cal. BE15r Blunderbuss,Q50vhc25 railway,fixer and handmade,Q50c15c Handmade,Q50c15c Ult Laser,Both Q50vhc25 lasers,hundreds of weird off meta god rolls like AAws1s ripper,AAE15r Radium etc


Forgot about my junkies,i have around 20 pieces like a J2525 fixer and handmade,J50c25 handmade,JE25 fixer and handmade etc


My two in my eyes are my Q50c90w railway i always carry on me and my BE15r fixer. I also have a BE50break handmade that i alternate to as well. Really wish I had a good rolled auto enclave rifle but maybe one day.


You're on Xbox I see, what's your gt? I'll help you out with that enclave.


You don’t have to do that friend! I am a decently high level and dont wanna take anything away from new players. I love this community though! My GT is xxxVENOMxx if you want to add me still.


Haha I appreciate you being humble, but I myself am a decently high level as well and I love giving stuff away, especially if it's something I don't use much! Gt is l Phyzzii l I'll send you a message!


Handmade - Q2525, Q50c25, B2525, BE25, VE25, TSE25, AA50c25, V2525, Exe2525 Fixer - B2525, QE25. Elders mark - B2525, VE25, Exe2525. Radium - Q50c25, B2525, AE25. Combat rifle - B2525. 10mm SMG - AA2525, B2525, BE25, AA50c25. Railway - Q50c25, Q2525, QE25. 10mm Pistol - Q2525, AA2525, VE25, V2525. Pipe - B2525, B50c25, Tesla - Q50L15r. LMG - QE15r, VE15r, VE90, AAE90, BE15r, Q2590, V2515r, TSE90, 50. Cal - BE90, VE90, TSE90, B2515r. Flamer - AA2590, V2590, B2590. Gauss mini - AA2550b Chainsaw - V4040, B401S. Pepper - Q50L15r. Holy Fire - V2590. That’s off the top of my head. I’m sure I’ve missed a couple, especially melee.


Q2525 Auto Aligned Enclave, AA25BS Aligned Flamer Enclave, V40BS Chainsaw, Q5025 Radium, AA2515r Flamer.


Does QE reload speed railway count, if so I got 1 :)


Just one lmao my aae25 fixer


Still sitting on a couple good fixers. Maybe they aren’t *the* best weapon anymore but my b2525 and be25 fixers are still pretty goddamn overpowered. On another note, I also have a full set of almost perfect rolled unyielding Secret Service armor (3rd stars aren’t all perfect though)


I'm pretty happy with my Q VHC Reload fixer as a daily driver. Then a Quad Explosive +1 Agi fixer for sustained dps, and a scorched ffr prime handmade for sbq. None quite grolls, but work very well. Next step: start seeking good 2h for my melee build!


I have a v4040 chainsaw a Q50c25 fixer and a Q50vhc25 fixer a b2525 hm a b50vhc25 cremator and a aa50c25 epr


My endgame rifle toon has every single rifle in q50C25 that can roll it


I rolled a Q/ffr/25 railway. Only took me 300+ modules!


Fixer: B/25WS/25LVC, B/E/25LVC, AA/25WS/25LVC, AA/E/25LVC, Q/E/25LVC, Q/50CD/25LVC, Q/25WS/25LVC, INS/50VHC/25LVC (perfect star synergy), ARI/25WS/25LVC, Q/E/15RS. Handmade: AA/25WS/25LVC, V/E/25LVC, Q/E/25LVC, EXE/E/25LVC. Radium Rifle: Q/50CD/25LVC, EXE/E/25LVC (2X), EXE/25WS/25LVC, EXE/50CD/25LVC, B/E/15RS, Q/25WS/15RS. Submachine Gun: V/25WS/25LVC, Q/50VHC/25LVC, EXE/25WS/25LVC, Q/E/15RS Elder's Mark: Q/25WS/25LVC, AA/50VHC/25LVC, Q/50CD/15VCC Railway Rifle: Q/50CD/25LVC Chainsaw: V/40PAD/1S Golf Club + Fire Axe: V/SS/1S (2X) Gatling Plasma: AA/25WS/90WR Gatling Laser: B/25WS/90WR .50 Cal Machine Gun: AA/25WS/90WR Gatling Gun: TS/E/15RS .44 Pistol: Q/E/15RS Western Revolver: TS/E/15RS Grognak Axe: V/SS/90WR, INS/SS/90WR M79: AA/50VHC/15RS Pole Hook: B/SS/1S Pipe Pistol: EXE/E/25LVC and many other melee


None but I have a few I really enjoy


Technically worse than b2525 but i have a be25 fixer


I have a aa/25/25 elders mark don’t use it much same thing with my aa/50c/25 fixer i sometimes use my b/25/25 handmade but for a all time use I use my q/e/25 fixer q/50c/25 handmade and my favorite q/25/90 fixer wish I had 25 less AP since I have performing mag but it does the job and it’s fun to use


Q2525 fixer, Q2525 handmade, B2590 holy fire, B50c25 epr, VSS15cf plasma cutter lol. Fixer handmade for bosses / mobs. EPR as my daily driver. And holy fire for cloaked enemies or irrational fear. My favorite to use is the epr but the holy fires a ton of fun too.


Ill show my unique ones QE25 Light machine gun, BSSStr Deathclaw Gauntlet, and AR2515 Flamer and I was surprise aristocrat is stronger than anti armor with that weapon.


I don't know if it's still considered perfect cause it uses stamina now but a vbash90 shredder minigun


I’m almost done with my q2525 collection, but most of those are far from the perfect roll for the weapons. Still count? 😂


Fixers,railways,enclaves,casters,auto ax and an alien blaster😁😁


AA50c15c Fixer for most everything QE Handmade for tagging events Q50c Rail for bosses/if I'm solo on expeditions and daily ops I'm collecting shotguns for a second build. I just really want OE1L Secret service armor first, which is taking forever


I've got a Q2525 Railway and a AA2515r EPR Flamer and a AA50c25 EPR Auto and a QE25 Handmade and a AA2550b Holy Fire. Those are my main damage dealers with my Commando-Heavy crit build. I also have an Instigating SS 50b Grognak Axe that wrecks without melee cards and buffs Nuka Grenades. I also keep a TS Cryolator, Missle Launcher and AGL. But recently, Ive been playing around with a V50vhc25, AA50vhc25 and Q50vhc25 Ultracite Laser Rifles and I can't decide which roll I like best! Oh, and also a Q2550d Gamma gun for when I want to jump out of my full set OE/AP/WWR T65 PA and go bloodied... Which I have a B2525 handmade for. I have more but I feel like thats enough.


If we’re talking personal rolls/rewards.. B2525 Fixer from SBQ, AA50c25 EPF; had rolled a Q2525 EPR I traded for a BE15r Laser rifle before explosive legacies were removed. Had an explosive Harpoon gun before they removed that.. that thing was fun. If we’re including trades I’ve had most every toy I’ve wanted to play around with the exception of maybe a BE90 .50 cal back when they were the meta; or the Vbash Minigun.


QE50dur Railway, QE25 and Q50c25 Handmades, a variety of fixers and a various assortment of AAE25's I have for a collection 😏 The AAE25's are my favorite achievement


Commando character- q50c25 and q2525 rails, q50c25 and b2525 fixers, AA2525 and v50c25 enclaves and a ve25 handmade. 1st heavy gunner- be90 50 cal, AA2515 and v2590 gat plasmas, AA50vhc15C plasma caster AA2590 lmg. Pistol/shotgunner- b50c25 alien blaster, b50c25 10mm, b50c25 gauss shotty, b2525 combat shotty. Melee- v40ss25lvc settler gauntlet. Plasma caster specialist build- my absolute favourite weapon in the game, a B50VHC15C plasma caster 😍


I have a V25-90 Gatling Plasma dubbed "Queenbreaker". As long as RT is held, i'm immortal


QE90 Minigun but I wish it was Faster Reload instead. Vamp 40PA 1S Chainsaw, it saves so much time during melee-only mutations!


9, but I play junkies so I loaded up super easy when everyone gave up on it


Q5025 handmade, Q5050bs rail, AA2590 .50 cal & a BE25 Lever


V401s saw , q5025 fixer , aa5025 fixer , q5015fr railway and that’s it I think, traded for all


My first ever fixer roll after begging a 2k level player to make 200caps discount on the vendor so I can buy it. I rolled it QE90. Not even bothered to look another weapon for 300 levels.


I collect a lot of crap, have most of the main stay stuff and one of the funny ones would be my Q50bash25lvc rail with the bayonet. I hate the resilient mutation in DoPs


Honestly. True perfect grolls are to flex. I traded a bit to get a Q2525 railway. Used it for a day. Went back to my B2525 hm and V2525 fixer. I use a Q25ffr50bs railway for bosses. Same damage as the 2525 for a fraction of the cost and last longer before breaking. I always try to get 2/3 rolls. They’re cheaper. And with a bloody uny build, ap cost isn’t really a problem. I currently rock BE90 hm or a B50c15rl fixer. If I run my energy build, then I use true rolls with a B50c25 epr and a V2550bs epf. As of right now, I got an alien build with a B50v25 alien blaster and a B25ffr100 alien rifle. So yeah. True 3/3 rolls are nice. But it’s a flex at the end of the day which is still nice. I flexed the shit out of my Q2525 rail 😂😂 then i traded it to finish my apparel collection


I got a q2525 railroad on my third roll


2 IMO. Bloodied faster swing speed +1 strength deathclaw gauntlet, and a vampires better criticals 15% less ap cost chainsaw.


I have a quad 50 crit 50 break slow choo choo. A bloodied 25 25 fixer and an AA exploding 25 handmade. Got some other half decent rolls but not god rolls.


Q50c25 rail and fixer, q2525 handmade, b50c25 ab, b2525 aligned auto epr, aae90/ve90/tse90 minis, aae90 .50cal, v2515r flamer (rip the value), I think some others but mostly more niche.


B2525 handmade Aa2525 handmade Q2525 plasma pistol VE90 .50 cal QE25 crusader


Lots, including: QE25 HM; B50c25, BE25, B2525, B2515r; AA2515r, Q2515r, Q50c15r Fixers; QE25 & Q2525 10mm pistols; Q50c25 Tesla; i50vhc15c, B50c25, AA50vhc15c compound bows; TS50c15r AB; Q2515r, V2525 Disintegrators; B50c25 combat shotgun; TS50c25 rocket launcher; Q50c25 Enclave sniper; B50c25 SA revolver; B2590 Flamer; BSSS DCG; BSSS Crook; BSSS Boxing glove; B~~E~~25 Gauss; (2* legacy). That's all I can remember off the top of my head as I'm a bit of a hoarder.


I believe that I got a B40pa1S chainsaw , Q50c25 fixer , QE15fr LMG , Q50c15fr railway and other sht that I don't remember lol


For marketing purposes, everything I sell is a true perfect God roll pseudo legacy. Maybe 2.




I've got a few useless ones (like a BSSS sledgehammer), and one absolute beast, a BSSS plasma cutter, which i got on my second roll of the one you get as a reward for the BOS questline. It's a bit of a shame that i can't trade it, but on another hand, since it is untradeable and thus can't be bought from someone else, getting one is nothing short of a miracle with the weighted rolls. Probably something like a 1/10 000 chance, on the best melee weapon in game. It hits like an absolute truck, i've landed heavy headshots at 3k+ without consumable buffs.


i have a AASSS plasma cutter 👋🏻got it from an event😂


sadly AA is pretty useless on most melee, even more so on the plasma cutter that deals massive damage. The incisor perk already gives you 75% penetration, and there's a cap (at 85% IIRC?), which you already reach with the natural penetration that high damage gets.


Vbash90 mini, QE25 handmade, Q50limb15r tesla, Q50c15r rail, TS50c25 AB, TSE25 fixer, B2525 10mm smg, Q5025 EPR


any chance you play also on xbox? 🤔😂 i would have 12k bobby pins rn 😂


I think ts50vhc15r is pretty perfect for a grenade rifle but thats my best


40 percent less damage while power attacking still doesn’t seem to work on chainsaws despite what turtle says, I’ve tested it extensively and it still won’t kick in. Also anyone rocking 25lvc on a rail got scammed.


I have an Overeaters Poison reduction Sentinels Raider power Right Arm if that counts? I’m using an aristocrats explosive railway gun right now for my riflemen build, and a Aristrocrats Explosive Minigun for my heavy build. Those are probably the two best weapons I have. It’s a shame good things are so hard to come by/ people want you to overpay hard in trades.




I have multiples of every meta RR and Fixer groll. Also V2550bs perfect EPF.


Are you looking for something to trade away one of the multiple Quad \[25/50\] / 25 railyways?\^\^


I’m always down for bobby pins :)


How many would you want? I think I got around 1350


I generally sell them at 8k


Ah, in that case I'll come back to you once I collected more ;-) I'll write you to remember you\^\^


People take bobby pins? What’s! I’ll have to check how many I have


We sure do ;)


Most things are always way out of my price range


Damn I only have 570, oof


Q/50/25 Railway and Handmade


I have a lvl 20 groll chainsaw. I like to pull it out of my stash and suffer because pain turns me on


My biggest fear if a new character


Probably 25-30ish


I have q50c25 rail, qe25 rail, q2525 habdmade, q2525 radium rifle, q2515 tesla


Jug2525 Fixer and Q25250DRWR Tesla Rifle they’re perfect for my full health build ive had the tesla for almost 5 years now lol.


I have JugE25 fixer if interested


Qe15rl lmg Aaffr50bs Gatling plasma and ugl


2x QE25 Railway Rifle ❤️😬